When practicing kriya pranayam, spinal breathing, yoni mudra or related practices, during or after I always feel waves of tingling in the testicles. But even before being a yoga practicioner I used to feel this athough less often.
- Do you guys know what I'm talking about? - Is this energy being stored in the testicles or what?
This tingling in the testicles seems to me to be related with energy storage and when the thing starts to get full we experience the peak of our sexual cycle, i.e heightened sexual energy that spans a few days. When not practicing yoga this cycle lasts around 1 month, but when practicing ecstatic conductivity and sex without ejaculation the cycle shortens and we start living with extra libidinal energy.
To me any tingling sensations in the testicles or any area for that matter is likely purification which is taking place. Having said that, I do feel energy in those areas particularly after practices and during the rest period.
I can't speak to whether or not energy is being stored in the testicles. I see it more as energy coming from there and being conducted upwards along the spinal nerve.
I have observed having heightened levels of sexual energy from tantric practices.