to dispel the cloud of unknowing a clarity of thought traces lines in the sand from village to town dust accumilates obscuring the eternal horizon travel on and kick up dust
its not just the personal vehicle that spirals but movement of others provides the particles to blind sweeping, brushing, scrubbing,it clings clouding the known from view kick the dust it creates a storm
a tyranny of day in day out constant force or farce never so sure as the truth plays out its fakery just another game or are the rules open for debate in the democracy of choice a careless slip can apply the longing for something else the dust has settled but awaits the wind
wearing away the will for this the want for that the senses play making form in the whirling mass it makes no sense if seen or heard and fails the test of touch like the state of being newness prevails change is a friend kicking, shoveling ,exscavating dust