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319 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  04:38:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit christiane's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

I have 2 basic questions that often come on my mind and I always forget to ask them..

First, would like to know: if someone feels overwhelmed with love energy and he would like to do palm healing on another person who is sick, is it safe (for him) to do that? I mean, I've heard that the "healer" could take some negative energies on him, and he should learn how to release them from his/her system after the healing session..
Personally, whenever I do palm healing, I never feel tired or drained.. But in case of diseases like cancer, is it still safe to interact with another person's energy without being affected?
I believe that as long as I simply allow love energy to flow from my hands, without using any knowledge or symbols (like they do in Reiki), there shouldn't be any problem.. any insight?

Second: whenever I do spinal breathing, I wonder how I should hold my hands: I am used to hold specific mudras during my other practices, and I can feel the different effects of each one.
So, I feel like something missing in the SBP! Do the hands simply rest on both thighs? Isn't it better to close the hands,with all the fingers holding the thumb inside, so that the system becomes a "closed" circuit?


3115 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  05:44:51 AM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hi Christy,

concerning part one i used to think and experience the same about getting other's negative energy but thks to practices like samyama and the presence of inner silence it seems that things aren't the same anymore.

so i suggest you do your hand healing and at the same time let go of whatever negative energy that might come up into you inner silence (precisely like when we do in samyama practice.)

thk you AYP...

concerning hand mudras, they are effects more than cause and they will happen by there own when the kundalini currents start to reach your hands as is happening here with me.

during spinal breathing the index and the thumb automatically react with each other and form the circle which closes the hands circuit.

at other practices like jalandhara bandha and samyama the hands and legs are jumping all around the place sometimes but it's most beautiful during jalandhara bandha bcz there my hands start to do these dancing movements at certain times and at others they are rubbing around my body's skin specifically around the heart area and arms.

check out this beautiful lesson:

light and love,

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1197 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  06:30:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
When you are not involved in spiritual practices and you were not initiated in reiki for example, there is a risk of giving your own energies to the receptor,and you can feel after tired and less energy.
But if you are doing spiritual practices like ayp and you feel you are prepared and want to give pure love with your hands,you can do it,because it means you have your higher chackras opened for channeling the "ki","chi","prana"...altought you havent done any reiki "training".
Katrine comes to mind,she get this faculty as a result of lots of years doing spiritual practices...
While channeling spiritual energies,both healer and receptor will benefit.
all the best.

Edited by - miguel on May 13 2009 07:28:31 AM
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319 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  06:38:11 AM  Show Profile  Visit christiane's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for the link, Ananda.
Recently, it happened to me 2-3 times, while doing alternate nostril breathing, when I go deep in it, and feel pleasurable energy playing along the spine, especially in the upper back, I noticed that my left hand starts forming a mudra (thumb joining the 4th finger).
It's like a nervous tension that is felt along the left arm till the hand. If I want to unlock the hand, it needs some effort and will.
Same tension, though much more intense, happened many times in the spine, after last step of Shambhavi (chin lock on empty lungs).
The spine curves and the head turns upward. It's quite painful physically, but there is an intense feeling of "emptiness" and release..
As for spinal breathing, I followed my intuition and usually I close the hands, willingly. It feels comfortable this way and I feel it helps focussing more on visualizing the nervous thread..
But I needed to make sure that it doesn't interfere with the way SBP works..

Thank you Ananda!
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1813 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  07:27:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Christiane

Ananda has covered it well (thanks Ananda ..and thanks for the reminder of lesson 135).

Here....as far as I know....it never happened that anyone involved in a healing was in any way harmed from it. Never felt the need to protect myself, and like you, never felt drained afterwards. On the contrary....

However....the hands...like the love in the heart...starts buzzing here....so I never have to wonder...I always know when a healing will take place. And if people approach me for a healing.....I always take time to connect to them first....so that I know what is going on with them (inside) before anything further is "done" about it....during the time I spend connecting with them ....the hands/heart will tell me if a healing is called for. If not...then some words can happen instead....one can always help one way or the other...

It doesn't matter what the disease of the body is......the healing from/of heart....is not physically aimed...but the result of it can be felt spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically....

I never concern myself with the outcome of the healing.....here the outcome has already happened the instant the client made the approach...(or the need to offer a healing made itself known inside me)....nothing I "do" or "think" before, during or after the healing will change this outcome for the better....

And yes....before...and during a healing I am always "nullet ut" (Norwegian for "zeroed out"...very quiet inside)......don't ever want to disturb that silence with any kind of "method" ....or "symbol"...or anything.....

As for how to hold one's hands during DM and SBP.....
Never thought of the necessity of a closed circuit (?)....but here the hands always rest in the lap as follows (it just happened of itself years back): Left hand (heart of hand facing up) is resting within the right hand...in such a way that the pillow-tips of the thumbs are touching....

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1813 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  07:29:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Miguel and Christiane...we cross posted
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849 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  07:33:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi christiane,

What I noticed in my life is that whenever i "feel" like a negative energy is in my body, either from my own thoughts or from somebody else nearby, i just allow this feeling to be inside of me wherever it is, and by just allowing it it goes away (opposed to resisting it which I *think* makes it stay.. either way it goes away faster)..

Sometimes when I meditate I like to put my hands in the cosmic mudra (hands palms up, one hand over the other and thumbs touching above the palms) like in zen I'm not sure but it may have made some of my meditations more effective, but maybe it wasn't because of that.. other times I just put my hands on my thighs..


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1813 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  07:46:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yonatan

Sometimes when I meditate I like to put my hands in the cosmic mudra (hands palms up, one hand over the other and thumbs touching above the palms) like in zen I'm not sure but it may have made some of my meditations more effective, but maybe it wasn't because of that.. other times I just put my hands on my thighs..

Cosmic mudra??
You mean it has a name? ......the only difference here is that the thumbs are not "above" the palm....but resting a little "out from it"..on the side sort of....

When the hands rest like this here....just positioning the hands like this...is enough to put the heart at rest ....so if a lot is going on at work f.ex.....I'll sit still for 30 seconds....hands nesting within each other....and that will be enough to generate greater presence.

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4854 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  07:48:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ananda has it well covered. I agree with both his points.

When you heal from the heart and from silence, you will not feel drained, rather you will feel healed too.

Miguel, you have a very good point.. when you are doing spiritual practices, you are opening up. So in my opinion, as you heal someone, you yourself are healing too, however if your nervous system is not open, the energy flowing thru you has lots of obstructions to flow thru and that makes you feel drained and tired. But as you open, the healing just flows.. so the drain feels less or absent.

I agree on the chin mudra (closing of index and the thumb).. it seems to happen automatically during spinal breathing and at times in meditation too. I don't pay too much attention to it.. let it be as it wants to be.
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1813 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  08:15:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
the only difference here is that the thumbs are not "above" the palm....but resting a little "out from it"..on the side sort of....

i googled "cosmic mudra"..........the reason my thumbs are not "above" the palm is that the right hand embraces all of the left hand...and this makes the thumbs...more...facing each other... kissing-like ...*lol*

....so...if it needs a name...then why not "kiss mudra"...*lol*...heart within heart...and thumbs "pointing" the silence outwards.....*lol*.....

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1197 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  08:15:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Shanti:
So in my opinion, as you heal someone, you yourself are healing too, however if your nervous system is not open, the energy flowing thru you has lots of obstructions to flow thru and that makes you feel drained and tired. But as you open, the healing just flows.. so the drain feels less or absent.

This is an interesting point of view also,i think.
I know,when you heal somebody,your own self heals too...
But for example,if your nervous sitem is closed and you take a reki intiation,you can give lots of pure energy from your crown to your hands and receptor altought your nervous sistem is not opened,a in a very different way that before taking the initiation.This is an advantage of reiki initiations.Its wonderful.
After two years and a half since i took reiki initiation,my channel is bigger than after taking the initiation BECAUSE of almost two years doing yoga practices.Now i feel very much light (i see it with eyes close trought my 3 eye) and love in my hands,and i didnt feel it before.It is happening very clearly.
On the other hand,in ayp yoga faq,s reiki is defined as energy coming from spiritual beings,and this is not exactly what happens.In reiki healings you are channeling universal energy.Spiritual beings are there also,but helping us.

Edited by - miguel on May 13 2009 08:20:37 AM
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1197 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  08:25:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
If you take reiki initiation (for example),you can channel divine energy and avoid feeling tired,altought you nervous sistem is not much opened.I never felt tired.Simbols are there for helping at the begining,but there is a point in the path that its not necesary to use them.I use them yet,but i havent try to dont use them...i feel comfortable with them .

Edited by - miguel on May 13 2009 08:29:57 AM
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4854 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  08:54:06 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Very good points Miguel.

All of this has been my experience too. These days, although I may be sending reiki healing, it actually is nothing like the reiki healing I did when I started reiki.. now it is more healing flowing through me as silence. The symbols too happen very rarely.. if it comes up to work with the symbols I do so.. but most times.. its just healing flowing from silence. And yes as we open more, the energy flow is more natural.

Also thanks for the heads up on the Reiki FAQ. I will look into fixing that.
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1197 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  09:22:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Totally agree shanti,thank you very much.
I didnt now you were a reki healer also...
in relation to the faqu's when i read it i tought that reiki was descripted in a way that sounds strange and scary...and its isnt the desciption of the sistem that most of the reiki teachers give like you probably know.It surprised me.
all the best

Edited by - miguel on May 13 2009 09:25:45 AM
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319 Posts

Posted - May 13 2009 :  10:56:47 AM  Show Profile  Visit christiane's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi all,
Thank you for your input and interesting personal experiences..
Actually, I've been initiated to Reiki about 5 years ago..
And I remember that when we came to "practicing" the symbols during the initation day, I felt it weird and uncomfortable to involve mental activity in what I was feeling natural..(just pure love healing).
And that day, we were divided in groups. There was a girl who was receiving our energies. I was with a guy who was very "focused" and cautious about applying the symbols and gestures in the proper way we were taught. But me, as I was more a "feeling type", and didn't like this symbols stuff; so I just let my hands feel and give, with love..
After the session, the girl, who had a headache or pain in the stomach (I can't remember exactly) told me, in a loving way, that she felt the difference and the warm/soft energy that came through me..
As for the hand mudras, all I can say is that each mudra I use during my pranayama (not SBP)daily session is aimed to "work" on different parts of the body.Only for lungs, there are 4 mudras corresponding to a specific part of the lungs. Also the palms position has different effects: for example, if the palms are facing downwards, holding yoga mudra (thumb+2nd finger), it works on the lower part of the body. When the thumb is pointing upward (like when you do a "ok, fine" sign) it works with the upper part of the spine and body in general..
Anyway, I agree that if things happens naturally, like spontaneous mudra in SBP for example, we should let it be without focusing too much.


Edited by - christiane on May 13 2009 11:02:09 AM
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Posted - Jun 10 2024 :  3:15:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All

I realize this thread has been inactive for about 14 years, but my recent experience resonates with this particular focus on the palm of my hands. I have only been on the AYP path for about a month. It has been a blissful month of unfailing twice-daily practice. I felt my spine "activate" after about ten days of practice (call it what you will, kundalini awakening, ecstatic conductivity, etc.). After some initial disbelief, I realized that the feeling wasn't going away, and I began self-pacing, trying to ground myself in the practice (and in my work and family life) rather than to bask in the state of pleasure. So far, no adverse effects.

Now, one thing that comes up time and again is a feeling of pleasure/bliss in the center of the palms of my hands. It is like a continuation of the uplifting well-being that radiates from my spine, but somehow it focuses in the palms of my hands. It can feel warm and tingly but never unpleasant. Sometimes the energy migrates to the tips of my fingers. Bringing the two hands together feels good; running the fingers of one hand through the palm of the other hand, and pressing my hands against my own body feel good too. Something as simple as placing my hand on the shoulder of a friend feels like a heightened moment. I feel an analogous sensation in the sole of my feet, but the hands have a more central role in everyday life. The hands are a constant reminder of the transformation that is taking place within me. They are in full vibration right now, even as I type these words.

I wanted to put this out there. If anybody else is feeling this love radiating from the center of the hands, please let me know what it means to you. I have read most of the AYP books, and taken in some the considerable group wisdom in this forum, so I understand the value of moving past the scenery and towards the practice. Still, there's something about the hands that feels like more than just scenery, something that wants to help, touch, heal, build, and work. I would love to hear your thoughts.
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101 Posts

Posted - Jun 11 2024 :  3:33:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi SirAustin,

I find a lot of pleasure in my hands and fingers. And it just got more over the last months (it started out with "spots" in the center of my hands and finger tips, but they are now kind of everywhere on my body and getting more, with a lot of them on the hands). I find this very fascinating because there is no AYP practice that explicitly involves the hands (except if I remember correctly some modified cosmic samyama, but I have never done that), and so it's a clear sign of the global effects AYP has on the whole body (or at least my body perception).

During meditation I now tend to put my hands into gyan mudra or dhyana mudra as depicted here: https://yogapractice.com/yoga/20-co...s-explained/

I think dhyana mudra is what Katrine in her posts in this thread described.

My hands just "like" to be there during deep meditation and samyama, meaning that when I put them into one of these two mudras right after spinal breathing there is no desire for them to move, which makes my meditation more distraction free. Additionally, there is a lot of bliss coming from these mudras that spreads through my body, and it also feels like there is natural synergy with other mudras and bandhas I'm doing, in the sense they amplify each other and "want" to be combined (e.g. if I do gyan mudra my tongue wants to do khecari.).

Some hand mudras seem to involve a lot of my "spots". For instance in dhyana mudra, the first joint of my middle finger (called PIP in this photograph https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:..._of_hand.jpg ) of the upper hand touches the center of my palm of my lower hand. And the tip of the middle finger of the lower hand touches the center of the back of the upper hand. In addition the two thumbs "kiss" (as Katrine described it).
So in this mudra there are six of my "spots" pairwise "kissing" each other...

Outside of meditation the increased sensitivity of my touch sense has only increased my life quality.
The AYP lesson books are called "Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living". They do deliver

Edited by - TensorTympani on Jun 11 2024 6:12:30 PM
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2299 Posts

Posted - Jun 12 2024 :  03:00:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Outside of meditation the increased sensitivity of my touch sense has only increased my life quality.

I concur
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2 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2024 :  11:05:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks TensorTympani for your reply, feedback, and info! Yes, my newfound experiencing of my hands is increasing my quality of life as well. From your report, I see that I have much to look forward to.
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