All of the AYP English paperback book titles are 30% off list prices through Createspace (only that channel) from December 1, 2012 through midnight December 31, 2012.
The Createspace channels can be accessed for each title via the "Amazon CreateSpace" paperback links on the AYP main books page, or from the AYP Createspace page.
First put all the books you want in the Createspace shopping cart. Then the 30% discount can be applied to everything in the shopping cart by inserting and activating this discount code:
This offer covers books coming from the Createspace facility located in the USA, and possibly from facilities in the UK and EU (check shipping cost). Books are shipped within a few days from placement of orders, with delivery normally in 1-2 weeks.
Wishing you all the best for the holidays, and on your spiritual path. Enjoy!
The above discount offer on the AYP books from Createspace has been revised from 40% off during "cyber Monday week" (now expired) to 30% off for the month of December 2012.