Not much to add to the discussion but just wanted to chime in and say that this sure has been a great one to read! Great stuff here. I've never had a problem with depression but I've been very close to folks who have and I would often say to them the same types of things that Jim is saying here. It's neat for me to hear that from a person who is so incredibly familiar with depression. Frankly, I just don't take my emotions that seriously. I've seen how trivial and unstable they can be and every since my first heartbreak as a 19 year old, I came to view my emotional state much like I view the weather. If I ever find myself really upset, I just sit back and watch the scenery. The clouds eventually just blow on by. This has come in handy as I have realized that I am, by nature, a very emotional person. It's genetic I think.
As for the drugs ...I just don't see how mind-altering substances are compatible with true spiritual practice. But that's just me. Anything that clouds the mind just seems counterproductive. The whole purpose of practice is to gain clarity.