wondrous woman with your inviting stare you lured me out of my lair where i was resting comfortably behind the intricacies of a grand design.
for hours i labored intensely within the mastermind workings of a fragile model-- so carefully constucted that i feared any interruptions.
but it took only one glance from your miraculous and devastating eyes to rouse me from my chair and without hesitation or any chance of resistance i was drawn into your Presence: surrendering to the magnetic flow of your wild elegance.
years of exhaustion and turmoil have been nullified by this overwhelming moment of your Grace.
it has all been worth it--for now i celebrate the death that allowed me to succumb to your superior embrace. i would have traded all the glory and recognition of this proud and haughty world in exchange for the quickening of our divine union.
what a fool i was, but in your loving mercy you waited patiently to devour me so that my strength might sustain the blue-green flames of our unspeakable dance.
the pleasure of your touch elevates us to such sublime realms, and under a waterfall of vibrant rivulets we bathe in the purifying rush of your river.
let us return to the ground so that we might share the pathway to this secret.