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 What is kundalini?
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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  3:52:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

What is it?

Is it hormones, leaping around in the nervous system?

How could we explain it, scientifically?

Is it electricity, in the nervous system?

I remember, being younger. I took drugs, one being called methylone, a ecstasylike drug which lets out amounts of serotonine and dopamine, i think.

The feeling of Kundalini in the stomach for example is very similiar to the feelings on this drug.

Isn't the stomach a vault for serotonine?

Do you think it is possible to prove it scientifically, right now, or do science need to evolve more first?

Kind regards,


21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  4:59:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For instance, what is the chakras? The Nadis?

What is Sushumna? Is it the spinal cord?

Is the Nadis, nerves?

Is chakras nerve plexuses, like, centres where many nerves connect into each other or something like that?

What is amrita? Is it cerebrospinal fluid, a "brainfluid", which "protects the brain" and also the spinal cord, if I understand correctly.

How come, that none of you who experienced amrita, havn't collected it into a bottle?

One could, now correct me if I'm wrong or have missed anything in the process, but couldn't one simply hold a spoon to the back of the throatmouthwall whatever it is called :) and just.. collect it?

Maybe cerebrospinal fluid, mixed up with hormones..

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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  5:12:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Amrita is, a fluid who flows from "upwards", (the brain?), at a certain time in the process. It does, give pleasure for some time, if i recall well people compare the pleasure to opiates (drugs).

Maybe, the fluid contains hormones similiar to the ones that might flow in the body during opiate intoxication.

I'm no chemical expert, doctor or something like that. I just boom out questions which needs to be asked and sometime resolved, because..

.. imagine, if Science could say:

This and this gives you ecstasy, naturally. You don't have to drink alcohol, smoke ciggarettes, take drugs. You don't have to waste your entire life chasing the love you once felt and , naturally, fell in love with. Because, you already have it in yourself, and heres how you do it: *link to ayplessons blabla*

Imagine, a world where it is as known you can feel pure ecstasy , naturally, without external drugs, just as known to feel all this as it is known today that "if you drink this booze, it will feel like this and this".

Imagine how many people drink booze, and imagine if we could give them this.. alternative.. "solution", so to say.

Haha, seriously, imagine how many people drink booze. Bars, and stuff. Wich don't want to take other drugs because they believe it is more dangerous or something, but still drink ethanol, a carfuel wich resolves fat, which is inturn something that is surrounding their nerves in the entire brain and body (i believe), in the form of myelin, something wich protects all their nerves ( i believe).

Maybe, they do it because they don't understand fully what the booze do. Maybe, they do understand it, and don't care. That's what I did once, so to say. And with more than booze.

Anyway, imagine if we could offer this alternative.

Imagine a world in ecstasy.. where the people in the bars, the clubs, the dancefloor, lets loose and dance together because all of us is full of kundaliniecstasy.. where a whole dancefloor just .. flows, together, in a rythm, a spiral, of ecstasy wich just grows higher and higher..

Man, And girls, Women, we need to solve this!


Love, Blessings and good luck with all.

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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  5:14:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
They say, that when amrita intoxicates the mind/body with good feelings, all disappear for a while. Is it that the body "gets used" to it, exactly like the body "gets used" to heroin, and one needs more, to "feel the good"?

Asking questions, just as they are popping up.

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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  5:33:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
When kundalini first woke up inside me, ciggarettes stopped working.

Ciggarettes, i believe it is something like this, that when you inhale the smoke, nicotine in the smoke is absorbed in the lungs, and this nicotine is transported up into the brain, where the nicotine makes the brain let out "feel-good-substances", like norepinephrine, (just copying from wikipedia, I have no or little actual knowledge!), which makes you, feel good.

Well, when kundalini woke up, it was as if I just inhaled smoke. And nothing more. They just stopped working, for a while, and then started working again.

Which means, something in the process of ecstatic conductivity (one could call it EC, for more easy writing), does something in the brain.

It is, if I'm not lying to everybody, a "fact" that it is something in the brain.

Or, scientifically speaking, a "pointer", because I have no physical proof.

Do you others have more pointers?
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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  5:54:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
What is a "blockage"?

What is this purification thing?

Is a blockage a supressed emotion, that gets stored in the body?

Like, you feel your stomach is "cramping" and "feels bad", because you are stressed.

So, the stress makes your brain to respond by sending nerve signals to the stomach, to "cramp" and "feel bad".

So, you ignore the stress. You keep going in life like you are not stressed.

Does the brain keep send a small impulse to the stomach to "cramp" and "feel bad"?

And this is a "blockage"?

Like, then you do meditation, Spinal breathing and yoga, and this makes the muscle in the stomach to relax from the cramping the brain tells it to do, and when it relaxes the brain somwhow stop send signals to "cramp" and "feel bad"?

Do you understand what I mean?

Is this "purification" as Yogani talks about?

Then, when the brain stop sending signals to the stomach to "cramp" and "feel bad", you feel the blockage go away, and you realize the stress is because you have 10 wives, and it is to much for you, so you get rid of 9, and life goes on much smoother.

You get the point?

And, that when the brain stop to waste a part of it's energy to the stomach to "cramp" and "feel bad", because now there is no stress, the brain now gets more energy available for other things,

Like, now when it doesn't send cramp-and-feel bad-signals to the stomach anymore, the nerves connecting the brain to the stomach are now more "open" for other signals, or other "something", like ecstatic conductivity.

What do you think?

Edited by - Crystalcat on Oct 26 2013 6:22:35 PM
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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  6:23:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For instance, I have myself cleared a lot of blockages the last few days, and now those theories just "flows" out from me.

I believe they wouldn't have, at least not this fast, a few days ago while I still had a lot of blockages.

Just an input.

For instance, according to the blockage-theory above, is my brain and nervous system now more free from unnecessary signals (blockages), originating from the 'stuff' in my life, because i cleared the stuff, hence the blockages, hence the brain stops sending uneccessary signals to here and there, which have made my nerves more open for other signals.

Like a pipe of water, which the brain poured crap through, (signals because of the 'stuff'), which "blocked" other signals, like EC, and now when my 'stuff', my "blockages" is cleared, the brain have stopped pouring crap through my pipes (nerves), and the pipes are now more open to water (EC).

You understand?

Why do all this come at night by the way?

Edited by - Crystalcat on Oct 26 2013 6:36:50 PM
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47 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  6:26:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Crystalcat,

Welcome to the forums

Check out the lessons here at AYP and I think you'll find some great explanations regarding "blockage" and purification per your questions.

For instance, what is the chakras? The Nadis?

What is Sushumna? Is it the spinal cord?

Is the Nadis, nerves?

Is chakras nerve plexuses, like, centres where many nerves connect into each other or something like that?

There is a lot there to address my friend Most of which can be answered by others far more eloquent than myself. I would suggest diving in to some serious reading...we are SO lucky to live in an age that allow us access to written the teachings of the ages. The wonderful thing about AYP is that a detailed working-knowledge of these things is not necessary. See this lesson here regarding chakras http://www.aypsite.org/47.html
But like you, I also like to know the specifics where I can. Fascinating stuff no doubt.

Again, welcome to AYP. So many wonderfully knowledgable and experienced practitioners here who will no doubt chime in with helpful advice. But definitely take the time to read through the lessons methodically. It's all there baby

All The Best To You!!!

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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  6:34:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for your energy.

I don't do this for my own driving on the road. I understand the under-the-hood-thing, but I do realize that like the whole scientific community does not belive the fact we drive a car, because we cannot proof how the car is built.

And this whole enlightenment-thing would go much quicker if we just told everybody "heres how it works".

Also, I believe many psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder, some psychosis etc, are because of kundalini acting haywire in the nervous system because of, I don't know what it is that's causing it, and many, many people are suffering in their lives because of this.

And there are psychiatrists that gives those people drugs that, maybe, create more "blockages" in their nervous system, blocking their full spiritual potential.

I believe, that many people can be helped, if we understand what is under the hood.

Edited by - Crystalcat on Oct 26 2013 7:01:56 PM
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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  6:35:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Is it all here? I will look when I have time! :)

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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2013 :  7:06:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

This for instance, is about a person who got locked up in a psych ward, and gets out, and everything points to the fact that the psych-drugs they forced into him, destroyed he's creative talent for music.

Like, the drugs they forced him to take have screwed up he's nervous system, blocking the EC to flow like it is supposed to do, blocking his potential, throwing darkness over his flower as a musician.

Assuming, that EC is involved in the process of creativity.
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450 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2013 :  2:41:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Crystalcat!

Maybe something in PubMed will help with your questions: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=kundalini

I just went to PubMed Central and typed "kundalini" into the search box.

These articles look pretty interesting. I'll check them out myself when I have a moment.
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450 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2013 :  2:57:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
P.S. Also...

We're doing a tiny bit of research here, which is purely driven by interest among forum participants.

One such effort is the AYP Survey. You can complete the survey and browse the responses if you like. They're pretty interesting.

Also, there's a "Dynamic sensitivity to practices" study starting up. And if you want to participate in that, it would be completely awesome, because more volunteers are needed to make a decent sized sample.

All the best!
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21 Posts

Posted - Oct 29 2013 :  5:22:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I will look into it. :) Thanks!

Regarding the lesson 47 about under-the-hood, it is not much of usage scientifically speaking, because he (Yogani) gives no proof or pointerts that for instance sushusmna is the spinal cord.

To everybody reading this, I want to say one of the reasons to figure those stuff out is because there are a lot of people today, that also drive the cars, to enlightenment i think, just as the ayp-members does... just that,.. they might not realize it, and some of these people, for instance the bipolar ones, drive off cliffs and commit suicide because they can't handle what could be a kundalini being active in some way without them knowing it.

Love =)
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450 Posts

Posted - Oct 29 2013 :  9:02:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Crystalcat!

Well I don't want to speak for Yogani, but I imagine that he put the sushumna on the spinal column because that's where the energy is felt, at least initially. I feel the energy traveling up and down the spinal column. But if I died and donated my body to science so that they could dissect me, I doubt they would find anything out of the ordinary.

I'm curious about what an MRI would show if someone were doing spinal breathing while being imaged.

But real research requires real funding. It's super expensive, and I think the institutions that are actually capable of conducting the kind of research you're talking about are slow to pick up the topic because of social taboos in the scientific community against "new age-ish stuff." Scientists don't want to risk losing funding for their projects because of an interest in an esoteric topic. I think the medical field will likely make some inroads because of the proven correlation between meditation and positive outcomes of treatments.

Eventually, I think that the topic will become less taboo, and more investigation will be done, simply because there are so many positive changes associated with meditation, and there is so much at stake.

There's another topic that was once a complete taboo in the scientific community: the anatomy and physiology of sexual reproduction.

If you'd like to read a fascinating account of the progress made in the science of sex, Mary Roach has written an excellent book on the topic: Bonk: the Curious Coupling of Science and Sex.

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21 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2013 :  2:21:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Yea, i bet.

I can see why they don't touch esoteric objects, but in science it is a fact that when things are far out from the "current truth", it will at most times seem odd, and many people will be afraid in going out there.

For instance, when one person found out that the sun was in the centrum of our solar system and not the earth, if i recall correctly he was thrown into jail?

What we can do is speak more open about the subjects, and hopefully it will melt down the taboos.

Thank's for the tip.

Best wishes,
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