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 Preorgasmic state reexamined
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Posted - Dec 08 2024 :  11:06:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Now in my 6th year of a very regular twice daily practice, using the full compliment of AYP practices as well as attention to grounding and service, I feel I've made significant headway on the path to liberation, however, I still find a challenge in balancing the tantric practices. I have been a practitioner of bramacharya for nearly 5 years.

At this point in my journey I am not looking to stop any practices as I continue to have strong bhakti with the desire to continue to fully engage in the journey as stated in my recent 24/7 post. I don't feel any significant overload with the exception of finding the growing energy has a bit of a pull towards its release which can be distracting at times.

The energetic practices feel a little like blowing up a balloon for me. I certainly feel the benefits of a fully inflated balloon, e.g. increased energy to engage in the world, being more creative, feeling more hopeful, and a gradual expansion of awareness in many areas of my life. My ongoing inquiry is into the frustration of not knowing how to more effectively channel these energies (cultivation). Yogani often spoke of releasing this energy every week or two without any significant impact on one's practice. A week can be a long time for me, I suspect related to the fly wheel effect. I understand the importance of self pacing, but find this doesn't seem to bring things into balance and often just creates disappointment as it feels a bit like climbing to the top of a mountain and then having to descend to basecamp, repeating over and over rather than summiting the next peak. I have this fantasy releasing the energy through the 3rd eye or crown is ultimately where this energy is supposed to go and I feel stuck in not knowing how to release the energy in this way.


105 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2024 :  3:34:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi interpaul,

From what you write it seems there is no real problem (no overload, and no halt of progress either). Plus, you enjoy life and yourself.

I don't remember reading in the AYP lessons and books that the energy we are cultivating is "supposed to go" to the head. There is the nectar cycle, but I'm not sure this is something you necessarily would have to feel as you describe it. It's a cycle not and not a final destination, and it might happen without much scenery.

Maybe this is the right place for me to ask a question I was thinking about for a while (assuming that Christi will chime in soon anyways to give you better advice): Are orgasms just another way of grounding? E.g. is an orgasm doing to ("spiritual") energy something similar as say a nature walk? Clearly it's quicker and fuller, but is it essentially different?

My understanding from the lessons is that an orgasm can do a too good job in grounding, so that one looses too much energy. But if you don't feel that this is the case (slowing down your progress), then maybe it's ok to just enjoy the weekly orgasm and view it as a form of grounding (which could affect also positively your attitude towards brahmacharya, to get more chilled about it). I might be wrong about that of course.

Apart from this, "this too shall pass" probably applies anyways to your perceived problem. So just venture ahead

Maybe not immediately helpful, my own experience with brahmacharya is that it has appeared automatically without me wanting to practice it. I noticed that backward bends, such as sphinx and upward facing dog, can trigger an orgasm in my sacrum when I stay in the posture for a while (and when I allow it happen which means to rest my awareness in the sacrum and do a kumbhaka). But I can stay in front of orgasm and when I rest my awareness on the sacrum I do feel orgasmic pleasure go up the spine up to my the head (crown and third eye). Although I don't know this for sure, I sense that this practice has made my desire for a conventional orgasm virtually go away. I might be wrong about cause and effect, but what I do know for sure is that this kind pleasuring myself leaves me in a satisfied state without any sense of energy loss or craving for a high intensity release. My guess is that it might assist the "nectar cycle" for me.
I'm not suggesting anyone should do breathholds during backward bends, but at least it's not too far off from a normal AYP asana practice, and it feels very good
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United Kingdom
4545 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2024 :  6:43:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The energetic practices feel a little like blowing up a balloon for me. I certainly feel the benefits of a fully inflated balloon, e.g. increased energy to engage in the world, being more creative, feeling more hopeful, and a gradual expansion of awareness in many areas of my life. My ongoing inquiry is into the frustration of not knowing how to more effectively channel these energies (cultivation). Yogani often spoke of releasing this energy every week or two without any significant impact on one's practice. A week can be a long time for me, I suspect related to the fly wheel effect. I understand the importance of self pacing, but find this doesn't seem to bring things into balance and often just creates disappointment as it feels a bit like climbing to the top of a mountain and then having to descend to basecamp, repeating over and over rather than summiting the next peak. I have this fantasy releasing the energy through the 3rd eye or crown is ultimately where this energy is supposed to go and I feel stuck in not knowing how to release the energy in this way.

Hi Interpaul,

So, yes, orgasm with ejaculation for a man, and certain types of orgasm for a woman, can be used every so often to release energy, especially sexual energy that can build up in the system. How often this can be done without excessive depletion will vary a lot from person to person. Some people are naturally celibate and are never drawn to experience orgasm, or feel the need. For others, once a week, or once every two weeks may be sufficient. For some it could be more often.

Then there are two more factors at play that will influence the whole situation of the rate of energetic purification in the subtle nervous system and any resulting build-up of energy. One will be the spiritual practices that are being used, especially the energy cultivating practices such as pranayama, mudras and bandhas. Then there are regular grounding practices that are being used such as walking, swimming, gardening etc. If someone is doing a lot of energy cultivation practices and little regular grounding in their daily life, they may feel the need to release through orgasm with ejaculation more often. This can have a downside, as orgasm with ejaculation is a massive loss of prana. "Dialling back to zero" as you say. So, getting the overall balance right can be beneficial, rather than relying too heavily on orgasm with ejaculation for grounding.

As Tensor mentioned, there is no "releasing prana through the ajna chakra or crown chakra" in AYP. It can sometimes feel as if this is where the energy wants to go, but that is actually a symptom of experiencing too much prana in the higher centres, rather than increased intuition over what is supposed to happen. If you do feel that there needs to be some release through the higher chakras, my recommendation would be to cut back on practices for a while, especially the energetic ones, and spend more time walking in nature. A lot is going on under the hood (or even over the hood ) and it is good to give it time to play out. Energetic practices that can be cut back on include tantric sexual practices.

The actual progression of the whole process of purification is more towards whole-body-ecstasy and ecstatic radiance initially, and then eventually towards divine (unconditional) love and the perception of stillness in action, everywhere.

Maybe this is the right place for me to ask a question I was thinking about for a while (assuming that Christi will chime in soon anyways to give you better advice): Are orgasms just another way of grounding? E.g. is an orgasm doing to ("spiritual") energy something similar as say a nature walk? Clearly it's quicker and fuller, but is it essentially different?

Hi Tensor,

Yes, orgasms with ejaculation are similar to grounding practices, but as I mentioned above, they are a bit more drastic in their effects. They are also quite depleting, which is why it is suggested for most people not to engage in orgasm more often than once a week, or once every two weeks. That is for men. For women it could be more frequent than that, depending on the person.

As you have noticed, it is possible to have an orgasm without ejaculation during practices, and to allow it to build-up in the body and even direct the prana with your attention to the higher energetic centres. This effect can also be increased through the addition of mudras and bandhas, and as you say, by breath retention. As the mudras and bandhas begin to become automatic, and as the body becomes naturally ecstatic, this begins to happen more and more throughout all of our yoga practices, and even during the day in regular life. Full-body orgasm gradually becomes our natural condition.

The purification that is caused by this happening can be very strong at times, and it can actually mean that we can practice less, with the same level of purification going on. The fastest rate of spiritual progress could be brought about by a scaled-down practice with more grounding activity in daily life. Each practitioner has to work out for themselves what the right level of practice is for them, when these levels of purification are reached. The production of amrita and the nectar cycle plays into all of this, further increasing the rate of spiritual purification of the chakras and nadis. So, we have to stay on the ball, being sure to adjust everything as necessary.
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562 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2024 :  02:43:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Tensor, Thank you for weighing in on this and it looks like Christi did an excellent job addressing your concerns.

Christi, Thank you for your teaching here. I do a lot of regular grounding and service so I suspect this is a fly wheel effect and I will dial back the tantric practices as they seem to cause this desire for greater upward energetic flow. I guess I misunderstood the idea surrounding crown openings. I have certainly experienced whole body ecstasy and radiance and had hoped/thought there was a way to release thru the third eye or crown. If that really isn't a destination for this energy then it suggests I just need to stop blowing up this energetic balloon as it is destined to pop.
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United Kingdom
4545 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2024 :  3:32:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Interpaul,

Yes, a good crown opening is one where there is simply dissolution into pure bliss consciousness taking place over many years, with few, or no, fireworks involved. It is not a glass elevator with an "up and out" button (a reference to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"). Anyone who thinks it is, is likely in for a bumpy road ahead.
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2310 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2024 :  05:23:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This yogi's ecstatic experiences mirror those of Interpaul and Tensor. In my mid60s, I release perhaps six times a month; with an established natural vijroli, there seems to be no loss in sensation in deep meditation and other practices. Obviously this varies in practitioners, in my case I have no ejaculate due to a prostatectomy in 2010, so there certainly isn't loss in that department Instead of sensation being cast from the body, sex is now experienced up, down, and outward from the shushumna; orgasm registers in the heart, throat, base of the skull, and the brain.

There is something to be said for visualizing a radiant body, one that releases down the legs and out the feet into Earth, down the arms and out the fingertips, through the heart and solar centers, out all three eyes, as well as on the breath. In this way you reduce head pressure simply by putting attention and intention elsewhere and surrender your pleasure. Having an ishta to offer your pleasure to removes the business of "what to do" from the process. Imagining your shushumna like a ballon might be too limiting, and think you're going to pop. Maybe you're a sea sponge, the ocean moves through you, you simply have to be there and enjoy it, no need do anything at all.

I understand the importance of self pacing, but find this doesn't seem to bring things into balance and often just creates disappointment as it feels a bit like climbing to the top of a mountain and then having to descend to basecamp, repeating over and over rather than summiting the next peak. I have this fantasy releasing the energy through the 3rd eye or crown is ultimately where this energy is supposed to go and I feel stuck in not knowing how to release the energy in this way.

Like Tensor says, if you are not overloading, if your life is unfolding good enough, you are healthy and able to find quiet and openness, then continue your current practices, and adjust them up or down as needed. If you experience peaks and valleys, give that your attention, as well as why you "are stuck". If you are experiencing ecstasy, your shushumna is obviously open, and most likely vajroli is established. The beauty of experiencing ecstasy is there really nothing for you to do when in the throes of it, it is better to radiate (surrender) energy than try to direct it anywhere in your body.
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9 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2025 :  12:37:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
You guys are amazing

for my part, ive been cutting off on practices (except DM), and trying to ease into it.

I totally get the balloon symbolism

part of me wants to make it pop, still

being depleted somehow can look worse

I like the sponge allegory, Dogboy, learning to be washed in this seems like a good way to go

thanks all for sharing.
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2310 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2025 :  05:34:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Welcome Jonathas

I see this body as a testimony to AYP's design and approach. Good for you for easing into it, this is a lifetime practice, patience and discipline see results, which are often subtle in their presentation. I have been at it for twelve years, at a pretty high level the last four, and still, each and every day, my body will surprise me of what it is capable of experiencing.
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