The Kriya is meant to rise the kundalini and the sexual energy towards the crown Chakra.. however it's said to finish the Kriya with the Maha Bandha in order to squeeze all the lower energy chakras to the high chakras.. so my question is.. if Sat Kriya is by itself a technique to rise all the energy upwards.. so why it's being said to finish it with the Maha Bandha?
When i use to practice Sat-kriya i would say a mantra 3 times to protect you and connect you with the lineage of masters. After that you get into your posture and reach both arms above your head and join your hands together with only pointer fingers up to direct the energy. Then chant sat-nam {sut-Nom} mantra along with exhale-sut then inhale nom. Like a bellows breath chanted. After 20-50 of these you inhale energy up and tighten mulabhanda then hold visualizing energy going straight out crown and then exhale put arms down and relax. Lay down and relax for as long as you practice this---thats what they meant by mulabhanda at the end of this! Tim