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 Cosmic Kundalini Crisis and Presence
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Posted - Jul 30 2013 :  09:25:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey Bill

Been missing you. Checking all over the forum and haven't seen BillinL.A. recently. So good to hear from you. In one of your comments it was suggested you might be going through a rough patch. Are you doing TPP? It is a deep and challenging book. I found myself spacing out through a lot of it. Then had to go back and reread those sections til it sunk in. Sometimes my reaction would be - ugh, this is so boring. But later when I reread the section it would be obvious that I didn't want to deal with what he was discussing. Thanks for your post.

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587 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2013 :  10:27:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
~ my opinion ~

In summary:

On the pure energy level, it (k) has nothing to do with an external force --

Unless that external force is 1)a manifestation of the Divine or 2)some circumstance/ event that triggers k awakening or its intensification. (If there are other extenuating factors that haven't been considered, perhaps someone will provide input to the thread)

Shakti wants our cooperation. But if we refuse to accept the process, she will just stand on us until we do. If we persist in either fighting or fearing her (refusing to integrate with the process), then she may destroy us, or show us that she is capable of doing so. Sometimes it takes a while to get that understanding.

It does help in our comprehension of the mystery of kundalini, to be humble and respectful to the higher power that seems to be taking control of our behavior and daily life. Successfully navigating a k experience primarily means you survived it or you survived the period of greatest intensification.

What we are calling Shakti here, from my point of view, is an amalgamation of the divine with our soul's longing. K awakening is a divine process and it specifically involves our higher self. When our ego, selfish tendencies or stubborness try to over-power the process, it (sooner or later) becomes apparent that Shakti is way more powerful than those baser instincts in us.

She will bring us to our knees if we have no respect or try to get rid of her. This is, of course, mostly metaphorical language. For many of us, the metaphor is useful in explaining our k experience. I personally believe the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Shiva/ Shakti do exist - independently of my individual conscious awareness. But often what we are calling Shakti is the metaphorical representation of the process itself.

May we all be enfolded in love


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375 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2013 :  11:25:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey Parvati, ya I'm committed to doing TPP and have it in my Kindle and desktop but haven't got much further then the first quarter of the book. Work has been overwhelming lately.

I don't know how you can say you space out through parts of the book cuz I remember you saying that after an hour of reading TPP you had a breakthrough accepting your inner, wounded child. I'm looking for some of that!

I'm like you and will modify some of it. I want to keep doing the AYP practices but not sure if that's possible without overloading. I hear about hot baths being important. I live in a small apartment with just a shower so the baths are out for me...hope that's not a critical part I'll be skipping.

A big drama in my life is my posture. I have kinks in my neck vertebrae I've got to work out and it gets me overloaded when I push maha mudra and do lots of physical job stuff...so that's my excuse for my slow start of TPP.

Its so reassuring to me when you talk about just surviving intense K stuff is success.
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Posted - Jul 30 2013 :  12:53:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Bill, regarding the neck kinks, have you tried a chiropractor? As for the breakthrough, it was put off for as long as I could The vision returned a few dozen times before it was tackled, at that point the book was almost finished. Stuff is continually coming to the surface that needs confronting and is conveniently forgotten. Noticing these tendencies in oneself is gold. A careful reading of the book is helpful even if you don't do the course. When you see something that has been avoided and know it must be worked through, it's good to write it down. I've yet to take my own advice, maybe next time. That way when self-sabotage is attempted (forgetting), it won't be effective


Edited by - parvati9 on Jul 30 2013 7:40:59 PM
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587 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2013 :  2:45:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
~ my opinion ~

The one unforgivable sin

Many people are familiar with the bible's admonition: All sins are forgivable but one. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin. Nearly everyone who has successfully navigated a k awakening will intuitively grasp the meaning of this admonition if they ponder it for a minute or two. (The standard interpretation of this scripture is covered in the next post)

This is how it was reasoned out, one step at a time. Firstly, blasphemy for this non-standard interpretation, isn't literally that. Blasphemy in this case is more like disrespect than swearing. So now we have - Disrespect of the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin. Secondly, sin here doesn't mean sin in the ordinary sense. To disrespect the Holy Spirit is more like a terrible mistake (with possibly more dire consequences than a regular sin). Sin and terrible mistake are roughly the same, and for this interpretation terrible mistake is perhaps better word choice than sin.

So now we have - Disrespecting the Holy Spirit is a terrible mistake which is unforgivable. Thirdly, forgiveness doesn't apply in this case. Remorse is apparently necessary for forgiveness of other 'sins'. But this terrible mistake is different from ordinary sins, and virtually beyond, or out of the range of forgiveness.

The reason forgiveness is inapplicable to disrespecting the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit takes care of the matter on a whole different level. You don't have to feel remorse for your terrible mistake (although you probably will) and forgiveness doesn't apply. It's a different kind of sin, more like a terrible mistake for which we will needlessly suffer and suffer greatly the longer we prolong our disrespect (which could be due to ignorance of the significance and facts of our experience).

So now we have - Disrespect of the Holy Spirit is a terrible mistake for which we will indeed suffer and forgiveness doesn't matter or doesn't apply.

Not accepting (refusal or inability to accept) the k process is tantamount to disrespect. And the longer we fail to accept the process, the worse our suffering becomes. However it is very hard to accept the process when we have no idea what is happening and are unaware that it is a process.

Fourthly, the bible is educating us in terms of correct protocol with regard to the Holy Spirit, which includes k awakening...and also provides instruction about the rather severe ramifications of incorrect protocol. Just the thought of unforgivable sin - once one has been through a k awakening - harkens back to the time one didn't want to accept what was happening to oneself. One thought they were sick, in allergic reaction, exposed to toxins, neurotic, extremely down on their luck, being attacked by unwholesome spirits, etc. At first one was trying to explain a bunch of strange sensations. After living with those sensations for several months, one might eventually get an intuitive grasp of what is happening, do some research, ask around, become acquainted with the possibility of kundalini, and exercise a bit of common sense. But even so, the experience is mind-boggling and can be severely disruptive to one's normal life.

So now what we have is this: Refusal (or inability) to accept the k process is a terrible mistake for which we will suffer the consequences.

A radical interpretation perhaps? I don't think so. The bible is warning us not to play games with the Holy Spirit because the penalties may be unpleasant in the extreme. This warning probably concerns all interactions with the Holy Spirit, and also suggests the severity of disciplinary actions resulting from bad, improper or deceitful attitudes. The Holy Spirit apparently has a low tolerance for arrogance and deceit while clearly encouraging (demanding) sincerity and integrity.

Most people who've been through a k awakening will understand why the bible is warning us about both positive (k awakening) and negative (next post) interactions with the Holy Spirit. The problem is that virtually no one understands this admonition may also apply to k awakening...which for most people will be important knowledge. As many who've undergone k awakening won't talk about it publicly, the warning isn't effective until it's too late. Until one has already painfully learned the lesson the bible is warning about. From a half dozen or so k experiences shared online, it seems that overt or latent anger is a common symptom of spontaneous k awakening. Undoubtedly this anger is at least partially related to the fact that it is difficult to get accurate info. And while one has no info or misinfo, it isn't easy to navigate a k crisis or emergency without a compass and map.

The worst part of this is most people experiencing spontaneous k awakening don't know that it would be wise to accept the process - rather than fighting, fearing, or wanting it to go away.

Maybe the whole point is to understand after the fact. K awakening is like an initiation and an initiation is a test. In this case, it's obviously not an open book test for the k pioneers. However for those who have already passed the initiation - this bible passage will be perfectly clear if they take the time to think about it. Being able to cite bible reference will speak to Christians undergoing k awakening. But those who've successfully passed through the 'test' will be required to give testimony in order for the others to understand it.

May we all be enfolded in love


Edited for clarity & continuity

Edited by - parvati9 on Aug 03 2013 8:03:42 PM
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587 Posts

Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  2:38:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
~ continuing from previous post ~


Matthew 12:31 (KJV)
...All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

In previous post, this scripture was interpreted as:
Refusal (or inability) to accept the k process is a terrible mistake for which we will suffer the consequences.

I believe the above interpretation is very important - more important to those on a spiritual path - than the standard interpretation. Although both should be taken into consideration. Perhaps well over 99% of bible readers will be more likely to experience k awakening than to have problems with the spiritual treachery described in the usual interpretation of this passage. The standard meaning is so profound and far reaching in its implication, that it may eclipse the kundalini related admonition. And also further elucidate its meaning.

The standard interpretation applies only to insincere frauds passing themselves off as legitimate spiritual teachers and counselors. Spiritual pretense in terms of deliberately endeavoring to deceive the masses and portray falsehood as divine truth to the people - is an extremely serious violation of the Holy Spirit and will not be excused for any reason whatsoever, including remorse. One way or another, the price will be paid and consequences suffered. As mentioned before, this more commonly accepted interpretation will not relate to the vast majority of those on a genuine spiritual path. But it does help to explicitly illustrate the incomprehensibly titanic power of the Holy Spirit as an agency of the Divine.

The words quoted above in the gospel of Matthew are spoken by Jesus to the Pharisees. He tells them that - not only will their sins against the Holy Spirit not be forgiven....they will not be forgiven in this world nor in the world to come. Meaning, the Pharisess will essentially go to hades or somewhere equally unpleasant for intentionally deceiving the masses. Those undergoing k awakening have probably experienced enough unpleasantry in the beginning phases of their awakening (when they may not have fully embraced the experience) to recognize the inherent truth of this interpretation.

The Holy Spirit is also known as the Spirit of Truth. Intentionally violating the spirit of truth in such a way as to deliberately mislead the masses or mankind in general - is an unforgivable sin - against the Truth of the Divine. Quite obviously this kind of betrayal of the divine is not acceptable in any way, shape or form. But neither is our foolish and stubborn refusal to accept tutoring by the holy spirit in a k awakening.

And perhaps it needs be restated: Only those with a pure heart merit one-on-one tutoring by the holy spirit. Nevertheless, it is usually due to being held captive to an overly assertive ego, that one fails to intuitively grasp the essential wisdom in submitting to a k awakening. I will be the first to admit that I initially failed in this repect. Shakti had to repeatedly remind me, in very uncomfortable ways, that she would tolerate no foolish indulgence or abject stupidity on my part. It felt as if she were throwing me up against the wall every time I failed to get with the program.

I wept and wailed for many long hours before I woke up and stopped pushing away the whole k experience. For several months, I wanted no part of it. It's a gift? Well god, if this is your idea of a gift, you can have it back b/c I don't want it.. Eventually my attitude changed, and that was the turning point. From then on, it has been far easier. And Shakti is usually willing to compromise - once you're working with her instead of against her.

The Pharisees, and others like them, won't merit k awakening because their hearts are impure and they have no genuine longing to surrender to the absolute. But because they have intentionally violated the Spirit of Truth and misled people, they will most assuredly pay the price.

Conclusion: Don't mess with the Holy Spirit; don't violate, disrespect, or fail to heed messages from the Holy Spirit. Or what? Or you may have to face the consequences.

Through words attributed to the Lord, the bible is suggesting that the Holy Spirit will not tolerate anything but pure hearted respect and a heart that is willing to humbly listen and surrender.... to what? ... to the Sacred Truth.

In Christian theology, not every denomination accepts the holy trinity, but most do. The godhead is comprised of three equally powerful and somewhat functionally separate beings: 1)Father, 2)Son and 3)Holy Spirit. Of the three, the son is the most forgiving. However, in most cases, the Son cannot over-ride circumstantial jurisdiction of the Father and Holy Spirit. I'm not a theologian although sometimes I reinterpret what is felt to be erroneous scriptural translation/ interpretation. For the most part, theologians have done a splendid job in presenting the trinity principle. But as far as I'm concerned, they have failed utterly in other areas. Which is what?... It is a violation of the Spirit of Truth if done to intentionally deceive the masses.

This is my bhakti. I personally do not believe Jesus was a martyr when he willingly went to the cross, as a lamb to slaughter. Rather, He is The One. There is only One who was initially willing to fight this spiritual treachery. Yeah, like Neo in the Matrix movie...not quite finished weaving this tapestry yet. We haven't been told the whole truth on the matter and that failing is a violation of the Holy Spirit. (I believe humanity was under a black magic curse initiated in the garden of eden against our ancestors, in which god's covenant with his people was destroyed; Jesus reversed that curse when he was crucified and resurrected; it had little, if anything, to do with disobedience as we've been told. Quite possibly ours isn't the only planet, among the entire intergalactic menagerie, to have fallen prey to this type of predator, represented by the deceitful snake.)

We may be frequently brought to our knees in a k awakening until we learn to get with the program. An appropriate attitude to have with the Holy Spirit is humility, perhaps meekness. Meekness seems a bit extreme but it's far more pragmatic than anything even remotely resembling arrogance. Except for postponing the inevitable, in a k awakening there is no viable alternative to partnership with the holy spirit. Jesus is a manifestation of that same awesome power - delivered through a k awakening - but he usually holds back. Why? Because Jesus is the intermediary between the Father and the Father's children. Jesus is the firstborn, the eldest, and he looks out for us younger siblings ...because a lot of the time we don't know what we're doing.

Sometimes we act like fools and idiots. So he gently and lovingly shows us the way out of our ignorance and foolishness. If we're willing to listen. Huge 'if'. If we fail to listen to Jesus - no big deal. That's what he tells us. But if we fail to listen to the Holy Spirit, we are beginning to get ourselves into dangerous territory. And if we get even further into that territory and start spreading what we know in our hearts to be lies (and attribute those lies to the divine)...then we have trespassed against righteousness, putting ourselves in jeopardy. And at the mercy of the Holy Spirit, who doesn't take kindly to those who lie about divine truth. So sayeth the Word, the bible. I don't always know how to take the bible. Sometimes it seems right. Sometimes it seems wrong. But as regards the spirit of truth in a k awakening... I feel that I should heed the wise and pragmatic counsel, and get my act together accordingly.

In the next section we will look at fractured faith and how it played a vital role in the Fall of man i.e., the supposed disobedience in the garden.

May we all be enfolded in love



Edited by - parvati9 on Aug 03 2013 8:13:32 PM
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Posted - Aug 01 2013 :  9:25:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
~ my opinion ~

Fractured Faith and the Human Ego
Exploitation in the garden and since then

This statement was in the previous post:
"Perhaps well over 99% of bible readers will be more likely to experience k awakening than to have problems with the spiritual treachery described in the usual interpretation of this passage."

The last part of that statement should be amended to: ...than to become INSTIGATORS of spiritual treachery described in the usual interpretation of this passage. It has been left as is - in order to make a critical point, which might otherwise be lost or spaced out. Here it is:

Humans are very susceptible to spiritual treachery, but they aren't generally motivated to instigate it. This is an important distinction. Why do humans tend to be the prey rather than the predator? Short answer: Because of our fractured faith and egos...and because most of us don't enjoy enslaving and ruining the lives of others.


It has been previously discussed a couple times how Shakti enabled me to see the gaps in my faith. All my life I've had strong faith. But in the k awakening I saw there were nevertheless gaps. She showed me how my being could be invaded - on all levels - through those gaps. VIGILANCE is a very important strategy for ensuring safety, and sealing up gaps in faith is essential. It is through these gaps that undesirable things gain entry and are allowed to penetrate our being (and proliferate) - to our detriment. So she and I, in partnership, repaired them. The repair process, however, is ongoing.

It's pretty easy to repair the gaps and now I recognize the importance of attending to this task. Not just daily, several times every day. Often just a quick check will suffice. On certain days when I'm really busy, this task is neglected. And then it is observed that the task requires diligence. So that is what I call repairing Fractured Faith. In certain situations, fractured faith can be a deadly vulnerability. But even so, there is one other way we can be violated that is even more deadly.

And that other way is through our human egos. In order to violate us, the counterfeit divine usually depends on ensnarement through hooking into our ego susceptibilities. Ego is the root cause of vulnerabilities that, in my case, were only revealed after several months of practicing mindfulness. These vulnerabilities are generally operating at the subconscious level. I tend to see the ego as non user-friendly most of the time. Although it is indispensable for many of our daily routines.

The ego possesses bad qualities (a lot) and good qualities (a few). So it has a reputation for all those bad qualities that tend to get us, and those closely associated with us, into trouble.

What transpired (as human weakness and evil triumph) in the Garden of Eden, I feel, involves 1)fractured faith, 2)ego, and 3)a deadly LACK OF VIGILANCE. As opposed to disobedience, which is the usual explanation. Most significantly, Adam and Eve were up against a very sophisticated extremely intelligent adversary, and they didn't have a clue (read: they were under attack). They thought it was a walk in the park, speaking with a friendly snake. This conniving, charming, charismatic and manipulative snake had both an agenda and an arsenal of tools - possibly including very advanced technology - and targeted the innocent humans. Adam and Eve didn't have a chance - without employing an effective counter strategy of heightened vigilance.

That adversary quite obviously did not have their best interests at heart. The predator requires an opening in order to get its proverbial foot in the door. And our ancestors left the door wide open. Unprotected. Unguarded. They were unconcerned, when they should have been on high alert. They knew nothing of vigilance and gave no thought to the possibility of enemy attack. It was almost like they were offered up as bait. The predators took the bait and, on the spiritual level, gobbled up the prey. Destroying the sacred covenant between god and his people. So Jesus went to the cross, not to redeem us from our disobedience to god and the punishment thereof...but rather to extract us from the jaws of this ruthless and cunning predator. (And also to reverse the curse placed upon our ancestors - and perhaps other lifeforms - in the multitude of existing galaxies.)

So why are we still suffering if Jesus delivered us from the predator? That is a very good question for which I haven't a proper answer. But the answer I found will be shared with you. It is because what Jesus does, is operational at the very highest density levels - where it is the most effective - and where it filters down to every other level.... eventually.

Well, how long will it take to reach our 3D density? Another good question. It may be almost here, but humans have to do their part too. As the divine bends down to engage with us, we also need to rise up to meet the divine. That means doing what we can to solve our own problems. If one takes the Matrix movie seriously - then it appears that humanity is somewhat trapped i.e., not free. Enlightenment as spiritual surrender is well and good, but I personally believe there is more to it than that.

I believe those who are enlightened - are empowered by the divine to lead humanity to SAFE HAVEN. And those who are almost enlightened, likewise. We have an obligation. We need to be engaged; we need to be actively empowered in delivering righteousness and healing to this troubled world. We need to rise up to engage with the divine, and work in partnership with the divine, to solve our planet's problems.

Siddhis should to be requested as needed and used with discretion. While being responsible for my father's wellbeing, siddhis were received every day b/c they were required in providing adequate care. However, when no longer required, they were appropriately released. The proper and sensible ability to request and use siddhis as needed (and not a moment longer) - is essential in partnering with the divine, and enabling what we know is right in a world full of wrongness.

How have we come to the point where the survival of the human race is seriously in jeopardy? How have we come to the point where horrific global problems are only worsening? Answer: Because we have failed to be vigilant, active, and take care of small problems before they become insurmountable.

It is difficult to be optimistic when virtually every lifeform on earth is unsafe. Why have we allowed things to escalate to this point? Is it because we are apathetic, or is it rather because we don't know what to do. And if the latter, why are we not partnering with the divine to bring about the necessary changes?

Yes, I feel it is vitally important to request siddhis from the universe/ absolute when there is no other way out of one's dilema. This is prerequisite to doing the right thing. We need to shift our stance from the passive and nonchalant to the active and concerned. We need to take care of our planet and the lifeforms thereon in a wise and loving manner... as opposed to being mere spectators in this obvious catastrophe. The more spiritually empowered one is, in a balanced and wholesome way, the more responsibility one has to implement righteousness wherever it is required. One's faith needs be super strong as well.

It is my firm conviction that the world needs siddhis/ miracles in every way and on every level. And more importantly, wise leadership is required. Who will step up to the plate? Will it be you?

~ end of thread unless there are comments to address ~

May we all be enfolded in love


Expanded and edited for clarity

Edited by - parvati9 on Aug 04 2013 12:05:31 PM
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587 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2013 :  12:30:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
SUMMARY of this tapestry ..

What has been the purpose, the underlying theme of this thread?

~ my opinion ~

The basic structure and underlying topic of this thread has been:
THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS... specifically the pivotal role our individual k awakenings are playing in the grand scheme of things, with regard to that spiritual/ consciousness evolution.

What has been termed, in this thread, "cosmic kundalini crisis" - is perhaps a type of euphemism for addressing this raising or evolving of human consciousness, and indeed, all consciousness on earth. Gaia, or earth, may have a conscious intelligence comprised of the diversity of sentient beings on our beautiful planet.. the home we all share. And maybe we and our planetary home are engaged in a process which can be aptly described as ascension to a higher frequency, density or dimension. A quantum leap.

There is a quantum energetic framework underlying all life in the various galaxies. It is a network of PRESENCE or consciousness. And it is also LOVE. Imo this network embraces and includes non-life as well. In other words, there is a fabric of awareness holding together all of creation. This fabric also embraces and holds together the potential creation, that which hasn't yet come into manifestation in our limited 3D dimension. It's all held together with something which, I believe, the ancients named antahkarana.

The heart of antahkarana imo is identical to the heart of god. Requesting and obtaining siddhis from the absolute requires coming into resonance with the heart of god. It is my opinion that human beings will not survive much longer as a species, without adaptation and evolution to a higher consciousness. We are very much being assisted and propelled by the Holy Spirit into this consciousness evolution.

Upon Dad's passing away, I slowly became acclimated to my own k awakening which had begun several years prior to his passing. As my personal energy gradually accumulated, Shakti prepared me for the intensification of the k awakening. The way I moved over an approximately 15 month period and transitioned to the intensification.. was via greater motivation to have creative control over my energy and my life. I wanted to be an artist!

Two months after dad's passing, I began to accumulate art supplies. It was a good use of my increasing energy and Shakti was very gently suggesting a change in my focus. My focus went from almost completely denying my own needs in order to keep my father alive in the best possible health - to indulging my latent creative proclivities. Yes, I very much wanted to be an artist, to be a creator.

Human beings, indeed all lifeforms on earth, are shifting into a higher gear i.e., we're moving into a higher density or dimensional awareness. Imo k awakening is the catalyst and primary vehicle moving us in that direction. And the driving force behind k awakening is bhakti.

Bhakti or love for god is metaphorically an engine. It is the means by which we experience the energetic component of enlightenment. It is also the means by which we experience the non-energetic component of enlightenment. It is the engine as well as the vehicular transmission by which we shift gears into a higher dimension.

As we desire to draw closer and closer to the divine, our consciousness undergoes radical transformation. The energetic awakening is one aspect of that transformation. It is like there is a kind of spiritual nectar emanating from the divine and we want to be nurtured by that nectar of pure consciousness.

For Christians, receiving the divine flow of sustenance is known as Holy Communion. Being a Christian, and that being the flavor of my bhakti, I attempted to give but one solitary viewpoint of what divine sustenance is for me personally. It is hoped that the readers of this thread will work out and articulately define their own close relationship with the divine and/or with the universe. The Oracle offering her fresh baked cookies to Neo in the Matrix movie was suggested as a symbol for this sacred nurturance.

In this thread we looked at how the position of our solar system, relative to the galactic core black hole, may have a bearing on the increased number of k awakenings our planet is presently experiencing. As earth is approximately in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy at this time, we are undoubtedly imo being bombarded with energies emanating from that Black Hole. Is this having an effect on the increased number of k awakenings globally? The readers will have to decide for themselves.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that we are living in a System (or MATRIX) on our lovely planet, which is not friendly to lifeforms on earth i.e., a multitude of lifeforms have become extinct, and the trend appears to be accelerating. It is absolutely essential that we understand the relationship between spiritual prey and spiritual predator. Imo we must understand the depths of the Matrix and how to break free from the spiritual treachery that threatens all lifeforms on earth with extinction. The diversity of life is being reduced, and heading in the direction of being extinguished. As a flame is extinguished. Flame being metaphor for life.

The natural question which arises in the midst of widespread life extinction is: will humans go extinct too? After all, we are lifeforms as well. What can we do to adapt to the gradual destruction of our planetary platform that supports life on earth? What can we do to survive..

It has been suggested that k awakening provides the answer. If humans are supposed to be stewards of the earth, it would appear that we are doing a really really lousy job of it. It has also been suggested that the dire situation we find ourselves in, can largely be attributed to the product of unwise decisions made by our leaders.

But we have some responsibility in the matter as well - to adapt, evolve and survive - as a species. Kundalini awakening is an incredibly powerful energetic transformation. Our personal energy is literally revved up both in quantity and quality. Our consciousness frequency or wavelength is being quickened and raised. Raised into a higher density or dimension?

Only the readers can answer that question for themselves.

May we all be enfolded in love

edit/ typos

Edited by - parvati9 on Oct 28 2013 3:26:45 PM
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