So my real question is how long would it take for a Tantric practitioner to be able to dissolve awareness into emptiness who has a moderate sex drive?
Any estimated time it would take to develop deeper awareness through Tantra. I can't see myself dedicating a lot of time to tantra in depth but would like to really honestly try it. I know you all talk about utilizing Tantra all throughout the day. I doubt I can do that yet.
It would be easier to answer, if you could maybe give a description of your prior experience and things like that... I would say the best way of getting started is to take up a meditation practice. Then take it from there...
Hi astral projectee, tantra is as good a place as any to start. Have a look through the tantra lessons if you haven't already, found on the AYP menu at the very top right or center. It goes together with the sitting practices (main lessons) so progress with one really depends on the other. It is a long term thing, so the dedication certainly has a place together with the easy steps and more immediate benefits.