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 Swami Nityananda Strikes Again
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Posted - Dec 10 2013 :  4:25:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
As can be seen from reviews left I am very taken with Swami Nityananda. There is a good reason for this and I would like to share some discoveries along the way.

In his book http://www.nityanandagirikriyayoga....he-book.html

Swami Nityananda does a better and more clear job of describing Kriya from every angle than anyone else I have ever read or learned from, amazing insights and clarity on his part.

Ok so with that out of the way I would like to discuss the Hamsa technique he describes in his book.

He writes of the necessity of this technique for purifying the mind and he is correct. This is an incredibly powerful and simple technique and anyone who breathes and therefore lives can practice it. Inhaling so exhaling ham.

Swami Nityananda explains the technique perfectly the book is inexpensive and readily available so there is no need to try and reword it to avoid plagiarism, anyone interested should just buy the book.

In my former Days as an SRF student we were taught Haung Sau technique which is the direct opposite and it never did anything for this mind other than make it wonder in abject boredom.

This technique of Swami Nityananda's with the instructions in his book is incredibly effective and very strong. The technique rapidly leads to no mind state and the state of Samadhi with seeds.

This technique has also caused kechari to deepen to an extent I would not have expected.

The two work very well together It occurs to me that without having first obtained some experience from Kriya that this technique by and of itself would not have been effective now after the fact having practiced Kriya for some time and becoming identified with prana this technique alone could consume an entire practice session.

Practicing Talavia X 50 reps.
Guru Pranam
Kechari engaging during Guru Pranam initial interiorizing phase
Hamsa method
Shambhavi Mudra.

as an example.


438 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2013 :  06:46:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks so much for this. Maybe I will once again add kriya yoga to my sadhana!

in peace,

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Posted - Dec 11 2013 :  7:39:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Your welcome. Something else I would like to add from this simple exercise I am experiencing greater mental clarity and focus as well as greater peace and silence throughout the day as a side effect.

During the practice the awareness of the pranic field and the energetic body is not mistakable as at it can be witnessed first hand in a very strong way that is on equal footing if not greater than that of the hand attached to the wrist and this identification with the subtle prana draws one into no mind and samadhi with seeds.

Samadhi seems to be dependent on very high states of energy to support its weight. Either that or the entering into higher frequencies of experiencing conscious awareness. The energetic stuff is the vehicle and one witnesses it this vehicle takes one to silent mind to samadhi.

What I can say with absolute clarity is that when the awareness masted / seated in this body transfers its identity its seat into these high frequency energies and identifies with them as the vehicle the body it is experiencing through the mind is different and samadhi happens. When Samadhi happens there is no identification with the energy or anything else describable in words.

In the course of this technique very silent mind occurs, chattering mind to the mind itself is not favored the mind wants this not that, the mind is being indirectly influenced and seeks silence instead of noise, Mind seeks its own singularity point, high degrees of energy are experienced, at times one is at one with the experience in peak moments and there is nothing else. These peaks as they get closer and closer create the samadhi with seeds.

There is cumulative effect of practice each sitting is becoming deeper and stronger, in each practice samadhi states are becoming even more rapidly entered into and remembered and new ground walked as the familiar gives way to the next horizon.

This technique is priceless, this has been missing from my toolkit even though I was doing it without understanding what it was understanding what this technique is and doing it the way it should be performed in knowledge not ignorance makes a huge difference.

Technique highly recommended two thumbs up.
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Posted - Dec 11 2013 :  7:59:51 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi EK,

in which way does the samadhi you enter via the hamsa breath differ to the KYI crown samadhi?

Btw Gurunath also teaches the hamsa technique, according to him in the himalayas some practice it very intensly, the whole day :P He gives it as a starter technique before kriya yoga, but to those who are into kriya oyga he says practice just that. But he also mentions clearly that you can enter into samadhi via the hamsa technique. He has built his hamsa yoga upon it and also infused it in some way into his surya yoga. I think this was his own play of creating a sub-set of spiritual practices. His teachers know and teach those techniques to those who are not initiated into kriya yoga yet. But the moment they are into kriya yoga, then it shall be the focus according to him.

Where does the Swami bring the hamsa technique into the routine of kriya yoga?


ps: have that book here since some weeks aswell, but most probably will read it together with Gurunath's book about Babaji sometime in spring, the university stuff is too much input at the moment :P

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Posted - Dec 12 2013 :  5:19:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Kriya tradition is about merging with prana, so those from other traditions should know this up-fornt to better understand what is being written.

The sequence in the book is after Guru Pranam look on page 276 for the specific technique section.

It is interesting to note Gurunath teaches this and in the manner you speak of this is in agreement with what is written in the book about it being the foundation technique for all others.

Only in retrospect may I affirm this is correct, not from linear progression of experience.

In this though I respectfully disagree that this should be given as a beginners technique prior to actual Kriya training. I can understand why but must comment that there is no way that it is very effective or as effective by comparison after the training and some time in practice has occured.

In fact I think this technique may even be harmful to give a beginner.


Yes harmful beginners in Kriya often have heard many things from those who have gone before them and fail to understand for most it does take time. For most inner sensitivity must be developed first then things start to happen.

This technique does not yield immediate verification that anything is happening or that one is doing anything other than perhaps making a fool out of themselves for following someones advice.

It is harmful or at the very least unkind to damage a beginners budding enthusiasm to start the spiritual life. It is an important step in a human beings evolution.

When the inner sensitivity to prana is developed especially in conjunction with Kechari with the practice of this technique one becomes a true Sky Walker, I borrowed this phrase from the Swami's book and love this phrase. Gotta love a Swami that has seen Star Wars!!

This however is from my own personal point of view, unfortunately I can not go back and unlearn everything I have experienced in order to try this technique as a raw recruit, to verify otherwise.

The closest I can come is Haung Sau technique which I learned as a teenager from SRF and never got much out of. In fact this technique was one of the things that influenced my departure from that school.

Now with some experience in Kriya sadhana I can say Haung Sau works almost the same even though there is difference in vibrational frequency but mental mantra is only there to get you into the feeling and then prana takes over.

Of the two So Ham more correctly is an expression of breath and the way it sounds naturally the harmonics without mental repetition are certainly there and this is evidenced even more so as on reaches higher and higher vibratory rates of consciousness in no mind and the corresponding energy that is witnessed before the peaks unite in Samadhi. So to me this is the more correct way.

It was only through traditional Kriya style practice and later on Hariharananda's practice that things really got going for me while true I could always feel prana I was ignorant and used it like I would electricity moving it about shaping magnetic fields via technique etc... to me it was just energy.

It was not until consciousness merged with Prana this changed all of the energetic experiences proceeded this letting go into this accomplished this. This was and is my roadmap.

Further explanation from personal experience:

I practiced the Kriyas of Hariharananda and after the practice of Kriya Pranayama proper it would come to me very strongly to be in Kutastha above the eyebrows or at the top of the head.

At this point one is supposed to slip into paravastha.

For me what happened was energetic demand of Prana and becoming one with prana would root my focus in Kutastha, prior to Kechari fully happening the tongue would dance against and push against the soft pallet which was curious but not distracting as I was in identification with bliss and energy body now more the meat body so much.

In time the tongue made full kechari by will of Prana. This was a huge change.

I would find self rooted in Kutastha in bliss in silent mind there, there, there no where nothing of this world no breath now min nor heartbeat on occasion.

When body breathed this I is identified with prana not air this I exists in Kutastha drawn to kutastha connection of kutastha to muladhara present witnessed. But always in kutastha.

Breath is experienced as divine vibration in the inner parts of the soft tissues in the skull sometimes the taste of metal electrical ozone connection on the tongue buried deep in the skull tongue looses knowledge of in mouth or above, tongue is forgotten vibration is in soft tissues in the skull. Energies build and tongue reacts going further fore-wards and up higher and higher the throat seems to expel the tongue. This is witnessed not sought.

The injunction of Lahiri Mahasaya to be careful in Kechari as the tongue can get away from you and cause injury ever present and observed.

Click over but no click instantly into samadhi state is held for however self deems it correct sometimes for seconds, sometimes for minutes sometimes an hour time is meaningless there is no sense of time an instant is no different than an hour. From this all desire for gaining mind for progress seems silly these dimensions of being can not be mapped with the ruler of time it is utterly meaningless the immersion of seconds is equal to minutes to an hour to an hour and a half utterly meaningless.

In the beginning only aware after the fact that something has happened, with experience and repeated visits awareness consciously of being in samadhi difference is like deep sleep where you only realize you had a deep nights sleep after the fact.

the other can not be described other than to say awareness is very different and there is no sharp distinction you know you are there as you are there while you are there and afterwards as well. This is only after familiarity with that particular phase of Samadahi deeper phases still are like beginning phases so described known only after the fact until they too become familiar. Always always there is a new horizon not seen but experienced.

This is Samadhi with seeds from everything I have read after the fact.

From here Paravastha. then Jyoti Mudra. Then sitting reintegrating to this world as the vibratory rate of consciousness slowed and eyes of meat begin seeing this world again.

Writing makes it appear the writer is hung up on experiences and that regretfully is unavoidable as the experiences are the translatable reportable part.

Holy this was what it was like with KYI Hariharananda Practice.

Yes was is the operative word.

When experimenting I find it useful to par things down to better understand.

So to clearly explain the experiment is even as previously written.

Practicing Talavia X 50 reps.
Guru Pranam
Kechari engaging during Guru Pranam initial interiorizing phase
Hamsa method
Shambhavi Mudra.

Shambhavi Mudra as suggested last in the sequence in the book is very interesting to practice last and is an incredible experience to realize one with eyes open is seeing only the brilliance of Kutastha and things moving within that are not at this point clearly perceived. Other realms i suspect where the Masters reside the feeling of the masters presence is certainly there, especially Lahiri Baba.

So from the top Talavia of the frog plop limbers up the oral tissues warming them up for for the demands Prana is soon to place on them.

During talavia the prana is in motion and attention already is turning inwards the senses begin introverting and oran movement and association begins in a deep way. This is felt in the Kutastha in the crown and spine and random centers.

Next Guru Pranam interiorizing technique is done prior to the actual Guru Pranam each center is experienced with the triple divine qualities of sound vibration and light the outward manifestations of prana the tools used to introvert and each center is thusly experienced and identification with prana becomes more complete awareness shifts the seat of awareness of consciousness while still in the meat body begins to take on more identification with the prana with the energy body and as this happens prana makes Kechari engage.

Kechari engages mind goes silent the switch is thrown breathlessness deep deep identification with the pranic being I am that great swells of bliss of prana deeply immersed in this certain knowledge the witness is this self is known identification is now different so beautiful so home, this not that mind wnats to rest ithis not that.

Bliss subsides from peak experience it is time for body to breath and technique continues with witness is pulled along.

Now it is time for Guru Pranam in this technique everything just written is experienced and more there are periods of instant samadhi at the completion of each bow and one is in the crown sitting in bliss sitting in samadhi and when it is time the breathing is again happening and before the next bow it can happen prior to bowing that one enters rapture and samadhi comes back and completes the bow.

The guru pranam is done now it is time for ham sa sadhana

By now the prana has put body in siddhasana in fact this happens with the first bow.

Inhaling So there is no mental verbal mantra it just is and is observed as existing thusly kundalini prana in medulla goes to point between brow kutastha keeping the mind in kutastha. Mind becomes no mind shiva merges with shakti. So silence then energy build in medulla and infuses kutastha it can be felt moving throughout the tongue and throat expels tongue higher and deeper to make circuit complete limitation of meet causes wariness self preservation instinct of body to not allow strong tongue to press to hard against delicate inner skull tissues.

Tongue realizing error relaxes until next strong energy makes it move. Energy is stabilized by so ham technique leveled out while all the time not completely shutting down the flow.

Experience and fine control of energy body being learned deeper understanding of prana, better motor control of prana occurring, awareness guiding pranic body with infants understanding , with infants control of limbs. Infant has become toddler walking and falling in and out of Samadhi.

So ham acts as a regulator of prana in kutastha and one learns to exist in this ocean of energy in a more stable way and this leads to more stable experiences of samadhi less abrupt in and out more gradual in and awareness while present and withdraw only to enter again.

I can easily see the truth in what Gurunath has related to you concerning those whom have been initiated.

So this is the difference in a nutshell this is a far more controlled method but without the other Kriyas being done first this would not be so.

Being done first means being done in the past and developing pranic understanding and experience, prior to this and having this very technique occur under experiential ignorance versus now know being done in experiential understanding is a huge difference.

After this the Paravastha

After this Jyoti Mudra for further purification and reentry to this world

After that Shambhavi mudra as explained in the book to do last which I am uncertain about as I find this mudra can launch me back into smadhi.

The experience is assuming the mudra after Jyoti at first I see the room but the eyes go up and while still open I am looking out through Kutastha and meat eyes at the same time.

I only has desire for kutastha so the vision of meat eyes is overcome by the soft yellow white glow of kustatha and mind again want to be there and looses interest in seeing world here.

Vision can fluctuate a bit but the idea is reentry so gradually I let go of kutastha and sitting there realize a leg has gone numb and look at it without pity or remorse or feeling of ownership just acceptance that this is my lot for now the condition I must bare until through time the condition of meat bound existence is no longer imprisonment without will for it to be so.

During this time the witness reporting function of mind gradually comes back on line but for quite a while more there than here, when integration settles I stand and put away my seat.

I bow before Lahiri Mahasaya with deep gratitude for this sadhana as well as all of the masters with love and appreciation for this gift from far away ancient India.

At this point I am very satisfied with this and perhaps will add kriyas back at a later junction for testing. This however is very fulfilling and deeply satisfying.

As a side note my need to eat food has drastically decreased as has appetite eating a schedule 3 meals per day leads to bloating and slow digestion. Not eating I feel full there is no low blood sugar nor side effects like weakness. Still I will try to eat 2 modest meals per day until it has been revealed as not needed.

Metabolism has obviously slowed.

Originally posted by Holy

Hi EK,

in which way does the samadhi you enter via the hamsa breath differ to the KYI crown samadhi?

Btw Gurunath also teaches the hamsa technique, according to him in the himalayas some practice it very intensly, the whole day :P He gives it as a starter technique before kriya yoga, but to those who are into kriya oyga he says practice just that. But he also mentions clearly that you can enter into samadhi via the hamsa technique. He has built his hamsa yoga upon it and also infused it in some way into his surya yoga. I think this was his own play of creating a sub-set of spiritual practices. His teachers know and teach those techniques to those who are not initiated into kriya yoga yet. But the moment they are into kriya yoga, then it shall be the focus according to him.

Where does the Swami bring the hamsa technique into the routine of kriya yoga?


ps: have that book here since some weeks aswell, but most probably will read it together with Gurunath's book about Babaji sometime in spring, the university stuff is too much input at the moment :P

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Posted - Dec 15 2013 :  9:29:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
When the inner sensitivity to prana is developed especially in conjunction with Kechari with the practice of this technique one becomes a true Sky Walker, I borrowed this phrase from the Swami's book and love this phrase. Gotta love a Swami that has seen Star Wars!!
:D :D
Vision can fluctuate a bit but the idea is reentry so gradually I let go of kutastha and sitting there realize a leg has gone numb and look at it without pity or remorse or feeling of ownership just acceptance that this is my lot for now the condition I must bare until through time the condition of meat bound existence is no longer imprisonment without will for it to be so.
Lool you kill me with those meat-jokes :D :D But I can fully relate to it, couldn't do that before those crown experiences :D
In this though I respectfully disagree that this should be given as a beginners technique prior to actual Kriya training. I can understand why but must comment that there is no way that it is very effective or as effective by comparison after the training and some time in practice has occured.
So this is the difference in a nutshell this is a far more controlled method but without the other Kriyas being done first this would not be so.
It is here the same, all those kriyas over those years have made this body-mind sensitive to ANY practice. Whatever is practiced, it does what it was meant to do :P Prior to that, whatever practice was done, it needed a lot of time to show what it is made for. That is the reason why I come back to kriya again aswell, to the playground preparer and door opener :) Tests and experiments obviously need to happen, what can we do. The moment the needed observation has happened, back to kriya lol :P
I bow before Lahiri Mahasaya with deep gratitude for this sadhana as well as all of the masters with love and appreciation for this gift from far away ancient India.
My friend, you are surely graced and loved very much :) I feel attracted to this bowing down and being thankful and happy very much :)

To this being rooted in kutastha, it is happening here aswell in paravastha without conscious focus, all becomes still in kutastha, where the joy is. Back then I had asked Gurunath about the difference between Samadhi at the crown and Samadhi by penetrating the star in kutastha. He said, that one cannot penetrate the star, but penetration of the star can happen by grace. Then he added, that absorption in the bliss of the crown is an earlier state then penetrating the star. To the experience here, the crown is much more encompassing and unifying in its love and beauty effect, than kutastha, which is much more filled with immense godly joy and ecstatic response in the whole body-mind. Can't comment about going through the star so far, all in its time :)

Thank you for your detailed description of what happens in your KYI practice and the experiment that is going on these days :) I will not be able to look at the book too soon, have to keep the focus on uni and work till spring.

Just a quick question, which kriya has this Swami practiced? Does he speak of nirvikalpa samadhi by his own experience?

Peace and thanks :)

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Posted - Dec 19 2013 :  09:02:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
HI Holy I will reply back soon work is keeping me busy sorry this is taking so long.
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Posted - Dec 19 2013 :  8:58:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
All in its time EK, enjoy the crown, I'm with you :)
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Posted - Jan 11 2014 :  8:50:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sorry for the super delayed reply, I know you have read the book now and as you can tell the Swami does not share what it is he practices, but describes what he knows of Kriya methods and there practices as well as the reason and the scriptural backing of each and the effect and even goes into physiological discussion. Maybe I missed it but I do not believe he discusses if he has had Nirvakalpa Samadhi. The greatest focus of his writing appears to be with the quieting of the mind and this appears to be his level of desire to teach.

The rest of the techniques of higher Kriya as you have pointed out elsewhere seem to be in agreement with many other publications. Consensus however does not make a thing correct just popular or copied.

Interesting answer from Gurunath concerning penetrating the star. I have had this experience. but can not really attribute it to grace, for me it was the after effect of correct practice.

I asked about it after the fact to verify if a kriya teacher knew the right answer and he did not. He will remain un-named. His answer was to concentrate harder on the star.

In my experience of seeing the star many times as a result of Jyoti Mudra the way in is simple the mind is quiet, very quiet you must be in pure witness mode with reporting function of mid absent then you are viewing the mouth of yoni which is Sushumna it first appears as a golden ring very much appearing like a Super Nova.

The ring expands and there is a sensation of mind moving towards it then a five pointed star is seen sometimes in the center of an obsidian orb. The mistake is to pay too much attention to the star and the orb because mind then begins analyzing its structure rather than going beyond mind and directly experiencing the reality before your introverted vision.

When the star is seen one has to blend there witness essence with the witnessed star by focusing on it without thought feeling it without effort.

You do not feel pulled in it is there you witness it and the next instant you witness something else it is known you are within because the transition requires no mind to traverse the conditions so I have no mind to describe the instant transition and witness from within you just know intuitively you have gone within and witness that which is present it is simply your reality.

One moment your reality was being in space witnessing the ring then the star then in an instant you find yourself awakening in the new witness experience as described below.

To reiterate this happens in an instant it is like falling asleep then there is light everywhere and you are one with the entire universe or I should say a Universe you also get a new body one composed of Golden I know not what condensed light I suppose.

Science theorizes that Universes are spherical in nature and this goes allot deeper than needed for this discussion.

After entering the star I found myself inhabiting a sphere that was as if in deep space the sphere was full of fine golden Plasma with winking sparks of Prana for lack of a better term a gaseous yet lightly semi liquid low viscosity viscous atmosphere that was neither gas liquid nor energy yet somehow all three and something more all at once, it felt like the primordial pre animate stuff of the creation before it becomes the creation in this dimension of existence.

This new form did not breathe because breathing was not needed. There was no sensation of time passing. I could see planets and stars in this bubble and then realized I was inhabiting a body of golden light sitting in asana floating in this golden walled bubble universe that was semi transparent as it was made of dimensional energy and beyond it was space and very likely more bubbles universes like the one I was sitting in. in its very center.

I had 360 panoramic vision of everything from every conceivable angle from all points of view at once and it all was understandable and clear.

From this I was able to see my new body and was within it and not at the same time as an embodiment of awareness permeating all. By focusing on the bodies hands I would see as if using human eyes from within that bodies head but after the desire of turning these hands to inspect them passed was no longer limited to vision this way and never entirely was even while doing so.

While here I did not have a normal mind just a witness awareness. I do not know how long this lasted but it was long enough to make a memory in the brain.

Too much exploration caused the reporting function of mind to begin and with it the wondering if the physical body was being damaged because I was not breathing and could not hear or feel a heart beat.

Exiting was not as sudden it was a more gradual thing. It was similar to a scene fading or dissolving in a movie. Gradually the darkness of closed eyes returned with divine light appearing on the stage of velvet.

While there in that form I was free from the burden of breathing it was just not needed or wanted.

It is only after the fact after awareness gradually returning to this body that it is realized what a constant racket breathing lungs and beating heart makes what a nuisance they are when you do not do it for a while, experiencing the freedom from both and living to tell about it.

Beating Hearts and breathing lungs my God it is experienced as being so strange that the animal bodies odd condition of existence, of breathing churning materials excreting and so on has anything to do with me this is the impression and this is truth.

This truth though is the truth of awareness identified with a different body not the physical animal one. This of course is an unreal body.

Inhabiting this one after the other is equally an unreal condition to find oneself residing in.

So from this experience Holy I tell you of the Meat body. That body of energy by the way is not the end all and be all either but I suspect will be the one I experience through when this animal body expires.

I simply sat on my cushion with eyes closed afterwards and no desire to move or open my eyes.

After having had this experience via Jyoti Mudra I can tell you that the desire to practice Jyoti Mudra has never been really there. After one realizes the fruition of efforts the desire to repeat them to experience the same is just not there. In plain terms condition satisfied Jyoti Mudras work ending in culmination of described knowing is satisfied.

Later I learned that Jyoti must be practiced regardless of penetrating the star or not for other benefits that helps even out the system and help prevent what people call overload.

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Posted - Jan 19 2014 :  6:35:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi EK,

interestingly I have overseen this answer from you. Thank you very much! Your description of going through the star is different to what Gurunath and Hans has reported. Yogani generally does give no hint, else then that all is good ;)

But it is always good to hear reports about it, as it is a good hint to find it out by yourself ;))

Gurunaths description: When you see the perfect third eye, aka golden ring, dark center, 5 pointed white star, you are in a state of savikalpa samadhi. Samadhi with forms, colours, space, time etc aka samadhi with perception. When you enter the star, aka when you are pulled through your own star gate, you enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, aka samadhi without form, time, space, colour, perception. But he also speaks of being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All in all he speaks of that unspeakbale bliss and ecstasy.

Hans description from his "Spiritual Treasures" which you can download from his site regarding kriya yoga and nirvikalpa samadhi:

".. As an immediate result of advanced true Kriya Pranayama resulting in cessation of your physical breathing, your heart may slow more and more and finally will stop to beat. During these moments from your last breath until your last beat of your heart the amount of prana flowing through you is increasing more and more and you start to truly awake. Your awareness is increasing and the amount of Love flowing through you is beyond any description. Joy will fill all parts of your being, consciousness and you are absolutely sure that you now are soon going to God. Time is dissolved and the only thing in mind is Love and God. Once you have reached a point of breathlessness and heart-arrest you soon start to be fully one with your soul - all in your kutashta. At this time of course all physical or astral perception has ceased and has been withdrawn into you soul - the result is Christ-consciousness or also sometimes called self-realization.

Now your journey to God starts to begin ! It is far beyond of what you have reached by now - and yet it might be seconds or minutes away from the present point after reaching full oneness with your soul. There is all to be dissolved from thousands of years and from anything left from the present incarnation - but God is Love and God may dissolve anything in this Divine Love he has for you - if you ask for grace and mercy, if you ask for Love - for all mankind and for yourself. .."

I remember Yogani mentioning the endless dimensions of white light behind the star, he also referred to it as heaven. Obviously there is more to entering it than what the hints from the one or other tell :P

Yogananda spoke of listening to the sounds in the chakras even after the breath and the heartbeat had stopped. So obviously there is still a phase after the cassation of the heart beat untill samadhi without vikalpas aka godrealization. Your desctiption sounds like a late stage of savikalpa samadhi, what would you say?

Thanks again for your experience report regarding penetrating the star! :)

Peace and happy practice to all :)
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Posted - Jan 20 2014 :  09:57:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Holy.

When it comes to;

Your desctiption sounds like a late stage of savikalpa samadhi, what would you say?

I would say the description falls short of the reality and that I really do not know, the memory is what it is, but what it is of is only the reportable phenomena as there was a period there where there was no mind able to record or report a remembered experience.

To summarize and hopeful make more clear, there was a period of time I know not how long between observing the thin 5 pointed white star and then the rest reported.

There is a period of time missing a hole in my memory between the two states and the second state the reporting of the second state is all on the exit phase.

Witness Stages going in:

1. There is a glow seen with closed eyes in the darkness.

2. Illusion of movement towards the glow or the glow towards you both at once this is the illusion of movement. I say illusion because the body never moves.

3. The glow becomes larger more distinct more solid.

4. The glow becomes a gold yellow to greenish tinged ring with indistinct outer and inner walls it is not a smooth circle as so often depicted in drawings it has a more gaseous quality like a star going super nova. The illusion of movement toward its center is present.

5. The illusion of movement persists and as one enters the center, the ring becomes a part of the peripheral vision, and a tiny glow is seen in the distance of the same color, the illusion of movement drawing closer to it and as it becomes larger it is another ring and the process repeats itself.

5A. the closest real world analogy would be driving through a dark tunnel that is lined all around with lights only here there is no road for a car. As you go faster you go through the rings quicker.

6. The appearance of the rings happens more frequently and it is like watching the ring expand from a center point to become a ring, kind of like a person blowing a smoke ring from a pipe but it never looks like smoke.

7. Illusion of movement continues. A thin 5 pointed white star is seen in the distance first as a different color glow in the center of the ring it's brightness and difference of color draws the attention away from the ring although it is still there.

8. Illusion of movement towards the star persists the star becomes larger and the ring becomes in the periphery now. The star remains thin but is large.

9. It is observed there is an obsidian orb the star is not wrapped around it or imbedded in it they are just what they are. The star is in front of it. All that is seen in the darkness of deep space no ring just the white star and the obsidian orb, and then in an instant nothing.

10. Nothing. No mind no witness lost period of time for who knows how long.

11. Then awakening in the Golden energy body opening eyes witnessing everything as already described.

So it is.

Witness on the way, witness on the way back in-between non-knowing.

In a way it reminds me of when I had my wisdom teeth extracted. I had all 4 done at once when I was 30 this required an oral surgeon.

I was put under I.V. sedation. The I.V. chemicals did not work well on me so they had to give me more to put me out.

As I was going out I said hey doc, are the ceiling tiles supposed to move? He laughed yes that can happen you might also feel a burning feeling in your crotch

I laughed and replied ok go the bees working right now too, ok I'm on my way out see you when you're done.

Next nothing.

Next I woke up with him on my chest and a pry bar in my mouth. I looked at him and gestured Murrrunghhh muuuuHH pointing to the I.V.

He said oh your awake???? Nurse please give him more.

Out I went again.

The next thing I knew I was sitting up right witnessing a girl pack cotton in my mouth talking to me.

So like this I can only report the entry and the exit, not the in-between.
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6 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2014 :  12:39:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi, Very good post!, Thank you!
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6 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  11:32:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Any update on this book review? Thanks. I'm still waiting for mine.
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176 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  6:44:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Namaste All,

My dear friend Rob Scott gifted this wonderful book to me and it is a most exceptional piece of literature. Such a nice gesture on his part. So far, I am really loving it!!!

I was just at the dentist and before having a cracked and badly infected tooth pulled-out ("OUCH!!!") and as I was waiting to be seen, I was reading on page 15. Sri Swamiji Nityananda mentions that the Sanskrit word "Ayam" is the I, the individual or ego-self. The finite self, as it were, viewing existential reality through the view-screen of an individuated lens of perception.

I was struck by the profundity that "I Am" and "AUM" are so very, very similar in their intonation... yet so completely opposite, in their literal meaning. Or are they really so different at all? There is but an indivisible singularity, manifesting eternally as the many, myriad streams of life on this and multiples of planes of consciousness, yet, they are all the same force, the very same Infinite presence. Tat Tvam Asi.

Fifteen minutes later, I was laid-out in the dentist chair. While my intellect is well-acquainted with the notion that "I am not the body, not the mind nor am I the emotions which pass by my windowsill"... and surely, not the abscessed tooth with a deep crack going from the broken top down into the root. I intentionally chose to escape the gruesome procedure and embrace a shift in attention, ascend through the portal of the Ajna, was lifted through sheer intent into the full-bloom of the Sahasrara. I could feel the effulgence expanding exponentially (all parameters of my "normal" self dissolved into a shimmering sunburst of luminosity. Next I projected through the point of the Bindu, about 24 inches above my material form, centered at the Padaka-Pancaka (the eight chakra).

Amazingly enough, I could distinctly see three people beneath my (Ayam's) hovering conscious-awareness. The dentist, the dental assistant and the patient. I knew that I was all of them and yet, not limited to any one of these sentient forms. But who am I? What am I? For some duration within the time-space-continuum, I honestly didn't know from whihc of these three humanoid entities I had originally arisen. And it didn't even matter, for I was floating in a transcendent sea of ecstatic-bliss!!! How I was tempted to NOT return back into any of these limiting material constraints. But the gravity of Ayam drew my energy focus back into the crown, right at the Bindu, and this gently settled in the cradle of the inner fulcrum of the mind's heart. Sigh, I have been on Cloud Nine for a few hours now!

Just who watches from behind the perception of the awareness of oneself? There is naught... but Omniversal Being. So in many significant ways, Ayam = AUM = I Am. "I Am That I Am". Brahman/God/Allah is the All in All. Not a new or foreign concept to this mind I look out through but a delight to rejoice in, once more. We are That. Om Tat Sat. We are all truly One!!!

Much love and respect, Govinda
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United Kingdom
4429 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  7:40:51 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Govinda,

Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience at the dentist!

I was just at the dentist and before having a cracked and badly infected tooth pulled-out ("OUCH!!!") and as I was waiting to be seen, I was reading on page 15. Sri Swamiji Nityananda mentions that the Sanskrit word "Ayam" is the I, the individual or ego-self. The finite self, as it were, viewing existential reality through the view-screen of an individuated lens of perception.

It might be a spelling mistake in the book? "Ayam" means "this" in Sanskrit. "Aham" is the "I" as in the first person singular. The ego-self is "Ahamkara". So he may have put a "y" in place of an "h" by mistake.

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Posted - Mar 12 2014 :  9:33:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks Christi,

No misprint, just a misunderstanding on my part. I went to page 15 and indeed, it is "Aham" for I or ego-self and not "Ayam". The lighting at the dentist office waiting room was quite dim, as it's operated by a group of a New Age dentists and they have mostly natural light sources, with minimal electrical gadgetry and largely a wood-burning heat source. Lovely mountain views and soothing music, as they wrench your damaged tooth out!

This time I had to have Novocaine injections. And I have also and unfortunately, I have been recently under the confusing influence of Oxycodone. I normally never take pain medication but the tooth was split down the middle and raised about 3 or 4 millimeters higher than usual, making the pain agonizingly extreme. Kechari Mudra has been more difficult and was certainly compromised.

Still, the epiphany was inspiring and meaningful for my own sadhana. I guess I will need to adjust the equation to Aham = Ayam = I Am = AUM? Seems like a reasonable idea. And in light of that brief period of my not knowing whihc body was actually "mine"... I would think it wise to include Anatma (no self) into said equation of Unity (of Being and Non-being, inclusive). Ergo, Aham = Ayam = I Am = I Am Not = AUM.

I highly recommend this book! I will enjoy exploring it's depths in the next week.

Hari Om Tat Sat
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Sol Invictus

91 Posts

Posted - Apr 06 2014 :  10:50:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Guys!
Experientialknowing,or anyone else who knows..Could you describe how you do Ham So,please?

I have tried out SRF's version,so what i did was:
Watch the bread,feel it's flow in nostrils,gaze at point between eyebrows,let the breath go naturally as it is governed by body.Didn't try to consciously hold breath,didn't keep any particular rhythm on inhaling/exhaling.At some point flow of breath would turn on pressure like feeling in nose and point between eyebrows.Then i would switch focus on it,while still mentally chanting.
Am missing out something?
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68 Posts

Posted - Apr 14 2014 :  12:01:47 AM  Show Profile  Visit boris's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Soham Meditation instruction:

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263 Posts

Posted - Apr 14 2014 :  5:21:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Close but not it. Book has better description.
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68 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2014 :  2:10:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit boris's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I have the book,and find it confusing,the instructions are not very clear.He also says to manipulate the breath by lenghtening it.that is not working good for me.The youtube instruction is very clear and simple.the book is not.
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Posted - May 07 2014 :  06:57:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi, what do you think about the Kriya Meditation technique after the Kriya Pranayama from Swami Nityananda book? Thank you very much!
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263 Posts

Posted - May 08 2014 :  07:39:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi AXH50268 the technique is very familiar to those that take Initiation with KYI Hariharanandas Sadhana Organization. It is not exactly the same but close enough to understand it's origins.

Originally posted by Axh50268

Hi, what do you think about the Kriya Meditation technique after the Kriya Pranayama from Swami Nityananda book? Thank you very much!

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