I have suffered with irritable bowel symptoms for years. As I've explored AYP I've started to wonder if this tightness in my belly is an obstruction of the don tien. My meditation practice continues to go deeper but I feel like this bloated fullness sensation is holding me back. I meditate on an empty stomach but still feel the tightness at times. I've explored different diets and have realized I am lactose intolerant. Eliminating lactose helped some but I still would like to find ways to fully release this fullness, thank you for your attention.
if it truely is a obstruction in the subtle body, meditation will eventually take care of it. In the meantime you can further support opening and your physical digestion by various means. For example Nauli Kriya is known to solve a lot of digestive issues. Check out this AYP lesson for a detailed description and remember to self pace and to consult a medical professional if need be. https://www.aypsite.org/129.html
Stille, Thank you for your support. It's funny you mention 129. In my self pacing process I stopped at the yoni mudra Kumbhaka as I realized I'm not ready to proceed yet. I skipped ahead after lesson 91 and had a hard stop at lesson 129 as it again looked at the same lesson. Once I find a better balance in the increasing energy that comes from kechari and siddhasana I will take on these new practices.