I have been attending a mix of Iyengar and Vinyasa yoga classes over the last few months and attend about 3-4 classes a week. Lately I have taken a liking for Vinyasa yoga and attend mostly Vinyasa classes. I am finding I am extremely energised after class and I can not sleep. I meditate and do numerous rounds of pranayama and spinal breathing and get into a very blissful, quiet meditative state. I am very relaxed about doing all of this. I work on trying to even out my energy and use techinques such as the macrocosmic orbit etc and it feels fantastic- amazing! Everything is great. My resting heart rate drops to 44bpm and I feel very restful but I STILL CANT SLEEP arghhhhhhh.
Any ideas? Why is this happening? It is bothersome. The energy states I feel are so overwhelming. Even the spinal breathing last night was just so intense.
few more questions: 1. what time do u do the numerous rounds of pranayama?... 2.what kind of pranayama since i understood from your post you dont only stick to SB 3. practice of paranayam and/or SB is done before or after asanas?
Class usually finishes around 7pm. Later I practice nadi shodhana and spinal breathing around 10-10.30pm. Perhaps I am doing this too late and need to bring my practice forward? I wondered if perhaps the classes I am going to may be a little imbalanced and do not include enough forward bends and savasana at the end of the practice? (we only practice savasana for 5 mins). Its a great class but its all sun salutes, standing poses and twists hmmmm. I come home bouncing off the walls but all I can think about is doing more yoga.
When I lie in bed and cant sleep I am still very relaxed so I end up doing more very gentle spinal breathing.
I guess perhaps this is the point when its time to chill out and step back a bit and self pace but it is hard because a lot of my practice seems to be at times automatic.
the timing of the class is good stop the meditation, SB or nadi shodhana at 10pm...re-schedule...try to do them as soon as you can after the vinyasa session yes vinyasa classes are imbalanced like u said...classical hatha yoga works better IMHO....but it is all up to u.... if the automatic stuff continue i think you should seriously self pace
quote:but all I can think about is doing more yoga.
remember the physical yoga is not the goal...it is only a step at the begining of the ladder of spirituality....after your evening practice you should do something not related to yoga...simple stuff like seeing freinds,doing the dishes...reading...let your practice merge in day to day stuff...let the stillness of yoga practice merge and become homogeneous with action best of luck
Good to know Im not the only one who thinks the vinyasa stuff can be a little unbalanced but I guess its not so much about the style of yoga but the structure of the class and how it is practiced.