Hi Concerning this topic i would like to exchange some of my long time experience/over 20 years/ with all spiritual trekkers on the way... who are interested. Om shanti.
In those days, I'm concerned with an issue regarding semen in urine. It started with an usual need to urinate, then I discovered that semen goes directly in the bladder. I feel drained whenever this happens. I have good control over my "instruments": I can have a retrograde at will and without visible external tensions. But the problem is that this movement of semen is not associated with orgasm when I'm not engaged in sexual activities. So, it's a thing that is impossible to control.
Hi Vimala I belive that unless there is a phisical disorder the emission of sperme in the blader is a natural way how body reacts if the normal way of emission is blocked/ in case of orgasm/. If this emission is hapening without blocking and orgasm than it is a temporairy hapening of reajustment which wil stop in time if you persist in bramacharya.Of course this my take few years and we have to complete the cycle of 12 years before we can think of any mastery. To my knowledge the blader is conected by a small tube to the semen storage place and as far as i know it is beyond conscious control. All best
Mastery taking 12 years is not efficiently facilitating the reversal of energies. Did you know Ida relaxes the bladder and facilities ejaculation. did you know pingala causes contraction of the bladder? using pranayama only pingala can "dry up" the sexual fluid. Breathing itself dosnt do it. Breathing is the handle of Ida and pingala.