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 Prana Teaching Pranayama may help with Overload
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Posted - Jan 15 2014 :  3:04:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
*********Edit January 24th 2014*******

The change in title from Pranayama that balances overload has been changed for a few reasons.

#1. Prana keeps revealing new forms of Pranayama and I intend to continue sharing this as it occurs and this is as good a place as any to keep a running blog of sorts.

#2. The new forms are being revealed as a result of the previous forms.

#3. The title was far to presumptuous as I really cant be sure this will help others to balance even if it does for me.

Sorry for any confusion.

Time Capsule:

Hello, those who have seen my posts know I practice Kriya specifically of the Hariharananda Lineage, but what I want to share here is not Kriya but rather a gift that Prana revealed to me in the course of sadhana.

This is going to get long so I will break it up over several posts.

Writing in question and answer style is something I favor and think is easy to follow along with so there will be some of that here and there.

First why this post?

As one who has experienced overload I understand how alien it can be and unwanted. If possible, sparing another this can be said to be an objective of this sharing.

Second What will the final content be?

The final content will be detailed Pranayama practice description.

Third Have you really thought about sharing this with the world?

Answer yes, I have thought about it and thought about it and even began to post this several times but each time the feeling was just not right.

I have very much considered that this sharing is not going to sit well with some.

Some will be outraged that anyone would share that which has been revealed in course of sadhana. Yes they exist.

Some will accuse this one writing of having an agenda, or perhaps think he is attempting to gather a following or start a school. This has been insinuated in private. This is not the case, I have no desire to take on the challenges and responsibilities of a teacher.

That however does not mean I will fail to share that which I have discovered has been helpful to me or something I wish to remember.

I have considered all of this and more and it has come to me that one of my true reasons for sharing this is pure unadulterated selfishness. Yes selfishness, I thought what if I should die tonight and this knowledge be lost to me? Would I not want this recorded someplace that is likely to be around for a long time to come?

How is this selfish? Simple. Should I reincarnate I would hope to discover this precious knowledge again, more rapidly than it has taken this time around, so more of my life would have been spent in Kriya sadhana, this is also the underlying reason for so much of my other writing as well.

If I died today and reincarnated I would want to know where to go to get my sadhana back on track, I would want to know what to expect, I would want to know this pranayama. Yes, yes we always pick up where we left off even though the ego structure, identity and mind are not the same, even for those with partial memory. There is no harm in attempting to set the stage to give the self a leg up next time around and possibly help others as well.

It is my belief that this site in one form or another will continue on in the human archives for untold ages, the technological Genie is out of the bottle and no one will ever stuff it back in. This site is unique in many ways to include proper conduct of its members, therefore it is my belief it shall endure.

End Time-capsule.

Next: A little History of how this Pranayama Came to be.

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 24 2014 10:41:22 AM


263 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2014 :  3:59:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
A Little History:

Up till this date 2014-01-15 I have shared quite a bit of sadhana experiences. The bulk of the history can be found on this site where major transformations have occurred, including a period where I was confounded by overload due to the crown centric practice of the Hariharananda lineage.

In this instance the error was mine I was not practicing Mahamudra correctly nor the 7 bows and was omitting Jyoti Mudra.

Thanks to the kind loving advice of an Acharya Directly initiated by Hariharananda who spent over 3 hours in lengthy conversation with me I corrected this error and the effects of overload drastically decreased.

Still some have persisted.

In recent months the book by Swami Nityananda came to my attention and from this book I read of Hamsa Sadhana. By the practice of this technique I discovered something I needed.

Having been taught Kriya by other lineages prior to Hariharananda's I was well aware of the drastic differences in Kriya Pranayama and always felt that Kriya Pranayama of the long route was missing.

For quite some time I worked with this trying to find the proper place to reintroduce Kriya Pranayama into my practice as it is not taught in Hariharinanda's lineage.

This Pranayama of the long route is close to that which is taught as spinal breathing in the AYP Culture.

Eventually I had to drop it as it was causing magnification of overload symptoms.

So I switched back to the teachings of Ashoke Chattergjee. In doing so I felt like I was missing way too much and always found myself coming back to Hariharindnadajis teachings sometimes 1 Kriya at a time.

When I write 1 Kriya at a time I mean it I would be in the middle of practicing and the next Kriya I must do was made known to me by strong desire to do so and by following this the sadhana improved.

Still I could not break with my earlier teaching it was to precious and I felt like I was missing a vital component. It is almost like having the answer on the tip of your tongue but can not quite recall it.

OH WHAT TO DO ???? No one had the answer. It is said one cannot serve two masters as he will hate one and love the other, but in my case I love Lahiri Baba and Hariharinanda both, with me neither original practice as supposedly preserved or modified alone were complete.

So the only thing left for me to do was gain knowledge by experiencing.

Getting really mind quiet the answers came.

Swami Nityanandas book on Kriya held the missing keys. In his book we see the early teachings of Hariharananda and likely the source of the original modifications none other than what I believe were introduced by Swami Sri Yukteswar himself.

The Keys were two so far.

Key #1. HAMSA Sadhana For me the the placement of this is directly after 3 rounds of Mahamudra.

Key #2. Description of Kriya Pranayama feeling during Practice in which is likened unto a person pulling liquid through a Lotus stem or a straw the straw of sushumna. When reading this I thought oh how many times I have experienced just that.

It was during the practice of adding Key #1. That the Pranayama became revealed to me but not all at once.

It was also at this time that Mahamudra took on a new dimension becoming a beloved Kriya. If someone would tell me 1 year ago that Mahamudra was going to become such a loved Kriya for me I would have thought them full of it! Now I cannot get enough 3 rounds when I am supposed to and 1 round or more when all are done.

It was also during this time that I learned how to incorporate my two beloved ways of practicing Kriya making them more whole and banishing overload.

It is my belief that based on my experience that this Pranayama will help others as well.

End History.

Next: Considerations & Sequence of Pranayama Placement.
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Posted - Jan 15 2014 :  8:43:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

I had a similar thought at the beginning of my openings. I was on a bus. Poems began streaming into me, and I wrote them down. A beautiful young woman with dark hair sat next to me. I brought her into my words.

"I will not share them with her." That would be creepy and selfish. "What do you fear?" I realized that such a fear was itself selfish. I was compelled to honor the mysterious Goddess, so I gave her her the poem before I got off. As I walked away from the bus, I could hear her laughing ecstatically.

And ecstasy awaited at my destination.

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Posted - Jan 16 2014 :  1:43:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Off Track:

I would like to revisit the concept of Reincarnation.

Many people think of this as an eastern concept or perhaps part of a religion of some sort, others go so far as to call the concept one made up by the ego afraid to face it's own demise.

This mind however perceives it as a naturally occurring Phenomenon.

There are many ways the explanation can be reasoned out both for and against the topic. So there is no need to go to far into this.

In an earlier post I have made reference to death and rebirth in the classic sense of reincarnation. It also occurred to me this morning that I failed to explain it in another way. In a way everyone can fully grasp.

When one goes to sleep at night and enters into that deep, deep sleep in which there is no awareness of anything let alone I sense this is the mini Death.

When one awakens into lucid dreaming this is birth and when awake and active in the conscious world reincarnation.

Sometimes we forget things either overnight or overtime due to so many reincarnations. There seems to be some kind of awareness and forgetting cycle going on this is another reason to record.

This awareness of being aware of being awareness is something that I was born with.

I however do not remember vivdly what I had for dinner on the birthday 4 years ago, likewise I do not recall previous lives but even as that birthday dinner happened and awareness knows it did so is the big cycle of Reincarnation like this.

The birthday dinner of 4 years ago however was recorded on video.
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Posted - Jan 16 2014 :  3:31:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Considerations & Sequence of Pranayama Placement:

Back on Track:

Considerations: The form of Pranayama that balances needs a name. Here is a link to a movie seen long ago it is about balance.


B-A-L-A-N-C-E balance.

Lets call it Harmonizing Pranayama.

So this is not the sort of Pranayama one wants to start with in the Culture of AYP it should be done directly after Spinal Breathing in fact spinal breathing should naturally morph into this even as Kriya Pranayama of the Long route should.

Those who practice Kriya from the Lineage of Hariharananda are going to have to fit this in as the Kriya Pranayama taught in this lineage is an altered form and not close to that taught in the other lineages.

For those who practice from the Lineage of Hariharananda's I will explain how I sequence things.

Part of how I sequence things should be helpful to other Kriya Lineages as well.

Where awareness moves so does Prana even when those who are not yet sensitive enough do not feel it something is going on.

When moving awareness via spinal breathing or any other practice after a while one develops greater and greater sensitivity and can even feel the restricted areas.

The result of this leads invariably to imbalances within the energetic system.

I like Yogani's description of spinal breathing as being like an automatic transmission you just point the car give it the gas and go tracing the spinal nerve. I disagree however that his is anywhere near as effective as traditional Kriya Pranayama but will say it most definitely is a part of it as it is also a part of Hamsa Sadhana.

This harmonizing Pranayama removes the car and the transmission altogether and works on a different level.

In this Harmonizing pranayama you will be given the destination only there is no starting point there is no map, there is no road. Every new beginning comes form some other beginnings end, Yeah I like that song yet there is no end and no desire to stop as you never start. There is no more desirable nor less desirable place for awareness to seat.

There is Sushumna it is the connecting thing but not important ( in this practice we do not even trace the spinal nerve) the top of Sushumna and Ajna as it splits the bottom Muladhara. This is all we will concern ourselves with.

These are the two poles of our human existence and everything in-between will be taken care of.

This is Shakti and Shiva.

To clarify there are different components to Kriya Pranayama proper as typically taught.

Kriya Pranayama of the different lineages: In its most basic form it is like spinal breathing. Inhale up and exhale down. From Muladhara to Ajna. or Chakra 1 to Chakra 6.

The next form is mentally placing om in the centers.

The next form it takes on is where mentally placing om in the centers is no longer done and one places the true sound of OM the inner sound of om in the centers both up and down.

In time with practice Kevala Khumbaka, in time Prana moves before breath and breath follows the route.

When it is time to end this practice it is known counting is not needed a stop watch is not needed it is just known.

This is where the next form it takes is to move into Sahasrara this is where we begin.

In the AYP Culture the beginning point is where Spinal breathing ends.

In Hariharananda's lineages we have to make an adjustment. Here is my sequence:

After the practice of at least 1 round of Mahamudra 3 preferably it is time to regain ones seated asana and become without motion again.

To aid in the transition I have found it beneficial to practice Hamsa Sadhana as described in Nityananda's book, this naturally dovetails into Kriya Pranayama proper which closely resembles Spinal breathing and then takes on the evolution as described above until it culminates in a shift to the fontanel/ Crown / Sahasrara whatever name one prefers. Via Ajna.

The sixth an 7th center are felt in harmony. and now it is time to begin.

One simply enters Sahsrara via Ajna and it is known as they are both in harmony and felt vibrating sympathetically.

When it is time for this form of pranayama to end it is known. My advice for people trying this the first time is to make sure you leave an extra hour open in your schedule just in case, this form is natural to our system and is loved while being done sometimes it can be difficult to stop even as it is so fulfilling, it is like coming home, it is like a cool Mountains air after leaving the sea.

For Hariharanada's lineage what I am describing is adding to their practice you have been taught. It is against the rules as we are taught not to.

Everyone must decide for themselves of course.

It is at the culmination of this Harmonizing Pranayama I begin Hariharananda's Kriya Pranayama proper and end as was taught.

A final word before pressing on to the next topic. The actual technique.

In written word it may seem like there are distinct separate phases learning each techinique at first makes it seem so but once the practice is being done it takes on it's own life and one simply becomes the other, on simply flows into the next there is no gear shifting going on there are no distinct edges just one flowing continuity.

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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  10:10:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Time to review Spinal breathing and Harmonic Pranayama, because there are no restrictions on describing how to perform Spinal breathing I have taken a vow to not do, I will use Spinal breathing as an example or counterpoint to help explain Harmonic Pranayama but the two techniques are complimentary to one another:

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT EVERYONE READ YOGANI'S PUBLICATION ON SPINAL BREATHING. The book contains much more important information and is only a few dollars, well worth the purchase in my opinion.

To reiterate Harmonic Pranayama is not a stand alone technique.

One should practice Kriya Pranayama as taught first and allow it to become Harmonic Pranayama or Spinal Breathing first and allow it to become Harmonic Pranayama.

Harmonic Pranayama is not a substitute technique it requires a degree of subtle awareness and sensitivity to prana to perform as well as a mind that is at least quite to the extent that thoughts are viewed as things not identified with as they appear as they will and fade as they will on the screen.

Harmonic Pranayama requires a warm up in plain terms.

Phase 1 of Spinal Breathing:

In spinal breathing a person after taking a comfortable seat with a straight back locates the perineum ( look up an anatomy book if unsure where this is) and then the brow. Inhale tracing the spinal nerve in the center of the spine up to the center of the head and to the brow then exhale back down to the perineum. At first Visualization is used.

Phase 2 addition's to add over time to Spinal Breathing: Full Yogic breath

Phase 3 addition's to add over time to Spinal Breathing: of Throat opening on inhalation and restriction on exhalation of breathing

Phase 4 addition's to add over time to Spinal Breathing:lifting of the eyebrows

Phase 5 addition's to add over time to Spinal Breathing: of feeling coolness and warmth in the breathing.

Phase 5 addition's to add over time to Spinal Breathing:

One is cautioned to be sure they are stable and comfortable in the practice before adding these or other features to the practice and this is wise.

Duration of practice will be based on your own nervous system and what it can take.

One is cautioned to avoid the crown until sufficient purification has taken place in order to avoid large unstable energy flows.

Due to the reports over the years of this occurring it seems to me that perhaps a beginner might want to just stick with Spinal breathing until the practice of Harmonic Pranayama comes on it's own?

Then again I think it wise for a person to discover for themselves and not rely on what can become a fact by consensus which is not a fact at all just mutual agreement.

At any rate the Harmonic breathing will be described in consideration that there are those who are ready now for it and that there are those that will be ready later for it and those that deem themselves unready if they decide to try will at-least have an approach that I believe will work without complications but I guess we will have to wait for that report as well.

Honestly I can not speak for another living person just my own experience.

It has to be understood that this Pranayama came to me over time in Sadhana. Kechari Mudra above the soft pallet came to me in the naturally occurring form first in the AYP culture it would be said Kechari came from Ecstatic Conductivity so this may or may not be a consideration.

In Kriya circles it is viewed as the opening of a specific Granthis or knot in Sushumna.

I apologize to those reading in advance I really can not say if full Kechari is necessary or not to correctly practice this Harmonizing pranayanma just relate my own experience.

I know I can hear it now but can't you just keep the tongue down and practice then tell us?

The answer is NO. As I start the very first preparatory technique of Kriya, Shakti, Divine Mother, Prana, Ecstatic Conductivity name it as you will not only makes it known to me its desire for Kechari but also moves the soft pallet forward and the tongue up. I can ignore this of course and do retain voluntary control but here is the thing I do not want to.

It is my desire to follow what I have just described my will is thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

If I deny this will and continue practicing prana will build and build and in a moments inattention Kechari will snap into place on it's own.

So practicing denying Kechari / Shakti her desire for union above becomes less than favorable because part of ones attention is being diverted to prevent it from occurring. So counter productive to say the least.

I will say this much it occurs to me that bare minimum one should curl the tongue back to the soft pallet while performing this but again changes happened to me before this came to me so I can not say with reliability.

Next Post: Harmonic Pranayama commonality with Spinal Breathing.
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  12:29:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Harmonic Pranayama commonality with Spinal Breathing.

In Harmonic Pranayama we will be using the same spinal nerve or Sushumna.

In Harmonic Breathing we will trace the spinal nerve in the same manner but not just to the Brow.

In Harmonic Pranayama how we get from and to is of lesser importance even as it is in Spinal Breathing.

In Harmonic Pranayama we will always observe any obstructions encountered and not attempt to force through them we acknowledge them and keep going like a speed bump if you will.

In Harmonic Breathing duration of practice is based on your own nervous system and what it can take.

The differences between Spinal Breathing and Harmonic Pranayama:

In spinal breathing the main thing is that one winds up in the brow at the end of inhalation and the perineum upon exhalation.

In Harmonic Pranayama this is never the case. Here is where I need to be very careful with description of Harmonic Pranayama because I want it to be understood by everybody but this is a very subtle technique so please bare with me.

I will now access my memory and explain as if I were performing it and attempt to make sense of inner practice for everyone.

In Harmonic Pranayama the Muladhara Chakra / Perenium Kshetram is a trigger point it is observed witnessed and is at the end of Sushumna.

Jesus said

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I perceive this as Jesus the Christ as the Christ Center or Ajna the sixth Chakra " The Son" the point between the brows the front Kshetram or trigger point and medulla the rear center between is Ajna but the trigger points are where divine vibration is felt acutely first then in the middle as well.

The Father I perceive as Sahasrara the seventh center.

In the practice of Kriya Pranayama I have observed the sixth center and the seventh center when in harmonic vibration are a natural path for awareness to flow followed by prana / shakti or ecstatic Conductivity.

So it is that the practice of Harmonic Pranayama flows from that which came before it as the conductivity leads to the crown or Sahasrara.

Phase 1 of Harmonic Pranayama all the prior Pranayama has been done and one feels with ones inner intuition it is now time to flow into this even as one is nearing the end of the current practice.

The eyebrows have already been up for quite some time, Full Kechari Mudra has also been in place for quite some time, Siddhasana has been in place as is natural for me to do per Shakti's will, as are mula Bandhi and other things occurring naturally.

With the final breath inhaled to Medulla, Ajna / Kutastha the breath in divine joy continues on into the crown and from here Khumbaka Kevala occurs and the mind goes dead as if in the deep sleep then reverberation of the divine bliss shower the body and go through the spine and or in the spine in an instant a pranic bolt can and will fire between Sahasrara to Muladhara in a split instant and rebound back up. It is felt that the channel is wide open that it travels with no restrictions and while the way may be narrow the path now feels voluminous.

After Kevala Khumbaka and the indescribably begin to equalize in potential It is now time to exhale.

But before exhaling it needs to be understood Sahasrara is in a state of divine vibration and can be felt very clearly as a point of energetic expansion, sound and light can be present there as well.

Now I need to digress some and explain how one may come to know of a center because it important to the execution of technique even.

I have often considered myself fortunate to have been born with the touch if you will, I have always been able to feel Prana which is why Kriya is a natural fit for myself.

In taking initiation through Hariharananda's lineage I learned greater discipline.

I have often wondered how to describe this to others what it feels like and it was by the practice of Shambhavi Mudra that I was able to say hmmm you know I might just be able to help someone with this point. Everyone has the ability it is just a matter of getting them to realize they do. Those that claim they do not are like a person whose eyes are closed but does not know how to open them, they are not blind they just do not have the sense the feel of the eyelid muscles and are not opening them.

SO to get the feel for a center one has to put there awareness in it. This does not require long periods of deep meditation to accomplish or herculean efforts of devotion prayer or concentration. What htis does require is gentle focus and the ability to traverse the different sheaths via there permeable dimensional membrane walls.

Knowledge of the sheaths is good to have but not necessary, just the brief outline I will share should suffice.

Food Sheath the body made from food I call Meat body or physical body that eats to live,

Vital Body that vital body that without it filling the food body, the food body is a dead body and no amount of water or air of forcing a heart to beat will make it alive again.

The mental body or astral body which is the mind the emotions the intellect.

The self.

Kriya teaches us to traverse the sheaths via technique. The triple divine qualities are tools.

So let us say I wish to place my awareness in any of the centers this will work for any of them. Knowing the centers belong to the astral body I need a way to them but the way to traverse the dimensional membrane is not linear it can be digital or quantum both at once parts at the same time in different fractions or percentages or all at once complete and whole.

First I have the desire to do so but since my mind is so identified with this meat body how in the world do I contact the vital or astral body?

This is funny in retrospect because after a while the answer is you just do it. Right now it is not though so a technique is needed the obvious answer is to use the meat bodies faculty of nerves to do so.

The senses are the ally now. Introverted sense of touch becomes inner vibration which later becomes divine bliss from the self.

Introverted sense of hearing becomes Inner sound which also becomes divine bliss from the self.

Introverted sight becomes divine inner light which becomes bliss from the self.

The first task is to introvert the senses. there has been allot written about this and it is not as hard as some make it out to be. In a nutshell one must follow ones bliss.

So knowing this where to start? It is good to have formal training in Kriya, but if this is not available or to a persons liking there are other ways.

To experience the idea of introverting the sight open and close the eyes several time slowly and sense yourself seeing while seeing then with eyes close follow this to its source and you will eventually encounter the principal of seeing this will then become light then become bliss.

The same experiments with touch and hearing can be performed you get the idea.

First getting to a state of a more quiet mind is advised. Then let us say I want to focus on the heart center, I would first need a clear concept of where it is located.

Then I would begin by placing the principle of touch I have discovered there in that spot just breathing in and out of that center before long vibration will be felt, soon that will expand into electromagnetic Doppler circular waves and be felt through out the body, then without even trying inner sounds will start to be heard over time they are the result of the inner vibration which is becoming bliss as the self is being contacted and all it takes is being there being the witness, if I want to I would place the principle of hearing the sense of what it is like to hear from here and soon I will hear form here and this will lead to bliss the same for the principle of vision sometimes all three wile be present and active sometimes just one generally speaking vibration will give way to sound which gives way to light as one becomes more and more subtle and best of all the mind is introverted and silent this can lead to samadhi.

Sorry very long run on sentence the words were tumbling out if anyone needs more clarification just contact me.

Back to it then...

Continuing Phase 1.

So now we are in the crown and the triple divine qualities are present and experienced and this is now established as a pole at the top of Shasrara it is also time to exhale as Kevala Khumbaka has run it's course and the energetic potential has normalized.

Where do we exhale to?

in Phase 1 we need to establish our destination give the mnd some props to follow. So just as in Spinal breathing we will exhale down to the Perineum to Muladhara and we will trace the spinal nerve all the way down.

Ah I can here it now you led us on a merry chase just to swap positions of destinations. Wrong there is more to come.

Once we have established ourselves in the muladhara via exhalation we should by now after all the Kriya Pranayama or Spinal breathing be able to feel this point clearly if not follow the above directions which can be done in a split instant and establish the triple divine qualities there in the perineum Kshetram and Muladhara.

So now the exhalation is done with all awareness in the Muladhara the Perineum Keshtram we make sure the anus is relaxed the perineum relaxed and open in a receiving manner.

Awareness is here in Muladhara and imagine if you must but feel the reality of awareness creating a suction like that on a straw or a lotus stem which is hollow and inhale pulling prana down from the crown into the Muladhara and you can feel this happening in the tube of sushumna at first as a viscous slurry of energy, while doing this the centers can be felt as they are being pierced. Awareness is in Muladhara and as this is sucked down one may feel ones awareness take on the vibrational frequency of the centers but that is secondary. As the energy being brought into Muladhara it will feel as if it is being filled and swelling and divine vibration will become strong in the male erections may occur if so let them this is the blending of Shiva and shakti and is beyond mere sex this is the essence of sex.

When inhalation is finished one may find one in Kevala Kumbaka and divine ecstatic states of samadhi. When the potential equalizes it is time to exhale. If it does not do so at this time perform light Mula Bandhi gently tightening the perineum and anus more perineum than anus.

Do not be surprised if the cart gets in-front of the horse and Prana leaps to the crown ahead of the breath if it does just remain the witness and see what it does, then exhale tracing the path all the way to the crown.

When in the crown awareness seated there we inhale with the awareness creating the suction at the top of the head and pull the energy back up witnessing it all the way as it fills the sahasrara.

Again while awareness is in Sahasrara we may go into a light samadhi in Kevala Khumbaka and when the potential equalizes which you will know and because it is time to exhale we repeat the cycle for however long it feels comfortable to do so before it becomes Phase two.

Next Post Phase 2 of Harmonic Pranayama.

Some things one may experience are seeing the centers if you do just keep to the practice. I have vividly seen Muladhara as well as other with geometric shapes on the centers from this practice but it is not like seeing a drawing.

Next. one as mentioned may experience the coloring or vibrational influence of the centers as awareness traverses the route and this is an important feature of awareness freeing itself from false identification with anything other than the self, this is a method of experiential learning the centers and their influences are not the true I and from this they need not be acted upon.

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 17 2014 1:02:45 PM
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Posted - Jan 17 2014 :  2:26:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phase 2 of Harmonic Pranayama.

This phase comes automatically but I will describe it as promised. Competence in Phase 1 comes by doing. I find this pranayama wholly engaging on many levels and so holistic it is easy to fall into deep forgetfulness of the outer world and do this seemingly without end there is no strain.

After some time it becomes extra work to trace or follow the movements in Sushumna and entirely un needed and distracting this is when phase two begins it can happen while residing in either Sahasrara or Muladhara.

This is like clicking a light switch all of a sudden light is on with this lamp then clicking another and light is on in the other lamp.

Here the awareness is fully identified in Mualdhara breath now becomes the light switch but I do not need to follow the current in sushumna nor the breath it just acts like a signaling device and eventually does not even do that as it falls away and one is working directly in the astral.

When it becomes time to exhale I simply become fully present in Sahasrara and Sahasrara blooms with kundalini when I inhale it blooms again. Kevala Khumbaka and samadhi can occur in either phase.

When it becomes time to exhale I am instantly in Muladhara and Muladhara blooms with Kundalini when I inhale Muladhara blooms again and this divine cycle continues becoming ever more subtle.

In phase 3 breathing is totally forgotten now it is pure shakti being observed working. If breath is observed it is because Prana has pulled it or pushed it or made it happen prana is moving breath is following but not even paid attention to just the movement of prana and long periods of Kevala Khumbaka occur while the prana s moving with out breath or without breath the prana is the prime factor the breath secondary.

Awareness is here than it is there awareness is in both at the same time 1/2 Muladhara 1/2 Sahasrara in varying degrees in both at once in all at once.

During this phase of many things happen that words fail to describe so Forgive me for now attempting to.

Mind is very silent.

One is awareness and sees the self as the self the inner nature form lowest to highest vibrational psycho emotional strata is known and seen and cleansed in degrees of false identification being released and the self ever more aware.

The sushumna feels wide open like a hollow corridor of immense proportions. One does not know where the previously felt obstructions have gone they just are not present.

Phase 4 begins and in this closing phase there is no more sahasrara there is no more Muladhara there is no more sushumna there is oneness and one just is.

Everything just merges into one the entire system collapses into one and the practice is done.

And so now one sits and just exists and can explore if they wish this vastness and do that which comes natural as a paravatha state.

There is a feeling of freedom a feeling of cleanliness a feeling of peace a feeling of balance there is no feeling of energy being anywhere the head does not feel full of energy or pressure the spine does not feel imbalances the emotions are at rest and tranquility all is at rest and it is good.

From Here an Ayp Practitioner may practice the remaining practices they find useful deep meditation etc...

From Here a Kriya Practitioner may continue on with the next Kriya.

From here I begin with Kriya Pranayama of Hariharananda and it is very profound and finish the rest of the sequence of kriya as instructed but add 1 last round of Mahamudra to close.

After effects:

One may not want to practice sadhana for a day or two afterwards because one feels so complete. Not to worry desire returns.

One does not feel spaced out or too low of nature neither overly blissed out or overly grounded and cut off.

One feels balanced thy will be done in Heaven as it is on Earth, can be said to be the motto. As above so below and here is just fine, a fine place to find ones self.

The Mental plane is stabilized nicely and the emotions keenly felt but not in control or out of control they feel clean and real connected but not in control or out of control.

Hours later there can be some transient movements of energy in the spine they are felt as quick moving from base to crown and the remarkable thing is how free the spine feels the energy has free unobstructed movement. When it reaches the crown the crown will vibrate with divine radiance and bliss will be felt through out the body and within all the way down to the toes.

Something I forgot to mention earlier but will now. In the beginning stages Phase one and even phase two it is entirely surprising to discover that Muladhara has such a felt known Female presence as does Shakti or Prana.

From this I understand how the Idea of divine Mother / Shakti ever took place and the inner meaning of Tantra and the union depicted.

In Sahasrara I do not really feel a Male presence as a polar opposite just that which is beyond duality and it is to be considered as well that having a male form and persona negates this as well due to familiarity with the vibrational aspect.

Now let us close with some theory as to why this is balancing.

In every form of Pranayama one is either inhaling or exhaling in a specific direction.

Apana and Prana.

By doing so one is taking the cosmic one the unified and the whole and separating it and saturating poles with a specific charge if you will. Depending on the person it can be either pole which becomes dominant with me it was always inhalation perhaps it is the same for others as well.

What has come to me to do was not only the Kriya Pranayama forms as taught by the traditional Kriya Lineages but now this balancing Harmonizing Pranayama. The original needs to be performed first.

This can be thought of as that which pacifies the energetic system after it has been energized and heavily polarized.

Questions are welcome clarifications forth coming.

The floor is open.

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 17 2014 3:57:24 PM
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  2:46:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit RSS's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks for the dissertation. You put an enormous amount of time into this. Hopefully, we will stumble upon it when we come back in our next life. I have skimmed thru it, but will need more time to fully appreciate it.

Not to change the subject, but I have a quick question for you. Have you talked to any of the KYI people about adding Mula Bandha to their main pranayam? Sometimes I fine myself doing this automatically. Squeezing on inhalation and releasing on exhalation. Just wondering what they would think about that.

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  6:24:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello RSS, I knew it was going to be long from the start but did not realize it would be that long until finished.

Do you think I should summarize technique seperatly from this post for clarites sake? If so I wonder which forum section would be best.

Concerning Mula Bandhi I have never asked anyone about it. Like yourself It just happens in main KYI Pranayama.

I am certain the reply would be along the lines of, that is okay if it happens or yes sometimes it happens.
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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  6:38:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit RSS's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Yes, summarize. I think you should put the technique by itself in a separate reply within this topic.

Also, I will call KYI someday and ask - just for kicks!
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  10:26:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ok RSS here is the summary but I do think it is a good idea to read the details to ge the feel for it.

Harmonizing Pranayama.

After having completed either Kriya Pranayama in the fashion of Ashoke Chatterjee, SRF, CSA, or Spinal Breathing which is close. Allow the final inhalation up to Medulla / Ajna continue into Sahasrara. If Kevala Khumbaka happens let it, experience it, if it does not then simply retain breath for whatever period feels correct if you strain or get out of breath you held it too long.

Phase 1 Harmonic Pranayama:

1. From Sahasrara when it is time to exhale do so tracing the prana from Sahasrara to Muladhara. Observe the triple divine qualities.

1a. While exhaling down be sure to release the anus completely relaxed to allow the energy to fill Muladhara. If Kevala Khumbaka happens let it, experience it, if it does not then simply retain breath for whatever period feels correct if you strain or get out of breath you held it too long.

2. When the exhalation is finished keeping the Perineum relaxed inhale and draw the prana down from Sahasrara and fill Muladhara tracing the path by witnessing its movement no visualization required just observe what is. Observe the triple divine qualities. The Muladhara has the most focus and the suction feeling should be from the kshetram or trigger point of the Perineum.

2a. When the inhalation is finished and Muladhara is full lightly tighten the Perineum / Anus and seal the charge.Observe the triple divine qualities. If Kevala Khumbaka happens let it, experience it, if it does not then simply retain breath for whatever period feels correct if you strain or get out of breath you held it too long.

3. Keeping Anus / Peinium lightly contracted Exhale up the spine and trace the movement of Prana into the crown. Observe the triple divine qualities.

3a. If Kevala Khumbaka happens let it, experience it, if it does not then simply retain breath for whatever period feels correct if you strain or get out of breath you held it too long.

4.Keeping Anus / Peinium lightly contracted attention should be in the Sahasrara / Crown / Sahasrara. Observe the triple divine qualities. The feeling of suction should be from the top of the head. Inhale up from Muladhara tracing the movement into Sahasrara.

4a.If Kevala Khumbaka happens let it, experience it, if it does not then simply retain breath for whatever period feels correct if you strain or get out of breath you held it too long.

Repeat for as many times as feels correct.

Note it is perfectly ok to work with Phase one by itself and wait for phase 2 when it will come, I did not discover this all at once in one sitting either.

Next post Phase 2 Summary:
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  11:01:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phase 2 Harmonic Pranyama.

Brief Caveat:

Phases 2,3 & 4 require the proceeding phases to set the stage for their appearance as each becomes more fine in practice so describing them also starts to make less and less here do this get that in return look for this look for that type of description . These phases rely on intuition operating more and more, mind silent. Let the next phase pull with longing to be performed from the previous then you know intuition is guiding.

Phase2 Harmonic Pranayama:

After becoming well established in phase 1 phase 2 happens. Phase 2 is born from phase 1.

1. Here one finds oneself in the Crown or the Perineum. Sahasrara and Muladhara. The triple divine qualities are present and one is in contact with self as evidenced by bliss being experienced and here normal language starts breaking down.

1a. On may find themselves in prolonged periods of Kevala Khumbaka.

2.When it becomes time to exhale, exhale without tracing the spinal nerve. just exhale fully into which ever center, if in Sahasrara, Muladhara is relaxed and receiving. Experiencing triple divine qualities if Kevala Khumbaka occurs let it if not just bask in the bliss found there.

3.When it becomes time to inhale observe the suction in Muladhara with relaxed perineum and inhale filling it up. When done let the prana direct weather to lightly contract the perineum muscles or not. It is also okay if you witness movement of prana in the spine but not something to focus on just be here now fully witnessing the bliss.

3a. Experiencing triple divine qualities if Kevala Khumbaka occurs let it if not just bask in the bliss found there.

4.When it becomes time to exhale just be in Sahasrara completely do not worry about contracted perineum more and more this will happen according to it needing to or not. Again if movement in the spine is observed it is ok just not something to focus on.

4a.Experiencing triple divine qualities if Kevala Khumbaka occurs let it if not just bask in the bliss found there.

5.Inhale feeling of suction being in Sahasrara completely experiencing triple divine qualities bask in the bliss found here.

5a. Experiencing triple divine qualities if Kevala Khumbaka occurs let it if not just bask in the bliss found there.

When it is time start again in Muladhara.

The inhalation and exhalation are to be done in a completely natural way through all phases there is no predefined timing as that is for the meat body to dictate.

Inhalation and exhalation are just riggers for this phase. When exhaling go to the opposite center when inhaling stay when exhaling go when inhaling stay when exhaling go etc……. So one exhalation in a center and one inhalation followed by 1 exhalation in the other center and 1 inhalation. repeat. or visa versa inhale and go there is no up or down there is no direction each center is co equal Sahasrara is neither higher nor lower than Muladhara, Muladhara neither higher or lower than Sahasrara.

When this knowing comes so does knowing your true identity which is beyond all centers of influence.

Phases should naturally occur stay with them until they do attempting to force things will not work. One should be born from the one that proceeded it. The one to come should pull for its performance giving desire to do it.

A note: this is not difficult nor does it have to take a long time in fact it can happen in minutes let intuition guide you, allow my descriptions to be a guide you can look at and think oh so that is what that was.

Next post Phase 3:
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  11:23:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phase 3 & 4 of Harmonic Pranayama:

There really are no instructions for phase 3 or 4

Phase 3 and 4 have to come on there own Phase 3 & 4 are already described a couple of posts back. Lets see if I can make them more to the point, not sure if I can but here we go.

A. When phase 3 occurs it does so due to deep identification with prana and bliss.

B. As with the occurrence of phase 2 it is the willing desire to drop everything that is in the way or extra as we become more identified with the self. It is the self that desires self union and draws the self to the self.

From phase 1 to phase two we dropped tracing the spinal nerve in favor of just being in each center breath still playing a role but eventually just becomes a trigger.

It is when the breath becomes established as a trigger that it also becomes forgotten and this is the beginning of phase 3.

Phase 3:

1. in phase 2 it comes to a point where the centers bloom with bliss in both inhalation and exhalation or just one or the other, eventual the self is identified with the bliss not the breath and breath becomes secondary, you will know this has happened when bliss and prana become the more real thing and breath there shadow.

2.Identified more with Prana and Bliss the crown will bloom with Prana and Bliss and we are fully there in every way it means to be. When the Bliss and Prana have peaked and equalize in potential a merest witness of Muladhara and the same occurs.

3. repeat.

From Here Phase 4.

Next post Phase 4.

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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  11:57:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Phase 4 of Harmonic Pranayama closing phase:

Note: No one should feel the need push for phases 2 through 4 they will come on there own. The phases 2 through 4 will be an expression of desire to drop the extra a pulling desire to do and satisfaction when observed.

What I am actually trying to say is there are no phases 1,2,3 or 4 they are really all one practice but these are the transitions or how it progresses. People should feel free to stop at Phase one or at any phase along the way a persons comfort level is the most important factor let the practice pull you along is the most important thing.

I am just describing as best I can what I experience as prana has instructed me. Each sitting gives clearer instruction and understanding.

Phase 4 is born from Phase 3. Phase 3 is deep identification with prana and bliss and kundalini in its various ways of expression all of which lead one inwards to the self. The witnessing of bliss that practically stuns the mind into deep introversion as it collapses seeking the source.

Now Muladhara and sahasrara become as one the sushumna collapses duality of the poles become single.

Deep silence quiet a feeling of balance everything is in balance in harmony.

When the self is realized in the briefest contact the structures collapse. This phase just happens it is at the peak of phase 3 experiences.

Here is a good place to simply sit in the silence and be.

If a person takes up another practice from here it will be from a very deep inner place.

As always questions welcomed clarification forth coming.

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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  8:15:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit RSS's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
So this is the summarized version?
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  07:37:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by RSS

So this is the summarized version?

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 21 2014 08:17:42 AM
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  1:52:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Great Topic!!

Thank you EK for your time spent writing and for your kindness in sharing what you have discovered by practicing.
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Posted - Jan 21 2014 :  3:11:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you as well. In reply to a respectful private communication please allow me to address this in public.

Apologies for such long posts the technique is easier in practice but trying to convey everything that comprises it is difficult because I have to enter into memory of something that has to be converted from actual experience and intuition into human language.

This message contains a Phase 1 correction below.

1. Start in Sahasrara fontanel exhale breath out down to relaxed Perineum Muladhara.

2. Once in Muladhara retain breath per comfort.

3. When it is time to Inhale breath in pulling Prana and awareness down from Sahasrara into Muladhara until Muladhara feels full.

4. Retain breath per comfort contracting perineum.

5. When it is time to exhale ( **** CORRECTION**** ) release Perenium and exhale / breath out up to Sahasrara.

6. Once in Sahasrara hold as per comfort.

7. Inhale breath in from Saharara pulling prana and awareness up from Muladahra to sahasrara tightening perineum again.

8. Hold breath as per comfort and begin again.

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 21 2014 3:24:13 PM
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Posted - Jan 22 2014 :  11:07:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Here is a link to a topic on this site that will be useful to those encountering obstructions. Yogani does a great job of explaining how to deal with them when questioned by members.


Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 22 2014 11:55:15 AM
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Posted - Jan 23 2014 :  12:10:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Evolution of Prana. Another very long descriptive post.

Before getting into the memory in a narrative fashion as it occurred this mornings learning from Prana I would like to describe what I call the Ajna complex, as well as some accompanying Kechari phenomena. When it comes to tongue in Kechari just let it do its thing as prana makes it known and takes control no need to worry where to place it in the skull.

Ajna the soul center or sixth Chakra is often depicted as the point between the eyes but this is incorrect its location is in the middle of the brain.

The point between the eyes is a Kshetram or a trigger point where it can be Physically felt.

There are two trigger points or Kshtrams and the other one is the medulla.

Ajna being in the middle can be felt as well but the two trigger points are easier at least at first to feel and when one is really tuned into prana all 3 are felt as a complex which produces Kutastha a feeling and a glow typically observed above the brows. In Kutastha upon it's screen the centers can be seen now and again. Furthermore when in full Kechari practicing Pranayama the tongue is drawn to the point between the eyes inside the skull.

At a certain point of development of Kechari one arrives at a bony ledge of sorts and above, when this occurs due to prana not by willing it to and making it happen or by forcing it ones eyes are naturally drawn to the root of the nose.

The root of the nose is the place between the eyes not the tip. It is realized as the root because it is being realized from the inside out not the outside in and full in the skull Kechari reveals this truth beyond any shadow of a doubt.

When this occurs by will of prana many other things occur as well to include the soft parts of the sinus cavity becoming erect and enveloping the tongue in an embrace that the prana is making happen.

Later The first Kutastha above the brows can be felt joining with the Kshetram of Sahsrara which is the Fontanel and another Kutastha is formed. So Kutastha above the brows and Kutastha above the Kutastha if you will.


This morning I awoke practicing Kriya in my sleep this is not the first time this has occurred. Instead of getting up and practicing formally this morning I skipped sitting and went about my business getting ready for work.

After getting dressed in a private room in the house while my wife was attending to the things she does in the morning, I stood there and experienced the movements of Kundalini in the spine a pleasurable movements of blissful current enlivening everything from the inside out.

It came to me while standing there I was to close my eyes facing East and a strong glow in Muladhara, Ajna Kutastha and crown Kutastha.

So I inhaled breathing into Muladahara and exhaled out, Kundalini went up the spine into Medulla rear Kshetram of Ajna.

Tongue slipped into Full Kechari as the rear Kshetram of Ajna vibrated with Prana and from there the point between the brows and above Kutastha was formed and up into Sahasrara I went the prana forming the Kutastha above the Kutastha.

After Kevala Khumbaka was finished I inhaled up from Muladhara to Medulla / Ajna / Kutastha complex.

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

I did this several times alternating between Muladhara to Ajna as a Circuit and Muladhara to Sahasrara. During these cycles the other centers were felt distinctly as little speed bumps if you will along the route.

Manipura was strongly activating Glowing , Humming radiating its specific frequency. This has occurred often and I often wonder what it is I am missing to do?

So it was here also and in a flash I knew what to do.

Here is the scene.

While in Medulla Kshetram / Ajna / Kutastha complex Manipura is sounding off as described. Instead of completeing the circuit with Muladhara I did so with Manipura instead.


Exhaling breathing out and down to Manipura and going directly in it's center placing the OM in the center mentally but not like a Mental Word more like the mental counterpart of the felt inner-sound being heard yet it is separately distinct from the inner sounds being witnessed the center is in full expansion radiating and bliss is found stunned silence and bliss Kevala Khumbaka occurs.

When it is time to inhale I inhaled breathed in from The Ajna complex as described above down into Manipura again.

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

When I exhaled breathed out it was from Manipura UP to Ajna complex.

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

I did this cycle 3 times and the end result was that Manipura quite acting so aggressively radiant interrupting the path for the other centers between the poles of Muladhara and the Ajna Complex in the brain.

As described OM placed in the center. Until Sahsarara and above are found as will be explained below.

From this the next step was known:

Returning to Muladhara and just breathed in and out of the very center of Muladhara feeling the center vibrating and clean and free flowing.

Inhaling breathing in and up to Medulla Ajna complex. there was a noticeable difference the path was not influenced by Manipura being overly activated and the channel very clear and free.

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

Exhaling back down to Muladhara

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

Inhaling down from Medulla/ Ajna / Kutastha complex in to Muladhara

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

Exhaling breathing in and up to Medulla Ajna complex.

Again Kevala Khumbaka and stunning bliss.

During this time of no mind and no breath it came to me what to do next.

Exhaling down to Swadisthana and stayed there until it was time to inhale and when it was time to inhale breathing in I did so from the very center of Swadisthana until it glowed and vibrated with triple divine qualities and when Kevala Khumbaka occurred I knew it was time to Exhale up to the Ajna Complex again and did so.

From here I repeated the entire sequence as described above with each of the centers until I reached the Ajna Complex.

Once the Ajna Complex was reached it was made known that Ajna would now no longer be the topmost point but Sahasrara instead.

From Sahasrara I inhaled up from Ajna a very deep and different form of Kevala Khumbaka took place as the vibrational frequencies of the higher centers merged.

When It was time to exhale down to Ajna I did so, Kevala Khumbaka again.

When it was time to Inhale breathe in I did so down from Sahasrara to Ajna.

Kevala Khumbaka again.

When it was time Exhale I did so up to Sahasrara.

Kevala Khumbaka again.

When it came time to Inhale I did so up from Ajna into Sahasrara.

During Kevala Khumbaka this time it was made known to me to enter into the center above the head so feeling the center clearly in awareness I exhaled up from Sahasrara into the center and mentally impressions of prana swirling in this center occurred the impression of this center is one that is a very dark Amethyst color.


This center is the one I used to operate from as a small child of perhaps 4 years old. When I was a small child I often had split attention as if residing in this center as well as the one between the eyes and the top of the head.

Often as a small child I would be navigating along with my classmates in school with physical eyes just enough not to trip while following in a teacher approved line going from point A. to point B.

While doing so though I would be looking out from above the top of my head from a distance of 3 to maybe 5 feet above and even view the little body I was wearing walking in line.

It appears when we are little and freshly arrived we use our natural faculties of perception more readily.

Back On track:

When it became time to inhale I did so up into this center being there and had the same type of overseeing type experience as a child now seeing this aged body standing still with eyebrows up a very strong thrumming in Sahsrara as an obvious anchor to the body.

There was an impression of time to return the prana went down first through the center of Sahasrara then down unobstructed all the way to Muladhara on its own in an electric fashion after which breath followed.

The path was completely clear without obstruction. Once in Muladhara again Kevala Khumbaka.

When It was time to breath in Inhaling I did so all the way up to Sahasrara, Kevala Khumbaka and when it was time to exhale I did so up and out through Sahasrara.

I stood there for a few moments witnessing vibration in the entire spine from Fontanel to perineum, from base to crown everything in perfect harmony beautiful and the distinct impression of color would be Golden.

The tongue slipped out of Kechari as naturally as it slipped in eyes opened reluctantly reverberations of bliss and sound of my wife moving about in the house returning.

Now it was time to finish getting ready and drive to work. Performing a self inventory it is found that there are no signs of overload just harmony. Safe to drive 100%

All this morning I have this feeling of openness in the spine and a nice vibration mostly in the crown but in the brow as well. Straightening in my seat at this very moment ecstatic current flowing down from above all the way down the spine and overflowing into all the body parts.

It occurs to me much of this pranic learning is due to the turn for the better my practice of Mahamudra has taken. Mahamudra is far more important than I ever gave it credit for.

When this occurred this morning I knew I needed to document and share this on line but was hesitant to do so in this thread as it is already so long then it became known to me it should as this has come from that which has already been shared.

I am now considering where this fits into practice. I think I know as it is possible as a stand alone practice. This may very well take the place of the very first internalizing practice as it incorporates it and goes far beyond it as well.

Edited by - Experientialknowing on Jan 23 2014 1:34:55 PM
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Posted - Jan 24 2014 :  1:54:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
January 24th 2014. New learning

This morning it was time to experiment a bit and see if the latest as of yesterday Pranic instruction in the practice of Pranayama was indeed able to take the place of the first internalizing technique.

Beginning with Talabya when finished moving on to to

The practice as outlined in the previous post and realized I had missed doing the fore-ward bends I just let Prana take over.

Next I began thinking okay hey now get back on track and went back to the internalizing technique but by the time I hit the Ajna complex Prana wanted the Pranayama Technique of yesterday to be done.

Still Being stubborn I did the first bow and was completely and utterly unhappy with it it felt wrong, wrong, wrong!

From this I decided to quit fighting Prana and did as Shakti demanded instead.

Centering in the perineum and fontanel letting the mind of memory and testing drop I began just as described in yesterdays post by surrendering to it.

By the time I had exhaled back down to Muldahara and inhaled back down again the tongue went into Kechari. The rest of the technique followed very powerfully and smoothly until 1 round had been completed within all the centers and that was when it came to me I had no idea how long I had been sitting and needed to get ready for work.

I looked at my watch and sure enough over 20 minutes had passed I was running later than I had thought this would take. Darn I have to get to work!

In all honesty I could have easily repeated this several more times.

Instead I let mind drop and just sat for the few minutes I had left to me this morning and enjoyed the silence. I finished with Mahamudra and started getting ready for work.

New occurrence:

As I was getting ready to leave I was feeling a curious sensation in Sahsrara and had been all morning since practice. The feeling was one of energy weaving and making a complex spiral like a helix or how woven nylon is used as braiding around a cable kind of like a Chinese finger puzzle.

I did not see this except as an impression from the feeling which appeared in the minds eye.

I paid more attention to this helix feeling type of rotation if looking down on the top of someones head it would look like it was spinning from left to right.

For example put your index finger pointing towards the sky and rotate your hand / finger in a circle starting from the left to right then imagine this is in the center of the spine from Perineum to Fontanel.

Then it came to me to apply this to the Pranayama of yesterday soon this feeling was permeating the entirety of the inside of spine on the inside of the sushumna the feeling was of this rotating helix moving up and down with Pranayama inside the sushumna making contact with the inner walls this added a new dimension to the practice and all it took was observing what was going on anyway.

So from left to right on the way up and right to left on the way down.

Too bad I did not have hours to sit today I need to schedule at-least two hours for more discovery.
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Posted - Jan 24 2014 :  8:35:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Very informative is your latest update! When you mentioned the prana swirling in this center center and a very dark amethyst this is similar to what I also experience. The only difference is the amethyst is of a deep and vibrant hue.

When the prana is active and gathered at anahata I feel vibration, tingling, not unpleasant sensations and a rich and vibrant green orb is seen. Also for me the arising of the most beautiful shade of blue with two petals on each side has been seen. These I presume are specific chakras being seen.

Regarding feeling the prana spiraling up and down the spine, have you ever experienced a gentle swaying movement of the spine as if it was moving in a circular motion? I am curious to know if others also experience this. Of course, I do realize that each one of us experiences things differently and at different levels.
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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  09:51:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Indigo, Yes I have, as well as the spine becoming like a rigid steel bar when the Kundalini needs to flow in larger amounts and requires the straightest locked in path possible. There have even been times when I have lifted off my cushion at the time it feels like levitation but a split second later was revealed to just be the body reacting to kundalini movement.

The experiences are important if recognized as instruction and followed, If one fails to be silent enough and intuit the instruction then they are just experiences.

The experiences are also important if they lead one as tools inwards to Samayama, if not they are just experiences but even then in remembering a teaching is taking place on the subtle levels.

I think too many are too ready to jump on the anti-scenery train due to culture or practices they have tried from books of would be authoritatve authors that are loaded with superstitious poppycock, and would be interpetations of religion which has ultimatly been burdened with the task of recording for humanity until recent times and has been miserably misused by people to promote self serving agendas. In many cases It is my observation that many fail to truly understand what Yogani teaches.

The book spinal breathing by Yogani does help with understanding his distinction of what is and is not scenery. Enough on that now the book is worth the read check it out.

Indigo what was just written were in general not specific to you, we both know better than that.

So here we are, getting experiences and getting really tuned into the prana, It is prana that teaches. People give outer form of instruction, by practice prana gives inner form.

What is apparent to me is there have been many students that realized teaching from prana since Lahiri Mahasaya gave Kriya.

These students became teachers who taught as they were instructed and as instructed in there own sadhana by prana, Sri Yukteswar as is now apparent taught differently from his master Lahiri Baba who gave him Kriyas outer form.

Some formed organizations or secular enclaves with loads of superstition that lock in the way the teacher taught.

Some had a teacher that taught even more altered kriya based on what was revealed to the teacher via practice.

One can still learn alot from these teachers. I think that until one starts learning how to practice from prana which is the inner form they will always remain at the door step. For these folks finding the original Kriya is very important.

What they need to be told is original Kriya is revealed by Prana by doing not reading lots of books, or Guru Shopping. This point has only recently became apparent to me.

Still I understand why people are not told this and that is because they need to practice as taught in the beginning and maybe for a long time or the temptation to just spin off into unproductive practices is too great and they have more difficulty arriving at the state where Prana teaches.

How to tell the difference? there are signs along the way, many I have shared as they occured to me on this very site as both Kriyawit and Experientialknowng and before that as seeking on other sites. Most are not reportable in language though, I can only report the reportable. Best to do and learn by doing.

The technique will remain largly the same in my experience but I suspect the differences are going to be very personalized to the one practicing.

So this means you have to discover by doing, the outer form is how you get to this point, that being the case outer form does matter not any ol thing will do.

It has been my experience that Hariharinandas Kriya is excellent to bring one to the inner form. One of the best features is that anyone is welcome to learn and the teaching is available world wide.

Lets consider the first humans in animal bodies trying to figure out what all this was about, did they not learn by doing? Later they discovered how and told others who were interested or had noticed the same things. Pretty simple really when all the extra and titles are stripped off.

Originally posted by Indigo

Very informative is your latest update! When you mentioned the prana swirling in this center center and a very dark amethyst this is similar to what I also experience. The only difference is the amethyst is of a deep and vibrant hue.

When the prana is active and gathered at anahata I feel vibration, tingling, not unpleasant sensations and a rich and vibrant green orb is seen. Also for me the arising of the most beautiful shade of blue with two petals on each side has been seen. These I presume are specific chakras being seen.

Regarding feeling the prana spiraling up and down the spine, have you ever experienced a gentle swaying movement of the spine as if it was moving in a circular motion? I am curious to know if others also experience this. Of course, I do realize that each one of us experiences things differently and at different levels.

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Posted - Jan 26 2014 :  09:53:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Oh and by the way this is not meant to be a locked blog everyone please feel free to join the conversation, thanks for pointing out this possible impression Indigo. It had not occured to me.
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