Hi, Its been some time in to the yogic practices. I have not met or seen any higher/supreme masters. How can I get connected to them and seek help/guidance?
You do not meet or see them, they come when there is a need other than that they are wise enough to leave you alone knowing full well no one can walk the path of sadhana for you.
Once they do come they may also leave again. It really all depends as always where you yourself are at and if a need for intervention is present.
Some may look at this and despair thinking oh I am not worthy I must try harder. Or perhaps my senses are not refined my mind not calm enough. Or perhaps I do not have enough desire enough devotion.
Others know it is a matter of need so that you have not just means that you do not and a premature meeting would likely leave you with the impression of having not met anyone special at all in the body or otherwise.
So just keep doing your sadhana but keep an eye open for that special someone they might just test you. Kindness is one such test. Temper is another. Cultivate kindness, tolerance, compassion and patience.