a couple of my buddies have been into jiu jitsu and have encouraged me to do some form of martial arts. it got me thinking about martial arts. i haven't really done any of it and know very little about it, i guess cause i only saw it as merely fighting per se even though i know it is more than that... but after having an engaging conversation with them and seeing some of the deeper stuff, i am really interested in taking up some form of martial arts. anyone have anything to say about martial arts or recommendations for beginnners?
The best thing you can do is do a little bit of research on the web before making a decision on what style of martial arts you want to learn.. It depends alot on what aspect of martial arts you want to focus on i.e. For fighting, for show, general health/exercise,philosophical etc..Different styles usually have specific focuses.. However the Absolute most important thing is to find a good instructor to teach you.. I've been practicing different styles of martial arts collectively for about 15 years and it's always been one of my favorite things so I'd definitely recommend it..
many thanks thokar and anthony574...i'll check out the muay thai. thokar if you don't mind i'd like to email you to pick your brain on martial arts because i see you do have some experience in this area