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Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  05:41:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

I just LOVE how things come into my life in exactly the right time! I have gotten these recommendations on Byron Katie, but it was not time for me to get to know her work until now! Universe makes no mistakes! It would have been too soon earlier!

I have "known" how things are for quite a while, and the fact that I know it but cannot live it has been stressing me. I have "known" about projections, synchronicity, law of attraction, mind creates reality, yada yada... But to LIVE it... phew! To get the insights down from the mind into the stomach and manifesting as action... big time job!

So three weeks ago I asked for vacation for Thursday and Friday last week. Had no idea why, just felt I had to be free those days.

Sunday evening I stood in front of the mirror and my mouth said aloud:

"There is NOONE out there that can GIVE me something I don't already have!"

I just said it over and over again and realized it is true. An enormous feeling of freedom fell over me and I started to cry.

On Monday that week I went into a book shop and bought a tiny little book, just a small intro to Byron Katie. I read it and there was the message again, loud and clear.

Tuesday morning I checked out the calender to see what happened in town this week - an introduction on Thu & Fri to Byron Katie's The Work! Time was already out for application to the course, but I called anyway, knowing it was meant for me. Of course someone had dropped out and the leader was very happy to get someone to fill in the place!

So... I have now looked in forum and found that Yogani recommends her, that among others Shanti and Anthem are fans of her. I now understand why. It is revolutionary! It is compact cognitive therapy! When the insights hit, they hit hard and I would say that it is an efficient short cut for anyone being tired of their mind and thoughts! The workshop showed me how beautiful my mind is functioning, trying to protect me! Things became so obvious!

Yesterday, I visited my brother and he demonstrated his new TV, by putting on the end scene in Matrix - Revolution. I have always loved the Matrix films, but now it became even clearer. The end scene is a brilliant illustration of the last fight with the ego/mind! GOSH! It was so powerful to watch that I got into energy spasms. What an enormous struggle it is to try to hit yourself dead in the land of projections! Byron shows the futility of that fight. With a laughter! With the greatest love and joy!

How can I EVER again take my own or anyone's mind seriously? It is impossible! How can I EVER again put any responsability for anything outside of myself? How can I EVER forget or become unaware of the love that we all are?

I feel I begin to LOVE my precious mind and I laugh at myself! I woke up giggling this morning. What a relief! I will continue to fight, I "know" it is not going to bring a 100% change at once, but I now have the best tool to remind myself of what's going on in my life. Liberation! Freedom! And the best thing is: It doesn't only work on STRESSFUL thoughts. It works on ALL thoughts!!!!! On all dislikes, on all likes! On everything that stands in my way of being present and non-judgemental, here and now.

However, there is one thing bothering me... If everything is exactly as it should be, because everything that IS is what IS... why does Yogani, Byron, Tolle etc etc try to inform people ways to change? It is God's business, I know, but I can't stop getting an itchy feeling. Something is going on here on Earth that my mind interprets as God's thought "Something has to be done - let's let these wise people get the message out to the people now! Things are going to its end." So... God seems to want a change. As if the soul-tivoli trip is going to end... Hm...

I see a parallel pattern. Many persons go through the biggest pains in their lives before they switch into a spiritual path and start realizing what's true. As if there is a threshold... when self-destruction is too intense, the snap out of pain comes. The earth is being more and more ravished by humans. The earth is threatened. Perhaps the pain of Mother Earth is on its way to become to great for her to bear, and that's why consciousness now must spread quickly, to more and more people. Otherwise Earth will be destroyed or somehing.

Is that really true?


470 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  06:04:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit Wolfgang's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi emc,
interesting that you post this here under the topic of 'tantric sex'

Well, I have been (still am) into all this stuff about the earth changing,
ascending, moving into a new frequency, Humanity evolving,
my own evolution, expanding myself, etc.

Now about the earth or humanity being destroyed: I am sure that
if there is some destruction it will be humanity destroying itself
rather than the earth being destroyed.
But I feel that we are past the scenario of Armageddon, but we still need
to be very careful and become more aware how we influence our surroundings.

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351 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  12:04:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The posts in this thread were moved to "Satsang Cafe" from "Tantra" for more appropriate placement in the forum.
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1813 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  12:53:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi emc

If everything is exactly as it should be, because everything that IS is what IS... why does Yogani, Byron, Tolle etc etc try to inform people ways to change?

It is not that people need to change. Rather - it is accepting what already is. It is accepting that everything changes all the time, and yet what animates everything; what makes the changes possible( what is) never changes.

Yogani, Byron, Tolle, Ruiz....and many more.....are telling people to stop trying to manipulate reality. It is not a need for change - it is rather a "non-leaving"; "non-doing", "no-effort" , "non-improvement". Being cannot be improved upon. It already is, and that isness is.....the love of my life. The drive to share this beauty....the love for everyone around me/in me.....is what inspires me to write this post to you, emc. It is not to make you change. Just a sharing of what is.

I am very happy for you......lovely to hear about your response to Byron Katie. I "met" her some years back, and her work changed my path. It steered me home.

I am very aware of the state of Mother Earth. I have been deeply involved in evironmental matters. Yes - we are living at a crucial time. NOW is always crucial. NOW is the crux of the matter. More and more people are aware of being aware.

The love in my heart guides me. I cannot have my own ways whether health issues, environmental issues, work or family issues. I can want to change the world all I want - but I am totally incapable of it. Not one blip of what I do makes the slightest difference....as long as I make a personal effort. However - when inspiration draws me close - then one word fall from my lip.....and it still reverbates through the air. I trust Being. Being is always perfect timing. When I am quiet, I am a vehicle. The rest is not up to me.

Therfore....in my heart....what matters now is what is true now; what is true here

...since today is yesterdays tomorrow, it seems the best place to focus my attention. It is here that I am alive.

Emc - thank you!

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2072 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  5:10:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for a wonderful post, Katrine! Great to hear that Byron was one of your keys too!

Yogani, Byron, Tolle, Ruiz....and many more.....are telling people to stop trying to manipulate reality. It is not a need for change - it is rather a "non-leaving"; "non-doing", "no-effort" , "non-improvement". Being cannot be improved upon. It already is, and that isness is.....the love of my life. The drive to share this beauty....the love for everyone around me/in me.....is what inspires me to write this post to you, emc. It is not to make you change. Just a sharing of what is.

This is really a mind-twister! =) The "urge to share" is presented as methods to... ---> change! Do yoga! Start practicing mindfulness! Become aware! Ask yourself Katies questions... etc etc. Why don't let me manipulate reality as much as I want? Why bother with other people's business? It is a paradox. And life is exactly that, so I accept. But it is still a paradox. And it itches.

But I love you sharing your experience, Katrine! Because I want to change. I want to stop manipulating. And you inspire me!

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1608 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  5:57:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
However, there is one thing bothering me... If everything is exactly as it should be, because everything that IS is what IS... why does Yogani, Byron, Tolle etc etc try to inform people ways to change? It is God's business, I know, but I can't stop getting an itchy feeling. Something is going on here on Earth that my mind interprets as God's thought "Something has to be done - let's let these wise people get the message out to the people now! Things are going to its end." So... God seems to want a change. As if the soul-tivoli trip is going to end... Hm...


I am a big Katie fan too, used it almost daily for several months and still use it whenever I recognize thoughts that take me away from just being. It is definitely an accelerator on our spiritual paths.

Great post from Katrine, I agree with her words. I think that the majority of people on earth unfortunately do not live life in balance particularly in what they give and take which translates onto an energy level. I think that like most imbalances, it is just a matter of time before some type of correction occurs. Hopefully it is the gradual type caused by large percentages of the people who live in our "house" (earth) cleaning up and putting out the fires in their own individual internal rooms.

I imagine things could also self-correct in a more dramatic way if left unchecked. We can see this in individual lives when people seem to need some catastrophic or dramatic event to inspire them to realize that the way they live is hurtful to themselves and those around them (unbalanced). Let's hope it doesn't come to that! I think we are each responsible for the way we treat ourselves, others and the environment around us. The more people clean out their lives of all the pain they are carrying, the more likely they will become less internally absorbed and aware of the world around them. This awareness will hopefully lead to responsible action which will eventually save us all.


Edited by - Anthem on Nov 19 2006 8:32:29 PM
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586 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  6:51:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Christ admonished to "Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you. The symbolic, internal, battle was fought in the Bhagavad Gita. Other Great Masters, who have reached a reality of Spiritual Knowing, like Buddha - who taught the Eight Fold Path of right thought, speech, action, mindfulness, et al - understood that it isn't simply realization of being in the now. Otherwise they would have said, 'Just Be in the moment'.

There seems to be a state of Being and a state of Knowing. A difference between those who accept this - and those who strive for That:

And please don't quote me and state, "THIS IS THAT, DON'T YOU REALIZE THIS???": LOL, LOL


Edited by - VIL on Nov 19 2006 8:01:13 PM
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Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  8:29:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by emc

So... I have now looked in forum and found that Yogani recommends her, that among others Shanti and Anthem are fans of her. I now understand why. It is revolutionary! It is compact cognitive therapy! When the insights hit, they hit hard and I would say that it is an efficient short cut for anyone being tired of their mind and thoughts! The workshop showed me how beautiful my mind is functioning, trying to protect me! Things became so obvious!

Andrew, EMC did quote you as a big Katie fan

EMC, Katie has helped me overcome a lot of issues that haunted me for what seems like all my life.. and these words of yours describe the feelings perfectly "When the insights hit, they hit hard and I would say that it is an efficient short cut for anyone being tired of their mind and thoughts!"

Katrine has given you a very good answer to your question.. that is something I believe in too.

Everything is right just the way it is.. and everyone is doing their best.. and the more I try to control my life.. the less control I seem to have.. Surrender.. that's what Yogani says.. and Katie's method will work only when you are ready to surrender. Easy to say.. very hard to do. It does become easier with practice. It has for me..

Recently something happened.. thought maybe I should run it by you.... This in no way means I don't have faith in Katie.. she has helped me a lot.. and still does every single day.. . I have a big issue from my childhood.. and it was something that I could not get over for the longest time. With practice and Katie.. I was sure I was over it.. and then a few days back.. while re-reading Katie.. a similar situation was being "worked on".. and I just broke down.. many of the insecurities came back.. I re-lived those moments of my childhood again.. so I guess I am not "over it" yet.. and the solutions we come up with may seem right for the moment.. but may not really be solutions.. just what we want to believe is the truth.. I know its been said that some issues need to get re-worked on many times.. but I wonder, when we do "the work" on our own.. is it just playing with the wonderful elusive "mind"... manipulate it to suit us.. Not always mind you(no pun intended).. sometimes bam!!!! the truth hits you like a ton of bricks.. but then there are others..
Just something else for you to think about..
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1608 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2006 :  8:52:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Recently something happened.. thought maybe I should run it by you.... This in no way means I don't have faith in Katie.. she has helped me a lot.. and still does every single day.. . I have a big issue from my childhood.. and it was something that I could not get over for the longest time. With practice and Katie.. I was sure I was over it.. and then a few days back.. while re-reading Katie.. a similar situation was being "worked on".. and I just broke down.. many of the insecurities came back.. I re-lived those moments of my childhood again.. so I guess I am not "over it" yet.

Hi Shweta,

I'm not suggesting that Katie will work every single time for every single problem (it just might though) but what stands out for me when I read your post are the words "I am not over it yet". I have experienced something similar not too long ago when doing the work of wanting to just be past an issue that was emotionally difficult for me. I found that it kept coming back, I had to do the work on it at least 5 or 6 times and it still does come back occasionally but each time a little more quietly, it goes with less of a fight and it disappears for longer each time. Remember Katie's work is about accepting what is, not about getting rid of unwanted emotions. She always points out that you can't let things go, they let go of you (when there is nothing to cling on to).

It can take great courage, but delve into what you find so difficult to face, be with it with your awareness for as long as it takes to dissipate. If you run away from the emotions you feel to be negative then it is just a matter of time before you feel that familiar tap on the (emotional) shoulder "remember us"? Ask yourself if it is true if you would rather that situation or emotional reaction to it would just go away and then why you want it to go away. What does the situation or emotional reactions to it mean to you? Do they mean you did something wrong or somebody did something wrong to you, is that true? Could there have been some hidden learning experience in it no matter how small despite how huge the unfairness or trauma could have been? Lance Armstrong says that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to him, he must have found a reason.

I don't know your situation but can safely say that the freedom is worth more exploration.

Love and peace you will soon find,

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2072 Posts

Posted - Nov 20 2006 :  02:14:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Wonderful posts, everyone!

Shanti, I recognize what you are saying. It's like, I've been to therapy for many, many years, and I have had my problems and feelings sorted out in a very fine way. There have been periods, sometimes several years when I had no problem whatsoever with the issue anylonger. I really thought I had solved it! And now, doing the Work I see that it was just putting things on hold! I managed with great and subtle mind control to keep myself in balance. I am sure that can happen with Katie's Work also! It is possible to believe you are fine, when it is only a pleasent thought, not a true realization.

I totally agree with Anthem as well - great answer! It will take several rounds before major issues are solved.

In cognitive psychology it is described like this: When we think a thought many times, we build up thought-roads in the brain. The more we think of it, the bigger the road, the faster the thought can move on it! Common thoughts travel on high ways! When we think a "new" thought it is as if we leave the road and start walking in the forest. It goes slowly, we have to find new tracks, perhaps change our direction a few times... And after having walked there once - there is no trail! We have to walk there many times to get a trail.

The major challange with Katies work is the last part: Welcome the "bad" situation again! It is not before that part is wholy and totaly TRUE in your whole emotional body that it is over. It is like closing down the high way. But as soon as you forget yourself, the high way will be MUCH quicker to travel on than the little path in the forest... Mind will always chose the easiest way!

I feel such tender for us all.

With tears in my eyes, I find it so beautiful that we are all trying our very best, all the time! We are perfect!

Edited by - emc on Nov 20 2006 03:16:22 AM
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Posted - Nov 20 2006 :  03:15:52 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

I was driven to go online this morning.....I don't have much time....so I'll respond to the rest later, but:

Because I want to change. I want to stop manipulating

This is just it! If you want to change....you want to "change the world". The world is you. It is not "out there". If you want to stop manipulating....because something is wrong with it....then you are manipulating reality. What I ment when I said Tolle is asking you to stop trying to panipulate reality, is that through accepting the fact that mind manipulates; through seeing this fact; mind is "found out". Then manipulation drops of its own accord. By proxy. Through awareness. Awareness is the door...and AYP is one of the keys that opens this door. It is not something you can do....first....you enter....into THIS. This is the Kingdom Vil speaks about.....and this kingdom is nowhere else. It is always here now.

Yes....I totally agree, emc. It is a paradox. Life is a paradox.

Got to go......
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Posted - Nov 22 2006 :  01:22:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit lorf's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The mind's refusal to grasp these contradictions makes me think of a fierce guardian watching the doorstep of understanding.
I believe these contradictions are such an important factor in disabling the control of the mind. Such important factor.
I feel so close, I think I understand, and when it feels like I am about to get it something in the mind says "illegal operation, you are lorfed out" . And I am thrown back again. Sometimes not even remembering what I was about to get.
This is what happened now when reading you people's posts. But the guardian was challenged, really challenged.
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1813 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2006 :  2:17:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Lorf

I believe these contradictions are such an important factor in disabling the control of the mind. Such important factor.

Yes! I totally agree.
Life - in depth living - cannot be grasped mentally. It is a direct experience. It can only be lived. Now. I watched my mind trying to talk about the presence on the bus home from work today. I sat there....seeing the shine...the clarity....the joy....all over the place. Even the cars were laughing. This bubbly, sparkly, child....full joy. My mind wants to verbalize it....to store it for later use. But it cannot be verbalized, and it cannot be used. It is only here now. I laughed at myself...and then quietly enjoyed the ride home.

So - yes. The ultimate understanding is to understand that you cannot solve life as a riddle. It can never be a concept. It can only be tasted, metabolized and integrated when lived. The whole spiritual ....process (for me) is steered towards surrendering to this fact.

The facticity of life.
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