Recently, I switched the order of the chin pump and bastrika, and do the chin pump first (right after SBP). I find that with this order, I need to wait a few minutes after chin pump to start bastrika (to regain normal breathing). Even then, bastrika is uneven and I need to stop several times, mostly at "in-breath". Should bastrika begin at the next breath after chin pump? When I do the bastrika before the chin pump, it is much more even and I can sustain it longer... kami
Perhaps you are holding your breath longer then you should be during Chin Pump? It only takes me a second or two to regain my breath after doing Chin Pump. FWIW though, I used to have an issue with needing time to regain my breath after doing nauli kriya (which I did right before SBP) until I realized that if I engage jalandhara bandha during nauli kriya I recover as soon as I let go of my breath....perhaps there is just a little bit of minor tweaking necessary to your Chin Pump practice? Not sure exactly what that would be though. Experiment a little. Try switching things up a little to see if you can find a routine that is perfect for your personal disposition. Everyone is at least a little bit different in their distortions/obstructions and may require a slightly different order/practice set in order for things to flow smoothly. Only you will know what will work the best for you. This is my opinion anyways. Perhaps others will chime in with better/contradictory advice.