I have a chronic pain condition that really needs to be treated but I'm finding this a very difficult thing to do because I have kundalini awakening and every treatment I try causes some sort of energy reaction that tends to be extremely unpleasant. Like the supplement PEA – PALMITOYLETHANOLAMIDE, is supposed to be very effective for chronic pain and. Supposed to have no side-effects but I get an intense energy reaction to it that I really hate and I'm not sure I could take it to save my life. I'm also scared about what in my due to energy long-term. I don't feel it highly safe around kundalini energy. I had issues with it before and it settled down now and I don't want to do anything that potentially disturbs that.
So this is the issue I face with all medical treatments that I have tried so far – that they cause energy reactions that scare me and I hate and I don't know how I'm supposed to find a treatment under these circumstances.
I have a list of medical treatments that I can potentially explore but I would really not rather do that if anyone else has done that before me and found a problem with them. So if you have any input about whether these treatments are safe or not, or if you can recommend any others that are safe, I would really appreciate it.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation Hyperbaric chamber PE a supplement Alpha lipoic acid supplement scrambler therapy acupuncture low level laser infrared sauna penf machine low dose naltrexone Magic mushrooms Lion's Mane mushroom