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 A Spin on the Chakra
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1560 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2017 :  05:23:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
A silly question but one that is on my mind

Why should chakras spin whichever way they do (clockwise /anti-clockwise) dependent on whether you are male or female? (if the reports I have read is true). Wouldn't it make more sense for them to rotate clockwise if you are in the Northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise if you are in the southern hemisphere?

And mine would have been staying still



United Kingdom
1733 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  5:48:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Originally posted by SeySorciere
Why should chakras spin whichever way they do (clockwise /anti-clockwise) dependent on whether you are male or female?
I hope there is no gender discrimination connotation to this.

It also begs the question what happens when we transcend duality (male/female in this case). Do they stop spinning? Do they alternate direction?

I have had a variety of chakra sensations, but a spin in either direction has not been one of them. Now I'm not suggesting I have experienced everything there is to experience, chakrawise or otherwise, but I wonder if this might possibly be a myth.

Has anyone around here experienced a spin on any chakra?
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1625 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  05:26:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by BlueRaincoat

Originally posted by SeySorciere
Why should chakras spin whichever way they do (clockwise /anti-clockwise) dependent on whether you are male or female?

Has anyone around here experienced a spin on any chakra?

Spinning energy yes, clockwise yes, but if this is on a chakra and because of my gender The spinning energy is easily felt in the area of manipura chakra or solar plexus.

I never heard about male or female spinning directions, but I know not much.

Experiencing a chakra happens by bringing my attention towards it but the feeling is more like a magnet then as spinning.

Seeing a chakra happens sometimes spontaneously as colors and/or form (yantra)
Beautiful and loving openings are spontaneously experienced in feeling and seeing, never when I was waiting for it.

I suppose everyone experiences this according his or her way, some see, some feel, some see and feel, some see and feel nothing, and this all can change every moment by the practice of yoga.

Edited by - Charliedog on Jan 15 2017 07:02:40 AM
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871 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  08:18:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit Blanche's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Here there are experiences of chakra spinning. For example, Anahata Chakra feels like a second heart, spinning outside of the body, much faster than the heart beats. As Charliedog writes, the experience is accompanied by refined perceptions and emotions.

For the last 3-4 months, it has become clear that there is in fact only one body, a cosmic body, and we are all just expressions of it. Thus, the individual chakras are reflections of the cosmic chakras, energetic forms of universal principles.

Feeling the chakras vibrating or spinning is not a prerequisite of a spiritual life.
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2262 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  3:12:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Feeling the chakras vibrating or spinning is not a prerequisite of a spiritual life.

Oh thank God! I can subtly experience chakras with gentle attention, as if I touch it with a fingertip; no spinning for me thusfar. Aroused prana, all scenery, all good! Your hemispheric questions are terrific inquiry, maybe Christi or Yogani can enlighten us all.
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United Kingdom
4470 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2017 :  1:42:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sey and all,

Dogboy wrote:
maybe Christi or Yogani can enlighten us all

I can't add much to this discussion I am afraid. It is not an aspect of awakening that I have paid too much attention to, because it is not one of the main control handles of awakening. In other words, it does not make much difference if we know this or not, we can still awaken.

I would agree that some of the chakras have an apparent spin to them, which is directional. As to whether this is different for men and women, I do not know. I can say that for a man, the crown chakra sometimes appears to rotate clockwise when looked at from above (I live in the Northern hemisphere. ).

As for changing directions in the northern and southern hemisphere, I have heard that there is such a thing as the coriolis effect, which alters the rotational spin of water due to the rotation of the Earth. But the chakras are formed of prana, which are not effected by physical forces, so my guess would be that it would not apply. Prana, for instance, can flow upwards, against the force of gravity.

The evidence could turn out to be different though!

This sensation of spinning does not last forever, and will stop at some point, so it is a transitional aspect of the purification process.

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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2017 :  2:10:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Mine seem to make infinity loops quite often. Or maybe that's the spinal nerve, now that I think about it. The white thread of light starts in the center of the spine, then makes a loop, starting with the right front of my body, then passes through the center again, and makes a loop on the left side, also beginning in the front, and winds back up in the center.

Then there's other kinds of shapes and sacred geometry than I can perceive on a subtle level. The center of the spine seems to be like a blank canvas where a wide variety of artistry can unfold, with the spinal nerve being the primary artist.
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1560 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2017 :  04:55:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I am also very skeptical on the spin being different for male and female. There are other reports though that says that they alternate - so if the root chakra is spinning clockwise, the sacral will be spinning anti-clockwise, solar plexus clockwise etc...
I personally have perceived a clockwise spin on some - but then I would happen to see one chakra at a time and you cannot quite call them up to order to be inspected. . The root chakra was quite still.
I still think the enormous pull of the earth's tilt and spin is likely to have some influence on prana. It has power on everything else.

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61 Posts

Posted - Apr 27 2017 :  5:41:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
one thing moves, makes other things move. that's why odd and even chakras are bound in such a way.

If you actually make one of the chakra go faster than others, it'll cause stress on chakras near it.

go do 33 literal real life spins clockwise and after that meditate on it, it'll cause massive stress on chakras that do not move clockwise and the energy will cause a ruckus inside you. It'll go haywire if you spin too much so don't try more than 99 in one day and keep distance been all 3 sets of 33. I will not recommend it if you get dizzy too easily or are quite energy sensitive.

It is a fine way of learning about spinning of chakras.
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