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 Siddhasana and erectile dysfunction
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Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  07:27:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I have being practicing siddhanasa with ashwini mudra for quite some time, but in the wrong way and know I am suffering from severe erectile dysfunction. I have read it can cause nerve trauma to that area. I want to know if this damage or side effect is temporary or permanent, and if so, what are the remedies or how much will the side effect last. I'll appreciate your help, thank you


1275 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  08:12:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi na,

You have come to a support forum for Advance Yoga Practices(AYP), and ashwini mudra is not one of the practices taught in AYP. If you have stopped doing ashwini mudra, and are now looking for a practice routine that will support your return to healthy functioning, AYP may be of use for you. You are welcome to take a look at what AYP has to offer starting with the Key Lessons on the left of this page.


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Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  1:13:45 PM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi na, Bewell and All:

Actually, ashwini (spelled asvini here) is part of the AYP system. It can evolve naturally from mulabandha practice, as discussed in Lesson 119, and in other lessons linked in the Topic Index under "mulabandha/asvini." The first instructions on mulabandha can be found in Lesson 55.

Siddhasana is included in AYP as well, with detailed instructions beginning in Lesson 75. More lessons on siddhasana can be found in the topic index.

These practices are not necessarily combined at all times, and whether part or all of them are in use, the instruction is to always be gentle and to use them to supplement AYP deep meditation and spinal breathing pranayama, not as an extreme stand alone practice. That goes for all physical practices (asanas, mudras & bandhas), and stands in contrast to some hatha yoga teachings that are more extreme, even to the point of deliberately trying to kill the sex drive. In the AYP approach, the objective is just the opposite, to awaken the sex drive and expand it upward, without compromising sexual function, which siddhasana and mulabandha/asvini will do when properly applied as a supplement to core practices.

It is ironic that the same practices may be utilized for joyful expansion of sexual function to divine expression in one system, and to squelch it in another system. We much prefer the former around here. It is consistent with the AYP approach to tantric sexual practices as well.

na, regarding your situation with ED, there could be many factors involved. Obviously, the first step is to self-pace (scale back) your practice, which is the advice in AYP for any sort of extreme symptom we feel is a result of our practice. In your case, it may be wise to discontinue siddhasana and mulabandha/asvini altogether until you have resolved the issue you are having.

Regarding causes of ED, it may not only be the practices you have been doing, but also the extreme to which you have taken them, or perhaps not having much to do with the practices at all. ED is a common ailment in modern society, and many of us can attest to the multitude of remedies we find in our spam folders every day. Not suggesting you go for any of those, but it is just to make the point that spiritual practices often get the blame for things that might be happening for other reasons. Not saying that is what is happening in your case. But it is good to keep an open mind on these things. Resolving a complex issue may require applying multiple solutions in series, or in parallel.

In the case of siddhasana, mulabandha and asvini, there has been no consistent evidence in this community that any of these cause ED. Some concern was raised from time to time about siddhasana, but that was mostly in the early days of AYP (5 or more years ago), when there was a lot of testing going on. Have not heard much about it for some time, so the assumption is that those who are using siddhasana are doing so with safety and good results.

With mulabanda/asvini, I don't recall anyone expressing concern about it in relation to loss of sex drive, ED, etc. Most often the reports are that these practices bring a spreading out of ecstatic sensations, going from erotic to ecsatic, and beyond into a flowering of divine love radiating outward. This will be greatly facilitated if there is a lot of abiding inner silence cultivated in the nervous system. We call this a merging or marriage of stillness and ecstasy, or stillness moving in a divine outpouring of divine love. Sex drive may receive less attention in this situation due to the vastness of ecstatic bliss we are becoming, but sexual function certainly does not become biologically inert in a healthy spiritual practitioner. The sexual option and functionality will be there when desired.

In my own case, I have been using these practices (and other hatha yoga methods covered in the AYP lessons) in conjunction with a full-scope practice routine for over 30 years, with no adverse effects on sexual function. But I have used them gently most of the time, cultivating and refining the ecstatic aspect of human spiritual transformation over the years, while at the same time cultivating and refining the abiding inner silence (witness) aspect with deep meditation, samyama and related practices.

Well, none of that addresses your immediate concern very much, only serving to provide some background. In your case, it is suggested to greatly reduce or avoid the practices that you feel have contributed to the ED, and begin or continue with deep meditation, adding spinal breathing pranayama once your meditation routine is stable. These core practices will help bring a balance between your inner energies in the higher and lower parts of your body and nature. If there has been a separation that has occurred in the spiritual sense due to imbalanced practice in the past, then these steps will be in the right direction. Whatever your sexual lifestyle has been, if spiritual practices have been part of the problem, then there should be some normalization occurring over time with a more balanced approach.

If you find that the ED is continuing some months after you have refocused and balanced your spiritual practices, then you may want to look toward more mainstream therapies and solutions. That is getting a bit out of our bailiwick here at AYP. We are not experts in dealing with every kind of health difficulty. A balanced routine of spiritual practices and active lifestyle can often help, but it is not a panacea for everything. If health issues continue, then it is wise to consult with a professional in the area where we have a concern. If the health issue is serious, then it will be wise to consult a professional first. Spiritual excesses (kundalini especially) can sometimes produce symptoms that mimic potentially life threatening situations. When in doubt, see a doctor.

In your case, it is not a life-threatening situation, so you have time to see if you can work it out with your practice routine, while at the same time engaging in a normal active lifestyle, and see what happens. It's your call.

Wishing you all the best on your path. Practice wisely, and enjoy!

The guru is in you.

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8 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  7:00:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks for your reply. I will explain myself better. I learned kundalini kriya yoga with Sivananda's books. My siddhasana and asvini mudra practice was extreme because I thougth it will accelerate more the ascending of kundalini. I have read that bicycle trainers have develope ED by damaging nerves and arterys with the bicycle seat. In my siddhasana practice, I put my heel firmly on my perineum so it will do the most pressure with the weight of my body, adding to that an extreme practice of asvini mudra putting even more pressure to the zone. This was done like for 15 minutes almost everyday for not more than a year. That how extreme it was. Am a very healthy person, I dont think my ED is because other factors like hormonal or psycological, taken into account that I study natural medicine so I know the symptons, and I feel like my urogenital area is dormant. I read that practice like siddhasana where use by yoguis to conquer celibacy by doing it in an extreme way. But maybe you are right, I will stop my practice (of course) and I will wait for a couple of weeks to see if I have any progress. Thank you and God bless you!!!
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Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  7:18:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Am sorry I said Sivananda it was Swami Satyananda's books
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Posted - Jun 30 2013 :  9:26:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Well, I would suggest that putting the heel under the perineum for maximum pressure would be an error. One should allow the legs to relax and gently place the feet in position and not actually sit on the heel itself but just have it near the perineum and if it naturally wants to shift to one side or other allow it. Develop sensitivity and your practice will improve. Force it and you will hurt yourself. That said, 15 minutes does not sound very long for daily practice. I was afraid that you were going to say hours! I would take Yoganis advice and maybe sit gently cross legged on a cushion for awhile and if you want to return to Siddhasana do it with tender sensitivity rather than any force at all. Also I don't know how long between ejaculations you are going. Being extreme here can also cause issues. Have you had a a vasectomy? This never seems to be reported but in my case after my vasectomy my level of sexual response changed noticeably. I can still perform well but it takes me longer to warm up when excited. Just different is all. You could try Viagra as a stop gap to get your confidence back. It shouldn't hurt you and you should be able to enjoy sex again until you get your pelvic circulation balanced out.
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Posted - Jul 01 2013 :  7:12:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks for the advice. I had never have a vasectomy. As for viagra, I dont use chemicals, I prefer natural medicine, instead of viagra there is yohimbe, damiana and L-arginine for improving circulation to the penis. But I believe that my problem has to do with lack of nervious stimulation beacuse of nerve injury. I have read that urologist say that cyclist can heal from ED if they give it time for the injure nerve to heal, unless it is an extreme case, it will need surgery.

I will like to take this opportunity to address that some practice of Yoga can be harmful to your health. Not only because my bad experience with siddhasana and asvini mudra, but as well as with other practice like many asanas. Many of the asanas in yoga can be dangerous, specially for the lower back. I have injure myself badly practicing asanas. In fact, I have discuss many asanas with my quiropractor and his opinion is that the majority of those postures are extreme. I also have read that some practice of pranayana can be harmful, in fact, sometimes my asma has worsten practicing pranayana because it can cause more inflammation in the bronchus of asmatic people. And who knows, maybe bandhas, mudras, kriyas. If I will have known better, I will have limited my yoga practice to a couple of healthy light asanas, light pranayana and easy meditation practice (that’s what I am doing know). In fact, there can be people suffering from illness related to their yoga practice without they knowing it. I think this is a serious matter that should not be treated lighly like in the majority of yoga books. I learned kundalini kriya yoga through Swami Satyananda’s books and in no part of the books he addresses this problem. Is like in zen meditation, I have read about zen disciples that have broken their knee ligament by practicing extreme meditation. And as for kundalini rising, I think it is a practice suitable for celibate monks. Satyananda was a celibate monk, it make perfect sense for him to practice extreme yoga like he did. But not for the layman who goes to work and enjoy sex, like me. Tantra practice is another matter, is more suitable for couples who can practice together.
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Posted - Jul 01 2013 :  7:21:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Oh, and as for your vasectomy and your sexual repond, it could be because during the surgery, in those cases, nerve injury is involve, so the nerve stimulation will nerver be the same.
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Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  03:03:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Your vasectomy observation may well be correct although the nerves that innervate the penis take a different path than the vas deferens that gets cut.The vas itself no doubt has its own nerve supply though and maybe it could be analogous to some loss of sensitivity from circumcision. Not enough to hinder sexual function but enough to feel different if done as an adult.
I do agree with you that doing yoga in an extreme way can indeed be dangerous and if you look at the old scriptures they do say that. Particularly pranayama is said cure all disease if done correctly and can cause all kinds of disease if done incorrectly. That is why I say to always practice with tender sensitivity rather than force of will. That is really the key to self pacing and a healthy practice.
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Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  09:34:52 AM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All:

If we keep hitting our thumb with a hammer, is it the hammer's fault? Yoga practices are tools, and it is up to us to use them wisely. Hopefully AYP and this community of knowledgeable practitioners are providing some help in this. Each practitioner chooses their own course in these matters. Our responsibility cannot be delegated to a guru or a system, though these can be of great help to us (like the hammer can be for the carpenter). In the case of yoga, it runs much deeper than avoiding mishaps on the path. Taking responsibility is at the heart of enlightenment itself.

All the best!

The guru is in you.

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Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  7:21:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Victor, I will recomend that you apply progesterone cream for men into your perineum, scrotum, penis, pelvic and abdominal area, daily for a few weeks or maybe months and you will see the difference. The progesterone cream can help you heal damage from surgery because it is absorbe by the skin.

Yogani you are right, I will take full responsability. It is my mistake. Kundalini is not a rock that you hit and hit till it breaks and you can see the diamond in it, is more like a flower and it has to be treated as Victor said; with tender sensitivity not by force.

As for me, I am using the progesterone cream for men daily and I am seing improvement. Thanks for the advises and comments. God bless you.

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Posted - Jul 03 2013 :  05:41:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
not sure why you would apply progesterone cream (female hormones) to male genitals. Anyway, my vasectomy was 7 years ago. It healed a long time ago. I am fine. Best of luck in your practices.
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Posted - Jul 04 2013 :  02:43:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Progesterone is NOT a female hormone, that’s ooooold text books. A female hormone is one that gives you female characteristics like estrogen or in the case of testosterone, male characteristics. Just because progesterone is involve in the process of gestation, doesn’t mean is a female hormone. In fact the level of progesterone in women is the same as in men except in ovulation and in luteal phase. Just as women produce progesterone in their ovaries, men also produce progesterone in their testes. Progesterone is a general hormone and its involve in many functions of the body, specially in the nervous system. At the present moment progesterone is considered more to be a neurohormone than a reproductive hormone because is more active in the nervous system. If you study the hormonal tree you will find that progesterone is produce almost at the very beginning, it goes something like this: cholesterol-pregnenolone-progesterone-(aldosterone, cortisol, androstenedione)-DHEA-testosterone-estrogen. In the nervous system plays a crucial rol. In the nervous system progesterone is synthesized by neuroglial cells call Schwann Cells. Schwann Cells supply myelin to the nerve. The purpose of myelin is to increase electrical impulses in the nerves. If there is some damage to the myelin sheath of the nerve (like in Multiple Sclerosis), it will affect its electrical impulses. It has being prove that progesterone play a very important role in the process of myelination and remyelination. That is why I told you that you can apply progesterone to that area so if there is damage to the myelin sheath of the nerve, progesterone will stimulate the remyelination process.
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Posted - Jul 05 2013 :  4:53:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
OK, your first and last sentence made sense to me. The rest was a bit too technical for my education level. Thanks
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