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Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  05:14:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by So-Hi

Hi Omsat looks like the double post is still happening.

When the word triggers was used It was meant just like when pulling a trigger on a revolver, trigger is pulled hammer draws back releases then strikes the cartridge, cartridge detonates, bullet, flies free of the cartridge travels through and leaves the barrel. If aim is true hits the bullseye on the target.

There are definite and repeatable steps.

If we go back and look at peoples reply we can see there are definite external stimuli that are triggers.

Also from peoples replies we can see that what is being triggered is movement and expression of prana which is being modified into feelings of bliss as it interacts with the mind-scape.

Sunyatas post was actually still on topic her triggers as discussed are environment and specific people.

Omsat please try and stick with the current line of questioning, if I am not clear then ask me to rephrase if you are patient the things you are sharing will be addressed.

1. To be specific when you sit and perform your spiritual practices what are the bliss triggers?

2. Can you voluntarily activate the bliss?

3. Once the bliss is activated then where does it take you as in what is the outcome.

Statement to add to the above 3 questions. In this Q&A session we can see it is Prana that is behind the bliss therefore the triggers are to be understood as that which motivates Prana in it's raw unmodified form typically referred to as energetic.

Took care of the double posting. Thanks for already flagging it.

Sure, I understand you're trying to convey a message and help people where they are.
Sometimes answers that seem off topic give a new dimenstion to your purpose or ability to relate with others.

Now, granting your request.

1. If one is blissful before practice, no trigger is needed. Subtlety of perception and a relaxed mind was all that was needed to feel such states upon starting practices.

2. Yes, if a trigger to take me out of bliss comes through, it can easily be found back by balancing the imbalance of mind or body according to the situation. Formal practices are not a necessity for this as life itself becomes a balancing act and practice. The free flow of love in daily interactions does perfectly well also. Once the wisdom from practice has been experienced, life is helping to apply it and the process is fun.

3. Pleasant state of being, gentle alertness, perceptivity, joy for life, acceptance, feeling of expansion and connectedness..

Edited by - Omsat on Dec 16 2015 1:59:34 PM
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481 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  08:25:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello every one who has posted and all who are just reading or may in the future.

So how do you the reader of these words like the answers so far?

I think they are some of the best explanations of bliss I have ever read.

I want to thank everyone so much for playing along this has been fun and educational for all I should hope and yes I like to think so.

In all the sharing I have not read one bad reply they have all been wonderful and unique and I think that is more important than just one voice writing a book.

Cough, cough Ahem yes been avoiding that.

So now So-Hi will write.

Next post will be long.

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28 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  2:31:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
If its not too late I will try

Bliss take place in the observed silence, bliss feel good, bliss is like the child of joy and peace. Bliss is love without direction.

EDIT didn't read full instruction : That still quite rare but I feel like bliss originate from below the heart in the middle of sushumma and go everywhere.

Triggers for now would be boring moment where I am not bored, when I do nothing and really like it.

Edited by - jigjnasu on Dec 16 2015 2:44:35 PM
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Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  3:40:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
It is never too late and once I paste in my huge reply I hope people do not think this has to end the discussion.

Lets keep developing our understanding okay?

Thank you for the contribution that is you.

Edited by - So-Hi on Dec 16 2015 3:54:14 PM
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Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  3:43:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
So far we have covered what Bliss is..

Bliss is what we experience when we perceive Prana.

Prana can be felt and does effect the human body. Without it the body is just a corpse so we can be romantic and mystical calling it the life force.

This being said then how is it not everyone feels it? My answer is that everyone does all the time but they have not practiced sadhana or the very sadhana of life has not developed the awareness to the degree that comes from purposefully employed spiritual practices.

Not all but most people do recognize pranic activity they just do not know what it is, nor for the most part really care. This is mostly recognized by the young as they are less conditioned to being in bodies.

When we employ Spiritual Practices things get a bit more conspicuous, standing out in bold relief and we say hey now what the heck was that???

This hey now what the heck was that is felt in many ways by different people we have also established this.

We have also established that this Prana is not the property of any one person as others are reporting the same thing. We have established that it is not the property of any one group or sect or method of sadhana as AYP being close to 50 years old as per the founders life experience is still the new kid on the block yet the results are quite evident.

1. Becoming aware of prana in the raw form often is very powerful and electrical in nature.

2. Prana taking on its first mutation or modification based on the awareness of the Jiva perceiving it this has been called ecstatic bliss and this can be over whelming.

3. We have learned prana can and does not only blend with he emotional field but can massively amplify the emotions felt and in some cases the outward experiences can be blended electrical power mixed with love.

4. We have learned Prana can exhibit as a change of temperature and be experienced as warmth this to can be blended with and amplify emotional states.

5. We have learned Prana can exhibit as peace.

A. When we feel Ecstatic Bliss from Prana it is the first modification of Prana as it comes in contact with obstructions as the Nadis open or dilate to accept this inrush of fresh Life Force. The obstructions being encountered are not necessarily being broken up or flushed out but vibrating at their own specific harmonic resonance, this is felt and as they adjust frequency becoming in a harmonic state more in tune with the raw life force we experience relief. We also experience many other things as well including emotions and all the other ways people have shared they experience bliss.

B. The prana is not really being modified but to our awareness it might seem that way as it interacts with what we are.

Another good question is just what is Prana any way, yes I described it above as Life force etc… but that is really just labeling the effects.

Instead I would like to go backwards and trace it to it’s source. Those well practiced in the Advanced Yoga Practices of Yogani realize we come to a place of stillness from his practices and even before that Prana can come and be recognized.

It is from this stillness that Prana comes from, this stillness is a dimension of awareness that when you go to it, it is like it follows you back.

Prana is a part of this dimension of stillness and we can take only so much in our current form which contains a chemical neurobiology that can become over taxed and burdened by to much raw stillness.

So we practice a technique that leads to stillness and even the slightest contact with this stillness causes prana to flow in a greater amount and become noticed.

There are triggers for this as well we have discussed mostly internal triggers and some have attempted to explain by affirming it can happen in practice. And even in specific practices.

This site is about AYP and in AYP we do not delve under the hood and focus on energetic phenomena as it is considered a pitfall or a distraction. This is both correct and incorrect.

It is correct because focusing on Prana, bliss, energetic formation in so many ways and forms it takes on as it interacts with us while entertaining is ultimately just paying attention to results of stillness in interaction with us.

What is really needed is delving ever deeper into stillness.

Here is a cycle.

Sitting practicing Deep Meditation always easily favoring and returning to the mantra IAM something stirs and we experience prana taking on a modification it feels better than the best sex, or we are stunned by the outpouring love as the astral organ of the heart expresses prana in its own specific frequency we easily favor the mantra.

So you see by easily favoring the harmonics of the mantra what we call purification of the heart or any other chakra takes place without specific targeting of a center and attempting rudely manipulate its frequency pushing or drawing or stoking prana at the chakra.

The mantra is the key. Everything in creation relies on vibratory frequency. No exceptions.

So we know in AYP that Deep Meditation is the ultimate trigger but it is not on purpose. What is happening is the vibration of the mantra is aligning us in such a way that we draw near to stillness and in drawing near becoming closer in vibratory rate with stillness prana flows.

The end result of the ecstatic conductivity is that it first encounters all of that which is not still within us ( Impurities ) The impurities however are like everything else they came from the stillness but are modifications of prana that have become fixed in a specific mental harmonic vibratory pattern, in the material world some things are carbon others are Iron, here it is different but not so different here when the alignment with stillness occurs stillness in contact with the static frozen prana begins bringing those things vibratory patterns into synchronicity and the purification is actually a harmonization of the frozen prana and its returning to a state of purity which is stillness.

The after effects of purification are felt in us and our daily life takes on an entirely new dimension of being as a result of the stillness within is now becoming the stillness without as well.

We remain the same core identity but we change. Bliss is the homeland of stillness.

What others have so well described as peace is the end of the cycle and a steady state that is ever on the increase and coming to the forefront as our awareness aligns with that. As our being aligns with that we become that, in degrees. If we do to much we overload on the stillness and too much is admitted at once and we become still beyond our ability to exist… at-least for now.

It is unfortunate when people take up practices forcing Pranayama which causes to much entry to fast and these poor people are not even yet attuned to feel until it is too much all at once. Self Pacing.

Stillness however is not a zero energy potential without vibration, no it is and at the same time is not an ultra high frequency so while it appears still it is anything but still it is extra dimensional even as we are all multidimensional beings.

All the wonderful discussions of this topic have already described how I experience bliss so there is little to add in this dimension. I can however add my own discoveries of triggers.

Trigger always require alignment of consciousness / Awareness with a specific vibratory frequency we are all tuning forks of sorts.

I have noticed as so many have that there are certain spots in the etheric subtle body that are easier to tune with.

A primary one is:

The Medulla Oblongata or the rear door of Ajna the 6th center even as the point between the eyes is the front with the actual astral organ lying in the center of the head. This is the very point where the first unmodified Prana may be felt and through the practice of matching frequency with stillness be felt to enter.

There are many different methods of spiritual practice in many there is a specific focus and mantra is used with focus and pranayama most of the kriya schools selling technique around the world sadly got it all wrong. They all want to move awareness up and down the spine and target each and every chakra along the way with a mantra like they are trying to infuse the chakra and subdue it with a specific vibration but you know the old saying when you sink to someone else level in a confrontation. It is the same here. What they wind up doing is muddying awareness in those astral organs and just polluting there awareness rather than purifying.

This I am certain is why AYP does not do this.

I have recently learned of a different better way where one does not do this but stays at the sixth center which is connected to all the ones below and by placing the mantra OM there vibrating it there six times while inhaling and six times while exhaling just breathing normal as the body wants that the purification is taking place without modification of the awareness as happens when placing awareness in each astral organ of vibratory differentiation.

Purification in this manner takes place in more of a global manner as it does with AYP. This however is not AYP.

Long before learning this however it was known to me that while practicing and coming to greater stillness all that was required to invite more prana into the subtle body was to easily locate the stillness within a specific point and that point is the Medulla Oblongata a rush of pure stillness unmodified prana will enliven, vibrate and glow at the medulla and fresh energy will fill the entire spine going down and up at the same time, when the first wave finishes just a hairs touch of attention is enough to open the valve and permit more stillness to enter and as the stillness brings all to a state in alignment with its own frequency greater stillness is experienced until the system has become as closely aligned in frequency as it can then it is forgotten and the stillness pervades all.

Even here easily favoring the technique which can be as simple as being at one with the breath all becomes still and when the system has changed vibration again the stillness comes to reclaim it’s own and if a thought or a sentiment of love should come to mind which at this point is a state of Samyama, it will be felt and the heart will vibrate in it’s frequency but in doing so always returns to stillness. Why because the thought or the sentiment is its own vibration and that is the astral organ which takes care of this in the subtle body, but what is happening is the stillness is entering the heart and purifying the prana there by bringing it to the same harmonic frequency as the stillness and great feelings are emitted as this happens.

Simply put here are the steps for triggering which ultimately while the effects are witnessed hasten us to greater stillness and samadhi states.

Practice a technique be it Deep Meditation or spinal breathing or both that bring one to stillness at some point an expression of bliss will come do not ignore it but easily favor the practice whatever that is the has put you in contact with the stillness for this to express int he first place.

When you are done with your AYP Practice lay down and rest let the system come to the frequency it is comfortable with and then do some exercise you may be surprised to feel stillness erupt from certain centers quite often with me it is the medulla but mostly the heart. Enjoy your life as a witness and a avatar of stillness in the world many sharing here are already this and more.

Love to you all.
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267 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  4:10:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Excellent post, eloquent and beautifully lucid presentation.

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Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  4:19:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Omsat, please lets get to your earlier posts if you would still care to add more. Thank you
Originally posted by Omsat

Excellent post, eloquent and beautifully lucid presentation.

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1511 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  8:48:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Well written, So-Hi. Loved how you described each experience.

Second this.

Excellent post, eloquent and beautifully lucid presentation.
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267 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2015 :  10:20:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by So-Hi

Thank you Omsat, please lets get to your earlier posts if you would still care to add more. Thank you
Originally posted by Omsat

Excellent post, eloquent and beautifully lucid presentation.

Thank you, dear So-Hi

The intuition and experience here is that once we are more constant in the states you described, a sense of gentle yet undeniable willingness to express our spiritual gifts and talents emerges and expands. To the extent we have found what is truly at the heart of our capacity to share and our heart's fulfillment is finding expression, the states described are taking new dimensions. Life itself has become a practice, without much doing, yet all is done. Formal practices still have their place, yet they are just part of the large. As yogani words it, stillness in action, and outpouring divine love / ecstacy. The self pacing happens where, as yogani explains, daily life is experienced enriched in quality. In regular activities, the self-pacing itself acts as a witnessing practice, so life can be experienced as an ongoing blissful meditation. The triggers for bliss have become a constant phenomenon. Skillful living.

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1625 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  06:41:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for the questions and your contribution to the bliss/prana experiences So-Hi. reading all of these blissful posts.

Edited by - Charliedog on Dec 17 2015 08:45:27 AM
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  08:54:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Your Welcome Charliedog and thank you for your valuable contributions to this thread.

Dear Omsat you are so correct, Yogani also echos the sentiment of continual practices and I could not possibly agree more with both of you the truth of the matter is none of us really know how far all of this will lead to and what is not covered in this life well.. so what we will just pick it up in the next.

Some of us just happen to have an idea of what things are like a little later as a result of taking up Sadhana earlier that's all but everyone will get to what we comprehend sooner or later and as sadhana has taken us this far why not see how far regular daily spiritual practice will take us.

One of the reasons I like Yogani's book SOW is because I think even though it is supposed to be a work of fiction that there is more experiences I have had in common that are described in that book than not; so fine call it fiction because of the characters and some of the parts that are guesswork but I have to tell you I will take Yogani's guesses over most peoples facts any day.
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966 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  10:24:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi So-Hi,
My experience is different. What some may call bliss, I feel as a dumping as large amounts of hormones. So I'm more likely to give it another label. I breasted 2 kids and hormones are released to move the milk, bond, etc. I could feel( at the time) the body reactions while the hormones activate. I get the same body reactions before I'm "blissed out", just on a much larger scale. I label it as hormone dumping. I see bliss more as a peace thing. Your experience may vary.
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Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  2:14:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Lalow33 this post certainly caught my attention and gee wiz thanks for the visual have had nice set of breasts on my mind ever since.

Breasted 2 Kids lol I love new terminology and that is the first time I have ever heard or read this term can't wait to use it and see the reaction.

Darn it see what you did? toldja breasts on the mind

Ok hmmm reign it in have a seat 16 year old me.

Everything you have shared in this post is in no way in contradiction at all or different.

Hormone Dumping another good phrase, boy I'll bet you are fun to hang out with.

Anyway I agree with what you have shared even though lacking the organs and circumstances to test with.

The hormone dumping from the breasting of the kids has got to be one of the most fundamental ways for Mother to bond with the child absolutely no way it could be otherwise and I do think that when a Mother chooses not to do this the bond is never quite as close.

I mean think about it in many ways a child and a Mother are one until the umbilical is severed and man that is a cold abrupt change for both after so long together it is violent and immediate separation.

Wham all of a sudden what was one has become two cut off and separate.

With Breasting I believe both the Mother and the child are permitted a more natural and gradual easing into there respective new positions and yes I am one of those guys who approves of Mothers feeding their children openly in public if they so choose and if the public has a problem with that, well then they have more serious issues than a child feeding that need to be addressed.

I remember Shibendu Lahiri saying people changed the name of Yoni Mudra because people though of it as Vulgar. He then said in his comical crass and crude way.

What the Hell are they thinking with his eyes bugged out if Yoni is Vulgar then we are all Vulgar as we all come from Woman!!!!

There was not one person in the lecture that did not burst out laughing.

Everything is spiritual from the loftiest of notions concerning stillness and prana to the Breasting of a child. Dear Lalow 33 you are absolutely correct.

This is a wonderful and wholly human and Divine Motherly Trigger. I bow before you and all loving Mothers every where with deep respect and adoration.

Originally posted by lalow33

Hi So-Hi,
My experience is different. What some may call bliss, I feel as a dumping as large amounts of hormones. So I'm more likely to give it another label. I breasted 2 kids and hormones are released to move the milk, bond, etc. I could feel( at the time) the body reactions while the hormones activate. I get the same body reactions before I'm "blissed out", just on a much larger scale. I label it as hormone dumping. I see bliss more as a peace thing. Your experience may vary.

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267 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  4:56:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This thread has taken on quite a few blissful turns

Thanks to all!

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117 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2015 :  5:31:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Bliss for me means a sense of relief, freedom and expansiveness which comes on strongly when a storm of thoughts and emotions have cleared
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1553 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  03:11:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I got no comment on the Truth - Bliss perspective. Has no one else noticed this direct correlation?

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  03:52:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by SeySorciere

I got no comment on the Truth - Bliss perspective. Has no one else noticed this direct correlation?


Yes, Love, Truth and Beauty are one and the same just at different levels of manifestation. All three give occurence to blissful states.
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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  04:25:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Apart from my regular meditation sittings where peaceful or/and ecstatic bliss is almost always achieved, what triggers bliss in daily life is Truth. 'Truth' as right words e.g. when I am talking about Truth, I get very passionate and bliss out; Truth as right action when I spontaneously do the right thing; Truth as right thinking; Truth when recognized in the words of others such as when reading or listening to something by a Master or my next door neighbour. Truth is a vibration-raiser and trigger of bliss and I recognize it as a direct measure of rightness.

Sey you are absolutely right, one of the reasons I am spending so much time here, listen to lyrics, weighting every word I speak or write. There are so many layers in language. Thruth spoken or read is directly felt in the body as bliss, love, or ecstatic bliss.

Also mind blowing was the first time I read Patanjali, the Yama's and Niyama's. However I practiced Yoga for years also the Yama's and Niyama's, spontaneously, it was without knowing them as guide.

It was that moment of reading Patanjali that I realised myself for the first time on which journey I was.

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Posted - Dec 18 2015 :  09:42:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sey yes another trigger. Experienced here as well.
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Posted - Dec 19 2015 :  12:01:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply


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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  06:59:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by lalow33

The bliss I feel is more of the peace-bliss mr. anderson mentions, not containing energetics for me. I call it heavenly peace. A stillness and well being like nothing I could ever imagine.

Here I am after one year of AYP practices but with low energetics.
Often but not systematically.
I enjoy the prana buzzing in the heart, bowels, head (especially the brain), etc.
Being so relax I had never thought it possible.

Edited by - Apkallu on Jan 12 2016 07:14:21 AM
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Posted - Mar 05 2016 :  02:32:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For me bliss is an important feeling. It is very hard to describe to the uninitiated, but those who have 'tasted' it could call it nectar.

It is a sort of ecstasy, a state of rapture. There are varying degrees of it for me, it can be quite intoxicating at the higher levels of it.
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