I got into meditation about a year and a half ago and immediately started practicing specifically on chakras mainly with my third eye, doing third eye meditations. I then escalated into powerful kundalini meditations that resulted in having experiences during meditation and during my everyday life, which consisted of feeling kundalini arise up through my spine. Each episode of this happening kundalini would stop at a certain chakra and the next time would go up to another until one day I had a powerful expirence where kundalini went up to my throat chakra and I havnt had an expirence since which was about a year ago. At the time this made no sense to me until now I believe. This past year I took a break from powerful meditations and would just try to get to states of clarity to cleanse the mind. Now last week I met with a median and she was defiantly legit and knew what she was talking about. She told me cobalt blue of the throat chakra is my power energy petty much and she also knew about a blue orb I was seeing during meditation. I started doing research about specifics on the throat chakra and a lot of weird experiences with visions during meditation and dreams had all connected and somewhat started making sense to the throat chakra. Which also leads me this:
For some reason ever since I became conscious of the throat chakra a lot of things about my life make sense. For some reason Im showing like symptoms of my throat chakra becomes closed/blocked and then open again on a daily bases. This has been becoming mentally exhausting and I have no clue what to do, the throat chakra is my strong side but something keeps blocking/closing it and then throughout the day I realize it's open. I know this is happening for a fact because most of my life iv shown signs of a closed throat chakra. I use to be anti social, not knowing how to voice my opinion. Since I started meditation and becoming a frequent user of marijuana this aniexty changed and when my throat chakra became open it was very powerful. Could the blocking be from kundalini? If so how do I solve this?