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Posted - May 10 2013 :  11:46:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Beautiful comment BillinL.A., thank you.

It takes time to sort out my muddled thinking regarding all this. The thread is an oversimplification of what has been happening to me. My experience has been challenging. I've had to lift myself up out of a pit of despair. None of it has been easy. It's very complex. In my attempt to untangle it, I've tried to reduce it to the 'lowest common denominator'. There will be errors in that type of approach. But it seemed to be the most effective for reaching others in despair over their k awakening - many of whom won't know that it IS a k awakening.

This is very important:
We have no choice but to assess our energy in subjective terms i.e., relative to our own experience and not someone else's. The benchmark is usually our perceived energy level prior to the k awakening.

(Your comments have enabled me to realize how vitally important that is)

Attitude is also very important

Would you consider the attitude with which you regard your k awakening? When you say "I'm not where I want to be now"...I think you are perhaps focusing on what you don't want. Please consider focusing on what you do want. Such a shift in perspective can make all the difference in the world. Can completely turn around our experience from being a drag to being wonderful. Again that's a bit of an oversimplification. But close.

May we all be enfolded in love


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587 Posts

Posted - May 10 2013 :  1:44:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Attachment and Aversion
There are basically two types of desire or attachment. One is running toward. The other is running away from. What they both have in common is the running. Running is associated with speed and aggression.

Mindfulness is learning to abide in the present moment. It is about completely coming to a standstill. In other words - not running. Neither running towards nor running away from.

Vasanas are the collection of tendencies to continue as we have been. To continue with what has become habitual for us. Patterns. For example, when I thought of myself as a victim, certain neural pathways were traveled over and over again to reinforce how I perceived myself. Once my perspective shifted, I had to FORGE new neural pathways. This is now my preferred route.

However, there is still the tendency to use the old neural route or pathway. This is what a vasana is.

Vasanas don't disappear overnight. They simply don't. Through oversimplification I may have given the impression that everything is all hunky dory now. It isn't. I still struggle with being a victim. But now I see it almost every time it happens. I say almost because I really don't catch it every time. But most of the time I'm able to shift to the new neural pathway.

Focused intent revisited
In my case, the means by which this shift is accomplished is focused intent.

Breaking the pattern
We've all had experience with breaking a bad habit. When we are successful in doing so, we free ourselves from the shackles of that behavior. Usually it takes patience and perseverance to do so. As a child I used to bite my fingernails. But I gave it up a long time ago. This is a very simple example. When working with kundalini, it is a great deal more complex. But the basic principle is the same.

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375 Posts

Posted - May 10 2013 :  6:04:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
You got me there Parvati!

When I said "I'm not where I want to be now" I was for sure focusing on what I don't want.

Thanks for so delicately suggesting that I "Please consider focusing on what you do want." That's huge in my consciousness trying to avoid the negative and so thinking about negative stuff too much. I'm counting on the AYP mantra (deep meditation) technique to give me a more detached perspective. Talking about it with you helps too.

And you sure didn't represent that everything's hunky dory.

The whole drama of you coping and growing with Spiritual energy is so real compared to the news of the day.
Especially real to me cuz I have similar problems and challenges that you express so much better than I do even to myself. So I get devotional complementing someone who shares the way you have and I may have put you on a pedestal a bit. So to cure that...

Parvati9 you really are kind of goodfy. But a sincere good kind of goofy and I like you!

Edited by - BillinL.A. on May 10 2013 6:43:53 PM
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587 Posts

Posted - May 10 2013 :  6:41:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
You're very welcome Bill.

There's something about your posts that make me think you've been at this k awakening longer than I have. You probably have the enviable quality of being brutally honest with yourself. Possibly an indication of what Ramana calls earnestness. It's the yardstick of success in one's spiritual path according to him.

May we all be enfolded in love
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587 Posts

Posted - May 10 2013 :  9:57:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Pleasure and pain

K awakening undoubtedly involves directly confronting every nuance of our desires, fears and irritations. Pleasure and pain, two sides of the same coin. Attachment (clinging) and aversion (rejecting). It is the nature of desire: what we want and what we want to avoid.

If we tend to obsess and dwell on things, it's a good idea to learn to obsess about the things we want - as opposed to the things we don't want. Better to get what we want than what we don't want. However we need to use wisdom, discretion, and keep an appropriate perspective. The truth is that what we want can trip us up just as easily as what we don't want. Nevertheless imo learning to create effective strategies for actualizing our goals is as essential on the spiritual path as it is in our mundane lives. Possibly more so.

Spiritual adepts usually suggest pursuing the middle path of detachment which is conducive to a life of peace and harmony. Mindfulness or present moment practice may help to create a solid foundation of peace in our lives. That's why it was mentioned in a previous post.


Now to resume discussing the issue I had with people who found it necessary to judge me. We were mirroring each other. So when we see limitations in others, those are probably our own limitations we are projecting onto them. When I was running away from them I was really running away from myself. Not good. In a way these judgers were dismissing me, which pushed my buttons because I'm sensitve to being casually dismissed. However, as Shakti pointed out, I was doing exactly the same thing. Once I stopped over reacting...I could see something I had missed before.

Both those who thought I was super cool and those who thought I was super uncool had a problem with what I was doing. They had parents too. Parents who might have needed them. But they objected to what I was doing because to them it seemed that - I didn't have a life. That's what my (so-called) friends told me. So, in a way, I was an embarrassment to them. When I was able to view their comments in that light, of course, it caused an entirely different response in me.

And that's how Shakti does it. She makes us look at our thoughts, feelings and actions in a new light. Things we formerly took for granted - we find we have to question if they are even relevant any more.

May we all be enfolded in love
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587 Posts

Posted - May 11 2013 :  2:10:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ego Expose

Continuing with the issue I had with false admirers and detractors. They were dismissing me; they wanted to pretend I was 1)spiritually exalted or 2)totally incompetent. By judging me unrealistically, inaccurately, superficially - they were able to serve and indulge their egos. Their intent wasn't particularly to show disrespect or do me any diservice. (I'm fairly certain they didn't realize I found their comments offensive and insulting.) Rather their unconscious intent was to prop up their egos. Clearly seeing how all of us were in ego mode has been my catharsis. Kundalini awakening requires a continual flow of catharsis, purging, purifying.

They both found a (sneaky) way to exempt themselves from the unglorious activity of caring for a needy parent. The way they did it was to rationalize either they didn't make the grade spiritually and so could be excused from the activity - "It obviously requires a saintly type of person to take care of their parent, since I'm only a regular joe, that means I won't be doing it...but it's okay because I'm normal."

OR they weren't properly qualified, didn't make the grade in training and could be exempted on those grounds - "It takes a trained qualified nurse or nurse aide to properly care for their parent, the average person is a miserable failure in providing adequate care, therefore if my parents need my help I will put them in a nursing home."

I don't have a problem with people putting their parents in a nursing home. It's done all the time for substantial reasons. (But the average person prabably has hidden guilt issues when they place their parents in a nursing home and it's human nature to want to rid oneself of that guilt.)

My problem was with them unfairly judging and dismissing me and making comments that were ignorant and uncalled for. Because I'm very sensitive, I just wanted to flee from them. But I too was engaged in propping up my ego. And it has proved instructive to see how that ego propping tactic was working out for all of us.

It suited me and my ego to assign a blanket label to all Christians in general. To be honest it was prejudiced and ignorant, albeit more or less socially sanctioned. Frankly it was beneath me to do so and I must have known on some level that I was fooling myself. Obviously one can't assume it is an accurate assessment of every Christian in the world.

While I knew better, I continued to rationalize my disrespect because a lot of non-Christians think Christians are narrow minded hypocrites. I had found a way to exempt and excuse myself from doing the right thing. Which is to be fair and realize that every person is an individual and may or may not fit the label they are assigned. (considerably more complicated but that's the gist of it)

There was a big problem with what I was doing. I am a Christian. It really isn't right for non-Christians to make a one-size-fits-all judgment. But it was even more unhelpful and unwise for me to unfairly judge the very people most likely to be my dear and valuable friends. Obviously we have something supremely important in common. Our Ishta Devata (chosen deity) is the Lord Jesus. But I was pushing them away from me because of a very inappropriate (and stupid/superficial) kind of thinking.

It goes without saying I'm not stating facts at this stage. Rather I'm drawing conclusions based on indepth analysis of a personal experience and offering my opinion. The example being employed in this and previous posts - is perhaps homely and unappealing but nevertheless it will suffice to make a point.

The ego is unfathomably cunning. It behooves us to stay vigilant regarding its tactics...although sometimes we may need an emissary of the divine to disentangle ourselves from the tentacles and ensnarement of ego. One of ego's strategic functions is to sabotage spiritual englightenment and occlude or obstruct our contact, connection, attunement, alignment, and ultimately our surrender in relationship to the Divine.

Imo it is impossible to surrender to the Divine when we have already capitulated to the ego, and thus allow it to regulate and control our behavior. In my opinion ego most certainly tries to replace or substitute for the Divine in our lives. The Bible says our god is a jealous god. The standard interpretation is that god is not particularly keen on sharing his reign with the counterfeit divine (a rebel called Satan but could refer to the ego just as well).

The power ego derives, it usually gets from tricking us. And the way it tricks us is by taking control of our mind. Ego is in rebellion against the Divine and ego uses the mind to exquisitely and skillfully manipulate our will.

Our will is essentially derived from spirit, from the Divine, whose nature is fire. Divine will is generally operating at a level far beyond, and above, mental comprehension. Kundalini, a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, is also fire. K awakening is what is referred to in the Bible as baptism by fire. Once you've been through a k awakening, you will see why the Bible calls it Baptism by Fire. Our will, when perfectly aligned with the divine, enables spiritual realization or liberation. You know, real freedom.

In the next section perhaps we will look at just how high maintenance the ego really is and the crucial role of managing our attention.

May we all be enfolded in love

(edited for clarity and reduced content)

Edited by - parvati9 on May 11 2013 4:57:33 PM
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587 Posts

Posted - May 11 2013 :  9:45:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

It was while I was taking care of my dad that I became acquainted with the practice of mindfulness through Thich Nhat Hanh. I think my k had begun to awaken but at the time it was a lovely gentle experience. Self inquiry (which I don't regard as a spiritual practice but probably is) was on auto-pilot in the background and although it was working, it was a gradual thing.

The fast track was calling and I wanted something that would pole vault me into enlightenment. I also had been reading books by Eckhart Tolle and wanted to learn how to stay in the present moment. While mindfulness is a genuine spiritual practice, I usually don't notice it anymore. Like inquiry, it is set to auto-pilot.

For a couple years I applied myself to learn mindfulness. One focuses their undivided attention on a single activity and keeps it there (no multi-tasking at first). So you can really apply it to a wide range of activity: washing dishes, doing exercise, changing the oil in your car, raking leaves, playing the flute, etc. The idea is to keep your mind on what you are doing and that's it. With diligent practice, I found I could distinguish between when I was engaged in the present moment and when I was not.

My mind didn't much care for mindfulness and didn't know how to navigate present moment awareness. Meaning the way my mind (ego) was controling me was pretty much contingent on avoiding the present moment.

It seemed that my mind liked racing, it was a speed freak. Running toward pleasure, running away from pain. Didn't matter as long as it was racing toward or away from something. My mind enjoyed reminiscing about the past and anticipating the future. Or making plans for the future inspired by conclusions based on the past. (Or reading. I like to read and one can remain in the present moment while reading but it's not all that easy.)

Almost never the present moment. This seemed odd to me. Why would my mind hate being still? Why did it seem like an antsy child tugging at my skirts to do anything but mindfulness? The one exception was being in water. For some reason my mind enjoyed experiencing water and was content to allow me all the mindfulness practice I wanted as long as I was in water. It's a mystery but I'm fairly certain it had something to do with my k awakening. Right from the get-go Shakti was urging me to use water therapeutically and showing me how water is very beneficial for calming and soothing the nervous system.

It is said that the mind makes a poor master but an excellent servant. From personal experience I can vouch for the truth of that statement. What I discovered was that the mind (or ego) is an energy hog, like a bloated software program on your computer. Whenever I was not in the present moment, my mind was extremely active inventing things that - upon further investigation - often proved to have no basis in reality whatsoever. Or otherwise proved to be worthless.

My mind, or rather ego, was usurping the majority of my energy. This is what I mean by high maintenance. And it was wasting my energy in futile and foolish pursuits! Once I found out about it, I didn't feel I could trust my entire bank of energy to my ego. It's kind of hard to keep a leash on your ego but at some point you really have to give it your best shot (imo).

This post has been about managing attention. Mindfulness practice is attention training. If you're reading ak33, when you asked about spiritual practices I forgot about mindfulness (and self inquiry). But I didn't use any practice to (intentionally) cultivate kundalini and I think that was what you were asking. However I would have mentioned mindfulness if I had remembered it. I highly recomment mindfulness practice to everyone.

May we all be enfolded in love

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375 Posts

Posted - May 11 2013 :  11:09:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
"If we tend to obsess and dwell on things, it's a good idea to learn to obsess about the things we want - as opposed to the things we don't want."

...I really got to do this as I progress toward living in the present moment more and then through samayama and self-inquiry release the things I want into silence.

"The ego is unfathomably cunning."

"What I discovered was that the mind (or ego) is an energy hog, like a bloated software program on your computer. Whenever I was not in the present moment, my mind was extremely active inventing things that - upon further investigation - often proved to have no basis in reality whatsoever. Or otherwise proved to be worthless."

...This is some juicy stuff Parvati! And you accuse me of being brutally honest with myself...look at you!
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587 Posts

Posted - May 12 2013 :  10:55:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Bill

Thanks. Your input is appreciated. Earnestness, sincerity and sensitivity are my strong suits. Brutal honesty not so much. You long to be a brighter light. I long for brutal honesty. I've unraveled a few elaborate hoaxes that have been perpetrated upon myself, by myself. The more I unravel, the more I seem to create. Refuse to play victim anymore but my back is against the wall. There's a whole lot I'm pissed off about. Not just the folks who burned me at the stake in a past life. And no, forgiveness is not complete there. I've barely started. Forgiving my mother was a cakewalk in comparison.

'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.' Still working on that one.

May we all be enfolded in love

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Posted - May 12 2013 :  2:23:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

My apologies to all readers of the thread. The post that formerly occupied this position has been deleted in its entirely. With all due respect to the readers, I cannot in good conscience leave the post as it was. I had described a visualization and my experience with siddhis. If there are any inquiries about the former post I will do my best to answer any questions responsibly and with discretion. Sorry for the inconvenience and/or disappointment that may result from this action.


Edited by - parvati9 on May 12 2013 10:27:05 PM
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Posted - May 12 2013 :  8:31:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

A lot has happened since the last post. That visualization signaled the universe I needed a miracle and was ready to receive one. It was like a prayer except a little more powerful because creativity and focused intent were employed to manifest the visualization. My announcement was that I was ready to unload all this nonsense from past life memories and needed a teensy bit of high-powered help.

I didn't really expect a miracle but my heart and mind were open and receptive should one appear. It was shown to me how I was corded to memories of the past life events and because of those cords was being held in bondage to them.

Shakti helped disconnect me from those cords. She didn't do it all as I was working with her. It was at the cellular level. These cords had embedded themselves deep in my cellular memory. They had to be loosened up, dislodged, extracted and disposed of. I am now, without a doubt, completely disconnected from those past life events. The cords have been broken that bound me to them.

The images are still coming up but have no effect on me. Because I'm not resonating with them anymore, they can't evoke a response. I haven't done my happy dance yet. Still processing all this. It's been quite the day.

Words can't even express how much better I feel. Thank you Jesus and Shakti

May we all be enfolded in love

(edit: minor revision)

Edited by - parvati9 on May 12 2013 11:02:25 PM
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375 Posts

Posted - May 12 2013 :  11:46:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
"I am now, without a doubt, completely disconnected from those past life events."

Awesome! I kind of felt sickly every time you mentioned being burned at the stake in a previous life or two...how horrible to actually have the memory.

There was a ton of energy in your "siddhis" post before you removed it. Really great you worked your way through it.
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587 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  10:38:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Victory through multi-dimensional empowerment

Words are inadequate to describe events of the last two days. If I had to choose three words to sum up my k experience those words would be: victory-multidimensional-empowerment. Surrender to the Divine is not a passive phenomena. It is the ability to invoke and receive Divine empowerment. In other words when mountains require moving we find a way to move them. When we believe we are incapable of moving them, and we are absolutely certain that they must be moved...then we have no choice but to make ourselves available to the Divine. To be instruments of the Divine. When the Divine flows in and through us, all things are possible.

Everyone must find their own way on the path. It is presumptuous to think that what works for one will work for all. But one person's experience - one person sharing how they found their way - can certainly provide helpful motivation. The raw truth of the matter is: if one can do it, we can all do it. The empowering victory inherent in releasing or transmuting obstructions cannot be overestimated. Transmuting tragedy to victory at the cellular/DNA level is perhaps the major way in which humanity will make its shift to the 4th/5th dimension.

Selah, think on that...

May we all be enfolded in love

Edit: minor revision/rewording

Edited by - parvati9 on May 15 2013 9:28:30 PM
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971 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  11:09:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Parvati,

Could you further describe your "victory-multidimensional-empowerment"? Also, have you noticed any specific cellular DNA changes, or is it a general feeling?

Thanks, Jeff
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Posted - May 14 2013 :  11:38:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jeff

Perhaps a reread of the thread would prove helpful to you. Cultivating earnestness is a good idea too. As you know, our paths are forged on an individual basis. Imo it would be pragmatic to ask yourself and receive answers from yourself regarding your inquiries. Wishing you the very best on your path.

May we all be enfolded in love
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971 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  11:55:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Parvati,

As you described in one of your earlier posts, I also sometimes like to focus on/analyze the details. Hence, my questions above. I would also agree with your advice that it is always wise to look inside.

Best wishes, Jeff

Edited by - jeff on May 14 2013 11:56:22 AM
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587 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  1:51:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Higher Power
Consciousness more advanced than our own

From my point of view humanity is transitioning to the 4th/5th dimension. Prerequisite to this transition is partnership with the Divine or with consciousness more advanced than our own. And the means for achieving that is something we personally individually figure out for ourselves.

The Goddess Shakti is a manifestation of the Divine or Holy Spirit. Her consciousness is so far beyond our own that there is really no way to comprehend it, except through direct experience.

K awakening is spiritual boot camp. Training to work in collaboration with the Divine. From my own experience, it is not always a matter of looking within. It is the recognition of a love-consciousness-power far more expansive than my own. And so far beyond my own as to defy mental comprehension.

Shakti is the drill sergeant who gets us into shape. She does it by working directly with the individual spirit/intent/will. The fire component of our being. Fire is the agency by which she uplifts and empowers. Baptism by fire.

The mind wants to grasp everything, that is its nature. But collaboration with the Divine is beyond the mind's ability to grasp. Once we have convinced the mind that there are certain endeavors in which it cannot provide effective assistance, it will subside and be still. But it won't ride quietly into the sunset. It will put up a fight.

Almost everyone who has shared their k experience publically testifies that putting up a fight doesn't work with Shakti. Eventually our minds will have no choice but to acknowledge the higher power. And give her respect as she brings us to our knees.

Having brought us to the point of humble submission to a higher power, Shakti then teaches us the art of using that power in our daily lives. The Divine current flows through us and out into the world. This power isn't something we can greedily and selfishly keep all to ourselves. It must be shared. And it must be used for the upliftment of the entire human species and all lifeforms on Earth. That is my humble opinion on the matter.

May we all be enfolded in love

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587 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  8:20:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by BillinL.A.

"I am now, without a doubt, completely disconnected from those past life events."

Awesome! I kind of felt sickly every time you mentioned being burned at the stake in a previous life or two...how horrible to actually have the memory.

There was a ton of energy in your "siddhis" post before you removed it. Really great you worked your way through it.

Thanks Bill. It's been rough but exciting the last couple days as Shakti repairs my DNA and cellular memory banks. The trauma was very deep, but now the majority of it (maybe all) has been released and removed. Huge healing crisis with energy collisions and shakey nerves. At first there was relief. And then the shakey nerves. All is well now, I'm holding together and feel better than ever. But it's like I've gone through major surgery. Your kind words are very much appreciated. Hope you are doing well.

May we all be enfolded in love
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375 Posts

Posted - May 14 2013 :  10:09:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sure this forum has to keep egotistical, baseless banter to a minimum.

But Parvati you've made it abundantly clear that you're main motivation is to help others not feel alone who are experiencing the same energy as you. I like the way you bravely express yourself throughout your thread. Its joyous energy raging through your mind.

Your thread is in a non-AYP section of the forum about kundalini experiences. This forum is all about sharing and you do that generously. I see a lot of your statements as non-scientific but tough. Maybe you deviate from conventional form but hell the fire of God coursing through you certainly legitimizes some poetic license!

I hope you keep posting and copy and paste the following as needed:

"My thread is in a non-AYP section of the forum and I utilize poetic license as the Infinite energy rages through me and I express my God-Love in the hope of helping others."

You don't need my help at all. But for the sake of those of us who enjoy your thread I wish you'd use the above statement just to relieve some of the pressure off you having to respond to every challenge.

I wanted to give you more personal feedback after some of the thread drama but you don't get messages.

Edited by - BillinL.A. on May 15 2013 10:07:39 AM
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587 Posts

Posted - May 15 2013 :  12:48:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Bill

8th attempt to send reply - so will make it brief. Your empathy and camaraderie is so appreciated!

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Posted - May 15 2013 :  11:48:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

It was only 3 days ago that some specific past life memories were released at the cellular level. The last couple days my nerves have been a little shakey. Doing somewhat better today. This is an experiencial account not an empirical one.

The following is a product of what has been ascertained mostly through sensation, inspiration and intuition. There will be no endeavors to be rational, logical, scientific, theoretically conservative or to reiterate some conventional status quo peer-reviewed dogma. Quite the opposite. Instead there will be an attempt to describe what this experience feels like to me and/or what I think is going on.

I inquired of myself and Shakti what cellular memory is. Here is the answer that was received: Cellular memory is encoded into the DNA. It goes, at least, all the way back to our first incarnation on Earth. How accurate the received information is, or whether it is scientifically verifiable, probably no one knows for sure. I believe past life memories are stored in what has been termed junk DNA.

For purposes of this discussion we will make the following assumption. That the k awakening experience is primarily about acclimating our constitution on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - to being carriers of a greater quantity of energy, as well as a higher frequency. And in this discussion it will be referred to as bio-electrically raising the energy threshold.

By the end of last year my constitution was acclimated to a greater quantity of energy. Much greater than that with which I had previously been comfortable. It felt balanced and harmonious. So far so good. Now fast forward to 3 days ago. Apparently I had been working on forgiving the perpetrators in one or more past lives. I was more than slightly ticked off at the people responsible for burning me at the stake. All this was going on at the subconscious level. I didn't realize it until I looked at my response to Bill's post where he said I too was capable of brutal honesty with myself. You can observe the reply above.

At that point it became plain to see that I was dwelling in negative territory and obsessing about what I didn't want. So that was turned around with a potent visualization that temporarily restored emotional neutrality.

Shakti then broke my connection to the traumatic events (that were being relived via cellular memory on a daily basis). But there were still vasanas, the neural pathways that had been repeatedly traversed at subconscious levels. New neural pathways are now being traversed in order to establish an emotionally neutral attitude toward the perps. It involves breaking a deeply ingrained and old habit. While fear was flushed out and released almost immediately, anger has been an ongoing issue and is now being released. Not as quickly as I would like however.

It is my belief that the energy carrying capacity of my DNA and mitochondria have been sufficiently upgraded to boost consciousness eratically into the 4th/5th dimension. This has been accomplished through bio-electrically raising the energy threshold. My subjective experience is that energy spikes are now reaching into the 4/5 density level. I fully intend to make a quantum leap and stabilize at that level within the next 18 months. That is my focused intent.

My experience with Shakti feels as if our consciousness is often entrained. She has lifted me up to a higher level than my normal state while simultaneously lowering her own.

(Note: The following Bible reference wasn't in unedited post)
This Bible reference has drawn me, as the state of time-bound consciousness is pondered. My focused intent is to rise above time-bound consciousness, or mental referencing by means of linear time. It is intuitively felt that the fiery furnace passage of Daniel holds a valuable clue in my endeavors to attain full resolution of the issue.

Daniel 3:16-18 NIV
"Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.'"

And that scripture reminds me of Bob Dylan's song: Gotta Serve Somebody.

Lyrics (chorus)

"But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody"

May we all be enfolded in love

(Edit: revision includes additions, deletions, clarification, restructuring)

Edited by - parvati9 on May 16 2013 1:25:05 PM
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375 Posts

Posted - May 16 2013 :  09:33:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
No fear is good Parvati!

Paramahansa Yogananda frequently emphasized the necessity of every cell of the body needing to be transformed or magnetized.

I've heard many of his monastics stress the same. Almost like our challenge spiritually is to simply transform the body's cells and we're free...but there's still the bodies of light(astral) and thought(causal) and I don't know how that fits in.

Edited by - BillinL.A. on May 16 2013 09:58:22 AM
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587 Posts

Posted - May 16 2013 :  3:10:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by BillinL.A.

No fear is good Parvati!

Paramahansa Yogananda frequently emphasized the necessity of every cell of the body needing to be transformed or magnetized.

I've heard many of his monastics stress the same. Almost like our challenge spiritually is to simply transform the body's cells and we're free...but there's still the bodies of light(astral) and thought(causal) and I don't know how that fits in.

Hi Bill

Astral, causal and light bodies are fascinating topics. Do you have any links or suggested reading for the italicized part? I loved Autobiography of a Yogi. Was also member of SRF for about a year.


May we all be enfolded in love
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587 Posts

Posted - May 16 2013 :  6:07:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The following is quoted from Paramahansa Yogananda's Scientific Healing Affirmations:

"Repeat affirmations firmly and with intensity and sincerity until such power is gained that one command, one strong urge from within, will be sufficient to change your body cells and move your soul to performance of miracles."

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375 Posts

Posted - May 16 2013 :  9:33:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Just off the top of my head:

"Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which human blood is decarbonated and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues. The advanced yogi transmutes his cells into energy." - AOAY Chapter "The Science of Kriya Yoga."

"The voluntary yogi performs a simple, natural process consciously, not unconsciously like the slow paced sleeper. The Kriya Yogi uses his technique to saturate and feed all his physical cells with undecayable light and thus to keep them in a spiritually magnetized condition." - AOAY Chapter "The Science of Kriya Yoga."

"By Kriya, the outgoing life force is not wasted and abused in the senses, but constrained to reunite with subtler spinal energies. By such reinforcement of life, the yogi's body and brain cells are electrified with the spiritual elixir." - AOAY Chapter "The Science of Kriya Yoga."

Here's a link to the chapter:

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