I can get my tongue behind the uvula with a pinky assisting. Then there is a small thin membrane shaped like a semi circle. As i understand it, the next move is forward and upward? This causes me to gag. Does the membrane need to be stretched forward to overcome the gag reflex? Am i headed in the right direction? Any tips appreciated!
I had my uvula removed during a septum surgery but I believe the membrane opening is in front of the uvula, on the upper pallet. I imagine paying attention there over time would reduce the gag reflex. I was lucky, achieving Ketchari 2 with a few weeks of practice. That membrane is indeed stretchy; when you are ready your tongue enters easily, and never wants to leave
Upon closer reading, the answer is yes. The tongue goes behind the uvula since there is no opening in front of the uvula. It does appear when i push my tongue behind the uvula and the thin membrane, the membrane is tight and the hole seems small (or i have a big tongue).. Either way im trying to stretch this membrane which should help to allow the tongue in.
Yawning helps open the Yoni! and placing one finger and thumb on each earlobe and messaging will distract from and help combat the gag reflex! But please be aware this is a very powerful technique and can only be achieved correctly when the nadis are balanced and you are ready mentally spiritually and physically to let go...peace be with you!