Anyone interested in a really good read by a very brave man from the 1800's, may I suggest "The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ." The text is by explorer Nicolas Notovitch and it tells of his journey to find lost gospels written by Hindu and Buddhist scribes only a few years after the death of Christ. There are more than a few amazing 'enlightenments' to be found in this short work. I couldn't put it down! Perhaps someone else will feel the same? Perhaps not? If you have a Kindle you can get it at Amazon for .99. Nice deal. Best to all; L
yeh i've read quoted text from that guy Notovitch. I've been reading the second coming or Christ by Yogananda Paramahansa which is a Yogi's interpretation of the four Gospels of the Bible.
It's been really interesting to hear that perhaps the Three wise men visiting Christ were Rishis from India and that for a few years Jesus went to India to Study with Yogi's