It makes me think that most of these Kundalini related problems seems energy flow imbalances. I think when you open/widen the upward energy channels with whatever practice you do without doing it the downward direction you asking for trouble. The main downward passage is through the heart and when it is blocked you have all these overload symptoms. Maybe the easiest/safest way is to practice heart opening methods before every other practice. I assume that once you open the heart passage all other energy systems will adapt but I need to do a bit more research on this.
I found this pic which I imagine is a simplification of the energy flows in a human: https://vacuumsingularity.files.wor...u4bubble.gif The heart would sit exactly in the middle where the energies meet.
quote:Originally posted by jean I think when you open/widen the upward energy channels with whatever practice you do without doing it the downward direction you asking for trouble.
Then this is probably the reason why the AYP SBP goes up and down the Sushumna.