My life problem is premature ejaculation (one minute sex duration)!
For this reason I had tao practice a few years and I had got bad consequences of it (alike heart beating, Insomnia, etc, etc…)
I had tantric practice more of one month and I had got similar troubles! (I had got stuck off energy in my back behind the heart)
Why my body (my constitution) not accept those practices?! Now I am trying to recovery my yoga practice, but for me exist dilemmas: Which practice I need to use: Tao or Tantra?! With which practice I can give quickly result?!
Hello, The two symptoms heart beating and energy stuck behind the heart is something that happened to me before I cleared obstructions at the heart chakra. At the stage of practice, I suggest you to practice asanas every morning. Especially this one: Then you move your arms on the sides to open/stretch the heart while keeping the same posture.
We need more details about your former practice, were you practicing retention? What is your diet? Tao and Tantra are the same philosophy they both teach you to ascend your physical/etherical energy to reach enlightment.
Thank you for recommended asanas, but for me only picture not enough for me I to Begin with practice! Does exist anywhere written document about it?! I am trying to become vegetarian and I trying to avoid meat of my menu! I spent a few years with tao practice and tantric practice and in both cases I had got Heart beating!