the i has played many roles acted in a plenitude of parts but always seeking
from the youth of naive heart whos yearning for love fell on the bodies of many yet forever asking
the i has tasted the fruits forbidden the fruits of a questioning soul the feast so abundent in variety that the i knows not where to start
and now the seeker the journeyman without a journey just a place a time an appointment to be realized to be kept but not retained
forgive my stillness as it requires the i to stop to restrain from moving while all else gathers pace around about delusion riegns but who am i to wear a crown of power
the script is written by my hand but my hands are tied and bound by conditions that prevail freedom a cry from the core of being
is the seeker the final act in the show the grand finale the applause like a beating heart discovers that maybe there is another scene to play
maybe the great wisdom is having no choice only one way one love free will when the performance is forever constricted is not free but just will .