I will be leading an online retreat from the 1st to the 4th of July 2021 using Zoom. The topic of the retreat will be the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is a text composed between 500BC and 500AD in India. It is considered to be one of the founding texts of yoga. It covers topics such as the 8-limbs of yoga, samyama, samadhi and liberation. It is one of the earliest texts which discusses samyama practice.
The retreat will consist of 4 evening sessions, with a pranayama and meditation session before each evening's talk, and time for questions.
The time zone will be the U.K. (London) and the language will be English.
18:00-20:00 Introduction followed by a 30 minute pranayama and deep meditation session (as guided practices). Talk on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, followed by a Q and A session.
Friday 2nd July
18:00-20:00 : 30 minute pranayama and deep meditation session (as guided practices). Talk on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, followed by a Q and A session.
Saturday 3rd July
18:00-20:00 : 30 minute pranayama and deep meditation session. Talk on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, followed by a Q and A session.
Sunday 4th July
16:00-18:00 : 30 minute pranayama and deep meditation session. Talk on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, followed by a Q and A session.