For those who want to try another REALLY powerful meditation this is an alternative.My experience is that this meditation works best if you already have some stillness from other meditations.
just found this video on youtube,I hope some people here tries this meditation it is incredible powerful.I lost my body mind and counciouness when i practice it,was like dying, very scary. This meditation method is not some new age stuff,it comes from Master Nan Huai Chin.A living recognized enlightened master.
Hey Boris, does this meditation technique require extremely good visualization ? Or is good nerve-feeling around the area (kind of how sbp is done) is good enough? The reason I'm asking is because I can't memorize all the bones. But I can sortof feel them and have a tingly effect at the area of my focus. Is this enough for the tech. to work?
Also if you don't mind me asking, how long (weeks / months) did it take you to notice good progress and that deathlike experience you mentioned? I'm looking for another side practice that I can add on to my AYP routine since I'm one of those undersensitive meditators :)