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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 K Awakening - Serious Health Issues
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  6:49:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
So this is my story - sorry if its long but figured I would cover everything plus I'm limited in my access to people I can talk about this type of thing with so I feel it helps to get out my whole story. I'm 32 years old and up until last year I had never been into the spiritual path and in all honesty considered myself to be an atheist. I had also never really attempted any Yoga or these types of activities.

In 2014 I went through the break down of a marriage under pretty traumatic circumstances which seemed to kick start the Kundalini adventure I've been on the last couple of years. In truth there were signs before that but that event seemed to be the catalyst that started the serious stuff.

Shortly after my marriage ended I was completely overwhelmed by sadness and loss. I felt a pain stronger then anything else I've experienced in my life and this is when some strange things really started to occur. On a particular day shortly after the breakup an energy seemed to wash over me that lasted intensely for an entire day. I had taken a trip to clear my head and nearly had a panic attack in the morning before this energy set in. Colors were brighter, sounds clearer everything seemed more alive and at the end of the day i became completely overwhelmed by an ecstatic bliss that was so powerful I cried. At the time I had no idea what caused this. I still had no clue what kundalini was and put it down to the intense emotions I was experiencing at the time.

Over the course of the next year I experienced a variety of weird physical ailments. Chronic fatigue like symptoms, rashes that would come and go, back pain, tingling on my lips and other parts of my body, digestive issues and a bunch of other weird symptoms. I thought I had contracted some terrible disease. Along with this emotional issues from the past were being bizarrely re-manifested into my life. Still had no idea what was going on and no medical doctors could find anything wrong with me. I started worrying i had cancer or something equally as awful.

I started cleaning up my life. Transitioned to a clean eating diet as the result of the issues I was having and eventually turned vegetarian. Then in late April early May of 2015 the energy returned. I had multiple instances of an energy running through my body usually when I was out with friends and in a good mood. I would just feel it rushing through me and like I had come alive - It seemed the energy would come on and last for a number of hours and then fade away slowly again almost like I had consumed a drug. At the time I was confused but taking some supplements recommended by my doc along with the healthy eating and thought it must have been some weird effect of those.

Then in a series of very weird synchronicity's I stumbled across an advanced yoga technique. How I did so is rather weird - I saw a news segment which showed a guy who had been treating patients with serious injuries using this bizarre technique. I recognized the guy as a person I knew from my childhood. He was a semi famous athlete who owned gyms in my home town had had since turned his life towards health and healing using this practice and had some amazing results with a paralyzed patient which made 60minutes tv show. So I started looking into what he was doing. He had discovered a technique which brings out a strong tremor in the nervous system so your body shakes as if you were having a seizure. He calls it a K-Tremor. Though I had not joined the dots as to what that meant as I still had no idea what Kundalini was I managed to find some video of him demonstrating how to perform the technique. It looked so bizarre I decided to try it thinking it looked like some sort of fake - snake oil type treatment. I previously looked at things like this pretty skeptically. (I have footage I can link to if anyone is interested)

To my surprise it worked and I found my arms going into a erratic jerking and shaking which lasted for several minutes. A huge feeling of anxiety seemed to come forth from my body around my chest area during this process and I felt absolutely exhausted after and had to sit in the shower for 30mins to get my bearings back after. The next day though I felt absolutely amazing. Like I was walking on a cloud so I repeated the practice multiple times over the course of the next few days and got my entire body going into the tremor. It was such a bizare feeling doing the practice. I would almost feel stabs of physical pain getting released in my body that i would shake out. The more I performed the technique the less erratic and more organized it became. But after my body felt loose and free like I had received the best massage I have ever gotten in my life and I felt simply amazing.

Then a couple of days later the hammer dropped. I was sitting at my work in front of the computer when a weird feeling starting coming over me. I felt an energy that seemed to be coming from my heart and soon my whole body was engulfed in the energy and I felt ecstatic bliss like nothing I have ever felt before. I said I was sick and went home were I remained for the next week absolutely blissed out of my head experiencing the oneness type experiences I have now read about and just an amazingly expanded consciousness mixed with bliss on tap. I started hearing this low hum sound where ever I went. Late at night in my apartment I would go and check my fridge and washing machine wasn't malfunctioning it was so loud and I had weird visual experiences - not quite seeing auras but objects seemed to glow and if I looked at them long enough solid objects seemed to look like they were liquid.

I understood something pretty significant had happened and when my mind would allow I started reading into what this might be and quickly came to the conclusion I had a Kundalini awakening.

The feelings of bliss and energy lasted for 4-5 months. Not as intensely as at first but I could drop into bliss by simply sitting silently for short periods, listening to beutiful music or being in nature. This lasted through until about August\September 2015. In the intervening period I started a yoga practice, got into mediation which I seemed to be able to do without even trying I would just close my eyes and it happened and I would go to a place of bliss were time seemed to stop. I had several altered states of consciousness \ mystical type experiences where i feel I was passed clear information. I started having clear vivid images when i meditated or even when i just lay down to go to sleep. Sometimes I didnt even need to do that. Just close my eyes and Iwould see amazing geometic shapes, animals, peoples faces, stars. All this time I had continued to follow the tremor practice which had now developed into a rythmically dancing with a crazy fast breathing pattern attached to it which I never learnt but which just seemed to happen naturally. I also found myself sometimes performing weird body movements that just seemed to come to me. During this time I also just felt a massive change in my personality. I was so much more caring, compassionate, loving. I some how managed to keep my job but wanted to quit and do something humanitarian.

Finally the energy\bliss effects started to wear off. I then started almost chasing the high I had gotten used to. I started intensifying my tremor practice trying to force it to recapture the bliss feeling and then things went a bit haywire. I started acting in ways that were not so compassionate and quite ego driven. I then started having so WEIRD negative experiences including vivid hallucinations of entites and voices yelling at me. I couldnt sleep for a couple of days and basically had a manic episode which involved me calling family members and telling them I just saw a daemon come through my bedroom wall and had wrapped tin foil around my head to stop the voices. Yeah that crazy.

Up to this point I had only told 1 or 2 people about what had happened to me in a spiritual group I had joined. My family had no idea and after this call basically thought I had lost my marbles and sent my sister to stay with me for a couple of weeks were she was suprised I basically seemed completely normal aside from the after effects of my experience that left me completely drained.

I felt horrible. Exhausted tired. Pain in my head. Inability to concentrate. As opposed to compasion and love I sometimes haad a feeling of intense annoyance and anger which I didn't really release but was there none the less. I was Ultra sensitive to loud noises, electrical devices and certain people. I basically went into survival mode. Stopped the practices I had been doing immediately. Started spending lots of time outdoors which is the only thing I did that could make me feel better. Being in nature.

After a month or two I felt myself returning to normal and tried to return to my normal life minus the spiritual practices aside from some occasional gentle yoga and meditation. This seemed to be going ok until 2 months ago when I started dating a girl who was very into spiritual areas, working with energy. When I told her my story she was fascinated and wanted to see the technique I used so I showed her and performed it a handful of times in that period for the first time since my freak out.

I didn't have any crazy negative effects - but started to feel off balance again and very tired. So I stopped the practice again but then suddenly I started getting back and sciatica pain in my left leg. I've never had back pain at all except for in the 12months leading up to my awakening. A couple of days this turned into blinding pain and after going to numerous doctors and getting scans I was diagnosed with a massive prolapsed disc at L5-S1 in my spine. I was unable to even move from a bed for 2 weeks and I've been mostly bed ridden for basically the last 6 weeks and narrowly avoided surgery due to the nerve impingement affecting my left leg so badly. My symptoms are now improving but due to how bad the prolapse was its slow going and I still have a limp and have to mostly rest.

So I realize I've been like an idiot kid playing around with advanced techniques I didn't fully understand. I had no background in this so I honestly didn't know what s I was getting myself into until I had already blasted head long into a Kundalini awakening experience. To be honest though I felt like I was deliberately lead to the technique when the time was right for me to find it and use it. The synchronicity between the energy experiences I was having and finding the technique were just so perfect.

I never however expected this type of serious health issue to follow. Has anyone else experienced this type of serious health issue from an advanced yoga technique. Wuuld this serious back issue be consistent with the energy running into a "blockage". I'm obviously following standard medical practices of physical therapy, massage etc to try and heal the normal way but I'm interested in any advice that might be offered from a spiritual standpoint on how to help move through this and heal


491 Posts

Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  9:07:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Welcome to the forum. You can start with simple meditation. Go through the lessons in the site.
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1625 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  02:43:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Poncho,

Welcome to the AYP forums. Thank you for sharing your story, it could be very helpful to write, it gives you the opportunity to take a little more distance of the story.

You found the right place, AYP contains many stories like yours and lessons to take up a steady practice.

You will never know if your health issue wouldn't have appeared if you were not into these practices won't you? If you have a medical issue the advice is go and see a doctor, next to this follow your own intuition which you already do.

When reading your post, there is much related to my story and also me went experimenting with the energy. I don't believe this is wrong, we have to learn to know ourselves. Looking back it was paradise but what I, and reading your post also you, did forget was self-pace. Self pace is important, our system has to get used to the powerful energy.

In the lessons of Yogani it will be explained very clearly. So again welcome and start reading. Lesson 69 tells you all about imbalance. Questions are welcome here on the forums and at AYP plus. Practice will bring you balance.
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  03:04:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Thanks for the responses. I will read through the material suggested - I've already reviewed some on this site. In terms of setting up a steady practice - I joined several meditation groups and worked through learning some different meditation techniques. Initially when the bliss was flowing these were amazing and left me feeling great. I would drop into bliss. Thought would stop and I would feel clear and refreshed after completing the practice.

After things turned I significantly reduced my meditation. I used to do this twice daily sometimes more. I found it would often bring pain and discomfort to my third eye area and make some of the other symptoms worse sometimes rousing the energy in my body and I would be left feeling more out of balance. As such I've reduced doing this only occasionally now. I'm a little concerned restarting a frequent practice would make things worse not better ....

Also regarding whether this would have happened anyway. Of course its possible. But I'm reasonably young, fit and athletic and the herniation came on suddenly and without any real cause. I didn't have any lead up back pain really. Not since 2014 right before my awakening. Also I didn't have a trigger event that caused the back pain. It just started coming on one day when I was at home and within a couple of days progressed from mild irritation to blazing pain to the point I couldn't stand up. I'm doing all the standard things for this type of injury. I've seen GP, Spinal specialist and Neuro Surgeon, Osteopath and see my physio regularly. I'm not neglecting the physical side of my recovery I just wanted to see if there was potentially anything more I could be doing from the Kundalini side seeing as I feel its very likely it may have been a contributing cause.

Edited by - Poncho on Jul 14 2016 03:32:41 AM
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1511 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  11:23:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Poncho,

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. It's good you are getting medical help for your issue.
If I remember correctly, someone posted in the forums with back issues caused by K. I tried to search for that thread. Unfortunately, could not find it.

For now grounding would be the best course of action and continue with the professional help. Once you feel stable start the practices.

Here is the lesson that Charliedog referenced in her post.


Wishing you a speedy recover.

Edited by - sunyata on Jul 14 2016 11:24:42 AM
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United Kingdom
1731 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  1:24:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Welcome to the AYP forum Poncho!

It seems you have been binging on energy practices. It's good you are reading through the AYP lessons. They will give you the knowledge you have been missing, that is how to balance the energy with inner silence(witness) and how to self-pace. I hope you will find a steady routine of practice that will lead you to progress without discomfort.

Best wishes
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107 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  2:46:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For me the most important thing is don't push the energy when it's awakened.
Long walks in nature to balance it and a healthy diet to support the body.
The energy will transform your whole being and the nervous system to a higher state. But this takes time,
it takes many years for the body to adapt to the higher energy running through your nervous system.
You have to know the K is an intelligent energy, she will let you know what to do and what not.
Any Adrenalin peaking activity should be avoided generally.
Have a look at these videos from David Spero where he explains some of the details about Kundalini Shakti :)
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  5:54:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks to all for your input - really appreciated.

I definitely learnt the hard way about not pushing the energy. I think a big thing I also learnt is that the form the energy takes is largely dependent on what you bring to it. I know when it turned very negative last year it was because I was being quite selfish with the way I wanted to use it. I learnt pretty quickly that the energy has an intelligence and it works in a positive way only if you try to use and apply it in a positive way. When I did good things during that period - literal magic happened. If I acted out of alignment then I seemed to get a pretty epic cosmic bitch slap.

The videos supplied definitely raised some good points the bit where he discussed negative effects for unprepared people and particularly about diet and supplementation that set off some light bulbs for me and have maybe helped me to see my current predicament in a different light. Right before I had my awakening as I mentioned I had digestive issues for a number of months rashes and other weird things. At the time I saw this as anyone normally sees an illness. Something annoying they want to get rid of as quickly as possible. But in retrospect looking back I realize this caused me to go through a cleaning up stage of my diet and adding a number of important supplements I then later found were important to Kundalini (via biology of Kundalini) even though I had no idea at the time I realise this was an important step to prepare my body for what was to come.

I guess I need to try to apply the same logic here. Though I'm relatively fit and i found the back injury to be completely out of the blue - so was the digestion issues but it showed an area of weakness I needed to improve. I think this is perhaps a call to now dedicate serious time and effort to my physiology. Particularly my posture and core strength and perhaps also as everyone suggested here to work on creating a sustainable and balanced practice that is less intense and allows me to progress in a more measured way.

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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  6:15:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Oh and it anyone is interested - this is what the practice I was shown looks like in action. Brings on a pretty full on shaking tremor in the body. You can see what it looks like at about 30 second mark in this video.

The guy who discovered this technique is using it in a western medical setting to treat patients with serious illness, spinal and nervous system type injuries and been getting some pretty amazing results. Its repeatable on any human he has tried it on and hes been on the news a lot in my home country and becoming pretty well known.

I thought it might be interesting to the people on this forum that advanced techniques like this are now being used in a medical setting with the public. Hes actually conducting studies with several medical organizations and university's. The guy seems to be very dedicated and applies it in a very methodical way with lots of work around diet, posture and emotional development as well as just the tremor practice itself. I don't think however most people have the dramatic awakening effects I did it seems to be more subtle but has amazing effects healing serious health issues. I think from reading most people understand that kundalini energy causes changes to the nervous system. It appears its also able to repair serious injuries to the nervous system and other parts of the body.


This 60 minutes segment is actually what put me onto the technique.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  6:47:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Poncho,

Just felt moved to share this. I went through K awakening six years ago. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate it 11.

Yes, there are physical symptoms. Similar to yours, I developed rashes but on my face. To put it mildly, they turned into welts.
They stayed there for close to a year. Nothing would make it go away. When the energy started slowing down, it started getting better.

To this day, I have deep scars on my face. A small price to pay for her taking me all the way Home and giving me a second opportunity to view/live Life from a new perspective. I've named them memoir of my second birth.

You have seen the ferocious side of her- I call her Goddess Kali. The beautiful blissful side of her- I call her Goddess Parvati. This is my interpretation of the energy. Goddess Kali and Goddess Parvati are both Shiva's consort.

Ground your energy and you will experience Parvati in daily living. AYP has everything you need. You don't need to go anywhere. Balance her and she will shower you with Love. Mess with her- she will give you the cosmic Goddess slap.


Edited by - sunyata on Jul 14 2016 7:04:54 PM
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  7:12:28 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Wow, that is intense, Sunyata! You've adapted well. Bravo. Much love.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  7:52:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree

Wow, that is intense, Sunyata! You've adapted well. Bravo. Much love.

Thank you,Bodhi. It's can't get worse than literally dying.

When I read Secrets of Wilder years ago, the chapter where John Wilder had rash all over his body and face. He describes it worse case than poison ivy. I could relate to him and many other things in the book.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  8:16:17 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

You might find Navi Kriya interesting: (http://www.aypsite.org/275.html). It uses the core stomach muscles to stimulate purification in a very safe manner.

Though tremor-like kundalini fits can be purifying, it is best to let them arise when there is an established field of inner spaciousness and stillness within the body-mind. In other words, we need a buffer before we can get too radical. (I mainly go into tremors when there is a good amount of inner silence and everything feels very smooth. And it's not really an act of forced will power when it happens. It's a bubbling up of energy that beckons to be danced with. There is not much "doing" on my part.)

If you're healing calls for it, I imagine such sessions will come to you from deep within, without a lot of strain or external pressure from an outside trainer. Not that a trainer can't help facilitate such events or dynamics, but you have to be cautious about letting somebody tweak your heart and nervous system. It's very delicate territory.

Tai Chi or Qigong also might be of interest to you, because those modalities move gracefully in a very slow manner. Once we can move gracefully in a slow, controlled manner, then we can begin to let go into the more rapid, ecstatic expressions of the body. Of course, there are the stationary asanas of yoga as an option too.

We have to walk before we can run.

Best of luck with your health and recovery! Wishing you an abundance of strength and endurance.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  8:19:33 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by sunyata

Thank you,Bodhi. It's can't get worse than literally dying.

When I read Secrets of Wilder years ago, the chapter where John Wilder had rash all over his body and face. He describes it worse case than poison ivy. I could relate to him and many other things in the book.

Fact and fiction often intertwine.

Stay strong, brave warrior.
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  03:56:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree


You might find Navi Kriya interesting: (http://www.aypsite.org/275.html). It uses the core stomach muscles to stimulate purification in a very safe manner.

Though tremor-like kundalini fits can be purifying, it is best to let them arise when there is an established field of inner spaciousness and stillness within the body-mind. In other words, we need a buffer before we can get too radical. (I mainly go into tremors when there is a good amount of inner silence and everything feels very smooth. And it's not really an act of forced will power when it happens. It's a bubbling up of energy that beckons to be danced with. There is not much "doing" on my part.)

If you're healing calls for it, I imagine such sessions will come to you from deep within, without a lot of strain or external pressure from an outside trainer. Not that a trainer can't help facilitate such events or dynamics, but you have to be cautious about letting somebody tweak your heart and nervous system. It's very delicate territory.

Tai Chi or Qigong also might be of interest to you, because those modalities move gracefully in a very slow manner. Once we can move gracefully in a slow, controlled manner, then we can begin to let go into the more rapid, ecstatic expressions of the body. Of course, there are the stationary asanas of yoga as an option too.

We have to walk before we can run.

Best of luck with your health and recovery! Wishing you an abundance of strength and endurance.

Yes agreed. I guess that's how I felt last year when I started experiencing the energetic phenomena. I was lead to this practice at the right time to allow what happened to happen. The energy needed to come out and so I found this technique at the appropriate time to allow that.

Strangely the practice I followed is not really forced by the trainer at all. Its quite similar to performing a Yoga Asana or even Qi Gong. It simply requires you to calm your mind, reflect inwardly and then move through specific ultra slow movements whilst holding specific poses. This then causes the tremor to naturally come forth. The trainer doesn't really do anything - he simply shows you the different poses and movements used to "trigger" the tremor.
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  03:58:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks sunyata,

Good to know I'm not the only one who had a bumpy ride to begin with and glad to hear you are doing so well now. Helps me to know the struggles are only temporary
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United Kingdom
1731 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  04:03:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
You told us you had a rough patch, but I hadn't realised it was as rough as that.
Originally posted by sunyata
You have seen the ferocious side of her- I call her Goddess Kali. The beautiful blissful side of her- I call her Goddess Parvati.

There are hints in Christianity too that it is very dangerous being on the wrong side of the life energy. This is from the gospel of Thomas: "Jesus said "Whoever blasphemes against the father (inner silence) will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit (life energy) will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven."
The italics are mine.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  09:27:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Poncho

Strangely the practice I followed is not really forced by the trainer at all. Its quite similar to performing a Yoga Asana or even Qi Gong. It simply requires you to calm your mind, reflect inwardly and then move through specific ultra slow movements whilst holding specific poses. This then causes the tremor to naturally come forth. The trainer doesn't really do anything - he simply shows you the different poses and movements used to "trigger" the tremor.

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1511 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  11:05:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Poncho

Thanks sunyata,

Good to know I'm not the only one who had a bumpy ride to begin with and glad to hear you are doing so well now. Helps me to know the struggles are only temporary

As Yogani says~ Everything is going to be okay.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  11:09:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by BlueRaincoat

You told us you had a rough patch, but I hadn't realised it was as rough as that.
Originally posted by sunyata
You have seen the ferocious side of her- I call her Goddess Kali. The beautiful blissful side of her- I call her Goddess Parvati.

There are hints in Christianity too that it is very dangerous being on the wrong side of the life energy. This is from the gospel of Thomas: "Jesus said "Whoever blasphemes against the father (inner silence) will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit (life energy) will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven."
The italics are mine.

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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2016 :  6:34:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I found this video today which I think was very helpful and has quite a few points that describe my experience. He seems to have a really good video series which focuses on the human experience of awakening. A lot of what I read and watched on Kundalini seems to be very wrapped up in describing what the energy is and isn't and applying a bunch of weird terms and claims to it that don't really resonate with me. I found his videos refreshing and helpful because its more based on the human experience :)


Edited by - Poncho on Jul 18 2016 6:45:58 PM
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2242 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2016 :  11:14:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Poncho, welcome!

Watched those trembling videos, very very interesting, it's like inducing automatic yoga in a sense, allowing the 'vessal' to heal through surrender. So basically you hold a static pose while emptying your mind?
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United Kingdom
1731 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2016 :  03:08:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Poncho

I was curious to watch the k-tremor technique.
The last link you posted above is not a 60 minutes video, only a news clip and it does not include the description of the technique. Do you happen to know of another video with more details?

Thank you.
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102 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2016 :  10:12:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Poncho

>wrapped tin foil around my head to stop the voices

I laughed out loud after reading that

I'm glad you feel better. I'm also interested in the k-tremor technique, can you post link to the original video?
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21 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2016 :  4:31:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Dogboy

Poncho, welcome!

Watched those trembling videos, very very interesting, it's like inducing automatic yoga in a sense, allowing the 'vessal' to heal through surrender. So basically you hold a static pose while emptying your mind?

Yeah kind of. It works best when you reduce sensory input. So close your eyes and still the mind. If you practice mediation it seems to be much easier to bring on then in people who haven't done this. Also the poses aren't actually static they are super super slow movements with minimal resistence and a few other little tweaks to get the desired effect. The guy who discovered the technique uses gym equipment to put people in the right postures and keep the movements exactly how they should be. He uses some breathing excercises and things like that to put people in the correct state of mind before hand.

The feeling itself is truly bizarre. Its not at all like a fit even though it looks like one. Its something you have to relax into or surrender into and allow to happen. Its starts with a wobble in the area of the body you are trying to induce it and then once you allow it to start it feels very strange. Its not something your doing or directly controlling but I found you can consciously direct the tremor by simply bringing awareness to a specific part of the body. Whilst it looks intense you can actually bring yourself out of the tremor at any time and take control of your body back .... though if you are in an intense tremor it might take a short period to settle down. The hyper breathing which you can see in one of the videos is something that starts automatically with the practice and its weird its not like you are breathing. I found my body would twist in a weird way to make my diaphragm breath without me actually trying to inhale.

The guy who discovered it has been doing pretty in depth scientific analysis of the way it works. He did research with John Hopkins university who do a lot of work around disease related tremor. From a western scientific standpoint - which obviously is just one limited view point to see this through he has been able to narrow down specific markers which indicate a healthy and non healthy system. They have done this with EEG tests and also just visual monitoring of how the tremor progresses. Continuing to perform the tremor changes the way it looks. Initially it is jerky erratic and out of sync. In unhealthy people this is especially pronounced. As you continue to repeat the practice it organizes itself into a much more systematic and cleaner flowing movements. The scientific view point is that its some sort of natural cleanup mechanism that allows the nervous system to recalibrate itself and restore balance.

From my own experience the first few times I practiced the tremor it was chaotic and I felt a huge amount of anxiety come forth in my chest which seemed to be released. I felt absolutely exhausted after finishing. This feeling reduced with each practice. I then found I would get small sharp pains in specific areas of my body that I seeemed to shake out. Normally they seemed to start in my stomach area and then the pain would move up woulds towards my head and then simply disappear. Over time the tremor evolved When I was practicing continuously for a long period my tremor actually completely changed in appearance and started to look like a type of tribal dance :)

From my practice it seemed to be basically a cleansing exercise releasing past emotional issues that caused negative effects on your physical body. In my case I was in the middle of going through a very difficult divorce and the pain, anger associated with this just left me almost instantaneously. I had other weird issues from the past crop up before the practice and again I feel like these were released.

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Posted - Jul 19 2016 :  5:12:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Poncho
Its not at all like a fit even though it looks like one. Its something you have to relax into or surrender into and allow to happen.

I'm familiar with this type of movement - I always thought of it as allowing K energy to move your body. Yes, you can easily stop it, but if you do allow it, it seems to have a will of its own. I have not indulged in it as I have not thought it would be productive as a practice, but hearing it has such remarkable neurological effects maybe I'll experiment with it a bit.

What I find most interesting is that his guy who came up with the k-tremor concept is able to get people who are not yogis to find that movement inside them. I would be at a loss trying to explain to a non-yogi what it is, let alone how to surrender to it. That's why I was curious to see the slow moves he teaches.

I do think people who start this practice would be better off meditating as well. Cultivating that energy without inner silence could get them into trouble. Not to mention the risks Yogani outlines at the end of Lesson 43.

Thank you Poncho for bringing this up.

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Jul 19 2016 5:29:23 PM
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