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 Ecstasy (the drug - MDMA)
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229 Posts

Posted - Jan 31 2008 :  11:09:12 AM  Show Profile  Visit cosmic_troll's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hello all,

Inspired by other posts about drugs.... I'm curious... Has anyone out there in AYP land done Ecstasy (the drug - MDMA)?

I ask because Ecstasy is what initially brought me into the spiritual path. After several years of depression and anxiety, I tried Ecstasy at a party. For the first time in my adult life, I felt "like myself" and I vowed at that moment to find a way to feel this way without drugs.

Soon after that, I discovered AYP and my life has changed for the better ever since. While AYP deep meditation and other practices have given me a great deal of inner peace and happiness, I haven't quite reached that peak I've experienced while on Ecstasy (MDMA).

So my question is for those who've experienced both MDMA and the ecstatic bliss of AYP practices... does AYP compare to Ecstasy?

I feel no desire to do Ecstasy again, due to the results of AYP, but I have very fond memories of my Ecstasy experiences.

And I have this feeling that AYP will eventually lead to something far better than any drug I've ever taken.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance



United Kingdom
305 Posts

Posted - Jan 31 2008 :  2:36:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Jack's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
MDMA can give a glimpse of unconditional love through temporarily quietening the denser energies of guilt, shame, fear, pride, and anger.

It triggers you to actually experience what is IMPORTANT - LOVE.

Yeah, it set me on the quest too, five or six years ago.

In my experience of various meditation, and especially of AYP meditation in the past (and starting again today, Jan 31s :) ), is that you become gradually and safely illuminated by that same love.

And its not being triggered externally by a chemical this time round, this is literally your neurobiology SINGING.

Happy sitting.


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229 Posts

Posted - Feb 02 2008 :  07:06:49 AM  Show Profile  Visit cosmic_troll's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Jack

And its not being triggered externally by a chemical this time round, this is literally your neurobiology SINGING.

What a beautiful way to put it

I'm glad you're starting again. What happened? Were you off practice for long?

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United Kingdom
305 Posts

Posted - Feb 02 2008 :  8:22:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Jack's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

I was off AYP practices for around 4-5 months. I didn't stop meditating altogether, I was going through a phase of guided chakra meditations from ideagasms.net I really wanted to get my first four nice and open so I could enjoy feeling deeply grounded, socially and sexually confident, and open-hearted. Now I am starting to realise every shred of real charisma and joy comes from only deep self-acceptance (which is what I was told on iG anyway, takes a while to hit you though!), so I am getting back into AYP and surrendering the ego-trip of being any fixed way.

Its awesome, I'm starting to awaken silence within, and really working on accepting myself and just being truthful very deeply and congruently with myself and with others. :)

Enough rambling for now, good night.
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351 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2008 :  10:58:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement
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46 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2008 :  01:01:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit Nicole's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi CT,
Yes, I have experimented... and I have been practicing AYP for a few years now. Yes you can experience similar feelings as you would on the drug... and yes it can be a wonderful experience. BUT it is just that.. an experience so I would have to say that going deeper, to what is underneath all of those euphoric feelings is where it gets way more interesting.
Eventually the highs are not something you desire necessarily because you'll become content with what is.
But while on the journey... enjoy... then let it pass.
At first it is easy to get caught up in the feelings and try to hold on to them, think they are more then they are, or desire to get them back. Best to just let them pass... remembering they are just that.. an experience.

Hope this helps :)

I haven't been on here in so long! Hope everyone is well.
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420 Posts

Posted - Mar 12 2008 :  11:55:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I agree with Nicole. It's always better to favor context over content. I look at ecstatic bliss as mostly just a tool for purifying the nervous system. Much of it feels good, sometimes it's a little akward, though even the pleasure that comes from such practices should be transcended if enlightenment is the goal.

I've had some experience playing with energy in the "nether regions", I'd say it was better than orgasm, definetly better than ecstacy... but it was just playing with energy. The world outside you is a world of form, the world inside you as a world of form. Once you refine your awareness of both, that's when you get to the core of who you are, the silent witness.

Seated in the silent witness is the highest form of bliss possible, it's neither pleasure nor pain, it's not what you think it is :) haha. Though it's also what you think it is, and it's both pleasure and pain.

Karmah always goes 'round. You realise your self, then you realize you were always "enlightened" , you end up where you started... start where you end up. Haha, I love the zen paradox way of explaining things :).

This saying gave me shivers the first time I heard it: "you were born naked and will die naked".
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3189 Posts

Posted - May 11 2009 :  3:07:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit CarsonZi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I had a chance last week to do MDA (not MDMA, although they are very similar) therapy with my wife. I cannot explain the difference this has made in our relationship. Although it has only been basically a week since we did it, the difference in the way we are able to relate is enormous. I don't think that the therapy did much for me personally other then put both my wife and I on a similar mental platform and I actually did not feel very much from the drugs as I was already deep in ecstacy from my AYPractices, but the revelations my wife came to were absolute epiphanies for her. She has also decided that she is going to start meditation with regularity. As well as try to quit smoking cigarettes (been smoking a pack a day for a dozen years at least, has tried to quit numerous times). We were able to delve deep into sexual issues she and I have, deep into issues she has with her parents, deep into issues of sexual abuse as a child, and resolve much of these things to the point where I believe she can move on. The opportunity to do this came very much out of nowhere as neither of us were seeking to do this, nor could we afford it, yet everything fell into place in order to acheive this great letting go of pain and suffering. I am not advocating the use of MDA or MDMA, and actually I don't find that it did much for me at all, but it really made a huge difference for my wife. What I think I am coming to realize now, is that with the increased purification of the nervous system, drugs become less and less powerful, or less and less identified with as an altered state of mind. The state of mind is already altered/not identified with. I found great benefit with the use of these substances in the past, but now that I am into a deeper spiritual journey the benefits are getting less and less. But the therapuetic effects on those who are not engaged in any spiritual practices may just be what could push certain types of individuals INTO spiritual practices. This is what it seems has happened for Eitherway, the OP of this thread, and now also for my wife. I'm sure there are many others as well. Anyways, just wanted to share.


Edited by - CarsonZi on May 11 2009 4:20:01 PM
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Czech Republic
314 Posts

Posted - May 11 2009 :  5:27:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Great Carson! :)

the therapuetic effects on those who are not engaged in any spiritual practices may just be what could push certain types of individuals INTO spiritual practices.

Yea, I agree, this potential of certain drugs is really underused nowadays :) It would be great if people could do an official psychotherapy with such drugs... and within a framework to support further development without them.
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421 Posts

Posted - May 11 2009 :  5:47:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The way of drugs is an empty path,imho

However,You migth want to make a case for taking halluciongen to open one's mind(i've heard mention of some gurus prescribe to some disciples who they felt might benefit),at least once in your life.otherwise ,They are temporary altered states that i don't think lead anywhere significant..

i've been through all this sh*t-- it is sh*t--tthis is what it is.in the long run it does not help you,surely. hinders,surely one can to try then let go and move on,( or else. )

having graduated through the various substance use & abuse phases in my life from acid and marijuana in school, to mdma at uni and then heroin addiction for a decade and flirtations with crack/& iv coke...i can honestly say i think imho that this path is empty. & completely vacuous.fortunately i've been able to move on, and kick the heropin habit that othwerisw has either jailed or killed most folk.i know alot of folk that are dead. that is indeed the way it goes if you chase that dragon. i'm lucky i got off. i don't mean to be preachy. i think yoga is a bit like a drug

I refuse to drink alcohol and i've quit smoking and i'm much happier and more stable because of it.

mdam and coke are so artificial- went through all that when the e-scene kicked off here 18 years ago , then i devloped addiction with heroin after uni which intrinsically is not as neurotoxic though highly addictive and crushing

doing ayp -weel that purifies the ns
and drugs surely detoxify it.
seems to me a bit of contradiction there, like lighting a fire ,then putting it out.

i can understand if you're in an environment where drugs is rife and a way to de-stress,and find avoidiing it difificult. but doing yoga and drugs, seem rather antithetical, unless you maybe were taking a hallucinogen once to open your mind.it only seems to undermine the effects of the yoga.

i will say i shot up once heroin six months into my asana practice, cos i had fractured my shoulder and had to heal and so felt i could not practice my asana. and i nearly died,OD'd as i had no tolerance.4 junkies woke me up and were not in a good mood either.i had shot up myself; they were my needles etc. i was full of voka and crack. could'nt help myself. trust me- i have indded left that addiction now , as i have yoga now.

taking drugs and doing yoga seems like a contradiction. the former only undermines the latter. yoga is your natural state and beter and stronger than any drug out there. you know there are naturally occuring opiates produced in the brain that are may many 1000 times more ppowerful than our pharmaceutical versions.

just thought i would add to this thread,as it looked like it was active,

btw carson i just feel when one is on those drugs( though i think opiates can have clear phramceutical appplication and useful for killing pain and anxiety though highly aiddictive) particularly mdma and coke, mda that if the silent witness is truly there, what it sees is truly vacuous and artifical. this is what i have felt( and that was before i tried or done yoga--i could see that after a while ,certainly--it just became so boring and vacuous and artificial). life is much richer and more beautiful than these phony states. i know you agreee with me, as you've been down that empty road, i feel.

i think you're mad mixing powerul practices like ayp with drugs, and fail to see thepoint. if you live in an environment where theses things are rife i'm sorry that is the case. but perhpas your sytem is more resilient than mine but if one is doing everything inone's powerr to purfify than introducing drugs...... i don't quite get. I would'nt be able to tolerate or apreciate them, and in the clear light of day i feel they're pretty vacuous.

i know the psychedeclic drugs did open my mind,sure but eventually we need to grow up..surely.face our responsibliites. yeah you don't know me. but drugs damage communities and destory individuals. this is what i've seen, they are extremely hard to get off. you and I are the very lucky fortunate few---- most folk i know are still on it by the stats, stay on it or a re simply dead. i reckon these are the stats. i mean it is tragic.

yoga shows you that that there is a much bigger and more purposeful and another way to live, both happy and fulfilled..if onn is switched on enough.

But the therapuetic effects on those who are not engaged in any spiritual practices may just be what could push certain types of individuals INTO spiritual practices.

i hear what you're saying. maybe feel have to warp their mind and alter it chmically to go beyond this. it is obvious maya. i don't have a problem with heroin addicts aslong as they can procure it from a doctor which is legally not the case right now. hence the problems with gangsters,inner city crime, jails filling up and society struggling alot because of this. the drug-producing countries of the world profit like afghnaistan.we should buy the heroin from afghansitan instead of making war with them. trade with them then prescriibe to junkies on the streets in the west. that is what we should at least try out.

the crimiliastaion of heroin i question it has'nt always been like this;i'm think victroian times whenopium tincture was available for medical uses, as medication controlled by a doctor,not a gangster.

mdma,coke,mda(aka 'speed')--- these on the other hand have had medical applications as appetitie supressants and are interesting-ish for the altered states produced, but become boring eventually and pretty vacuous.

my gut feeling is that playing about with drugs and powerful practices like ayp---seems a contraidction and a bit odd, if not unwise. to say the least. imho

rd laing wrote an interesting book about how halluicongen's can help open the mind,and shed the ego, and i believe this has truth, but the other drugs are sh*t, other than the medical application ( such as opioids/heroin/morhpine etc which can be quite helpful for folk in physical and mental pain- chornic anxiety or body pain)i think. and do not serve one much.

tiime to move on,surely if one possibly can. tht is the important bit. if one can. if one feels one can live one's life another way.

Edited by - Akasha on May 11 2009 6:05:47 PM
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421 Posts

Posted - May 11 2009 :  7:45:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
i feel bit like i'm on a stimulant tonight. and i don't really do any SbP- the odd minute or 2, perhaps.
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Czech Republic
368 Posts

Posted - May 14 2009 :  5:04:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit mimirom's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by tadeas

Great Carson! :)

the therapuetic effects on those who are not engaged in any spiritual practices may just be what could push certain types of individuals INTO spiritual practices.

Yea, I agree, this potential of certain drugs is really underused nowadays :) It would be great if people could do an official psychotherapy with such drugs... and within a framework to support further development without them.

Hi tadeas,

the answer is: Holotropic brathwork. People around HB are trying to offer something that is "based on" western science, in an attempt to get people involved which distrust or disdain practices that are labeled "spiritual", and send them on the journey.
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