I understand it now; my fear of singing on stage Singing in public faulted the logic of “doing” to merit the wage
The setting I was in was perfect for revealing the helpless core; the futile lore of the structure I called “my being”
I pitted that structure against the pain of failure All along sinking, all along thinking that action itself was my tenure
My true existence was a glimpse now and then; just enough to keep me going in the boat that I was rowing while Awareness silently nurtured my pen
The Sea very gently shattered my vessel; freeing what I took to be my hobby In the space backstage was the humble sage I had not planned to show anybody
Yet here she is as the seer, the seen and the seing; as proof in itself that Life needs no help from me when it comes to Being
The instant I accepted the dreary fact that I cannot at all do the singing, I heard the bells tell the truth of all wells: I am what I am through the ringing