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 Prajnanananda, Peterananda, Atmaviyananda and Co.
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Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  3:22:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Message
Dear friends,

what is written out or not I have no control over, so let's see what will happen :)

Even though I am practicing Gurunath's kriya mainly, life brings me to places of other masters, lineages, practices to see by myself what it is like to be in their environment. Ultimately there is an inner wish to connect masters and practitioners and make clear that we are borthers, sisters and friends.

Due to the 16. anniversary of the KYI center at Austria, Tattendorf, I got an email with the invitation to come for a reteat with the elite practitioners of that system, namely Atmavidyananda, Peterananda, Mangalananda and also some other advanced teachers. To my surprise, even the head of KYI - Prajnanananda - was there (=

Pic of Prajna: http://www.kriya.org/acharya/8_md.jpg

Pic of Atmavidyananda: http://www.fotografiacolombiana.com...dyananda.jpg

Pic of Peter: http://www.kriya.org/acharya/15_md.jpg

About Manga I had written already in another thread, some more will be added in this thread aswell about her :) She is still among my favorite female practitioners, a nice inspiration that the ladies can also advance very nicely :D

Pic of her: http://www.kriya.org/acharya/11_md.jpg

After mailing with the KYI center at Tattendorf and getting a students pricing, it was decided and someone else was driving in that direction, a 24 years old practitioner of that lineage, so we drove there together. Let's call this man C :)

The drive was uneventful, except when we came closer to the center, suddenly intense energies arose down the spine and made the body here stunned completely into the seat and extreme silent bliss was starting to pour through. I knew from my experiences with KYI and Manga that the crown is another league, so this welcoming was very nice :) Then coming to the gate:


I saw the 69 ;)) For sure they do it differently here :P Then jumping out of the car with C, we saw Manga, easily walking and bringing out stuff to the bin. I asked for help, but she said: "already done :P" She greeted us and said that we are among the first ones (we drove one day earlier). We went in and were greeted by very sweet girls who were living there. One of them said "wait a moment", checked some details for our rooms and then came again and said we can go upstairs to room 1. My bed was 1, C's was 2 ^^ I must say I liked this girl very much instantly, she had a very sweet aura and we had instant connection. Then walking up we got the hint that there is a surprise and someone else is living upstairs, so we should be calmly. Continuing the walk I saw another girl rushing down the stairs (all of these were below 30 years), she stopped to greet us and I was delighted by her aura, shining from her crown. Is this paradise or not? ;) Further walking up, immense peace was everywhere and we went into our room with C. 2-3 people were still to come into that room and there were other rooms like that.

Then I understood, that our bedroom was in front of Atmavidyananda's and directly next to Prajna's!!!!! C and me went out again and relaxed with the sunset:


Then we were called for meditation, even though this was beyond the scope of the retreat. Later I understood, that these people living there under the guidance of Manga are meditating thrice daily completely naturally, every day the whole year. So for them this retreat was nothing special, except that all the high calibers were present and that much more was needed to cook and to prepare and organize etc.

I was still filled with Gurunath's kriya power, but had already included some more crown focus the two weeks before, already entering very nice crown samadhis 1 day before the ride. Sitting there, KYI style kriya was practiced under the guidance of a teacher I did not know before: http://www.kriya.org/about__yogacharya.php?id=25

It was a very nice session with deep bliss presence permeating the group. Afterwards we had dinner together, we hadn't prepared for getting a dinner, so this was to our luck :D While singing the Gayatri mantra everyone got his dish and uh yeah, who comes? Prajna (= Silently he walked in and went to his place, sitting and starting to eat. My focus was 100% on him, watching and feeling into his state. Suddenly while eating I felt that he was aware of the newcomers and also put his attention on me, lifting me up into god's love-paradise. While moving and eating the in parallel extreme sweet love was permeating all and everything. Dinner like that is really something different :D I remembered words of the samadhi boy who in his early years was also in this KYI group, that one should eat like one is feeding god, giving food to the indwelling god who digests it.

After that we helped the kitchen group and then went to bed. Lying there I entered some kind of crown-samadhi, extreme silence, always here and now, always overseen this beauty. Then closing the lights with C, I started listening to the snorring of dear Prajna while sleeping :)) C did not get it that we were sleeping next to him at that point, but I enjoyed this special sound connection. Again I was immersed in very deep godliness, one with Prajna's presence. I remember a similiar happening with Yogeshwarananda in our samadhi boy's school back then, but this was more soft, more gentle but also deeply filled. The night was like 1000 hours, endless dreams, refreshing bliss, waking up oh only 1 hour has passed, sleeping, some more hundred hours of sleep, then blissfully refreshed, waking up, again only an hour had passed and so on, the whole night. Somehow this happens to me every night I spend in another location with other people sleeping, not only with advanced guys, still the initial god-contact was sweet :)

As the whole event took 9 days instead of the classic three, I will trim the report, otherwise this will become a new record, but the essential parts will hopefully be in :)

The next morning meditation at 6 o clock... :P Oh yeah, getting up early, fresh shower, into the meditation room. One more session, then preparing breakfast, then having it together with all Prajna, Atmavidyananda, Manga and all the others. I had seen Atmavidyananda in the bath room, greeting him, he greeted back a little shyly :P It was interesting to be so close to those who can go into super samadhi any moment and to see that they are doing the very same things others do aswell ;)

More and more people were coming to the retreat, reaching its peak to the weekend with the special celebration of the 16th anniversary of that ashram. We did our three times KYI kriya, and after the second session of the first official day, I went out to the wine fields nearby, walking in nomind.


The scenery was not as beautiful as it could be according to C, but that day it was pretty sunny (not like in the pics) and nature was alive in the fields. After walking a while, having helped in the kitchen pretty intensly even though I wanted to go out into the sun, then suddenly being there the bliss flashed in. Oh yes, god showing me once again that the combo of, practice, food, going out into nature-sun is the best. I cannot explain the beauty of the crown revealing god in extreme beauty permeating everything, walking like that was like beyond heaven. The awareness started to expand several kilometers again, making everything one in this beauty. There were three distinct peaks of crown-samadhi, entering enlightenement one with the unspeakable beauty of this god-revelation beyond mind but still with perception. Later the night was more grounded.

Then the surprising shock, with the increasing amount of people and with the fading away of Gurunath's kriya power, the nice peaks of the first days did more and more disappear and also the power did decrease and I felt as down in energy and bliss like never before the last years. We were practicing KYI kriya in a way I did not practice at home, with looots of chill-out elements and only one round of kriya pranayama and maha mudra. Even though the attention was full on the crown, there was not enough energy generated to wake it up anymore. The moment I saw this happening, the wish started to practice outside of the three sessions for myself, so I added loots of kriya pranayama and maha mudra and the entry into paradise slowly came back to used levels.

Then the big celebreation day came closer, with puja in the morning where everyone was giving from himself into the fire by intention and mantra to cleanse and purify:


To add some more juice, before entering the fire place, I did some of Gurunath's golden lotus and the joy was mixing into the god-presence Peter, Manga, Atmavidyananda and Prajna had built around the fire, getting the blessing of Prajna and afterwards taking the pic above ;)

I really hoped that from the beginning all of the masterly practitioners would boost the group with their samadhi as Gurunath, Mangalananda and others are doing in their weekend-workshops and retreats, but nothing happened for 5 days into the retreat. I felt like a huge potential had been wasted by this, as everyone especially the very old people were refreshing from the prana of the youngsters and due to only one kriya pranayama and maha mudra, the energy production was low alltogether. For me it felt like the body-mind here is used not for its own sake but for the others coming there. After some time the OM technique needed to be added to come out of the downhill of energy which had decreased over the days without mantric practice.

And so it was, on Sunday, the 5th day in the morning, after some OMs the godly ecstasy and superb lifeflow was sneaking in again, the shower ecstatic paradise :D Then the group practice. Lots of different teachers and masterly people like Atmavidyananda, Peterananda, Mangalananda and some of the others mostly from Europe http://www.kriya.org/about__teachers.php were guiding the meditation. Everyone had its own style, Peter had the highest intensity and concentration which I liked very much, some others were more relaxed. Few did two maha mudras and two kriya pranayamas for which I was always thankful, as instantly the whole group was in a much higher state without leeching too much from the energy producers :P

That morning I also met Peter the first time, after the first session on Sunday, greeting him and he back. This man was not shy, being a householder practitioner, it was clear this man was standing on his feet within worldy duties and could easily and happily greet another. We shared some joy and I went into my room, next to Prajna who was always in his room, coming out only for eating thrice a day :) Then did another kriya session alone with focus on the main elements and suddenly Peter's presence entered the room. Like he wanted to check the newcomer boy and extreme silent godliness was immersing into my practice, Peter in it. I said oh yes Peter, nothing less I expected from you (= Then the first time after two years Prajna broke his silent vow of not speaking and held a very nice talk. In the beginning when he sat down infront of all:


he looked silently into the group. Instantly I started to hear a deep vibration permeating the room and from one moment to the other the whole group sunk into a deeper stillness, OM was flappering through the space and making everything more and more silent and perceptive. Haleluja, after so many days finally someone starting to boost the group :D Then he talked a little but I do not remember anything as I was only feeling into his state and watching every fine detail of change in awareness, energy and co. Then it started to get very sweet and silent and suddenly he stopped talking and again from one moment to the other the silence deepened. And deepened and deepened and very softly, very gently, like I had not seen before from any other, he made the whole group enter into savikalpa samadhi, shivapath the very soft style :D Space and time started to change, like being in a movie theater, space started to melt more and more and the silent peace was dominating all waves of body and mind and group movements, making them stiller and stiller until the bliss started to pour through. Unlike with Gurunath, where the bliss and ecstasy become paranormal, here it was very gentle and very soft, even the bliss was silent :P Prajna transformed into a god, entering the consciousness of the gods as Gurunath, the samadhi boy and Manga had done so many times, making me see, ok this guy is among them, thank you veeery much! :)) Then the slow fade back into more used to state, then he continued his talk. I hit a friend ( had made loots of friends there) that he should sit straight up and watch when he gets silent again, as it was clear, that he had missed this completely, looking around lying at the ground :P Thankfully another boy did get it fully, but had no words for it. It was fastly clear for me, that most of the KYI guys are unaware of shivapath, as they have no word for it. Coming from Gurunath you can instantly recognize it the moment it is starting and automatically become still and receptive :) Some more talk and one more round shivapath with Prajna, veeery nice :D The first boost after 5 days.

After the talk and being blissed out softly but intensly I went to the fields again, this time disovering a pyramid-like construction: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u...0907_011.jpg

Going up its stairs I had a a much broader view with a compass before me showing all directions including to north, the symbol for looking at the crown within KYI: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u...0907_005.jpg

Looking at the scenery, which seems quite boring in the pics..

..the awareness flahed into oneness with all again, still being infused with the boost of Prajna, suddenly all kind of realizations happened. The higher you go, the more you can see, if you go to the peak, you see everything. Atmavidyananda's words came true, that the crown opens to door to realization, all kind of realizations regarding god, self, chakras, inner, outer, makro, mikro flashed in, while there was bliss oneness up there :D


Uh yes, why not giving shivapath right from the start? It would have boosted and deepend the practice much faster and deeper for everyone making it much more enjoyable from day one. But ok, all as it needs to happen :)

Next day was more nice, state was more enhanced, C was also very high and we were all enjoying the life happening. The classic routine was: Getting up, shower or some were cutting stuff for the breakfast, then first group session with the one or other teacher/master:


Then breakfast, then cleaning the dishes, some cutting food for lunch, then some kind of lecture with Atmavidyananda about Pranayama and its science, why the need for slow breathing etc. Which is btw also in line with what Gurunath says and also the experience here after some years of slow and long kriya breaths: the slower you breathe, the slower the mind, the easier the penetration of the sushumna nadi and the longer the lifespan.


Yogis have observed, that the length of life is limited by the amounts of breath. Normally someone is breathing:

12 times while sleeping per minute
15 times in waking state
24 times while having sex (how do the monks know? ;))
35 times while having stress, doing lots of things at the same time etc.

When living peacefully with 15 breaths, 21k times one is breathing per day, accordingly 100 years the body-mind can live. If the stressful activities increase, people live 80 years, 70 or even less. By increasing the length of the breath in kriya pranayama, instead of 15 times it can become 2-3 times per minute. In that way the siddhas live for hundreds or thousands of years in slow breath or total breathlessness. The lifespan can again be decreased by giving of oneselves prana and or by taking karma of others, so there are many more factors in this.

After a lesson the second practice session, then lunch with its usual afterwards work and preparation for dinner, then some free time, then either a movie or question answer with Atmavidyananda or sometimes with Prajna:


Then the third session, then dinner, then afterwork, digestion, everyone getting slowly or lately into bed.

On the last official day, Mangalananda and another teacher were giving some talk about how to reach god-consciousness, where I liked Manga's hints that everybody has to find their own formula and that after some greater advancement this may differ very much from the main techniques aswell.


She has some Christian backround which she uses for this purpose she said. Then she talked about a video that was shown about Hariharananda and she mentioned that sometimes those who are longer into KYI do not know what else to do, means they have reached a state of realization where not more seems to be attainable, but she is still in buff about Hari's state and that she is still far from it she said. In that moment that woman did that which I like most :D Suddenly the room started to change, movie theater mode and the sweetness was melting everything into silence, one round shivapath with Manga yeah :D For me it was again the big surprise that she does this like it is the most easiest while talking in parallel and I am not sure how many people get it while that, but the one boy (behind the cam;)) also got it, and we made a high five afterwards for his recognition :P

Then in nomind bliss, I went upstairs and looking into the sunny garden:


Manga was hanging wet clothes and asked if I like this place above and I replied yes. Nomind bliss, sun energy, paradise, what else do you want :D Then suddenly Prajna walked in, silently coming closer to me, touching some of the flowers upstairs and coming closer and closer to me. I greeted him in namaste and watched him without disturbing his silence, while he was also looking down and in some way blessing the people. Tuning into his mind it was clear he was also in nomind, but in a deeper state somehow. Then we exchanged standing places so he could look down from another side aswell. Manga started talking with him, but he only gave mimiki replys as he max does, no words from his site :) Nice sharing of silence and respectful and lovely movements were shared with Prajna which was very nice.

The day went as usual, next morning final session, most of the people had left already, so only those who live there and some other few were left. After breakfast we wanted to drive again with C, before that while sitting suddenly Prajna came close and played with the child in front of me silently. Then before going looked at me, me smiling to him, he smiling aswell, tuning into the joy sharing. Then he walked some feet and suddenly stopped. I could feel his attention on me and then felt him being sad in some way, similiar to Yogeshwarananda who also like a child became sad because of the departure. I like this heartfelt touch, so tuned into his sadness of this departure and love was flowing back to him. Then he continued his walk back to his room.

Byebye to everyone, Peter cool like no one, hugging me with high-five-style, namaste with Atmavidyananda, Manga had already disappeared in bliss, nowhere to see :D Then lastly I went to that first girl I had liked very much, she aswell, wanted to give her a hug, but she said, "only like this" and made a namaste. It was clear to me, monk-style is sexually blocked, even though the sexual energies had flown many times the whole retreat, physical touch is forbidden. I said "is this your codec, so be it" and wished her all the best. Don't know why she said several times, "please come again" if nothing can grow out of it, but yeah, there is hope for sweet love filled god-girls after seeing some of them growing in Manga's arms :)

Going up the stairs to get our bags, I felt extreme sadness, extreme intense pain in the throat and it was coming from that girl, like in some way she is trapped regarding this topic and it was hurting her intensly and by this me aswell. I needed to breath out the intense pain several times before being able to move, after some minutes it cooled down and off we were with my loving friend C :D

Driving home, having a break, getting something to eat, suddenly it was clear, that we were SUPERBLY HIGH :D While living there it was not so obvious, like I was grouneded to death and reaching the nice god-states had become very hard, but then being out again, whoa what a contrast. Vision sharp like an eagle, godly insights flashing moment by moment, extreme now presence, and C and me were heightening each other while talking and looking into our eyes. Very nicely we made it back to home and the heightening lasted for some days. Practicing KYI at home with OM boost for some more days, I wated to know why the intense kundalini rushes and the dissolution into bliss in the crown did not happen like with Manga's weekend and in some way gave it a little more intensly at home. After 1 more week suddenly before waking up in the morning I had a strange dream.

While dreaming the crown was active, my dad was driving me back home :D Then suddenly he lost all will and the car continued to drive and coming closer to a cliff, close to falling down. I said, "Daddy, press the brake pedal", but he did not react. Then looking at him, it was clear he was not only in nomind, but had lost all will and was in total surrender. I said, "Daddy, why are you leaving now" and started pumping his heart, he just gave a slight smile, like "what are you trying" and then he was gone. I took him out of the car which had stopped by that time, crown was overly active, then I asked for help to rescue him, but he evaporated in my hands into nothing... Then the magical switch from dream state into waking up in my bed, a mysterious bliss was shifting the scene.

Me lying in my bed contemplating about it, is my dad close to physical death or just spiritual death ( I had pumped the right part of his chest :P) and why was I so afraid in that moment regarding death. Contemplating like that the crown was getting ever more active here and bam the intelligence that was switiching the scene came into my attention, I had overseen it or just had loosely observed it. Going more into this intelligence who had switched the scene, the crown started to open up and extreme bliss started to reveal nothingness being this intelligence and the intelligence was beyond all possible recognition, it was playing with scenes, noone ever possible to grasp it, nothing but bliss and beyond beyond intelligence. I was delighted to see intelligence in that bliss-nothingness, so much that this extreme intelligence made me clear that the crown is the gateway to come in contact with it and that it is directly related to DEATH and that EVERYONE is afraid of it and that this is one of the reasons NOONE ever dissolves in the crown. All kinds of realizations were exploding and I instantly could recognize real masters who really know from those who have no idea. I asked myself, if I am ready for it and in some way I could see that even though there was some kind unconsious fear from the past, this event had dissolved it within some minutes, realization upon realization and that one must face it one day or the other. I was overjoyed and accepted the dissolution of my father completely. If one does not experience this god-intelligence, it may be very hard to dissolve into it, to become rdy to really die completely. Lots of people say there is no fear, but when the breath stops and the heart beat gets close to nothing, the truth comes out :P

Then lying down like that, within 1-2 hours the body once again started to sleep, but the crown was overactive and awareness was continuous. I left the body and was floating around the room (which always happens here after sleeping again with a bigger delay inbetween) and was in another room/space. Going to the mirror I was shocked to see a young woman at my age, very beautiful eyes, very nice/sexy, hair styled, many similiarities to me were obvious, but then looking at the body curves. OMG I was a young woman, the self was the exact same, but the body was different. You may imagine what I have done, checking my own body ;) Having the previlege to once experience the perspective from a woman, irresistably I touched my own breasts, woah ecstatic response unlike in a male body. Going further down, I could not believe it, a real woman body :D But then touching these areas the ecstatic responses were triggering a response from the other physical male body lying in the bed and suddenly the astral frame started to try to mix the male genetic into the female. I could see it getting information from the feet and the big thumb to generate a magic stick and was shocked. Before the transformation could get dense, I instantly stopped the female body discovery and the transformation stopped and dissolved to what it was, ..phew! Better female than... ;)))) :D Crown still overactive, a girlfriend came in. Me reacting to her like, "honey, how are you?" (extremely unlike my male variant). The thoughts were that of a woman, the behaviour and body-mind response aswell. But the self was the same exact same self in feel and perspective. She said, "you had come early and did not tell how you came". I remembered, that this was to become a shared-flat among two girls and that I had arrived newly and that we had met very newly with this girl. Still being immersed in the crown and being extremely now, I told her, "do you want to hear the truth?" She said, "please tell me." I told her, "I sometimes do not remember the past anymore" while getting insights of what kind of girl I was, that I had some mental problems regarding remembering and also that it may be related to some substance usage. While looking into the mirror I knew that I will reincarnate and that I will be able to see back into exact this moment while being that girl and all of this flashed back into while saying these words to that girlfriend. Then she asked, "is it something serious, like an illness?", but I already could not hear what she was talking and suddenly the scene changed back elegantly with godbliss and paranormal intelligence back into the male body lying in bed. Oh god, nothing but bliss you are. I was fascinated about god and very naturally wanted to know more about the self. The crown door remained open for half of the day..

Since then more than a week has passed and I am not so sure in which precision these insights about an earlier incarnation might be true or acurate, but that is what it was in that moments and day. The girlfriend from that time was always a welcoming person, loving and caring for friends and open to everything. I could see that she is the very same girl who was studying with me the last years and with whom we had two one year projects and from day one had immense smooth and harmonious communication, acceptance. In this incarnation she also likes to couch surf and opens her living room to everyone who comes to her city and looks for a stay. This quality has obviously not changed in her :)

KYI, the group who knows about the crown, there is not much more I can say about it :)

Once I slept too long, was tired and decided to skip the first session, who cares. Then while dreaming I was talking to Peter and bam he entered into my room, waking me up and saying, that he needs to check the beds. Then I jumped up and said, "sure you can check mine too :)" He checked one bed, then the second, then mine and without checking the rest, went out of the room, telling me smilingly, "I have seen all" :D That night he came to me with a smile and asked, if I go to bed late and I said, "don't worry, I will come to the next morning session ;))" That one was also guided by him :D

Once I had the chance to ask Prajna why the KYI group is focusing solely onto the crown and gave him some text passages from Ramana Maharshi, who says, that the samadhi happens fore sure in the crown, but only temporarily. For it to become permanent, it needs to descent into the spiritual heart. He said, that it is true, that whatever goes up, has to come down again and started to sing in melodic tones going up and down. He continued, that the place to come down may be different from person to person. The next day he added and had obviously thought about it, that in the beginning staying up seems to be effortfull, but with continuous going up, staying there may be as easy as the satellites can stay.

For me, especially after that crown-dream-mix it was clear that the crown is directly connected to the spiritual heart and that it gives its taste and that Ramana's words seem be true. The crown is the easy entry into and the possibility for someone to taste of that which is permanent and forever, to come in contact with that nothingness, that is playing this maya in beyond beyond bliss and intelligence and that all kinds of savikalpa samadhis are really also just small plays for it.

Still I feel like lots of potential was not used in that retreat, especially the great focus on those kriya elements which are also known as optional within KYI and the really small amounts of which does the real thing. After having tasted the last kriya workshop with our samadhi boy, where within the first day within some seconds into the session we peaked into extreme god-revelation, this retreat seemed to be very soft, very humble and to my taste way too inefficient for in overall 9 days. What was also interesting, is that mantric practices scale MUUUUUUCH MORE in a groupe than other kinds of practices. The second most scaling practice in group is concentration on one chakra or crown. When good pranic levels are produced together with entering into silence, the combo is very nice in a group. Otherwise when lots of side things are done which are good for a living style that practices thrice daily or even more, but pretty inefficient in solo aswell as group practice, then this does not attract me to repeat it. I have heard that with the second KYI kriya mantra comes into play and this may add a lot to it. Also for those who did their second kriya together came out pretty hightened which also is in support of my own observatiosn with Gurunath's groupe practice or with AYP style with my own mother, where lots of mantra is used.

All in all seeing all those beautiful people, immersed in the beauty of nothingness, sleeping next to Prajna, tasting of their godliness and to see, that places and technique vary, but states and capabilities develop similiarly, was all in all very nice. I have also seen the potential of the crown as a fast gateway to that nothingness that is so beyond all and everything, that noone can ever grasp it, maximum die into it.


The inspiration still continues.. :)


Peace and greetings to all
no need to fear the crown
and happy practice!


263 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  6:12:20 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
And Co. good title, oh and by the way

no need to fear the crown


In all seriousness though people should understand Holy went about this the correct way he was initiated into the lineage and then taught in person and has made allot of effort to learn more and has followed up with repeat visits as he has shared here.

With all this in place there is no need to fear the crown.

Without it probably best to not try and practice incorrect things in books.

Thanks for the update Holy.
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796 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2014 :  6:51:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply

You are again funny

Thanks for the comment
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375 Posts

Posted - Sep 25 2014 :  7:08:53 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Holy thank you!
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Sep 27 2014 :  06:27:57 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Holy, thanks a lot for your report.

As you, some months before, I got curious about how KYI altered the techniques to make them more powerful according to some posts in this forum, and got initiated in December. My first impression was that certainly the forward bendings and the KYI Pranayama is powerful, but not within the routine that KYI teaches, with many meditations in between, instead of the obviously more powerful Kriya original or AYP versions , when first you move, then you do pranayama, and then meditation.

I attended the one-week KYI retreat in August in Holland. As in your retreat, it had 3 KYI sessions per day. Without Ujjaji during Pranayama, with only one cycle of pranayama and Maha Mudra (sometimes two), without bhandas and with all the interruptions of the meditation due to the structure of the routine (Maha Mudra in the middle of the routine just breaks all the stillness gotten so far during the session), for me it was meditation for beginners and a downgrade of the routine that I was practising. The month before attending the retreat I didn't practice Thokar (very similar to AYP's Chin Pump), which I started practising without formal initiation a few months back and produced the Holy vision of Kuthasta and the golden ring, and instead I practiced longer pranayama sessions with Kapalabhati and bastrika, which were not as efficient.

Also, in the retreat I spent many hours daily helping in the kitchen, and one day I had to skip one meditation session to help the cookers, which annoyed me considering that I coulnd't go very deep with the routine that was established in the retreat. Anyway the retreat was nice and helpful to practice 3 a day.

Prajnanandna appeared and accoompanied us during the retreat, but didn't guide the meditation sessions and seemed distant. At first was reluctant to talk, but then he gave some lectures.

One day I experienced a severe headache, and everything that I did (even doing nothing) seemed to increase the energy in the head and provoke more pain, except for the Pranayama with short breath as described in Ennio's book. The headache was caused in great part by not sleeping enough that night and then force myself not to sleep during the day to follow the program, and because of a prolongued focus on the fontanelle, which I no longer did for the rest of the retreat.

After the retreat, I spent 2 days with a longer routine (2 hour) twice a day, which included 36 original Pranayamas and 36 Thokar and then there it was again, Kutastha. First it appeared only during Yoni Mudra, but on other days also during Thokar.

So no, initiation is not needed. And yes, changing the prescribed routine is a good thing (provided that you know what you are doing, which comes from practice, like doing two incremental routines of Kriya).

The AYP retreat that I attended the last year felt much more powerful, although it lasted only two days. I hope we have available longer AYP retreats soon nearby.

In the AYP retreat that I attended, two asanas sessions were included on Saturday, which was extremely beneficial. Although there was a lot of meditation, my excemas due to seborreic skin vanished thanks to the asanas. So yes, in this case it is good to include a practice in the retreat that you were not doing previously, and it groundes very well.

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796 Posts

Posted - Sep 27 2014 :  5:10:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Will Power,

thanks alot to your addition, then our observations were pretty similiar :) There is great potential in KYI and the crown-chakra, but the retreats miss alot of the full potential of what the essential practice elements of KYI can deliver if practiced without the other diluting elements.

And as you say, the original kriyas focus much more on kutastha and are also more succesful in revealing its light. Ultimately one can neither skip the third eye, nor the crown, all in its time (=

Thanks again and happy practice! :)
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Sep 28 2014 :  5:01:02 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Holy, and indeed our observations were pretty similar.

All the best and happy practice!
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2014 :  1:33:30 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
By the way, according to the Kriya Acharya Ashok K. Singh, the requisite for Second Kriya Initiation (Thokar) is to become angry only twice per month or less. The reason is that Thokar cleans a lot your lower chakras, and you may get angry more often.

Remain always in peace and bliss!
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796 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2014 :  8:25:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
@Will Power,

interesting to note, according to Lahiri Mahasaya it was perfection in kechari mudra, but it seems different masters have adjusted the requirements a little.

Becming angry does happen here a handful per year, but you cannot take it serious, it is just intensity flowing ;)

If you relate to the other thread, I had written my experiences with navi/nabho kriya, where some years ago after learning it the first time and after intense application I experienced EXTREME anger, hatred and agression. Before that I knew myself as walking peace, then the first time the obviously supressed energy came out and exploded inside and outside. Since some years the fire is only fueling the joy radiation (=

Thanks for the input friend,
happy practice to all! :)

Edited by - Holy on Oct 18 2014 8:27:13 PM
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2014 :  09:08:19 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks for your comment my friend,

happy practice!!
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39 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2014 :  1:32:21 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello Holy,

thank you once again for sharing your experiences.... Wonderful how much time you put into typing all this :) and thanks for the pictures of the surroundings and the different KYI gurus in KYI´s austrian ashram! And thanks for the little love story
Plus... I had to laugh out loud at this ….. „Going to the mirror I was shocked to see a young woman at my age, very beautiful eyes, very nice/sexy, hair styled, many similiarities to me were obvious, „

…...........you definitely have a lot of self esteem

I always find it interesting how you can switch between many different systems like Swami Yogeshwaranda Giris Kriya, Swami Mangalanandas KYI and Gurunaths Kriya. After the KYI retreat in Austria can you take up Gurunaths Kriya and it works flawlessly just like before or do you experience any negative side effects?
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796 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  3:54:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Lool orangesky,

you are welcome :D

To your question, when the practice routine in itself is balanced like KYI or Gurunath's kriya, then by switching you experience some kind of a peak state which lasts for 1-3 days increasing and then the effects of the former practice diminishes more and more while the latter increases. Regarding balance I did not experience any problems with both of these, therefore both do work. Coming back to Gurunath's I always experience it to be the best lol, only the one from Hans also was satisfying extremely, even more so, but Hans himself is not as available as Gurunath physically, so what to do ^^

Life wants me to see one more master of kriya. With this the circle would end, regarding those to which I feel an attraction and connection :)

All in all, no sideeffects, but KYI does increase the suffering on the relative level in comparison to Gurunaths kriya, especially if practiced in the way it happens in the retreats. With 36 KYI pranayams = 3 rounds and 3 maha mudras it was much better.

Peace and happy practice friends! (=

Edited by - Holy on Oct 20 2014 3:56:30 PM
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