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 Developing A Routine
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Posted - Feb 24 2015 :  9:56:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I've come to a place in my spiritual practice where I realize I need to maintain a consistent routine if im going to make a dent in the whole awakening goddess kundalini energy stuffs. the last few years I put less importance on my yoga practices and mostly focused on just living a normal life, doing some vipassana style noting when needed, and generally just relaxing into this moment as it is as much as I remember to.

A little of my meditative background: I started off 6 years ago with a simple following the breath concentration style practice and eventually discovered vipassana meditation through Daniel Ingrams book Mastering the Core Teaching of the Buddha and also Kenneth Folks website. I really dove into that style of practice for a few years, and have since had permanent changes in how I experience reality. Now There is alot more calm open spacious moments and less tendency to get caught in disturbing emotions. They seem to be seen more clearly as just body sensations before blossoming into full fledged emotional episodes.

But I feel like im not making any progress with developing the energetic / subtle body aspects of my being. A few years ago I discovered advanced yoga practices book by yogani. I picked up a steady sadhana of the AYP practices, alongside my vipassana and self enquiry style practices. I seemed to have a graceful period for a while where I was tangibly making progress each day in deepening the inner silence and revving up the ecstatic conductivity. But I sort of fell out of the regular steady practice and got lost in worldly stuff for a couple years, putting less importance on my sadhana and more importance on chasing after certain things in life. But there isnt a minute that goes by that this inner nudging of picking up steady yoga practices isnt there. Dont get my wrong, due to the changes that have been brought about through vipassana I have days of no striving and just resting in natural peace, but it isnt a 24/7 experience and there are days of being seemingly stuck in disturbing emotion. So Im beginning to see the importance of developing the energetic side of things so that resting the mind in its natural state becomes a 24/7 sort of deal.

For me diet has a large influence on developing the energetic qualities of my being. Im trying to develop a routine with diet, exercise, yogic practices, sleep, etc that is both sustainable in the long run and grounded enough to keep living a relatively normal life.

My attempts of maintain a grounded yogic sadhana have mostly taken flight for a few days to a week, sometimes a few weeks. I begin to tangibly begin to wake up the kundalini energy and ecstasy And bliss And all sorts of experiences begin to manifest. I get deeper experiences of just resting the mind in its natural state. And then I crash and burn, inevitably energetic overload, major loss of sleep, all kinds of over the top emotional episodes and weird states of mind. It's seems to be a very sensitive thing if I don't maintain a sense of routine, especially with diet and my habit to over eat.

So im driven by something with in me to continue my efforts at a routine yogic sadhana in order to stabilize in wakefulness.

Just to give everyone an overview of what I include in my daily practice.:
I live in Hawaii on the big island and I have a very loose open lifestyle that is really ideal it seems, for just focusing on my practices.

I wake up in the morning at 6a usually.
I go on a 2-3 miles, sometimes more, run to kind of wake my body up, warm my muscles up and get loosey goosey.
I like to do my stretching yoga stuff right after running when my muscles are warm cause I can stretch deeper and breather deeper it seems. This feels really good usually, really opening up the spine my twisting and bending and such.
I follow that up with pranayama. I usually do a 3-5 minutes of alternate nostril breathing and then 1-5 minutes of SPinal Breathing (I just follow my inner urging on when to finish these practices)
Then I begin the AYAM mantra, and usually go for 5-10 minutes. It doesnt take much it seems. I follow my inner urging of when to finish that.
Then I like to do savasana for 10 minutes , just laying and resting, which feels very rejuvenating.

Then I wait till natural hunger signal appears and I make a big smoothie with stuff like bananas, coconut water, spirulina, hemp seeds, lettuce , etc and enjoy that as my morning meal. This usually carries me through the day until my evening meal.

Alot seems to happening during the day as far as energetic opening/clearing , emotional clearing, etc. It seems that if I eat during this time at all it interferes with the whole process that I initiated in the morning with pranayama and meditation. I find that if I eat, its usually not cause im hungry but cause of the emotional stuff that is clearing and I have a habit of wanting to suppress it via food.

But the energetic clearing seems it finishes (for that day) by 4-5 pm, then I have a natural hunger signal and I eat another huge smoothie with lots of good stuff in it. I like the fruit based lifestyle and it seems the best for what im trying to do.

Now things go haywire if I beginning just eating alot of food , which interferes with the energetic stuff and can cause overload. Which seems to contradict others epxeriences here where eating alot usually suppresses energetic stuff.

So the bhakti is really alive in me these days, and I want to steadily go along with my practices. And ROUTINE seems to be the ticket at this time for waking mistress kundalini :) .

I feel like maybe ill keep a diary on here of my efforts, or maybe not, we'll see.


491 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  07:42:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Perhaps you could add another session evening before the huge smoothie minus the jog.
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479 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  10:21:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi roboto212, may I ask you what you do in your life when you are not busy doing spiritual practices? Your desire seems to be huge, I wonder if you are not putting to much attention/intention on the practices and neglecting daily activity like work, family, friends and so on.
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1731 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  1:29:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi roboto212

Your bhakti is admirable and you are perfectly right about the need for a steady routine of practices.

Practising intensely for a few weeks, the crashing and stopping is not the best way to progress. What you need – what we all need – is regularity and stability. The good news is that this is achievable with AYP even when life gets busy with work and social commitments. AYP practices are very effective and 1 hour to 1 hour and a half every day can take you a long way if sustained over a significant period of time. I would suggest you work out what is realistic for you in terms of lifestyle, work, and other commitments and stick to that. You also need to take into account your sensitivity to practices and make sure you don't overdo yoga practice to the point where it becomes unsustainable.

In my experience, the clock is the best way to achieve that steady routine. Following your inner urge is useful when combined with the clock method, but it can lead to overdoing and overloading especially in sensitive practitioners. Equally, it can slow down your progress if it leads you to reduce practice time below a certain level.

Am I correct in understanding that your food intake at the moment consists of two large smoothies every day? That sounds like fasting to me. You need to take into account that fasting is a practice in itself and it will amplify the effects of the other yoga practices you are doing. I suspect that if you did 10 minutes SBP + 20 minutes mantra meditation twice a day, you would find the two-smoothie-a-day diet insufficient before long.

The dietary needs change depending on where you are on your path. In my experience, when kundalini awakens the food intake goes up as the digestive fire intensifies and the body seems to burn more energy. So keep flexible on that score.

Safe practice and steady progress.

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Feb 25 2015 1:31:03 PM
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56 Posts

Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  5:09:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Jusmail- I generally do just a bit if light stretching before bed. Adding pranayama or DM can cause overload and I have trouble sleeping.

Ecdyonorus- I spend alot of time climbing coconut trees, and I sell the Cocos to friends. I also go exploring in nature. There are many gatherings in the area like dancing and potlucks and kirtan that I attend. I like to read alot or work on my land tending to the fruit trees.

Blueraincoat- to answer your question about diet. I have been living a fruitarian lifestyle for 6 years and started before even discovering AYP. I think coming into a raw vegan lifestyle is what initially awoke the energy stuff in me, along with my concentration style practice a number of years ago. I had health problems before going raw vegan and they have since vanished. I don't consider what I'm doing fasting. I live a very active lifestyle and I wouldn't be able to do that if I was fasting. I suggest looking up the 80/10/10 diet if you want more info on this. Their are alot of indications that fruit is our species specific food and other foods cause allot of humanities diseases. Even Sri yukteswar the guru of yogananda wrote in the Holy Science that humans are actually frugivores.

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Posted - Feb 25 2015 :  5:12:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I will definitely stay flexible with the amount of food intake though :) . Always listening to my intuition
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Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  11:44:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Listening to ones intuition is definitely good It is also useful to experiment from time to time - a few days on a different diet than usual can give you some really useful insights.

Living on fruit only might have suited Sri Yukteswar. Do you know how old he was when he came to this conclusion? Because the nutritional needs of an older male who has been through the kundalini roller-coaster a long time ago and is spending most of his time meditating will not apply to other age groups and circumstances.

Here is a hypothesis (which of course only you can test):

Originally posted by roboto212
And then I crash and burn, inevitably energetic overload, major loss of sleep, all kinds of over the top emotional episodes and weird states of mind. It's seems to be a very sensitive thing if I don't maintain a sense of routine, especially with diet and my habit to over eat.

This is kundalini starting to move. Is it possible that your very reduced food intake is stopping it from unfolding? What do you mean by "if I eat during this time at all it interferes with the whole process that I initiated in the morning with pranayama and meditation"? What is this interference you are speaking of? Maybe you have noticed your energy going a little haywire? That is normal when kundalini awakens.

Of course only you can tell exactly what is going on. I'm only proposing an alternative way to look at the situation, just in case you might find it useful.

Enjoy your practice and have a safe journey.

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Feb 26 2015 6:10:59 PM
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56 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  10:11:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ive been experimenting with other eating regimens these past few years. I found that just grazing during the day while also including the AYP practices really causes a roller coaster of sorts.. sometimes very painful energetic stuff. . Sometimes very pleasant. . Im not just eating only fruit. . I eat seeds and greens and coco water.

Im finding that if I eat just a big morning meal and a big evening meal. . That period during the day where there is no eating allows the kundalini process to do it's thing without being interfered with by food. . The energy doesn't play well with food it seems.

The changes to my nervous system and mind from moving through the vipassana stuff already cause alot of purification it seems and sometimes I'm not entirely sure if raising the kundalini via all the AYP practices Is the right direction.

Edited by - roboto212 on Feb 26 2015 10:45:17 PM
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56 Posts

Posted - Feb 26 2015 :  10:19:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Im all about experimenting though. . I really would like to find what works in the long run. That graceful period a couple years ago of doing consistent two meals a day really brought palpable progress. Which is why now I'm driven to try it again. .The bhakti is really strong these days. . Im gonna stick to it for a bit and see if it works. . Ill report back. .

Thank you for your input!

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United Kingdom
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Posted - Feb 27 2015 :  06:55:12 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I have experimented with various diets over the years too. I'm well aware of the appeal of frugal diets - they quiet the mind, make the body feel light etc.

I can say from my own experience that kundalini changes the picture dramatically. And it might not be a matter of choice whether you have it or not. Especially now have already done these yoga practices.

The best way to put it is this analogy: You are trying to start a fire (by doing yoga) but you are cutting off the fuel by reducing the calorie intake on a regular basis. The spark is there. As soon as it finds a bit of fuel (more food) it will flare. This is not a bad thing. It is a purifying fire. But it has to be managed because there is discomfort if it gets too intense.

My two pennies' worth.

I wish you all the best.
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Posted - May 15 2015 :  3:31:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Ok just thought id update this thread as ive had a few recent shifts in my meditation practice.

There have been a few permanent shifts over the past 5 months, disembedding from disturbing emotions, another stage where the mind stopped self-refrencing to a big degree, another shift where the mind disembedded from discursive thinking ( "I" am so stressed, seen as unnecessary fluff) and now the most recent shift has been seeing that efforting of the mind is seen as painful (all intentional investigation via vipassana noting, any self enquiry of asking "where am "I" " ) and that its least straining to just leave the mind be in its natural condition. Since this shift, my meditation practice has switched from noting style vipassana practice to just sitting.. it seems mindfulness just happens and there is nothing to do. I do find that sitting practice the mindfulness is sharper than during my daily activities, but it seems meditation is happening all the time. The mind is seeing that efforting is painful, so it stops doing it, holding too tightly is seen as painful, but its still doing it, hasnt abandoned.

Now there is still a part of me that is curious about the AYP practices, I havent really done any in a few months as they were causing major overload. This is where im really lost.

Seeking advice from any of the more advanced practitioners... Yogani ? Or anyone that has insight into this. Here is my situation. I find that if I just graze or eat when im hungry and eat till im really satisfied and full, that doing any pranayama or I AM or mudras and bandhas causes major overload. This is how it plays out: I do practices in the morning... go about my day. It seems I really wake up the energies through morning yogic practices, but I find that it never actually clears passage through the central channel , it like I increased the water pressure but it cant push through the central channel so it goes to all these other channels and really wreaks havoc cause it has no where to go (it cant go up).. this is if im eating throughout the day...

Now ... if I do the same practices... but I eat one morning meal, and then... I dont eat at all during the day , that the energy that I stirred up has a chance to push through the central channel, I can feel this very clearly during the day (its pleasant sometimes and unpleasant sometimes, but it pushes up from lower chakras all the way up) It feels like a hose with water pressure coming up , pushing through blockages. Now this is the most important part... if I eat during this time, that the energy cant push up and it goes into other channels cause it has to go somewhere... this really wreaks havoc on my health and mind.

This seems very different from others practices Ive read on here that eating more when the energy is really active, to quiet it... but this isnt my experience... One I feel like crap eating alot, and it doesnt actually lower the energy, it just causes it to not be able to do its job of clearing the central channel... So doing a morning meal, not eating during the day when the energy is doing the clearing, then when I can feel that it has pushed all the way to the top, and cleared the central channel for the day, that I can eat in the evening.

If I do this eating regimen I find that I get deeper samadhi, and resting in rigpa is easier as the energy pathways have been greased (got that line from a tibetan book)...

Atm im not doing any yogic practices except some light stretching , and light chanting (making sure not to overdo) ... But I do have an inner urging to pick up these practices, but it seems that I really have to commit to two meals a day to develop the central channel.

Another thing is I find too much sugar is no good, Im finding that maybe 60% carbs, 20% protein 20%fat for each meal is a nice balance.

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Posted - May 20 2015 :  05:35:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by roboto212
Now this is the most important part... if I eat during this time, that the energy cant push up and it goes into other channels cause it has to go somewhere... this really wreaks havoc on my health and mind.

IMO you are over-analysing. Whatever your sensations may be, the rising energy will go round and give you a house clean. Whether you feel "the energy pushes up" or not, Kundalini will do her job. OK, it may not always go up the Sushumna, so what? There are other nadis in the body that may well need clearing up. There is a wisdom to this purification process that we can't understand at the level of the thinking mind.

All you need to do is self-pace when the symptoms (whatever they may be) become too uncomfortable. The rest takes care of itself.

All the best on your path.

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on May 20 2015 05:47:08 AM
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Posted - May 22 2015 :  01:32:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I wouldn't say I'm overanalyzing. I know what works for my self.. this setup wouldn't likely work for others. . I guess im wanting to understand why it works this way and not that way.

Also id say the whole point of SB and DM is to open and clear and enliven the central channel. Am I right? Why doing two meals allows this opening and clearing and not when im grazing.. id say that's very important and shouldn't just be considered overanalyzing! Ive already determined that doing any practices and eating throughout the day causes extreme discomfort.. this is certainly an indicator that that doesn't work.

This doesn't seem like a self pacing issue.. as when im doikg the two meals scheme its incredible the amount of practices I can do without overloading.. like pranayama, asanas.. chanting throughout the day.. do that while stuffing my face and overload beyond being able to function.

I guess I already know what works , a part of me is just looking to understand it.
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United Kingdom
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Posted - May 22 2015 :  05:28:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I guess we have different reference systems. Mine is AYP. And in AYP, sensations/feelings of energy fall in the category of 'scenery'. While it may be interesting to watch, scenery does not inform changes the practices we are doing. Whether the energy is felt up the main energy channel, in our hands or feet, or anywhere else in the body, we continue with the same practices. We only adjust the length of the sessions if the symptoms become uncomfortable (self-pacing).

I wish you good progress on your chosen path.
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Posted - May 23 2015 :  01:57:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Im coming from a vipassana practice so youre preaching to the choir with noting sensations being scenery.. that's all there ever is is sensations.. sometimes pleasant sometimes unpleasant sometimes neutral. None of it ever "I"

This still doesn't really address why eating such a specific schedule affects things so much.. I could be eating same calories but this period of empty stomach between meals allows for alot of opening
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1553 Posts

Posted - May 25 2015 :  06:26:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Roboto - there are several lessons on digestion, you might want to check out which will answer your question


gives you a peek into the dynamics

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Posted - May 25 2015 :  07:46:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
No preaching, just telling you what things look like from where I stand.

Originally posted by roboto212
This still doesn't really address why eating such a specific schedule affects things so much.. I could be eating same calories but this period of empty stomach between meals allows for a lot of opening

Because restraining your food intake is a practice. And like any practice, it will have opening and purifying effects. Also, it will add to the overall effect of you yoga routine, so if you choose to do that particular one, you will not be able to take on other practices without overloading.
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56 Posts

Posted - Sep 04 2015 :  10:17:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Im finding that one meal a day is sufficient now, it seems. One meal of fruit in the morning.. And I have plenty of energy to do stuff though out the day... This also gives enough time for the energy to push through blockages.. I'll wake in the morning, maybe go on a jog.. After do some asanas and pranayama and then meditate per ayp mantra.. Then eat morning meal... It seems to carry me though the day and I'm pretty active young man living in hawaii.. I use my body a lot during the day and find I have plenty of energy.. And haven't experienced hunger at all after the morning meal.. It seems to digest slowly over time even if it's just fruit.. No evening practices I'm afraid it would cause overload and prevent me from sleeping..

I know this scheme of practices may be very different to a lot of people on here.. But I feel this should be public as for a while I didn't follow my inner guidance and would eat when my head thought I needed to.. This would have opposite effect of grounding, excess food would make the kundalini go crazy... Very uncomfortable...

I think I've found a steady routine, and haven't experienced any overload.. Actually when that energy is pushing through blockages, while it can be slightly uncomfortable, it's also a relief at the same time.
I'll update this thread when necessary
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2242 Posts

Posted - Sep 05 2015 :  06:54:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sounds like you and Guru Inyou are on the same page while living in paradise.
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56 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2015 :  9:17:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Down shifted the energy with adding more meals..but im finding that, even though im grazing on fruit during the day, to listen very carefully to my body and notice when im satiated and not overeating just to feel full.. and most importantly ending the day on empty stomach,so for me this means stopping eating around 4pm. This allows the last meal to completely digest and for the stomach to be empty when it's bed time..sometimes this feels like a mini fast as ill feel hungry for more food when evening comes around, but to let the stomach remain empty and let the awakened energy do it's thing.

I notice problems with sleep, with unprocessed emotional stuff and various energetic issues if I don't give my body this time on empty stomach. It seems to play a key roll in this unfolding...

I do mono meals of sweet fruits mostly with salads thrown in when im feeling them greens. I like this fruit diet cause, for me, it feels most natural and I get the clearest signals from my body when it's satiated and had enough,. Very clear taste changes..

I've taken pranayama out of the routine, it is just too intense.. even a little bit. I really like that practice, and have had powerful experiences of ecstasy and amrita from it, but idk if it's really that necessary, for me at least at this time. It seems to create more disharmony in my energy system than harmony, makes it very hard to function.

I like to still do light asanas in the morning and sometimes afternoon.. this can increase energy flow but it doesn't seem as intense as pranayama.

Have taken ayam out of the routine as well, for now, and just chanting om mani mantra throughout the day, which doesn't cause any overload.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Sep 17 2015 :  08:01:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi roboto212,

Nice to read your updates. What do you do in terms of Karma Yoga? Eating clean is part of the yogic diet. However too much emphasis on just one part of the picture may lead to overload. Balance in all aspects of life is the key to stability in practices. This has been true for me.


Edited by - sunyata on Sep 17 2015 08:02:22 AM
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Posted - Sep 17 2015 :  1:25:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I like to work on the land I live on here in Hawaii. Keeping all the fruit trees (which are all still very young) cleared of weeds and vines. I'm in between work atm, but I would normally consider work a sort of karma yoga, doing what needs to be done so I have the means to continue my practices.

Sometimes if I have nothing personally to do I'll go next door to my neighbors and friends and see if they need help with anything. C
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1511 Posts

Posted - Sep 17 2015 :  8:10:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
like to work on the land I live on here in Hawaii. Keeping all the fruit trees (which are all still very young) cleared of weeds and vines.

Very grounding

I'm in between work atm, but I would normally consider work a sort of karma yoga, doing what needs to be done so I have the means to continue my practices.

We share the same view.
Sometimes if I have nothing personally to do I'll go next door to my neighbors and friends and see if they need help with anything. C

You are probably going through a sensitive phase. Keep us posted.
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Posted - Sep 18 2015 :  01:12:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Yea it seems lately the energy has ramped allot.. My old ways of eating are no longer working.. Trying to figure out what works... I'll keep this thread alive as updates happen...

I'm feeling really drawn to a water fast, or maybe a water and coco water fast... To let things come undone and really let the energy do it's thing.. Then after try and find a way to eat that also accomodates the energy... Seems eating lighter and remaining more empty seems the best route, but there are different ways of doing that, and finding one that also gives me grounded sleep is ideal
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846 Posts

Posted - Sep 20 2015 :  6:55:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Roboto,

At the risk of sounding overbearing, I'd like to mention that in many cases, eating a very light diet as you have been would be likely to stimulate kundalini.

I myself struggle with finding a balance between purification and stability, and I can say from experience that it's easy to get stuck in negative feedback loops.

I'd encourage you to think about trying a grounding diet the includes cooked food that is a hearty and healthy.

You will know best, of course.

Wishing you a smooth path!
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Posted - Sep 21 2015 :  12:31:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Tonightsthenight, a lot have recommended that over the years, heavier diet, eating more..

I'm not really sure why, but for me being empty I actually feel most at rest, but I still need food. If I were to just fast, mind becomes completely unbound and there is effortless resting in nondual awareness... That's great, except my body can't really do much as it doesn't have glucose or energy or whatever it's needing that it gets from food. So food is still needed, but eating just what my body needs and not overeating is essential. Overeating causes all kinds of energetic overload and mind tightens around identity. Eating lighter seems to allow this unwinding, slowly over time. Giving my body enough time of being empty Seems allow the awakened energy to break through knots or whatever.

I would never recommend others eat like me though. Everyone's journey is different. Many will have to eat heavier to curb overload symptoms, but for me that just overstimulates my system.
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