I am infinitely grateful - this website was the first place I had heard of the Gnan Vidhi (there are a couple of topics way in the back about it). I investigated the website and decided to attend this June. I must say this was the most important moment of my life --
What happens in the Gnan Vidhi is unique from most other guru-disciple type relationships. Deepakbhai (the current Gnani Purush) actually separates the Pure soul (self) from the body-mind-complex -- Permanently. I went into the Gnan Vidhi not knowing what to expect - extremely nervous because my mind really wanted it to work. We had to repeat whatever he said - loudly - for 40 minutes. I thought i was messing it up because I don't know the language and couldn't repeat everything... But I kept going regardless of the racing mind saying I was screwing up. After a while I started to feel a sense of separation - strangely new but familiar - as i kept chanting.
At the end i opened my eyes and it was clear - I was the pure self watching David. In fact, David was quite bored and tired (from the racing mind) but I was completely separate from it--- sitting in bliss. Then Deepakbhai explained the guidelines to help us burn our karmas off and I went home, still in bliss for a couple days. A lot of karma was burned that day - the Karma of "I am David." However there are still many other karmas to fall - the difference is that now no more karma is bound as long as I make the simple choice to remain as the Self. There is only a small amount of effort necessary.
Without this experience my liberation would be quite far away as there are some nasty karmas in this mind/body - However I feel it is quite close now. The outward appearance of my life is already changing due to this new internal knowledge. The bliss comes and goes but I am forever the pure soul. If you live anywhere near this please go - It can only enhance whatever you are doing now.
This is a FREE event.. and afterwards there is a lot of support to help You stay as the self and let the karmas fall off. Any religion and spiritual practice is welcome, you can continue AYP. There are also optional meditations and forgiveness processes etc. to help the karmas fall off as fast as possible and to prevent the binding of new karmas. This is a great path to liberation in the hectic modern life.
Forgive me if I seem overly-zealous about this I just can't believe more people don't know about it.
They will next May/June/July most likely - they just haven't put up the schedule. Glad you got some value from this!
It is possible only an aspirant has put in sufficient work already in various sadhanas. Only in such cases a guru is able to bust the karma for you. Even then it is very likely you could loose most of it and would want to take sannyas right away! On the other side, as they say, without karma we cannot exist here.