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 Swami Yogeswarananda Giri
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Posted - Jul 19 2012 :  2:01:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Message
Hi all,

there are many masters and gurus that I wanted to post here from time to time, but somehow this one manages to be put right now :)

A chocolate man of simpleness, sweet and funny. His name is like the subject says and his guru was Hariharananda Giri and his was Satyananda Giri and his was Sri Yukteswar, again his was Lahiri Mahasaya and his Babaji.


What I like in this kriya yogic lineage, that there is clarity to when they started the practice and when they did reach nirvikalpa samadhi.

Here is a video of Yukteswar's ashram and a talk with Yogeswarananda:

Gurunath also learned under Satyananda and Hariharananda and was a friend of Yogeswarananda.

Enjoy :)


796 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  12:09:08 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Once again the masters of the kriya lineage show, that they know what you think no matter where you are =P

Yogeswarananda is coming to this country here to give satsang. He has been invited by one of Gurunath's (another kriya yoga master) advanced students who himself teaches kriya yoga and this student invited me to attend that satsang aswell. That student (btw several times mentioned as the "samadhi boy") was encouraged by Gurunath to do so :)

What to say? God says, go here next =P

It will not be a kriya yoga workshop, just satsang with a masterly friend of Gurunath so to speak ;) An according experience report will follow aswell.

Peace and Love
stay tuned
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796 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2013 :  10:03:51 AM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
It is this weekend :)

LOL writing these lines in this moment, a phone call from the samadhi boy:

"Hey, how are you, we are sitting here with Swami Yogeswarananda having cakes and tea."

Me: "We would come tomorrow at night, is this okay?"

He: "Sure, but come timely, there might be lots of traffic. ... He has a beautiful and loving aura, spiritual luxury for us :)"

Me: "..."
He: "..."

He: "He knows all about Kriya Yoga, Yogananda, Yukteswar, all the secrets so to speak ;)"

Some more smalltalk, "have a good drive" ... "see you tomorrow" ..

Giving the flavour of what to come already.. :)

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796 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2013 :  8:07:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Even though the intention was to post this later, it happes now :)

Swami is pure love, very simple and a little bit like a shy little child :)

Together with a friend, we drove to the kriya school of our friend called the samadhi boy. We arrived late at midnight and was welcomed by this friend. He said, that Swami is also sleeping in the school (which has one very big room divided into several parts, and another smaller room for private living). We didn't know what to say, sleeping with the Nirvikalpa Master.. 8)

Our samadhi boy (the host of all this) showed us the sleeping place, portable "beds" on the floor :) He was sleeping on one of the couches in another part of the big room, we both very close to the small room where Swami was sleeping. Our host welcomed us once again with the words "welcome to the monks cave ;D" and radiated nondual joy with some intensity for a moment and all went into their beds.

Me sitting for some while, listening to the breath of the Swami, coming into sync with his presence, a very sweet peace fragrance started to become perceptible. It was permeated with a love, so pure and lovely. A picture of Babaji was on one of the walls. The whole moment looked like every atom of the moment was conscious and creating that moment with a very different perspective. Like being in a dream, but the composition of the moment was powerfully alive. Watching this the sweet love-peace fragrance suddenly the intensity of the moment started to lose the boundaries, making the nonduality of the moment visible. Everything started to communicate, speak, not in words.. the whole scene with the walls, the door, the Babaji picture, it was like they were made of love-wisdom appearing as form, interacting in wisdom-joy with some underlying om-sound.... As always not possible to really describe.. =) this love-wisdom-joy-nondual-still space-in no-time- started to reveal to itself insights of its own nature. It also became clear why there are only pics of Babaji. But whatever I want to condense into words of this self-reavleaing wisdom, it is not possible, so lets skip this part =P

It was so weet, so peaceful so lovely, but somehow the body went into laying mode and very vivid and intense dreams started to appear. Waking up several times at night, looking at the time, only minutes had passed, even though it felt like hours and hours. The sleep was so refreshing, immense unconsious layres appeared as dreams and were washed away with more and more freshness coming out of the silent depths and then waking up and again only minutes had passed. After the night was over and the sun became visible, it felt like the body slept for several days without the hangover after too much sleeping, but pure freshness. Then some kriya as always ;) Our samadhi boy was in samadhi while in laying position at that time, the extreme peace-radiance permeating and fusing with the swamis sweet-love-peace made it clear.

Then breakfast time, we prepared everything and the first time the Swami comes out, very shy, very attentive movements, very calm he greeted us with namaste and our host introduced us. Sitting down to eat something our host gave the Swami his food and he without complaining just ate what he was given. All were very silent. At some point our samadhi boy mentioned that I am practicing kriya aswell. The Swami wanted to know "getting from who?" "Gurunath" He just nodded. The other friend is a practitioner of Hans' kriya yoga, which you can find online at kriyayoga.com. I offered the Swami some brough nuts and sweets to eat (not knowing that he has diabetis). He didn't take any.

His body was transformed as the one of Gurunath or Madhukar, the atoms totally different, his presence was changing the perception of time-space while being near him. It is like the space becomes visible like water, but this space itself is god-presence silence expanding, flowing, moving.. very hard to describe again.

Somehow this heart here was filled with so much peaceful love and lovely respect, at some point while breakfast I positioned the butter and the cheese closer to him so he can take it easily and with this the love started to overflow, merging with his heart. He then not only took from the butter and the cheese but also from the nuts and sweets and while eating them asked about what kind of nut one of them is etc. This sweet love connecting so easily...

Tthe whole weekend was a very simple happning, the whole thing happened in those little things, most what happened was unseen but clearly perceptible.

Ok. coming into the essential parts, otherwise this will get even longer than the Gurunath weekend report :D

After repairing the car that had broken somehow with some graceful happenings in a very fast time after the breakfast, me and the friend joined the group, the samadhi boy already singing mantras and the group echoing the mantras. We both sat at the back. Sitting there tuning into the vibe, it once again became clear how far advanced our samadhi boy is, while singing the mantras, unspeakable mysterious estatic bliss permeated the gathering, centering the body minds into now, everything coming into its own place. Some more tuning in, the Swami came, all welcoming him with namaste. He welcomeed all and introduced into why we had gathered there. I do not remember anything from that speech anymore =P The only remebered part is, that after he sat down, the whole moment became fuzzy, the attenton started to center into the own brain center here and the whole moment pointed to the self with intensity. In kriya yoga that center is also known as the soul center or kutastha chaitanya or the cave of bramha.

Then the sursprise, from being a satsang, the offer from the samadhi boy came to make this a kriya yoga initiation day =P Some didn't want to, as they were already initiated by Prajnananada, but most wanted, so it happened =) Here again, going with the flow, as it happens :)

After getting the special grace of the Swami one by one we had a small break before the techniques are explained. While this, the body here moved out to have a walk and get some fresh air and suddenly it was clear, that the channels were purified all, both nostrils open with immense peace flowing through them, the whole walking and seeing was a self happening freedom-walking in eden. Coming back, the techniques were explained.

They are the same as Hariharananda and Prajnananda teach. In other words, the hidden wish here to once learn the techniques of Hariharananda could not wait to be fulfilled as it seems, so it happened in this mysterious spontaneous way... what to say to this love...

The techniques are way more complicated than the known basic kriya techniques, but after practicing them 3-4 times it is all clear. According to Swami, this is the kriya of Swami Yukteswar Giri, who has written all 6 kriyas, handing down that paper to Yogananda after his death, Yogananda handed this paper down to Hariharananda and Hariharananda to Yogeswarananda. It is a paper for the presidents of the Karar ashram so to speak, the presidents of that Ashram also being a guardian of that knowledge.

The techniques themselves do focus more on perceiving. Awareness grows way faster, perception refines way faster, energy is less generated. All in all the routine is very smooth and balanced with lots of body movements (hatha) and slow strain free breathing.

After lunch, the first guided kriya meditation. Later he explains, that kri means action and ya means soul. The practice of kriya leads to the kri ya state, which is: the true doer becomes visible, which is the underlying presence moves the body-mind visibly and with that freeing the illusion of a doer. It was interesting to hear this as this is already the state here for some years now since the practice of Gurunaths kriya. Yogeswarananda said, that this would be the first stage. The second would be ya without kri, in other words all action ceases and ya alone remains. He added, that this would be self realization or the second stage. He also hinted to a third stage as god realization, but didn't go into any detail.

Most of the people went home in the evening. As a small group of 7 people we went for dinner with the Swami :) Walking to that place somehow we both walked side by side and with great love and careful movements this body here adapted to his walk and immense love was shared. Smiling at each others faces, his smile was so beautiful. It was very different to experience this intimacy which was not like "I am the boss sitting far away being god", but it was like "I may be god, but here am walking with you being able to share love so intimately so easily so simple with you".

Coming back to the school, one more sweet nondual love night with the Swami. Next morning was special, another man had slept in the school aswell, so this time breakfast was with Swami + 4 people. It was more close and more communication happened than the day before :)

I asked the Swami: "Are there others of this kriya lineage who have reached Nirvikalpa Samadhi". His answer was "I don't know". This somehow suprised me. I added: "What about Prajnanananda?" "He repeated, "I don't know, you should go asking him." I was puzzled a bit, saying "Can you not know?" His reply was "I'm not walking around looking for others, I'm eating bread right now here". A smile from this body here, wisdom bliss smile from his body, both content coming back to now ;)

Then some more easy talk between the samadhi boy and the other one sitting with us. Suddenly the Swami (the first time) started to talk and ask wih some intention ;) He said: "Most people are happy with praying to God and singing Hare Krishna (and Co.), nearly all are happy with this." He added: "Can you cross the ocean with two boats, singing and praying on the one side, meditation on the other side?" and looked at each one of us. In the same moment some deep thing in my heart moved, some deep yearning and at the same time our samadhi boy and everyone felt some deep response to this. Looking at me he smiled and I knew he was responding to my real question which was underlying the question of other Nirvikalpa Samadhi masters of that lineage. The heart here and his heart melted into one, communication happened by his mouth and directly by the heart.

He said, being at the Karar ashram, getting the kriya initiation, after some time he found out, that eating too much is interrupting his meditation. So he decreaed the amount of food immensly, but kept eating three times a day veery little. The times inbetween he meditated 2-3 hours in a row, and this for 16 hours daily. While again smiling his face turned into Hariharananda and his eyes -filled with godly love- he looked into the group, adding: "I'm not critisizing what you are doing (knowing that we are singing and meditating and doing other things in life)". Again from him turning to me, knowing me and my friend to be students going to the uni: "Lets say you want to finish your studies and reach the goal, will 1-2 hours be enough per day? Here in India, students have to study 10-12 hours per day and only after years they get their masters. In the same way, if you want god.." Suddenly his heart was overflowing with unspeakable extatic joyous love, syncing with this heart here... He continued "Praying, singing Hare Krishna, meditating 1-2 hours is good... but no god.." .. and then ecstasy and godly love bursting in this heart here knowing it is true... Suddenly our samadhi boy intervened, saying that it is not good that he is saying this to us and that both is possible and not contradictory, balance etc... Swami replying "I'm not telling you should do so, do as you like" .. he smiling with deep understanding and love "I'm only telling of what I have done" then looking at me again with the face of Hariharananda one with his face and this godly love in the heart like saying "but you know what I mean..."..

That breakfast had an impact on both me and my friend like nothing can explain... =P

Then the second group meditation after everyone had gathered. Questions and answers, lunch together, some walk in nature without the Swami, then a final meditation, last questions and answers. One man complained about the pain in his knees. The swami gave him some hints, then showed some physical practices to increase the flexibility of the feet and legs. While showing them, in one technique he was walking from left to right on one part of his feet and then he was loughing like a child, joy was bubbling from his inside while doing this walk. Then a reverse variant of that walk and again this childish lough. Can't explain the melting love and joy that again and again happened here with the Swami :) At times he was like an innocent child, at times just sweet love, at times like doing his Swami job in this world.

Final lunch, veggie burger for the Swami :D While walking to that place, I asked him "Do you walk with your students in India aswell?" He said, "Rarely". I understood that even this walking on a street was something new to him. Even the word "grill" was new to him, grilled veggie burgers :P While eating, my friend asked him about devotion and he answered: "Self inquiry is the highest devotion".

Saying byebye to the Swami, thanking him for the great inspiration while feeling in the heart that love he shared the whole weekend. Suddenly tears came from his eyes with a feeling of "oh my god, a child's love who has to go away from his beloved mother"... bam this heart here was done... =P The emotional intensity of departing that suddenly appeared in the moment, how much we had become one in this love, so unspeakable.. my friend said, that he felt being really loved while driving home..

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796 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  12:37:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
To have some visual and acoustic flavor of that weekend:

Yogeswarananda talking to everyone: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u....%202013.3gp

Yogeswarananda showing leg and feet stretching techniques while loughing like a little child =) : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u...Loughing.jpg

I tried to rotate the videoclip, but had problems muxing the sound into the final file, so best is to watch this on a portable device or turn your head for some minutes :P

The kriya of Yogeswarananda according to the experience here after some days of practice is ideal for those who really want to fastly progress into self and god-realization. It is smooth and can be practiced for hours. Your natural results after 1h will even be very fast witness development + very fast peace-love-bliss perception underlying everything. But I feel, that one gets the best and maximum results if one really focuses on practicing this technique until the job is done so to speak :) It is not the most efficient technique and does not support activity as much as Gurunath's kriya does (which is better suited here for studying).

For that reason different practices for different lifestyles :) Still this one wanted to become more public aswell, and here it is ;)

Peace and to all
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5 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2014 :  12:41:15 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Holy

It is this weekend :)

LOL writing these lines in this moment, a phone call from the samadhi boy:

"Hey, how are you, we are sitting here with Swami Yogeswarananda having cakes and tea."

Me: "We would come tomorrow at night, is this okay?"

He: "Sure, but come timely, there might be lots of traffic. ... He has a beautiful and loving aura, spiritual luxury for us :)"

Me: "..."
He: "..."

He: "He knows all about Kriya Yoga, Yogananda, Yukteswar, all the secrets so to speak ;)"

Some more smalltalk, "have a good drive" ... "see you tomorrow" ..

Giving the flavour of what to come already.. :)


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Posted - Jul 21 2014 :  5:11:55 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi katragadda,

whatever that quote means, it came one week before the actual meeting with the samadhi boy, which was a spontaneous happening :P Seems like this topic needed to come up even before I knew it ;)

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2242 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2014 :  6:10:27 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
It's like reading a novel, thanks for reporting, Holy!
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39 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2016 :  04:10:41 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Swami Yogeswarananda Giri will be in Europe (Croatia, Switzerland and Germany) this spring/summer from May till August.


Arrival Frankfurt: 07.05.16

07.05.16 bis 10.05.16 Marburg

11.05.16 bis 27.05.16 Erlbach, 86643 Rennertshofen

27.05.16 bis 17.06.16 Croatia, Zagreb, Split

17.06.16 bis 29.06.16 Berlin

29.06.16 bis 10.07.16 Marburg

10.07.16 bis 23.07.16 Switzerland, Fruthwilen, Bodensee

23.07.16 bis 04.08.16 Erlbach, 86643 Rennertshofen

Departure Frankfurt: 04.08.16
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796 Posts

Posted - Apr 12 2016 :  8:49:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks orangesky for the facebook link, there are quite some nice pictures of him! :)

In the one pic with the dog, where he says meditate and be devine, the nondual presence is paranormally intense! Do you have any intentions to look by? It may well be possible, that the samadhi boy will be around too.

Peace and happy practice! :)
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39 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  11:01:31 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Holy! You´re welcome

Indeed, I´m planning on going there. When and where I don´t know, I´m flexible this spring and summer.

The samadhi boy ..... Would be really nice to see him again.
I am really curious how the different techniques work. Especially as you say that it´s very soft.... "is very sooft, a totally different kriya alltogether, even though it is close to KYI's, the effect of KYI's is totally different."

I stopped the mixing of Gurunath Kriya with Dzogchen practices and other buddhist visualization techniques weeks ago because it made Kriya totally unstable and made me feel really really unbalanced. Buddhist techniques alone also wasn´t good at all.
So I´m back to Kriya and astonishingly from day one I felt free again. I wanted to give a try to all the different buddhist techniques and now I´m happy to lay them all aside.

All in all for me I think the less mantra the better... I find the following description or analysis from you very interesting and helpful...thank you again for this thread
...from your Swami Managalanda Giri thread


"Yogeshwarananda's kriya: nearly no mantra, some breath, a lot of awareness based stuff, strong kutastha focus

Mangalalanda's kriya: no mantra, lots of breath, some awareness stuff, strong crown focus

Gurunath's kriya: mantra, more breath, some awareness, balanced chakra focus

Hans kriya (seems to be close to Lahiri's orig kriya): a lot of mantra and breath, some awareness, some kutastha focused"

The dog looks cool ...it looks more like a statue made of painted porcelain... Were you there? Or do you feel this non duality by looking at the picture?

This video of Hariharanda is blowing me away energetically time and time again...
Kriya Yoga: Paramahamsa Hariharananda Samadhi
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796 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  9:56:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Orangesky,

thanks for the link, saw that video some years ago, now again :). Sri Yukteswar permeats Hari the moment he looses himself. Sweet samadhi is lurking and don't kow who the man beside him is, the light falls so strangely on him, looks more like the devil calling Hari back to Maya for the sake of "the people". God bless him, Hari is among the sweetest kriya masters :D

But surely, Yogeshwarananda is also very childlike and gentle. In the dog pic, looking at him, can feel that nondual presence revelation. His being is not limited to the body. The body just appears in his nondual intensity which even goes out of the picture and being aware of his real nature, he says: meditate and know the truth of who you are.

Some more info for you in regards to Yogeshwarananda's kriya and its effects. Those who went with me back then to him with the suprise initiation, were also practicing Gurunath's kriya for a year. Then they started to practice Yogeshwarananda's kriya in the morning and Gurunath's in the evening for a year. Seeing them again we talked about their experiences. It was a couple. The man said, he likes it as it feels very smooth and gentle to him. The woman said, that she likes the practice and the master especially, but Gurunath's kriya feels much more effective to her. Therefore after some time both switched back to Gurunath's kriya. But as I know, you are looking for a gentle kriya as even Gurunath's is too intense (still?).

Would say, it cannot get much more gentle than this one :D But the immersion into the inner subtle dimensions happens very very fast. Also Yogeshwarananda looks by and guides in the process. Another man who was present there also practiced that or a similiar variant for several years. Had asked him on that weekend, if he had good results and he said, that he had experienced some satoris (his wording), aka some kind of temporary enlightened states. I liked him very much, as he was the only other who woke up while all were sleeping and started to practice and then silently lay back to his sleeping place til all got up :). Even our samadhi boy was snorring glorily :D :D

Last time at Shibendu, the same man was also there and approached me, had overseen his presence :P I asked him, what has happened? :D He said, that he had tried all and Shibendu's kriya produces the greatest amount of energy, which he likes most (= It may be interesting to know, if he is reading or even participating in this forum aswell :P

Mantra is not a problem if it is practiced with breath, physical movement or with a moving attention. Breath is the greatest smoother, then comes physical movement and then the moving attention. But the moving attention is not enough for too long, at some point the mantric intensity can become too much. Yogeshwarananda's kriya is a mix of breath, attention and receptivity for the tripple divine qualities in the spine and chakras.

Normally Gurunath's kriya should be butter smooth, for increased smoothness one can decrease the OM a bit and keep the crown attention at around 5-7 minutes. The crown also plays a very big role in relaxing subtle tensions in the head area and adds to the smoothness. Additionally it removes the last bit of subtle suffering that comes from the incompleteness of not going higher than the kutastha.

As yo know, have practiced Shibendu's kriya for now more than a year. I still love the energy, which works nicely for me, but going one chakra down for a prolonged time braught back loong forgotten sufferings after some time. The stability in the body-mind was really amazing, but with it also came back an identification, that had been transcended by the crown the years before with Gurunath's kriya. So at some point, the crown is unavoidable, but to regain stability, the 6th chakra is surely doing its part. Therefore Yogeshwarananda's kriya may well work nicely for that.

The mother of the samadhi boy, who is practicing Haris latest kriya under Prajnanananda asked Yogeshwarananda, why the focus is not in the fontanel. He said, that this is a higher kriya. First kriya remains in kutastha.

Had the chance to listen to some old recordings of Hariharananda guiding the kriya session (while being with Mangalananda's sister as she lives close by :P). It was very interesting to listen, that Hari was directing the attention more to the 6th chakra and only at the end, he braught it up to the 7th. It feels like in the beginning, he focused it only on the 6th, then after some time made a mix of both and at the end focused all to the 7th.

Would be very nice to read from you after your meeting with him too! :) Also if in the flow send him my lovely greetings, just mention the young boys back then with the samadhi boy :P

Peace and happy practice friend!
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796 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  10:32:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
One more addition: Reread what I had written back then. This board has become my personal akashic recording :D :P Three years has passed since and now reread the scene at the second breakfast... Whatever Yogeshwarananda had said then is all true...

After him the final years of my studying happened and the spent time was way more than the 10-12 hours he mentioned. For the final master thesis it even peaked up to 20h daily the last weeks. The few hours kriya were all supremely nice for shure, but yes... no god realization as defined by Hari and the lineage..

Self realization may be easy, but oneness with the whole universe and more... :P

Peace and happy practice friends (= :D
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39 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2016 :  4:31:15 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Holy,

Once again thank you, very nice post! Thank you for the further info about Swami Yogeswaranandas / Sri Yukteswars Kriya!
That sounds very good ...especially this " Would say, it cannot get much more gentle than this one :D But the immersion into the inner subtle dimensions happens very very fast."

Regarding Gurunaths Kriya being too intense. From time to time, YES, definitely.

Very positive is that it´s very predictable in it´s effect. Sometimes there´s just too much prana and I have to rest.
Physically, when I practice it in too big amounts and there´s too much prana, the known Kundalini symptoms appear...I become tired, get burning skin, slightly cramped muscles. Symptoms appear very slowly... so no problem there if I put on the brakes instantly. And even then my mood remains positive. Pretty much no negative emotional effects appear which I find very positive! No strange mood swings like I experienced some weeks ago with the buddhist techniques.
Just weeks ago because of experimenting with other spiritual systems (Dzogchen of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu with the use of mantras and also Bon Dzogchen and even Tibetan Mahamudra or Zen style simple awareness meditation) and practicing it together with Gurunaths Kriya, but not mixing it with Kriya within the same session, Gurunaths Kriya became completely unstable.

All in all I find Gurunaths Kriya balanced as long as I keep every ratio he advises and as long as I rest from time to time. I changed the Shiva Shakti / Mahamudra ratio and practiced more Mahamudras which was negative. Felt it instantly from the first session on as it sent way too much energy to the head making me dizzy with a lot of headaches.
Omitting Tribandha (Mooladhara bandha, Uddiyana bhanda and Jalandhara bhanda) was negative because it was leading to strong emotional effects .. I felt alot of anger. So, sticking exactly to Gurunaths advised combo is the best imo, at least for me.
But yes, still I have to be very careful because of all the prana. With Gurunaths Kriya I sometimes have the feeling I´m living on the edge. As long as there´s not too much prana I feel very good... healthy, full of energy and I´m in a great mood, at times euphorically and with a lot of inner silence. But the situation can change quickly and I have to rest for some days not practicing anything at all. But I find that perfectly ok as everything is very predictable. That´s a very important point to me. At least in my case there are no sudden unpredictable negative shocks of any kind.

I find the gentleness of Swami Yogeswaranandas Kriya you describe very interesting.

And yes, I will definitely give him your regards

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796 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  9:29:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Orangesky,

you are very much welcome. Thanks also for your detailed experience descriptions with Gurunath's kriya! :)

An experience report with our sweet Yogeshwarananda would be very welcome too!

Greetings and happy practice
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39 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2016 :  12:47:08 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Yes, an experience report will come :)
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Posted - May 31 2016 :  08:02:05 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

I have started following up AYP recently and have been practicing with DM and SPB for 3 months (Prior to that I did breath meditation with intention to enter Jhana for 6 months). I can now feel the energy moving up the spine and sometimes during DM a blissfull silent state. Posts from Yogani, Holy, Kriyawit, Christi and Dogboy have been an eyeopener and big inspiration. Now that I know the potential of the techniqes, I am looking at a long term practice. After going through many posts, I find myself wishing to learn from Swami Yogeswarananda Giri. And my good fortune is that he would be joining soon in Berlin. But, I need more info in this regard. Having no prior posts, I can't mail anyone. I would be happy if someone can provide me details on venue and possible days as only weekend is feasible for me.
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Posted - May 31 2016 :  09:53:46 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement
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Posted - May 31 2016 :  10:37:18 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Debananda,

some information from the german Facebook site, Karar Ashram Kriya Yoga community...https://www.facebook.com/Karar-Ashr...75691339283/

His arrival in Berlin has been postponed by two days. He will arrive in Berlin on June 19th in the afternoon. It´s a sunday.
Since you say that only weekend is feasible for you, initiation could probably take place on June 25/26. According to the Facebook site, one could meditate with him twice a day during his visit in Erlbach this May. Initiations were on Saturday and also by appointment.

The contact e-mail address: karar.ashram@gmx.net

I will also contact them soon. See you there maybe.

Edited by - orangesky on May 31 2016 10:43:18 AM
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Posted - May 31 2016 :  10:58:04 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Orangesky,

Thanks for the details of his visit. I have sent them a mail and as soon as I get reply, will plan the trip. It would indeed be wonderful if we meet there
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