Guru Tattva helps us stop taking credit for everything WE think WE do, including our physical actions, our thoughts, and our emotional responses.
The wind blows of its own accord.
The thoughts that tell you that you are a separate entity come and go of their own accord.
The decision to have a drink of water and the act of drinking comes of its own accord.
We don't DO any of those things. The old saying "Let go and let God" means see how the Tao ain't done by thou.
There is no absolute non-porous boundary between your thoughts as you read these words and the branches of a tree bending in the wind on a distant hillside. The apparent boundary of space, time, and form is an extremely hypnotically-persuasive illusion. Matter is mostly empty spacetime which has no absolute references. Kind of sounds like what it's like inside a dream, doesn't it?
The teaching of awakening is inherent in the leela - the leela is duality and the teacher-student dyad is one of its dances.
The writer-reader dyad is one its dances as well.
Consider the dyad of wind-calm.
Ever feel like you're the eye of a thought-hurricane during meditation?
Every hurricane has its eye.
The eye is clear.
The eye is calm.
The eye sees the sky that temporarily contains the hurricane.