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 Gurunath - an experience report from 2013
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796 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2013 :  4:02:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Message
Initially this message should be a response to this thread: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....&whichpage=5

But perhaps it is better suited in its own thread.

There was a meeting two weekends before with Gurunath for a kriya yoga workshop. Here what has happened:

"It is very hard to talk about such a happening, especially it gets harder each time. Every year since 2009 Gurunath came here and besides one year I visited his workshop or retreat or satsang (whatever was offered that year in this country here). Every time the meeting offered new insights and perspectives.

There is much and there is not much to write about it, so here comes a medium variant :) Perhaps more details may come later on.

I took my father with me :) We both went to that place, me the driver, he the full enjoyer. My daddy is pretty simple in nature and is practicing kriya yoga for 2 years now. Besides that he loves to read spiritual books and is not working anymore. So somehow he has become a yogi in his house. For him it was the first time meeting Gurunath, for me it was the fourth time physically meeting him.

So we are driving, talking about what may happen (my daddy being VERY excited, childlike). While driving and coming closer to that castle where the workshop should be, seeing all the nature and openness of that place, suddenly Gurunath's presence was felt here. It was encompassing the whole space, several kilometers and it was like within this presence he was simultaenously surfing in pranic bliss, welcoming the attendees of the workshop with peace and happiness.

I was slipping in heinghtened states of awareness already, seeing how much Gurunath is enjoying this fly-surfing because of those who are coming :) Coming closer to the castle the peace was already everpresent, coming out of the car going into the castle both my dad and me were transported into a different time-space perception. It was like being back in time, in the middle ages, and at the same time the place was timeless. The whole scenario started to become "like in dream or a fantasy world" permeated with peace and an inner understanding of the unique expressions of forms, while at the same time having very easy contact to the unifying field of peace-presence.

My dad was flying in happiness, breathing in the atmosphere. The bodies became lighter, we were really floating in ease and walking to a place of the castle were we could see the whole landscape. A stunning vision for both of us, living in the noisy city mostly :) Suddenly energy was rising inside my spine, up into the head, pregnated with Gurunaths intention to lift me up even more to partake into his joy while watching this view through me with me.

Continuing like this would perhaps fill several pages, so lets see how the words will come out :)

We were drinking of this so immensly pronounced all pervading peace moment by moment, floating, bodies already moving by themselves, pure grace. The first event should be introductary by the teachers without Gurunath on that Friday evening, so we met before the room which was still prepared. While that friends including our samadhi boy ;) came and we were all greeting and hugging each other. That boy came and said, that we are already bathing in Gurunath's presence with blissed eyes. The group is pretty advanced, some of them are already rooted in cosmic consiousness 24/7 like this boy ;) So it was nice to meet those friends again, looking how great they do aswell.

Entering the room for the first general introduction meeting, my daddy was placed on a chair, for seniors =P, me sitting on the floor on a cushion as most did. I really do not remember the exact happenings anymore (the reason for that will come later), but after some "talk and greeting" for the newcomers and again-comers, we were doing some light meditation and mantra singing. Suddenly a phone call for some of those teachers, she talking pretty loudly and disturbing the meeting, it became clear that this had some importance. And there the news, Gurunath wants to come spontaneously not for the kriya program but for a an easy satsang. But when he will come was unclear, so we continued with some meditation and singing mantras and Gurunath already gave an impuls here, that he will come exactly the moment when the mantra singing is over and he also gave the impuls that he is giving this information to all and some perceive it and some not.

All happy from the mantras, suddenly becoming very silent and Gurunath is entering the scene with one of his best translators. The moment he entered the room perception of the space changed again, awareness grew so intensly and everything looked like it was placed on its own place with precision, at the same time this awareness shift made everything very silent. Pranic bliss started to flow into the room, sparkling in every cell and uplifting all those heavy energies within the body mind. Like taking a fresh shower, this was like a pranic shower, waking up everything, refreshing the physical and subtle senses and increasing the awareness. I cannot describe his walking, his body and the way it looks, the atoms and their state, the whole look.. very hard to describe.

Now comes the even more difficult part and why I do not remember as many details being with Gurunath that before or after the meetings. The reason is, the awareness shift was always so dramatic, that not much could stay in the body mind, only the most intense happenings did leave a small imprint here. What I remember, the satsang was very funny, at the same time very deep and insightful topics like the creation of the universe and this moment. He also mentioned that our energy levels were below danger =P and all were loughing and agreeing as this mass uplifting happened minute by minute. Even though living at home, going to the university the perception here is that people are uplifted immensly into happiness, now it was our turn to be uplifted by the master to his understanding of how the body-minds should operate in :D

While he was talking, my body came into the state of what he was talking. When the topic was awareness, consiousness, then suddenly the whole room changed, everything was permeated by imense awareness and all not only by words but directly could grasp what he was saying. Talking about prana and lifeforce transmission, he spoke of healing prana which he is transmitting 24/7 independent of were we are and that was already the experience. It was often like one first got the experience, saw it by himself and then he mentioned what was happening. There was no need to believe, it was all very clear for everyone.

At one point we were sitting in silence and lots of deep unconsious layers of thinking came up here, then they were dissolved in the head while Gurunath was smiling, again I was sinking into very deep layers of unconsious thoughts, deeper than the initial dream layers and being lost the whole thing got dissolved once again with Gurunath smiling in the head. This process continued for several times, each time the inner freshness and wakingness grew. It was like some inner house cleaning happened to be prepared for the kriya yoga workshop starting on Saturday. Some more questions and answers, some more analogies from him, some more pranic bliss output and he left the scene.

Meeting my daddy, he was surprised by the humor of Gurunath and by the scale of the topics from mundaine things to creating the universe and back to mundaine things etc. =P It was clear that he hit the taste of my daddy very much.

Ok, continuing like this :D But why not...

The next day the teachers were teaching Surya Yoga, which you can also partly see on Youtube. It is something Gurunath created for more health, vitality and protection using the energy of the sun with very specific mudras and mantras. It was anounced, that Gurunath will come later at 16 o clock, instead of 11am, again he doesn't go by the program paper :D those knowing him know this but for newcomers this was strange.

Again Gurunath entering the scene, the space-time perspective was again changing. It looks like time disappears and a god comes in walking and sitting and everyone is uplifted moment by moment to come more and more in tune with his awareness. Totally beyond description these moments. The first surprise was, that he initiated into the advanced techniques which were not part of the program paper :D My daddy was lucky in this case =) He started with nabho kriya, also known as navi kriya. He mentioned that it is the best technique to silence the mind from the grossest to the sublest level. And so it was, after the execution in his presence, all have become like nothing. Like a sphinx would not hit it, it was like nothing, total silence so fullspectrum complete, what to say or describe here? =P Oh this ever present peace, oh this ever present..

Questions and answers, the practice became more detailed. Then we had some general questions and answers. Then he wanted all to do the kriya breath. Doing kriya breath in the presence of someone like Gurunath is very different to doing this alone at home. Not even doing it in a group comes close, but closer than doing it at home. Every atom of this body-mind were held by him, steadily, taking away the strain and the tension and making it perfectly focused into the spine. Doing the kriya breath, the concentration grew to such levels that penetrating the sushumna happened per the will of Gurunath with extreme intensity, breathing veeeeery slowly. Like the prana in the body was NOT allowed to move out of the sushumna, like they were subordinate to his will in a way, as if these pranic atoms would move outside, it would be unforgivable for them... very strange to explain, there was some sharpness in the will and intention of Gurunath which partly felt "do like I say, otherwise there is no grace for you =P". All the prana was flowing in the sushumna and when the intensity and concentration of the prana reaches such levels within sushumna... who can speak of this extacy, of this godliness, no words nothing comes close..

After some time he wanted all to stop the breathing and remain silent. We were all entering a deep breathless silence. Then after some time he wanted all to open the eyes and to look at him. I must say I knew what will come, but for my daddy and some other new friends there it was totally new. We were looking into his eyes, the body-minds all transfixed to his, mind gone into nirvana.. no ripples of thoughts, just this intensity, ever growing silent intensity... the whole timespace was transforming from one state to another, it was like it was opening up into something one can not explain, the world of silence. The only parts that are explainable are the changes of perspective, astral colours started to peak into the physical, different layeres of mind started to penetrate into oneanother, Gurunath's face starting to radiate white light, physically visible with the naked eyes and the peace reached paranormal levels. At some point such deep layers of the body were held by this silent presence that some kind of dropping happened and the heart here opened into such joy... Faces of Gurunath were changing as in most times, this time not so much for me. Yukteswar was the first to come up, then some faces which did look like they were from another timeline of the history of this planet. Others saw many more faces which to his explanation are either past live incarnations from him or those who have a very strong relation to him. As most know in the inner circle of Gurunath, his presence and that of Yukteswar are one, some even say he is the incarnation of him, but to me it is like he has fused with Yukteswar on some inner level.

Then he interrupted the silence and said, come down, relax.. slowly but surely teleported to a space beyond time, all were coming back to the more used timespace happening. Interestingly, without being able to ask or talk about it, the group attention drifted to some mundane things and even at that moment it was very hard to remember that this even happened. I'm sure some did not even recognize this happening, like children falling into silence and continuing their play in leela :)

I'm not sure if this was the chronological happening, but at some point earlier to this first group savikalpa samadhi (samadhi with space-time perception) through looking into his eyes unmovingly, there came up a question here regarding the star in the third eye and the crown chakra. The question was, what the difference is between penetrating the star and going into nirvikalpa samadhi as he explains and between going into samadhi at the crown chakra. The answers was, that being absorbed in pure bliss in the crown chakra would be earlier stages, while penetrating the star would be a later stage. Remaining in pure bliss in the crown purifies and openes the gateway to the inner star. He also mentioned that one can also penetrate the star of the mind at the heigth of the crown and above the crown.

Later on that very long workshop-satsang which went for 4-5 hours, he again wanted everyone to do the kriya breath and once again after being still everyone was looking into his eyes. One more round savikalpa samadhi yay :D this time it was pretty long, so we reached way deeper more complete "levels of silence". Whatever I have written or said about what happened is really nothing, it does not give the slightest hint of this ... yeah what to say :) the result is inspiration, enlarged perspective on what is possible and the resulting healing of body-mind for everyone. Lots of gross and subtle hindrances dissolve in this mass group entering into silent presence. Everyone feels uplifted and is happy. Nonone really knows what to do with this, but yeah it is not for the "doing something with it" anyway ;) It is just entering into the endless depth of silence.

Even though we had just one session with Gurunath on that day, noone was complaining :D Because at the end he as an addition transmitted even more pranic bliss, some were already overloading big times :D :D He also said, that he gave enough for one year and it is true, even now the uplifting is affecting everything.

Sunday we had two sessions, starting with the initiation into Jyoti mudra, also known as the yoni mudra. Again, practicing in the presence of Gurunath was something, looking into the depths of the third eye suddenly the space opened up here. Yukteswars face together with 1-2 other gods for the lack of a better word, but being one presence appeared, looking into me from such a near "distance". It was frightening at seeing the depth of their godliness and then being so close loooking into one directly from within the head, but the head.space was expanded very much. Like this expansion was neseccary. I will not go into more details, as they are practice specific, but once again I learned a lot regarding that practice directly through the inner perception that was opening up.

Then he wanted us to do the whole sequence of kriya techniques, starting with the omkar and ending with parvastha. Every technique was filled by his will and intention to be immensly succesfull, again the body was held by him, the concentration was oversharp and the pranic command absolute. So much practice details were revealed once again with such a concentration, it is like one and the same practice becomes new again. There are new details that one can do better for the next year so to speak :) While the practice was executed, Gurunath's face appeared in a miniature form in the body here, smiling mostly, sometimes forcefully looking at the pran to enter a chakra or the spine then smiling again etc. Lots of stuff he showed directly from the inside, lots of insight from the inside :D

More questions and answers, then he went away. After a break with delicious meals ( I did skip all the parts around the meeting sessions with Gurunath, even though interesting thigns happened there aswell). After that break everyone met again, then we had another satsang but without any special happening so to speak, only the "natural" change of timespace perspectives when he was talking. Uh now it comes up again :D We were singing mantras together, like Jay Ram jay Ram jay jay Ram, or many other of his mantras which you can listen to at youtube and on spotify aswell. There were lots of others too. While e.g. singing Jay Ram Jay Ram it was like he became Ram the one God of this universe, with every Ram taking me into this godliness, partaking of Ram and his joy. Beyond time, space perception melting in singing and praising Ram.. Again these words do not even come close...Lots of singing, again and again happened in all of the meeting sessions. The final one was pretty easy, he blessed us all to practice lots of kriya and to inspire more people to come aswell.

Some other perhaps siginificant details were skipped here, but it feels like this is ok :)

The days after were like love paradise. It really took these 1-2 weeks to be able to speak and write about it, the intensity was too much to bring into words."

Wish you all love and success with your spiritual practice, whatever it may be.

Namaste friend of love


1275 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2013 :  9:44:59 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
[i]Originally posted by Holy[/i

Wish you all love and success with your spiritual practice, whatever it may be.

Thank you for sharing
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80 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2013 :  03:34:05 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Jesus is back
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594 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2013 :  10:35:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit jonesboy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
A very blessed experience. Thank you for sharing
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587 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2013 :  2:31:07 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for sharing this amazing experience
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66 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2013 :  3:11:41 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
HOLY! that's just one hell of an amazing experience and inspiration! Thanks a lot for sharing! :)
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375 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2013 :  5:41:43 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Holy, so beautiful that you and so many find the Guru in You as Gurunath and share such awesome energy together and share consciousness expansion...and then tell us about it.

You sharing such experiences keeps me trying spiritually, thanks.
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796 Posts

Posted - Jun 18 2013 :  7:46:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
:) Thank you all for the feedback.


I feel this is an important addition as you mention the guru within. Yogani repeats this with every post aswell. This topic area is described by him with:

"Those who help us - mirrors of our inner light."

And all I can say is, yes it is exactly this.

The day after the weekend spiritual practice was not really possible here, only once a day a small amount. The intensity was still very high. It was being filled with very high quality prana enabling you to experience how it is like if you continue with the practice. The whole weekend was like a sneak preview into your own possibility so to speak.

Remaining at home, instead of going to the uni on Monday, there was a regeneration from the high voltage experience so to speak :) Tuesday was working day, a side job. Going out again made it clear how heightened still all the percpetion and functioning was. Gurunath's presence was one with the own presence. At several times in the day the whole moment became very present, very intense and was one love. It was like being one with the moment as love, intelligent godly one love. The peace of one love. It was also like this had to be brought into that working area, where all those workers really needed this. This nondual one love happened several times, again and again, while the presence of Gurunath, the presence here and the moment was one. This continued for some more days and decreased in intensity. Joy, love, peace and bliss was before that aswell, with the weekend it got another depth, another intensity, like a rememberance of "hey, there is more, don't forget this". A lot of good things has happened since, interaction with friends, sharing of love and joy. One dear friend here was a little uneasy with me, as I did not hold up a promise to visit for very long. Today this happened very lovely and smoothly aswell, the friends heart who obviously was harmed a little was touched like a balsam again.

There are threads and posts where I had described my experience with different masters and that some love to remain present, playful in the screen so to speak and some remain more in the backround. Gurunath is of that type, he likes to be yourself and only if you want it he comes out of you, showing you that he is with you as you, experiencing every split moment with and as you. This time on that weekend he also mentioned that he is "with those who practice every moment, moment by moment every moment". Another sentence from him was, "the more you depend on God, the more dependable he becomes." Later he said, "for those who have no clear god-connection, this applies for the Guru aswell. The more you depend on the Guru, the more he becomes dependable." "I'm with you moment by moment." How can a Guru be with you moment by moment, if not by being you :)

I know there are some conflicts for some, here those conflicts with Guru or no Guru has disappeared many years ago already. The appearance of bodies does not imply there can be no oneness at the same time. It is even more of a wonder that one can look through two bodies still remaining one :)

Peace to all :)
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849 Posts

Posted - Jun 19 2013 :  9:32:13 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for sharing Holy

Very beautiful and inspiring!!

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796 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  11:54:49 AM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Yonatan :)

To add to the flavor of this thread, some official pictures of that weekend:


I won't give details on who is who, but in the group pic those standing at the back are among the elite practitioners (including our samadhi boy ;)

Happy practice to all =)

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375 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2013 :  12:34:13 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
The pictures are fun Holy thanks!

But they pale in comparison to your joyous description of events.
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796 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  9:42:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply

you are right, it is always like that, but what can you do. It all depends upon the subjective experience mh? ;)

EDIT on this topic:

Even though there was the intention to give a VERY detailed second Gurunath report from October 2013, it will be something shorter now. Memories do pop up right now, perhaps it could become a medium variant, but before it gets lost too much, here we go :)

I do not know why, even though it was quite an effort, visiting Gurunath in another country was not something I wanted to do at all. But then after having heard of it 2 days one after the other Gurunath appeared while practicing his kriya. the first session ended with something like a sharp intuitional insight to go there, like a call from Gurunath. But this was not enough here. Then the second day it happened again but with even more intensity and also intuitional insight, so the white flag was raised, like "okay, okay, I'm coming"... :P Suddenly someone else also wanted to go there, so we went there together and also shared a room.

Coming to the place where the first friday meeting should happen, walking into the area I saw many friends and it was like, whoa you are also here? What has happened, ahh Gurunath's call :P Then walking to the entrance to register and say, here I am, suddenly a boy came out and did talk with my friend. They somehow knew each other. Watching this boy, I was amazed!!! by his appearance and aura. He was also at the range of 25 years old, but was radiating some godliness, some timespace-transforming pranic ecstasy. This refinement and intensity was so beautiful, this boy was like a saint, like one of those himalayan siddhas, not yet a siddha, but radiating their perfume already. He could not hold himself, was loughing so joyously and happily with every sentence, he was obviously totally joyed and blissed out. I liked him very much, but did not go into conversation with him. Being in that place it was already clear that Gurunath was allpresent, the peace was all encompassing and all pervading, all elevating. The whole scenery was like in a magic place, the sky had pastel colours, the flow of the wind, the trees, the horizon, everything was "welcome to another meeting in heaven".

Now comes the shortcut part, even though it may be the most interesting. The people in that country do have a more relaxed lifestyle, more sun, more ocean, less focus and stress like the one I'm used to. Accordingly A LOT of people were there, about 250-300. Among them also a lot of women and younger ones aswell, what a suprise :)) The whole group was obviously so advanced, Gurunath was alltogether different. He was relaxed, easy, funny. His wife was also there, we were eating together, talking a lot about women questons and topics, also related to growing children, being a wife, practicing kriya as a mother etc.

He showed more and spoke about topics very differently, which means the whole event was a little inhuman. Or you could say, it was like pure magic. While people still are thinking about possibilities, theories etc, speculating around, Gurunath and the group was living and experiencing what you would call magic of the movies as a TOTALLY natural happening.

Once a woman asked, what will happen to his students if Gurunath leaves the physical body. His answer was, a new one can be created at any time to communicate physically with his students, it would be no problem. He said it like it was not even a topic to be talked about.... Then the story was heard about a man, who was practicing surya yoga. This man while practicing had started to curse Gurunath. We do not kow what he was yelling out, but to his suprise suddenly Gurunath was standing physically in front of him. the man did run away as fast as he could. Gurunath then was asked about this happening and he said: "if you sincerly and with intensity focus upon the Guru, he will be attracted to you accordingly." In this case, it was a negative focus, but he said out of his choice he appeared there. Not with any intention like scolding that man or something, just like that instantly coming for the call. He also made a joke, like: you are expecting a manifestation to happen like "a light starts to appear, then the form is slowly building etc, but he did came in an instant and that obviously made the man run as FAST as he can :D .... Another known story from several years ago speak about a group of men going to the ashram of Gurunath to the mercury shiva lingam at night. Then a blue light comes out of the shiva lingam and Gurunath greets the coming hungry guest, but they all start to run away and partly get injured by this etc. :D

Back to the event, an important question from a mother. She said, she could not practice the kriyas for 3 years now, raising a child. She asked if she should practice kriya instead of getting a second child and how it is regarding spiritual advancement when raising children. Gurunath's reply was, that raising a child with all the love of a mother would be enormous spiritual advancement for the mother already and that it would be her choice how to proceed. Then he added, that it is also possible to do some kriya, no matter what the circumstances are, also as a mother or a father. He started to tell of his own family life, which was very refreshing :) He said, when he was married to his wife, two children were born. He said that his wife was making all the home work + raising the children. He on the other side had a room, he said he was going into it, closing the doors and keeping some text on the door, like "meditation, don't disturb" or something like that :P then he was doing his kriya yoga for hours and hours. I think he was in his twenties back then. After the children reached the age of 2-3, his wife came to him and said, please also be a part of raising these children, let's do this together. But Gurunath was going into his meditation room as always. One day he said, his wife came and opened the door while he was practicing the kriya pranayama and she put both children into the room and locked the door. So Gurunath concentrated and absorbed together with two wild boys :D As he said, they were coming to him, climbing on him, making all sorts of funny things with him etc, but he was keeping up the pranayama, up and down the sushumna LOOOL. He said, he does not remember what has happened to the children, but obviously it did work out quite good ^^ They had their fun with daddy who was practicing no matter what. He added, that he was perhaps not the best daddy, but his children did grow good enough :)) Thnaks to his wife for sure, but where will you find such a wife in another country else than in India? :D :D He also added that you do not have to do like him, but that if there is a will, all is possible and god and guru take care of everything else if you favor the practice.

At some point, Gurunath was asked about the effects of concentration on the kriya practice. He said, that a normal person is advancing spiritually with the speed of walking. If someone practices his kriya with low level of concentration, then it would be like driving with a car in comparison to the one not practicing at all. If one practices it with medium concentration, then the spiritual advancement would be like flying with a plane. If someone practices with high concentration, it would be like flying with a turbo jet, faster than sound. If someone practices kriya while being in savikalpa samadhi, it would be like travelling with the speed of light. He added, if God practices kriya through you, then you are finished before you have started. then he gave practice specific details regarding the kriya pranayama of him, which is as pointed out in another thread not totally proper and includes refined details regarding acustics and visuals. He said, some can do the pranayama with one of these elements, some only with the other, some can do it with both, some only the proper variant. He said all are good and that one will advance over time to make the complete breath with all details for maximum efficiency. And surely, the difference is as high as he made it clear with his example of walking, driving, flying and so on :)

Upon this, I also had a question. It was like: "Do you have hints for increasing the ability of concentration except doing the kriyas and advancing over time and/or over amount". He said, that he trusts Babaji, that kriya itself is the lightning path and enough to grow in concentration and reach the goal. So he said, that other techniques are not necessary. In other words and that is the experience here aswell, the more one does the sushumna breath, the more efficient it becomes. Smaller amounts do the same as 1-2 years before, same amounts do much more as 1-2 years before, but as the capacity to do more amounts also increase, all in all the whole progress has an exponential tendency. It starts slow and gets faster and faster and faster.

There were other good questions aswell, but these have popped up right now :) Gurunath was giving the used pranic output. What was new this time for me at least, his body-mind while talking started to light up again and again. Especially when he was talking about going beyond the speed of light, being everywhere and nowhere etc, his body was lighting up again and again. His body atoms seemed to be close to dissolution into white light, the whole appearance was not solid, it was radiant. Sometimes this lighting up did reach such intensities, that even his face became TOTALLY white light, transforming in his shape, becoming younger and also looking more like a god than anythign else. His long hair in those moments of white light did get shorter and started to grow upwards, all in all giving him a very fresh and cool look, like that of Zeus or another inhabitant of the godly planes :P While coming close to these becoming physically light state, his body-mind started to radiate this bliss-light and it was hitting the whole group, healing and refreshing, continuously healing and refreshing. And with this one could see that in this transformed physical light appearance he entered some kind of all-knowing mode, becoming a channel of intelligence beyond measure. I had pain in my left eye, he once again (perhps the thousands round) entered into this mode of a light-being and suddenly a beam of physically visible light entered the left eye and it was healed. I looked around and people continued with asking partly mundane things while this man, having become a god, was answering also totaly naturally even though he did not look human at all anymore :P I thought I was the only one being able to see this. Why are tose people asking such questions while this is happening? :P

Coming closer to the end of the weekend, Gurunath wanted all to concentrate upon him for Shivapath. And the reason why the group must have been so advanced, Gurunath really pushed it a little bit too much this time :D I love him for this, but while the concentration started, the intensity was a little too strong already in the first seconds. I thought whats up, this body-mind is used to so much, why the sudden fear after so many shivapaths. It started to become so DEADLY silent within seconds with such an extreme intensity, that the room and the physical atoms already started to shake. Time was blown off immidiately, Gurunath's body was lighting up in the VERY SAME way it happened the whole weekend, but did continue to dissolve into light and then he was gone. This man disappeared physically into white light and into nothing, only the backround was visible. The intensity of the Shivapath was still increasing, the whole space-time had transformed into god-bliss, then his body-mind did appear back, but it was not his, but one after the other Yukteswar, several masters I do not know, were coming and going, coming and going. Beyond mind, beyond breath, beyond movement, beyond time, so many masters with so many different styles, faces, characters from totally different timelines, most of them human, some of them not human did come and go. At some point the intensity of the Shivapath did reach such an intensity that again Gurunath's whole body-mind had disappeared and also the bliss and joy became totally beyond scale. Exactly at that moment the presence of Lahiri came, then his face without a body appeared and he was blissing everything out to DEATH. This joybliss of Lahiri was sooo immense, oh Lahiri you are soo funny :D :D I like this extrme bliss master so much :D :D He stayed quite a time, then suddenly turning his face to me, bam an explosion of bliss, endles levels of bliss, it has no end, ever more bliss. all the body-mind here had become bliss of a kind, not in 10 years of kriya practice would it be like that. The whole thing had never been so intense. Gurunath appeared again and said, okay come down. Not like in the other Shivapaths, the whole thing took several minutes to come down again. Then as always Gurunath asked the people who they have seen. And the description of those who came and went were commented by Gurunath with names, where that master lives, what he does etc. Some of them were part of the white brotherhood Gurunath also belongs to, Babaji being the head of it as he says. A lady also mentioned Lahiri. The overall result of such a Shivapath as Gurunath himself also says, is speeded up evolution of all the layers of bodymind, purification, development of subtle faculties to better perceive the godly guidance and also to be able to practice the kriya better. And that was also the result, the kriya breath did directly reach new levels of concentration and depth, less doing more, the same amounts doing much more.

A lot of things have been skipped in this report, but the essential elements are in it :) Nearly at the end the woman who was sitting next to me, did report to Gurunath, that the whole weekend his body did transform into light and dissolve again and again. Gurunath then asked who else had seen this. then about a third of the group raised their hands. He said, that he also does not know why some see it and some not, but added that it has to do with being in tune with him. He spoke of becoming faster than light by going through the star etc.

For me it was clear, that this is natural evolution, even though in its advanced stage. Something within relativity, the ever new play of the absolute within relativity. When nothign else is there to do, why not playing this crazy game :))

Before everyone went, we were singing mantras again, Gurunath wanted all to open the golden petals of their heart and he was singing with such joy and happiness, repeating shambo shambo shambo and waving his hands. While doing this one wave of joy after the other was flushing across the group, me loughing nonstop out of the happiness, like the ocean of joy was touching the shore of the petals of the heart, bubbling and opening everythign into joy. It looked like a god having become a baby was playing with joy, like playing with water or with wind, throwing it into the group, it was soo funny :D :D He also was loughing the whole time while that, a very happy end so to speak :D

His last words were as always, this will be enough for one year, practice the kriya yoga!

Among all the living kriya masters, at least as far as I have met, Gurunath seems to be the chief at the moment. The big boss, empowered to empower like no other. But ok, he is also one of the oldest. Very advanced kriya yogis like e.g. Mangalananda is 30 years younger, so surely there will be a difference. It is always a great joy to meet him, a master even though being pretty traditional in some regards, he shows that whatever has happened to him, is open to everyone. He also said, that the kriya can be practiced by everyone, the reason for giving it directly is: purity of techniques and getting the power to be succesful in the practice by physical closeness to a master. And surely this is the case.

Peace and happy new practice year to everyone!! :)
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375 Posts

Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  02:51:24 AM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Holy...just a ton of inspiration!
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796 Posts

Posted - May 26 2014 :  5:57:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi friends,

I did not mention a meetign with Gurunath while he visited our samadhi boy in his school. It was more of a satsang, last October for 2-3 hours. I also brought my mother there, because she always wanted to know the man his son is visiting again and again and coming home back blissed out to death (=

In the last retreat before leaving I asked Gurunath to bless my mother and father aswell, some weeks later both me and my mother were sitting 50 cm before him and she got the full impact from him :P While he was talking, time and space warped, suptle dimensions got visible and my mother was immerged in this together with me.

At one point, because of our muslim/sufi backround, I asked if there is a connection between the sufis and the yogis. And he said, that there is a definite connection and mentioned some book names, where these connection were written down, but I could not memorize them. The reason is, while he was looking to us at that near distance his body was emiiting so intense waves, like he had increased the voltage of his body antenna to be able to give a good answer as this one was very unusual and he mentioned things he had never before.

He added, that he had a direct connection to Sems-i Tebrizi, who was the master of Rumi. A question came regarding Mohammed being the last prophet and he said, that he was the last prophet of that time cycle, so the statement was correct, but only in its proper context :)

Before he came in, everyone was talking and loughing, suddenly an extreme silent peace dawned upon everyone and within split seconds everyone stopped talking and everyone did sunk into stillness. The peace and bliss were pouring down on everyone. I could see my mother nearly kneeling down to the floor. After some minutes our Samadhi boy entered and said, some minutes ago everyone did receive a first transmission. Everyone got up and greeted Gurunath who after that also came in.

While talking Gurunath encouraged everyone to support our samadhi boy because of his good work creating these kriya schools, where people can come and practice together, where reatreats can happen and so on.

Now an interesting part, he also said, that we should not be so egoistic and if not practicing for ourselves, we should practice for all the others. He made clear how much of an impact the practice of kriya has to all the other people we meet and the surroundings. He motivated everyone to increase the kriyas to 144 per day, but later said, if you cannot, then 72, if that is too much then 36, if that is too much, then 12 per day, but every day.

I do not think that masters speak often about that, but he then spoke of witches and some forces who work consiously against peace. For this reason, keep up the practice was what he repeated many many times.

Then he gave some pranapath, breathign the spinal breath through everyone present. The breath flows by itself with perfect precision in the sushumna nadi, like a machine is pumping the air in and out of the body. For some it did not happen like that, then there was a second round. Afterwards he said, that this would be enough for one year and that we could go home :P But yeah then the questions came from all the people and it continued (=


Some weeks ago me and a friend went to holidays. He had serious physical problems, pain, and also mental sufferings. Lots of things in his life did not work, did not flow. We both began to practice Guruanth's kriya, for him the first time. After 1 day his digestion and letting out went to normal, from twice per week to twice per day :P After 3-4 days he started to bliss out intensly, could feel my feeligns and thoughts, started to feel what others feel. After 5-6 days we had telepathic comunication, life flew most perfectly most joyfully, most lovingly on all levels, we entered intense paradise. Everone was intensly attracted to us, all getting their portion of joy and bliss, no intention to leave. It was hard to walk for some meters without getting paused by someone wanting something aka wanting the overflowing peace and love :)

Practicing together is sooo much more nice, within 5 days the boy reached my state and after that there were even incidents where he was holding me, balancing my state, upping me. It was pure magic, a huuge transformation, just by practicing together 2-3 times per day and being together day and night (=

And yeah, after this strong inspiration and by some megical happenings, he will attend the next Gurunath weekend aswell, which is very soon. As it is 2014 now, the thread title doesn't fit anymore, so perhaps a new thread may open up and get linked to here or it will just continue, let's see :)

My mother is joining too this time, daddy aswell. The next report may get really interesting :D

Peace and to all!
Stay tuned
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796 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2014 :  7:17:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
I can't believe it, for nearly two hours I had written a report with most wonderful content and with one out of control click it disappered!!!!!!!!!!!

Why shall it not come out? :(

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263 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2014 :  3:08:05 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thou shalt write on a word processor first then copy and paste.

Originally posted by Holy

I can't believe it, for nearly two hours I had written a report with most wonderful content and with one out of control click it disappered!!!!!!!!!!!

Why shall it not come out? :(


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796 Posts

Posted - Sep 01 2014 :  7:28:28 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
You are right EK :D At least longer reports I will do like that :P

There has been a lot of effort in the backround to get the lost data back, thanks to Noru, Yogani and the IT staff behind this forum, but nothing could be done.

I still could not write down, what has happened the last two retreats with Gurunath, will only add, that every retreat did continue to deepen the experience and boost to a yet more complete level. I know in the past a lot of people have never spoken about these experiences, as they were most intimate and something "between you and god". There may be a reason to hold the last infos back, as they were immensly deep and intimate in this regard. Also some info go into areas which may not be acceptable as open info, speaking of physical immortality, about which Gurunath is teaching and showing more and more since 1 year. He has crazy plans :P In about 5-10 years Yogani might want to meet him aswell if he stil wants to make a movie and perhaps a lot of other things too ^^

One hint perhaps, for those who have problems to keep up the practice, attending retreats do help a lot. Also I have witnessed lots of people who were faaar away from practice or had zero karma in that regards and after a meet with Gurunath could practice easily for weeks and months. Even my mother, far far away from that is now fully into it (=

Wish you all the best,
peace and happy practice friends!
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796 Posts

Posted - Oct 17 2014 :  7:58:31 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear friends,

want to make an update to this thread, a summary of three retreats with Gurunath this year (which is a new record :D). Full reports are not possible, there would be too much repetition, so I will only go into what is new so to speak and hope it is inspirational for all those who are into yogic practices (=

I had the luck and grace to see and visit different practitioners of yoga who had profitted enormuously from it, even more who have become a source of joy and healing for a lot of other people aswell. Noone is perfect in a relative sense, everyone tries to the best of his knowledge, therefore I have respect for every expression of non-/practitioners, masters etc. :) All are welcome and ultimately the intelligence behind everything alone knows ;)

The first weekend this year with Gurunath was very special. I was walking along the nature scenery and had left the other behind me, going back into the retreat center. I had the sudden intuition to stop the thought stream and while having this an immensly blissful intelligent breeze entered my body, stopped the mind, the emotions and started to fill everything with healing!! bliss.. Within seconds the whole body-mind was renewed into paradise, healed from all its unconscious tensions. The next satsang Gurunath said, that most of the healing happens, when we walk in nature and that it happens through him without his doing, by the grace of Babaji. Again and as always, he first gives, then explains what is happening.

The next day I again had the intention to seperate from the group and walk into the wild green sunny grass field with the big trees in the horizon. While walking the joy of kriya practice and Gurunath satsang was already high, continuing like this the mind was gone again and a child with naked feet was walking among flowers and bees in intense happiness :D Suddenly the whole scenery intensified in joy and again the breeze started to uplift the consiousness but this time unifying it with the whole nature. The first time an intense love-INTELLIGENCE started to come out of this unified field of nomind-joy, in most perfect balance showing that it is the source of all and everything and making me aware of its presence. Only one wish remained, to be only and fully with this love, to unite and live with it forever, so beautiful, so HOME it is. Finally god, why hiding so long? :D The joy, the grace, the uplifting of all and everything (super strong body-mind, super healthy, filled with joy and the unifying intelligence of love), starting to communicate in oneness simultaenously with body-mind-intuition-scenery and the formless beyond. Oh so wonderful, like a child the body continues to walk in intense happiness together with god :D Then the love-intellgience went into the backrond again, the child continuing his walk and after a bigger round coming back to the retreat center..:)

My friend from the holidays was with me, he liked the Shivapath most :P According to him, the best would be beweekly Shivapath in most extreme intensity :D

The Friday was also special, his wife came and sat behind the group building a line to Gurunath. Suddenly the doors to heaven opened up and unspeakable crown-light was entering the whole scene from all dimensions beyond all dimensions, revealing a beauty and refinement of bliss I had not dreamed to be possible. It only lasted for 1 minute, but was enough to remain as a big inspiration. The samadhi boy commented this later with: extreme states cannot be hold for too long, otherwise everything would dissolve... Like anyone complains when it is so beautiful ;)

Another meeting with Gurunath was in Italy, one day retreat. He directly went into the techniques without loosing time (= In Italy in general, Gurunath seems to teach and show much more, especially his body dissolving into light. Again at the end he started to tell from his encounter with Babaji in the himalayas, where he revealed new details. He said, the first thing that happened was, his body started to light up, as with a dense body you cannot meet Babaji. While saying this his body also started to light up again, the atoms in pure white. The second thing he added, the shadow left him and while he mentioned it, all shadows that were still casted on him also faded away, it became a homogenuous field of self luminous white light. Then he added, and finally to meet Babaji this light dissolved into consciousness and with this the kundalini iny my body arose with such voltage, that the body had to be transfixed totally to not disturb the flow. And with this total stop of body-mind-breathless-kundalini again like in last year Gurunaths body dissolved completely, everything becoming one bliss. After some time he appeared again, coming back to form, he added, after this he realized, that he cannot die.. And he said: "if you practice kriya yoga, you will also experience this!"..

The next day Holy walked in enlightenement mode in the paradisic place in Italy (= After one more day he came down from it a little. As always it is a glimpse into what is possible, thanks Gurunath :D

The third meeting was again in Italy, what a surprise :P Friday his wife was again going into the back, suddenly the whole space-time became "the gods live here-space", Gurunath appearing visible as the victorious enlightened, making everyone aware of this by healing and uplifting all the body-minds into it aswell. Walking out of the satsang in paradise, I saw the one boy which I have come to LOVE so much. I had mentioned him as the siddha-like boy, we are in the same age of 27-28. Back then I was immensly delighted by his extreme aura of nondual joy and bliss. From the first meetings he had obviously scaled back the kriyas, still he was always continuously joyed and blissed out to death :D The third meeting it seemed like he had increased the kriyas again, seeing him my heart opened up, I love this boy :D We hugged each other, later he sat to our dinner table. Sitting like this everyones attention was on him. He loughed out while talking and I felt into his body-mind, suddenly a wave of most intense time-space-warping electrical JOY hit me, making me refresh from 250% (was already heightend very much^^) to 1000% extreme joy-love, melting into him, oh my beloved friend, thanks for showing this!!! :D To give him a name, lets call him the siddha boy :D He has started with kriya in 2012, but has increased the kriyas to 144, then 288, then up to 400 per day. After one year Gurunath told him to scale back not to damage the astral body, so the beginning of this year he was at 144, still most joyous and affecting in this regard :D Super joy boy would also be a good name for him :D We did practice together the last time in the mornings, but when I came into the medi-hall, he was already there, alone ^^

Some new insights from Gurunath:

He spoke of 5 types of baptism, the first being of the first chakra and earth element, like pressing the thumb between the eye brows. The second is with water, like in Christianity. The third is with fire, which has an outer and inner variant, being puja and kundalini shaktipath. He said, the fourth type belongs to the heart chakra and is called pranapath, where the baptism happens through the breath, by breathing through the spine and dissolving a huge amount of karma within seconds. The fifth type of baptism belongs to the throat center, where time and space dissolve in nomind bliss and one starts to taste of the ever present consciousness. According to Gurunath a master can give all types of baptism to enhance the progress of the student. I was wondering about the baptism of the 6th, 7th chakra and of that which Ramana would call the spiritual heart (=

In one session I had the sudden urge to ask him about nabho kriya and the heaty results of agression, anger if it is practiced too much. He said, that I should practice in the amounts he is advicing and that it would be normal, that these topics would come up and dissolve. After some time of practice this kriya leads to continuous silence of mind he said.

In one session at nature he spoke of the gods still having ego and the types of ego, like fame, power, jelousy, lust, anger and also love. While talking about these evolved humans, having become gods, he also appeared to be among them, but with complete realization. To me it feels like you can remain human and realize, you can become a god but unrealized or a god and realized. Animal, human and god belonging still to the relative vehicle, the realization belonging to the eternal nature of oneself.

Gurunath has started to go into talabya and other supporting techniques, which he had only given to some students, now he seems to teach it to all. It may be possible, that he may also go into the higher kriyas sooner or later. Before leaving the retreat, I was sitting with some friends in the lobby and while this concentrating on Gurunath. Suddenly every atom started to become alive, intelligent, lively, live and life and was making me enter into nondual enlightened paradise once more as a "have a good trip home"-message from him (=

Keep up the pracice friends!
And happy greetings to all
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18 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2014 :  7:12:29 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Truly inspirational indeed. Many thanks.
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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2014 :  8:21:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Amazing. Thank you.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Oct 18 2014 :  9:09:31 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks, Holy for yet another wonderful post! I've started watching Gurunath's YouTube videos because of your posts.Your experiences are out of this world. You sound really advanced. Good Luck on your journey!

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39 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2014 :  3:30:56 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey Holy,

your posts are slowly becoming annoying. I get envious more and more. But please keep them coming, they´re such a wonderful wonderful inspiration. You are one of the few persons on the internet posting such vibrant experience reports. I love them so much.

I can only repeat myself, thank you yogani and all the posters for this awesome forum!

You mention Gurunaths wife. Out of curiosity, do you know if she also practices her husbands Kriya?

I think I´m going to give Gurunaths Kriya a second chance soon. Maybe what led to my overload was too many Omkars and Shiva Shaktis right from the beginning and maybe too few Mahamudras. I will reduce everything right from the start but maybe add more Mahamudras?

I only did 1 Mahamudra for 12 Shiva Shakti breaths since this is the normal ratio, right?
In another thread Experientialknowing mentions that KYI advises to do at least 3 Mahamudras per session.

Do you know what the effect of Mahamudra is? Does it make kundalini rise or does it harmonize the energy flow created by the practices done before in the same session? E.g. in Gurunaths Kriya Omkar and Shiva Shakti are done before Mahamudra. Have you in the past increased the number of Mahamudras without increasing the number of Shiva Shakti Kriyas? If so, what was the effect?

Experientialknowing writes „Mahamudra which keeps the spine healthy and supple and balances energy currents in the body.“ Then again he writes „Lahiri Mahasaya did not always teach everyone the same Kriyas some did not receive Navi Kriya at first SOME DID NOT RECEIVE MAHAMUDRA„ „Some were told to practice hundreds of Pranayama. Some were told to practice Mahamudra only.“
Somewhere else I think you Holy wrote Mahamudra makes Kundalini rise...so I don´t know what to do because I somewhat fear the consequences.

If it makes Kundalini rise then I should do max. 1 per 12 Shiva Shaktis, if it harmonizes and distributes the energies I probably should do as Experientialknowing mentions and do at least 3 of them even if I restart practice with only 3 Shiva Shaktis.... Does anyone have any hints for me?
Has Gurunath ever mentioned that increasing the count of Mahamudra could be beneficial?
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796 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  4:18:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi orangesky,

thanks, you are one of those who value the reports, like I did back then when they were missing, therefore big welcome friend! :D

And surely, thanks to Yogani these things are easily possible now :)

Regarding his wife, I do not know if she practices it or practiced it, but I'm sure she has become a powerful realized woman by the help of her husband within the years of their marriage. It is often said, that women rarely reach godrealization by spiritual practice, but more through devotion, surrender and their karma yoga. Together with the grace and supreme aura of someone like Gurunath, even without doing anything you are in paradise. One satsang with him uplifts more than several months of normal kriya practice. Living with him day and night, lucky woman. But also lucky Gurunath to find such a woman, in India this may be possible :P

The samadhi boy practices at least three maha mudras per session independent of the 12:1 ratio, but I do not know how he handles it at home. Most probably he is practicing crazy amounts anyway and may do the according number of maha mudras. Gurunath does not mention anything regarding that, except in 2009 he said, that if the body-mind is very stiff, one may practice 6 maha mudras before starting with the regular routine. I had imbalances with less maha mudras in the beginning, therefore for me it is a must. With it everything is smooth, without it even 1-2 days are enough to create imbalances. For a limited period of time, the body can handle a session without maha mudra (stealth kriya style) if the other session of that day has maha mudra in it.

The other question EK may answer better :) But I think Lahiri not giving maha mudra was a rare case for incapable people, perhaps very old ones.

And yes, Gurunath repeated the last time again, that maha mudra makes kundalini rise, but also balance the flow of lifeforce within the whole body-mind and that it is very important.

All in all you may profit from a masterly boost most, dissolving some strange obstructions in the flow of life within the body-mind. Also practicing for some days with e.g. the samadhi boy would work out nicely ;) I think he will give a weekend workshop two weeks later ^^

Peace and happy smooth practice! (=
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796 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2014 :  5:38:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit Holy's Homepage  Get a Link to this Reply

welcome to the forums (=


welcome as always =)


thank you very much, also the best for you! :)

The world is small anyway ;)
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158 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2014 :  2:53:54 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply

Thanks for sharing. Just reading gives the goose bumps.


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39 Posts

Posted - Oct 22 2014 :  2:03:04 PM  Show Profile  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks again Holy for your very informative and helpful answer.

I will give it a try and slightly increase the number of Mahamudras and will carefully observe the effect.

If I feel I`m on the right track I will definitely go and see the samadhi boy again. I want to meditate in the cave.
He showed it to me (opened the trap door) but damn was it cold down there at least in early spring.... this cave greatly added to the authentic atmosphere there at his yoga school. I would really look forward to go there again.

And you may be right about Lahiri Mahasaya not giving Mahamudra... I haven´t thought about physiological reasons.
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