If you have gone to get an AYP ebook (or any ebook) from Amazon lately, you will have noticed that Adobe and Microsoft ebooks are no longer available on Amazon (AYP ebooks are in Adobe format). Amazon discontinued carrying both formats near the end of July (without any warning), and they will be coming out with their own ebook format through a wholly owned subsidiary called www.mobipocket.com . Amazon has implied in an email reply received here that the Mobipocket format will be expanded from current PDA/handheld platforms to desktop/laptop computers and offered on the Amazon website. But when this will happen is unknown.
The AYP books page has been edited to reflect Amazon's exit from Adobe and Microsoft ebooks, and alternate reliable ebook vendor links are provided for all of the AYP ebooks.
When Amazon has ebooks available on their site again, the AYP books will most likely be offered in that format also. I will keep you posted.
Just to make things interesting, Google is planning to expand the capabilities of its fast-growing book database to cover paid online reading, to be available maybe next year, which will no doubt present a challenge to the ebook market. The AYP books will be there too.
As the changes in the online world continue to occur, we will keep up. Thanks for your patience in all of this.