Where can i find more literature on Talabya Kriya?
Every other technique appear in some ancient text (Hatha yoga pradipika for example, lists the mudras, Khechari, the shatkarmas etc.)
After some 9 months of Talabya i'm staring to feel a tingling sensation in the crown, and as the lessons state this is not desirable at this point (i just have 2 months of Deep Meditation)
Kind of like physical exercise where people get different results doing the same work out.
I was able to get beyond the uvula as a kid but it was uncomfortable and I did it just to itch my throat not knowing about Kechari Mudra.
When I started practicing Kechari years ago before I found AYP I got fast results because I fanatically tried for hours a day. I wouldn't recommend that though. Like AYP suggests its better to just make a balanced effort so progress is steady and emotions stay level.
I'm probably a bad example Vjoshi because sometimes I have very little response from Kechari.
I can easily rest my tongue inside either nostril cavity or perform alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhan pranayama) using my tongue to block each nostril kechari style. I always get some kind of calming affect and/or ecstatic response but sometimes just a bit.
In 1981 while doing SRF kriya (spinal breathing) I experienced what Yogani has referred to in a lesson as a "devastating" ecstatic experience where I fell over onto the floor and prayed to die from the ecstasy until falling asleep.
Then I've gone years in between such experiences. I think its because I have some extreme spinal kinks. Since last fall I'm doing an hour of asanas with basrika daily and making steady improvement in my posture like never before in may life. I'm in my late 50's so I'm trying to make up for lost time. I also do many of the other AYP meditation techniques.
So if you have a decent posture vjoshi you may get a lot more affects than I do.
My suggestion is to do all the things like Praynam and Meditation along with Kechri. Don't put too much emphasis on Kechri. Let it to happen at its own. Slow process will be better. As forcing something premature can be too much energy.