I mysteriously managed to overlook this whole topic for a whole year.....bumped into it today. Ether......you had me in stiches :
quote:I want to dance with cologne on with an umbrella to vulgar music, look at women lustfully while loudly babbling on thoughtlessly, and eat salt and sugar and complex foods while looking hither and thither!
Yes....much better to acknowledge the whole package. How else will I be able to watch myself.....if I keep hiding away my umbrella and put on sunglasses everytime something catches my eye?
Renounciation is a spontanious happening. If not - it is fake. Fake... in the sense that it (as Yogani points out) devides. Because....who is the renounciator? The separate individual. No matter what I think I am doing (right or wrong).....as long as I claim the doership of actions, this perpetuates the bond with the bodymind.
Todays society makes it possible to meditate and dance. To meditate and work.
Frank wrote:
quote:Some say sanskrtam is to polish and make perfect.
The same applies here: Who is the polisher? How can something already perfect be made "more perfect" ? Why splitting One into two?
The process of embracing the world (not renouncing it) has left me in deep peace. To welcome manifistation (in all its patterns - including "inner" and "outer") - even welcoming the judgment (thoughts/ideas) of it - is what I see continously and effortlessly revealing the shine. The core. The source. I cannot run from myself. I cannot reach myself. I am it. Already all of it. This is so stunningly beautiful that all umbrellas are forgotten...simply left behind.
Ether wrote:
quote:So as each of us becomes enlightened, I believe it is our obligation to help some of those worldly people get just one step closer to where we are all going.
I cannot become what I already am, Ether. I am the shine. So are you. Don't go anywhere. Stay still. See yourself first. "Worldly people" does not exist. Only concepts and ideas. Look past them in yourself. Ask yourself; "who is helping who?"