Welcome to The Raja Yoga Institute www.raja-yoga.org recommended by the International Yoga Federation and improve your Yoga practice with our free books. Download them now.
DISCOVERY OF THE KEYS OF IMMORTALITY? Everyone knows that Yoga is dealing with healthcare and aging. However no Yoga practitioner was able until now to stay alive. A Belgian man, called Ajita, is convinced he has discovered the keys of immortality and offers us to share his kowledge for free. He describes extensively this subject in three books you can download from the homepage of his website www.raja-yoga.org . Written in a direct and clear language his testimony is based upon a number of exceptional revelations since 1963. During twenty years he checked the validity of the given informations with the original content of the old scriptures of Yoga. In 1984 he started his Professional Yoga Training in Amsterdam, Holland, to help improve the quality of Yoga practice. In 2003 he was ready with his research. His conclusion is amazing and actually causes a revolution in the Yoga world: "The translations of the old scriptures until now are fundamentally wrong. My translation works in practice and makes the logic of Yoga as the science of immortality clear for the first time since the antiquity. Everybody can now reach a very long life". The top of the International Yoga Federation, with her 300 million practitioners worldwide, supports Ajita, and gives his proposition the necessary credibility. He has been appointed President of the European Yoga Council, responsible for the coordination of the Teachers Training Courses in Europe, and Special Honorary Advisor of the World Yoga Council.