Sleep deprivation and yoga practices are not a good combination. I was moving ahead with practices, staying up late and only giving myself 5-6 hours of sleep per night plus a nap in the afternoon. I did this for about a month, and started noticing that I was feeling irritated by little mundane things. I kept it up and reached a point to where I was constantly tired and didn't want to do anything. Coupled with intense weight training and going to clubs/bars a couple nights a week, I blew the lid. I was literally in a state of rage for a couple weeks, with my social activities and yoga practice being my only solace.
I stopped working out completely for a week and started getting more rest and sleep. It took a week for me to recover from all the activity and get my energy back. Afterwards I inquired into what was causing this rage: 1) sleep deprivation 2)extreme frustration and loneliness over not having good success with women 3) Boredom and sense of meaninglessness at my daytime internship
I learned that I need plenty of sleep or I get cranky!
My experience actually indicates that (AYP) yoga practices compensate a great deal in periods of getting less sleep then your preferred number of hours.
In the last couple months I get 5-7 hours of sleep and I am functioning properly mostly thanks to starting the day with pranayama/meditation. My blood pressure is very low (100-60 or 90-50) so before AYP I was really slow and inefficient in the morning regardless of the number of hours of sleep. I think that in time you may experience similar effects.
Good luck with women and getting a better internship (both very important).