all is coming from is from inside ...obstacle is from inside..fear is from inside ...courage is from ..hate...boredom.....excitment....anger...calmness.... agressivness....all come from inside cause it is rooted deep inside...this spring cleaning is tiring sometimes... am i those emotions? who is experiencing all those emotions?
This was beautiful, it may not have been intended as such, but it is nonetheless. True expression is always beautiful.
Our emotions are a part of ourselves, but not the totality of who we are. Your hands are a part of you and yet you are not your hands. Our emotions can be seen as our choices of response, we can choose the colors on our palette and which brush to use in creating our emotional portraits in life.
Each emotion is an expression of ourselves yet we can rise above them so they may become that which we use rather than being used by them. We lose nothing from our awareness of choice, we gain mastery over ourselves and thus can create a deeper beauty born of Truth.