What do you guys think about Fluoride and the Pineal Gland? I know you can't believe everything on youtube the guy lists a lot of studies in the video.
I was thinking about getting a bereky water filter with the fluoride add-on not just because the pineal is important for spirituality but also because I have some really bad insomnia.
Old thread I know. I second your concern about fluoride. Check these guys out for natural ways to detox from fluoride. http://www.earthclinic.com/ I don't think there is a single method there that would be approved by your doctor. Proceed with caution.
Old thread I know. I second your concern about fluoride. Check these guys out for natural ways to detox from fluoride. http://www.earthclinic.com/ I don't think there is a single method there that would be approved by your doctor. Proceed with caution.
Thanks for posting this, been trying oil pulling with good results.
There has been some academic research that has validated the fact that fluoride does accumulate in the pineal glands of people exposed to fluoridated water and other sources of fluoride. One study that I can remember off the top of my head cited fluoride concentrations in the pineal gland that were equal or greater than the amount of fluoride contained in the teeth of an adult who has been exposed to fluoridated water and other dental fluoride treatments.
Recently the EPA has also begun the process of reducing the amount of fluoride in drinking water by almost 50%. This is in response to a study that was done by the national academy of science entitled "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards." If anyone is interested in this subject, I highly recommend checking out that study. Many people consider the fluoride thing to be a sort of conspiracy theory, which is unfortunate considering the large amount of hard science that has been done to support the idea that fluoride is actually an incredibly toxic substance that is potentially causing untold amounts of damage to people's bodies and minds.
Edited by - Clear White Light on Mar 09 2011 07:51:25 AM