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Posted - Jun 02 2008 :  6:40:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
It is cool to hear about your experience! Thank you for sharing too. With kundalini in your throat chakra you might find new power in voicing mantras or even speaking words. Pay careful attention to the spoken word for the next while.

Me? I think I've had a bad day. The tinnitus returned even though I was coordinating my breath yesterday and yes, the throbbing pain was still there today. Funny, it only hurt when I relaxed or really tensed. I ended up taking an aspirin and still did two 1 hour meditations today (and cut the lawn).

You'll have to let me know how kundalini gets along with your spoken words. Also, there is a knot in or above the neck chakra. I wonder if your kundalini will blow it away or gradually loosen it. Good luck!

Om Shanti


Thanks for the uplifting sentiment, TI, I have been more aware of my speech and will make sure to do this. Btw, is it my neck or yours? Siddhi?


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Posted - Jun 03 2008 :  12:08:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Christi
Thank you for the advice, insight and very interesting post! It is so nice to know someone else here has experiences with the higher realms and the beings that exist there.

Originally posted by Christi
All the advice in Yoga (and I suspect in Tibetan Buddhism also) is to ignore visions of this kind.

Here is an excerpt from the "To Abide in Awareness" from the Tibetan Buddhist Pocket Guide"
Within this wide open expanse of space,
Phenomenon appear like rainbows, utterly transparent.
Pure and impure realms, Buddhas and sentient beings
are seen, brilliant and distinct.

So this does acknowledge that there are realms and beings beyond the physical which would appear like visions. Later, it says:

To remain day and night in this state,
To enter this state easily - this is joy,

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but the visions are all part of the entertainment.

The incantation you use as a protection spell is a good one, but it will be dependent for its effectiveness on the level of your spiritual will. There are many powerful beings in the astral realms that could easily survive such an incantation if the will accompanying it is not strong or pure enough.

Long story there but Jesus has never let me down and I expect that he never will..


I tend to think that truly high and benevolent female beings from the heavenly realms who have our best interests at heart, generally speaking, don’t take all their kit off as soon as we ask them to. But then she did leave her chain mail underwear on so... who knows.

Isn't it true that the higher you go, the beings lose their gender?
I will keep this in mind.


These beings can often appear to us in any form they choose, and they can easily read our minds, and so they can appear in a form that will draw us under their power if they are not of good intent. (Apparently) the higher you go on the path, the more of these beings will be drawn to you, and the harder they will try to draw the direction of your sadhana away from the truly Divine path.

I have heard of this. Akin to temptations of..
I wonder where the 'imaginary consort' that is mentioned in "The Clear Light of Bliss" should come from. (This is an imaginary female that you practice raising the fire in the central channel with.)


The best way to test such beings is to ignore them. A being who is actually wanting to help you will stay around and help whenever needed, and one that does not serve your higher interests will get annoyed and go away to find some other prey. Those beings that have dark intentions survive by drawing your attention and energy. They feed on lust, craving, fear, anger and hatred. This is why ignoring such visions is the best way of proceeding over the long term.

Yes, either that, or don't harbour any feelings of "lust, craving, fear, anger and hatred". That's a harder one.


There everything is light and everything is so clear that you will have no doubts about the true nature of things and about the true intentions of beings.

Yes, it is funny how I felt deep down in my heart that the light being (angel) is high and pure.


Now That is an angel.
I have been visited by such beings, and I also cry when they touch me. Beautiful aren't they. A few months ago my yoga teacher in India told me not to rely even on angels. He said they can be ficcle, like fairies. I was very surprised. He recommends only going to the high Devas for guidance and advice (higher than angels).

Well, seeing as how it is my first experience with an angel we will have to see whether or not it is fickle. Have you ever seen a Deva? How would I know the difference between an angel and a Deva?


I must say, I do have to agree with emc when she said that you need to chop and change less, and give things more time to settle in.

Well I'm a pretty stubborn Taurus with my Mars in Aquarius, so I guess if enough people repeat that to me, eventually I might listen.
Seriously, thanks for the protective and cautionary intentions. (Isn't emc wonderful? At first I thought she was the light being visiting me..)

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2072 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2008 :  01:25:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Tibetan, all labels and qualities you put on me or read into me is only qualities of yourself. I am nothing but your own mirror! So I'm glad you are discovering those wonderful parts of yourself. We often have a more difficult time seeing that in ourselves, so we'd rather put it on another - that's the work of projections! The good stuff is almost more troublesome than the bad stuff to acknowledge as our own...

PS: And that is also true of all the wonderful qualities you read into the higher beings and angels you encounter!!!!! I promise! It's your own qualities!

Edited by - emc on Jun 03 2008 01:26:49 AM
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Posted - Jun 03 2008 :  10:06:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by VIL
Btw, is it my neck or yours? Siddhi?


I'm a little confused by your remark. By a "knot in or above the neck" I was referring to the knots of the chakras which are supposedly universal, found in everyone. (I know it's hard to find concordance between teachings on this subject, so take it for what it is worth..) I can see a knot-like structure above my root chakra. I can also see the knot in my heart chakra. That's it. I can't see any others yet. I think they will appear when the time is right.

Here is a quote from "The Clear Light of Bliss":

"The right and left channels coil around the central channel at various places, thereby forming the so-called 'channel-knots'. The four places at which these knots occur are, in ascending order, the navel channel wheel, the heart channel wheel, the throat channel wheel, and the crown channel wheel. At each of these places, except at the heart level, there is a twofold knot formed by a single coil of the right channel and a single coil of the left. As the right and left channels ascend to these places, they coil around the central channel by crossing in front and then looping around it. They then continue upward to the level of the next knot. At the heart level, the same thing happens, except that here there is a sixfold knot formed by three overlapping loops of each of the flanking channels. "

Later it says "It is essential to loosen these knots if our Mahamudra practice is to be successful".

Again, later on it says ".. we imagine that the knots at the various channel wheels are loosened so that the central channel is not constricted in any of those points."

Channel wheels are chakras. The Central Channel is the Sushumna. The way I like to think about it is that love loosens the knot in the heart chakra (psychic heat does it too, so from the root lock)..

In other teachings, there are also 'knots'. For example, this is a Reiki Tummo excerpt which contains references to 'knots':


or this link:


"The Kundalini energy does not shoot up in a straight line, but at each stage of its unfolding unties the knots of different energies."

Here is another reference to 'classic' yoga knots:


"Brahma Granthi:- is the first psychic knot.It is supposed to be the lowest knot covering the area of mooladhara & swadhisthana chakras.It is also known as perineal knot.

Vishnu Granthi:- is the second knot, which covers the area between manipura, anahata & vishuddhi chakras.It is also known as the navel knot.

Rudra Granthi:- is the third knot, covering the areas of Ajna & Sahasrara chakras.It is also known as forehead knot.These three knots prevent the free flow of prana along chakras & prevent the arising of kundalini."

Anyway, it is wonderful that kundalini is working on your throat. Please let us know what the effects are in a few days.

Om Shanti

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Posted - Jun 03 2008 :  10:27:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by emc
PS: And that is also true of all the wonderful qualities you read into the higher beings and angels you encounter!!!!! I promise! It's your own qualities!

Hi emc
Interesting idea. Sounds like a transference or projection (Freudian)?? I hope that sometime in the near future, the 'me' goes away and my heart can feel the true essence of reality's emptiness.

Anyway, I'm taking your advice and cutting back to basics. Today I did two straight AYP practices (2 min bhastrika, 8 minutes spinal breathing and 20 minutes of deep silence 'AYAM' meditation and 5 minutes rest).

(I believe AYAM stands for "GOD": http://www.davidgodman.org/rteach/fnofgod1.shtml so that's how I treat it)

I ignored all of the visions (I saw lots of people and also female naked bodies). I ignored it all. I did not play with making the mantra quieter. I did as you suggest, repeat the mantra and let go, repeat the mantra and let go. It is about letting go.

Well, I'm very glad I'm back. After the meditation sessions, I was very peaceful and felt ecstatic conductivity rising quite intensely. I was back in my "nothing bothers me" state, sort of like being drugged in a peaceful haze. Wonderful! I think matching the breathing during meditation was preventing me from reaching that deep state where all the magic happens. From now on I will keep the concentrative breath-controlled meditations for my other practice times. Thanks again..

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Posted - Jun 03 2008 :  10:41:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi
A few months ago my yoga teacher in India told me not to rely even on angels. He said they can be ficcle, like fairies. I was very surprised. He recommends only going to the high Devas for guidance and advice (higher than angels).

Hi Christi
I'm sure your yoga teacher is a fine person, but I feel like he was a little foggy or mistaken.
"The Essence of the Bhagavadgita" uses angels and devas interchangeably. It would seem that there is no difference. (It does say not to worship them, however.)

I also found "angels are called devas in the East" at this link:

This next link is confusing because it says that Devas are for nature and angels are for humans:

"Devas are what might best be referred to as "Angels for Nature", in terms of having functions of acting as nurturing helpers, guides, protectors, and supportive companions for all the creatures of Nature, animal, plant, and insect alike, rather in the same manner that Angels have concern for humanity. "

So really, who knows? It's kind of like 'chakras'. What you see is what you get.


Edited by - Tibetan_Ice on Jun 05 2008 12:08:59 AM
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2072 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  01:12:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Glad to hear, T_I. Less is very often more... And basics can be very exciting as well!

And about projections... That is on a shallow level a psychological phenomena, yes. On a deeper level it is Truth! We create the whole world with projections. All of existence is nothing else but projections of the mind - appearances. That's what we perceive. Constantly.

Byron Katie's The Work is therefore brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It's four questions and a turnaround.

1) It asks the psyche: Is that thought really true? And from there you can go into your psychological thought patterns, question them and see how false many assumptions are. That's great.

2) It also asks the consciousness who's waking up: Can you really KNOW that's true?... Pointing to the fact that everything is illusion, and the soul has a deep longing for Truth, so it pokes the consciousness to remember it's origins all the time. That all knowledge in the world won't take you there... that you can't know about anything else than your direct experience. Every thought will present another bit of illusion to you, so why trust your thoughts?

3) Then The Work asks: "How do you feel when you believe that thought?" Often very bad... so it shows maya is suffering. Believing your thoughts is staying in suffering.

4) The last question is: "Who would you be without that thought?" On a psychological level the answer would be: A more balanced, harmonic person etc etc... On a deeper level the answer would be: The Witness, the stillness, the supreme consciousness... So that's a constant reminder to identify not with your thoughts, but with your True nature, but before that awareness, The work seems to only work with your mind on a shallow level...

5) Turn the thought around... If you are upset about a person being lazy, you would turn it around and see that you yourself is the lazy one projecting it on another, not seeing his or her true nature: Emptiness and Love. That lazy annoying person turns out to be your perfect mirror showing you Who you really Are! So s/he was helping you along the spiritual journey in a beautiful way by being so "darn lazy"! All labels we put on another or ourselves belong to maya and causes suffering, accusations, defensiveness etc etc... It's a playground of egos projecting distorted mind patterns all around and that is frankly our whole world as long as we are not in the Now and perceive from Direct experience.

The constant asking if it's true and then turning the thought around shows immediately that it was all just projections from the start. And you can do that discovery with EVERY thought you have.

So, talking about projections is not psychobabbling, as someone expressed it recently. It's about self-inquiry to find Truth and take away the veils from seeing Truth!

Edited by - emc on Jun 04 2008 2:22:29 PM
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1457 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  02:58:53 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
A very helpful description of "the work" emc, thanks.
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586 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  11:24:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I'm a little confused by your remark. By a "knot in or above the neck" I was referring to the knots of the chakras which are supposedly universal, found in everyone. (I know it's hard to find concordance between teachings on this subject, so take it for what it is worth..) I can see a knot-like structure above my root chakra. I can also see the knot in my heart chakra. That's it. I can't see any others yet. I think they will appear when the time is right.

Hey, TI, they say that the throat chakra is also related to dreams and psychic perception, so I wasn't sure if your siddhi was able to see a knot within another person, due to your mentioning this within other posts. So I understand what you mean that you were stating this universally and are no longer referencing your personal experience.

Anyway, it is wonderful that kundalini is working on your throat. Please let us know what the effects are in a few days.

Om Shanti


I'll let you know that it seems to be working. I had a dream the other night, since I was beating myself over not saying the right things at the right times even though it was flowing from the moment. So, anyway, I was contemplating this and couldn't figure it out, so I just decided not to figure it out and to send love and peace and abundance to universe.

Anyway, I actually did this when you posted you were lonely and wanted others to respond to your posts and I was going to do this, but instead I just did something that I never did before and sent out the word love to you over and over. The following day I sent out peace and harmony to the universe collectively.

So I went to sleep after this experience and I had a dream that I was sitting around a table with people and I looked up into the sky and a piece of dust got into my eye. And before I even had a chance to remove it, myself, this bird immediately flew down and sat itself on my cheek and stuck its beak into my eye. I thought it was going to poke my eye out, since I didn't understand what it was doing and was startled. So I put my hands around this bird, at first, and pushed it away, but it insisted that it was going to do its thing, and so I just trusted that it knew what it was doing and released my hands.

The bird immediately removed the dust from my eye, without me having to do a thing, and sat on my cheek and kept me company and I stroked its feathers. And then all of these other animals began to come out of nowhere and were rubbing against my legs, et al, and I was petting them. It was a great dream.

So what I got from this is that all of the animals are aspects of myself, one may be a siddhi, and the human being with the dust in its eye is also me, since I'm not perfect.

But if I'm pushing when I need to be just letting go of it, it'll be okay, like you said within your post and I agree.

So we're in the same boat in the sense that things will just unfold naturally and how they are intended to unfold, as long as I'm not pushing or pulling, but allowing the universe to just do its thing by allowing others this same courtesy. So this is where I'm currently at and will keep you posted.

I wanted to thank you for the quotes and links also.



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Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  11:50:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi TI,
Hi Christi
I'm sure your yoga teacher is a fine person, but I feel like he was a little foggy or mistaken.
"The Essence of the Bhagavadgita" uses angels and devas interchangeably. It would seem that there is no difference. (It does say not to worship them, however.)

You are right TI, there are loads of different beings of a kind of amazingly beautiful nature that are normally invisible, and they are all referred to in Sanskrit as "Devas". My Yoga teacher uses the English word "angel" for what we would call an angel, and the word "Devas" for what we would call "Gods". So he differentiates between beings with wings that look out for and often visit humans (angels) and those super high beings that just kind of hang out in the high heavens and are usually quite distant from happenings on earth. It is the former that he described as "fickle". He has daily meetings with these beings, so I trust him on this one. I should say that it has not been my own experience. On the few occasions that these beings have visited me, then have always been gracious and exemplary in their behaviour to put it mildly.

Hope that clears things up.

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Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  2:18:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I met a fairy for the first time some weeks ago - very beautiful also. She said they will hang out at my balcony for a while... I was sceptical and thought it might be only my mind making it up - as a response the most wonderful energy tingled down on me with a giggle...

Oh, and thanks Louis!

Edited by - emc on Jun 04 2008 2:18:46 PM
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Posted - Jun 04 2008 :  6:54:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
fwiw during our AYP group meditation tonight, which we have in a small convent chapel, I became aware of the whole church filled with light beings. It was quite extraordinary and beautiful.
Just thought I'd share - although I don't usually talk about these things, it was so strong and clear tonight, thought to make the exception
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Posted - Jun 05 2008 :  12:24:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by emc

Byron Katie's The Work is therefore brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It's four questions and a turnaround.
So, talking about projections is not psychobabbling, as someone expressed it recently. It's about self-inquiry to find Truth and take away the veils from seeing Truth!

Hi emc
That is very profound and interesting!
My feeble contribution would be based on something Samuel Sagan explains. He says that the mind's function is to grasp and by grasping an object or thought you are not perceiving the true object but an object that is distorted, categorized, condensed and oversimplified by the act of grasping. When the mind no longer grasps and you can instead feel the object of attention from the heart, then you have succeeded in knowing the true nature of the object. He then goes on to explain 'gazing' and how to perceive objects through the third eye instead of the eyes and how to connect the heart with the third eye to truly perceive the object..

Wow, so many interesting things to explore, so little time

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Posted - Jun 05 2008 :  12:38:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Originally posted by VIL
Anyway, I actually did this when you posted you were lonely and wanted others to respond to your posts

I do not recall ever posting anything like that. I do remember having a voice in my head start to pray out loud and it started by saying "Although I am always alone..." Perhaps that is what your were referring to? No matter. Thank you for sending the love. You will receive much more in return.


The bird immediately removed the dust from my eye, without me having to do a thing, and sat on my cheek and kept me company and I stroked its feathers.

You know I've seen many visions of Jesus releasing white birds out into the world to help people. I've drawn lots of pictures of them too.


And then all of these other animals began to come out of nowhere and were rubbing against my legs, et al, and I was petting them. It was a great dream.

I've read in the "Opening the Dragon's Gate and in other Taoist books that when you cultivate your energies properly while sitting out in nature, small animals are attracted to you and will come and sit and watch you. Quite fascinating. You must be progressing wonderfully.

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Posted - Jun 05 2008 :  12:43:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Sparkle

fwiw during our AYP group meditation tonight, which we have in a small convent chapel, I became aware of the whole church filled with light beings. It was quite extraordinary and beautiful.
Just thought I'd share - although I don't usually talk about these things, it was so strong and clear tonight, thought to make the exception

Hi Sparkle
Thank you for sharing this info! It gives me goose bumps! Reminds me of the time (a long time ago) when I saw the Holy Ghost shooting light beams at people in a church and they ended up with wings of light on their heads. I'm always glad to hear that someone else can perceive light beings too! (you too emc )

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Posted - Jun 05 2008 :  01:06:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

[quote]Originally posted by Sparkle

fwiw during our AYP group meditation tonight, which we have in a small convent chapel, I became aware of the whole church filled with light beings. It was quite extraordinary and beautiful.
Just thought I'd share - although I don't usually talk about these things, it was so strong and clear tonight, thought to make the exception

Hi Sparkle
Thank you for sharing this info! It gives me goose bumps! Reminds me of the time (a long time ago) when I saw the Holy Ghost shooting light beams at people in a church and they ended up with wings of light on their heads. I'm always glad to hear that someone else can perceive light beings too!

Love your fairy story!! I have met three faeries: Ishta, Phaedra and Pinky. This is so neat to hear about others' experiences. Makes me feel like I'm not crazy after all.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm no expert when it comes to light beings and other mystical phenomenon. I must admit though, I feel a tiny little pain when I hear someone calling angels 'fickle'.

The story continues:
Today I've ordered "This House is on Fire" and am seriously contemplating getting shaktipat from Shri Anandi Ma. Can you believe that Shri Dhyanyogi lived to be 116 years old?



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Posted - Jun 07 2008 :  12:55:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Hi TI,

“I wonder where the 'imaginary consort' that is mentioned in "The Clear Light of Bliss" should come from. (This is an imaginary female that you practice raising the fire in the central channel with.)”

This is a being created out of your imagination, so it should be quite safe. I have been doing this practice for several years now.
As it is your own imagination, you feed it with power, and it will be as pure as your own heart is. No worries there!

“Yes, either that, or don't harbour any feelings of "lust, craving, fear, anger and hatred". That's a harder one.”

If you can do that, you are a better man than me.

”Yes, it is funny how I felt deep down in my heart that the light being (angel) is high and pure.”

Yes, some beings simply radiate love in a way that a demon could not mimick. You probably felt this too when you met Jesus.

“Well, seeing as how it is my first experience with an angel we will have to see whether or not it is fickle.”

Just to put this derogatory statement about angels into context, my teacher was talking about different systems of spiritual practice, and he was talking about why it was not a good idea to use a system based entirely on worshiping angels. He said that they were fickle like fairies and could not be counted on to be around whenever they were needed. He recomended kundalini meditation instead, incorporating the elements. He wasn’t just putting angels down with casual asides! I am sure he has the deepest respect for angels.

“Have you ever seen a Deva? How would I know the difference between an angel and a Deva? “

No I have never seen one of the Gods, only angels. From what I hear it is easy to tell the difference. Imagine that you are taken to a beautiful city made of light. The beings that fly next to you, escorting you are angels. You are taken to the palace. The being sitting on the throne, surrounded by angels, would be a Deva. These Devas have gender (male and female) as humans do, and I have heard that they don't have wings. Yes, there are beings higher still who have no gender. Very close to God, beings have forms which change many thousands of times a minute, and the sound made by their changing forms sounds like heavenly music.

Isn't emc wonderful? At first I thought she was the light being visiting me..

She certainly is, an inspiration to all of us.

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Posted - Jun 07 2008 :  3:25:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Christi

“Yes, either that, or don't harbour any feelings of "lust, craving, fear, anger and hatred". That's a harder one.”

If you can do that, you are a better man than me.

Hi Christi
"You" and "Me" don't really exist, or so I'm contemplating on these days. Thus, if we don't exist, then how can one be better than the other? The 'I' is a hinderance, isn't it? Like the ego. We won't focus on it.. shhhh.. :)

I've often wondered how to transmute feelings of lust, craving, anger, etc. Last night I had a wonderful heart meditation. I did kechari, shambhavi and put my attention on my heart light. After a few minutes of focusing on the little white/blue ball in the heart, I started getting tingles. Lots of tingles. Went all over my body. I noticed that I could draw the tingles up from the light in my heart and shoot them out of my crown to all beings in the universe. I just kept pushing the love up and out. What a meditation! I nearly floated away! I'm tingling now again. Today, I seem to be in love with everyone and everything.
So, in keeping with the "how do you theme", perhaps the way to transmute tavasic feelings of anger, lust, hatred etc is to start the flow upwards from the heart and then draw them up into the stream of love and send them up through the crown? I will try that. I did read in the "Essence of the Bhagavad Gita" that kundalini can go up or down, infinitely up or infinitely down. The up one is the one you want to do.


Yes, some beings simply radiate love in a way that a demon could not mimick. You probably felt this too when you met Jesus.

Yes, I felt the love, but more so, I felt the power. Jesus is beyond doubt the most powerful being I have ever met. I felt like an insignificant pin-head of light compared to his immense power. I knew that he could create universes effortlessly if he wanted to. I was bewildered, amazed, humbled, shocked, awed, surprised, unworthy, loved, acknowledged, fullfilled, saved, reassured, aghast, happy, sad, overjoyed, ecstatic.. it is hard to describe everything that went through me at the time. It is a good thing I couldn't move because I'm sure I would have either melted down to a glob of jello or come apart at the seams and just scattered like dust. Meeting Jesus is/was the most profound experience that I've ever had in my entire life.
And it's fun telling people about my experience because every time I do, I get blessed with showers of tingles. Also, most people think you're crazy or on drugs or something, but I don't care what other people think. And when they finally meet Jesus too, boy will they be surprised!

Living on Love

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Posted - Jun 09 2008 :  10:07:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Everyone

I have to say; I'm a full lotus addict now. Tonight, I did full lotus during mantra meditation and a white sun appeared. It has long sea-urchin-like rays. I don't think it is the pineal gland because my pineal looks like a white strawberry; cone shaped and much smaller. The white sun is as clear as day and so pure and white.

That is with my left leg over my right.

When the pain was a little too much, I switched positions of the legs (right over left). Then, wow! I could see this planet or big round ball with blue on it and what looks like white clouds. This is the second time it appears to me. It looks like a planet but somehow I don't think it is the earth. I keep hoping it is Muktananda's Blue Pearl. Maybe it is. It's like watching TV, the visions are so strong, pronounced and so hard to ignore. Or maybe they aren't visions but some kind of astral sight or something. I mean, I see lots of visions that appear and then go away, (like naked female body parts, but those visions are kind of clear/transparent pictures and they go away if you don't pay attention to them). But the white sun and the blue planet have a different quality to them.

The other aspect of the full lotus is that it seems to speed up the low-grade orgasm rising up the front channel. Perhaps this is because the pain causes the root lock and lower abdomen to tighten. You really have to draw your attention upwards in order to overcome the distration and meditate.

And here is the funny thing: while doing sambhavi, if I scrunch my eyebrows lightly together more at the surface of the forehead, I get a tingle in the tip of the penis. (no erection, haha) So now I'm thinking that corresponding body parts are all sitting in the third eye area: smell at the top of sinus cavity connects to the root, one inch behind the forehead is connected to the testicles and directly on the surface of the forehead between the eyes is the tip of the penis.

Thought I'd share that with you.. If you decide to try the full lotus while meditating, please let me know how it goes.

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Posted - Jun 10 2008 :  10:33:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Yes, I felt the love, but more so, I felt the power. Jesus is beyond doubt the most powerful being I have ever met. I felt like an insignificant pin-head of light compared to his immense power. I knew that he could create universes effortlessly if he wanted to. I was bewildered, amazed, humbled, shocked, awed, surprised, unworthy, loved, acknowledged, fullfilled, saved, reassured, aghast, happy, sad, overjoyed, ecstatic.. it is hard to describe everything that went through me at the time. It is a good thing I couldn't move because I'm sure I would have either melted down to a glob of jello or come apart at the seams and just scattered like dust. Meeting Jesus is/was the most profound experience that I've ever had in my entire life.
And it's fun telling people about my experience because every time I do, I get blessed with showers of tingles. Also, most people think you're crazy or on drugs or something, but I don't care what other people think. And when they finally meet Jesus too, boy will they be surprised!

I certainly don't think you are crazy. I ment Jesus myself once. I wrote an account of it somewhere in this forum about a year ago. I think I used most of the same descriptive words you used here!

Jesus is higher even than the Gods, as the Gods have to die one day and take a new birth, whereas Jesus is immortal, standing at the right hand of God.

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758 Posts

Posted - Jun 12 2008 :  12:04:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
The story continues...

A while ago I had a very short meditation where I sat on a chair using perfect posture, took one deep breath and noticed a very bright ball of light up above. I looked at the light and I was ungulfed in a large ball of flames. The flames were wider than my body and at least 3 feet tall. I started sweating and heating up very quickly so I shut it down.

I just received the book "This House Is On Fire" as told by Shri Anandi Ma, which is about the life of Shri Dhyanyogi, and I found this on page 3 when he received shaktipat from a new-found guru:

The next day, after bathing, Dhyanyogi-ji sat in front of Parmeshwardasji. Parmeshwardasji told Dhyanyogi-ji to close his eyes, and then held his hand over his new student's head.
"I felt like my body was on fire," Dhyanyogi-ji later wrote and I saw a wonderful and inexplicable light. After five minutes my Guru told me to open my eyes, but I didn't want to and I remained in that ecstatic condition for 25 minutes.

So now I'm thinking that my experience is/was the same, but without a guru, if that is possible. Next time, I will let the flames burn!

The guru is in me, but it's particularily dense and fearful!


Edited by - Tibetan_Ice on Jun 12 2008 03:00:04 AM
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758 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2008 :  12:29:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
God speaks!
Tonight I have been blessed. I had been reading "This House Is On Fire" and there seemed to be a lot of emphasis on wanting to know God by the people in the book. This message combined with a fascination with concentrative meditation led me to resolve that I would try a meditation that was single-pointedly focussed on God.

I sat in easy posture, held my hands in prayer position and said "This meditation is for you God!".

There would be no distractions, no letting go, no paying attention to pleasureable senstions; this was going to be my sincerest effort to focus only on GOD. 110% effort!

I performed 2 minutes of Breath of Fire (bhastrika) and then 7 minutes of a variation of spinal breathing where I matched the breathing to a 4-4-4-4 cycle. By the end of it, probably due to the tenseness of my upcoming resolve to put all of my concentration on the meditation, I felt like I was going to suffocate and received lots of energy pulses from my lower chakras and the lower tan tien.

After relaxing a bit to 'catch my breath' I started my meditation.

Tool up: Kechari, sambhavi. That's it. Here we go.


I seemed to be generating a lot of heat. I kept going. I was regretting that I still had my shirt on and that I did not empty my bladder before beginning. I kept going.

After about 17 minutes of this heavy duty concentrative effort, all of a sudden I could 'hear' the OM! I started to tingle, or rather, some tingles poured down on me. This surprised me. I thought about it for a while. Well of course, the OM is the word of God! It all makes sense. God was talking back!

I went back to the AYAM and sure enough, the OM 'sound' re-appeared and more tingles rained down. WOW! GOD really was answering back!!!!! I got very excited but tried to control it. I succeeded in going back to the AYAM three more times and noticed that even though what I thought was my full attention was focused on the AYAM, I could still 'hear' the OM.

After that, I kind of lost it. I mean, my attention wandered about, especially to my overloaded bladder, the wonderment of GOD's response to my meditation and the sound of my timer going off, so I ended the session. At that point I noticed that I had tears running down my face, which was strange because I didn't feel much emotion, just amazement and wonderment.

So now I sit here typing this up, wondering if there really is deep silence, because as far I can figure out, the OM must permeate everything.

I'm so amazed at what just happened.
-just had to tell someone.


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Posted - Jun 18 2008 :  10:46:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
It has occured to me that I have not succeeded in attaining deep silence or stillness. I've read a number of other descriptions of emptiness meditation, watched some explanations on Youtube videos, read all the deep silence posts here and I must admit: Sometimes I am rather thick.

So, today, I have gone back to becoming thoughtless during meditation.

I have been seeing a ball or sun of white light now for the last three or four days. It is in the inside of my head towards the top and it is very easy to see it. It is always there.

This morning's practice was very interesting. I could see the ball of light but this time, during Breath of Fire (bhastrika, kapal batti etc), my whole sushumna became illuminated too. That is, I could see the white sun at the top sitting on top of an umbrella-shaped object of bright white light. It was/is very easy to see. I didn't even go looking for it. So, during Spinal Breathing, I focused on it as one whole piece rather than moving the attention up and down. On the in-breath, I focused on making the light pulse upwards, and on the out-breath I focused on making the light pulse downwards. Lots of fun. Really.

The main point of stillness meditation is to silence the mind. That means no thoughts. What I've learned is that you have to stop the mind in order to get past it and see what is beyond. Otherwise, the mind can construct infinite phenomenon and forever keep you entertained and distracted. (this is what someone explained on a Youtube video) So I've changed my approach during meditation. I am hardly trying now, I 'remember' the "AYAM" mantra once and then observe and ignore any thoughts for a while. Then I repeat the mantra again and I ignore everything. Big holes in between. I've also eliminated the bhakti in it.

This meditation went very well. After only a few minutes I was seeing tons of visions, but clear light transparent visions (which I ignored). Funny, I'm still seeing seductive female body parts and I have to put in some effort to ignore these too..

By the end of the meditation, I felt I had made a major step towards becoming more silent. As I walked back to my desk, I felt like I was in a cloud and almost back to what might be the Witness. A few minutes later, I walked down to the cafeteria and was waiting for the elevator. The elevator came and was not completely flush with the main floor yet. As I watched the elevator floor line up, I had the sensation that the main floor was moving, not the elevator. It sort of felt like I was floating or standing on a ship on the ocean.

Later I was standing outside smoking and three women walked by me to enter the smoking area. I could feel their magnetic bodies or auras as they walked by me. I could also see a kind of mirage effect wrapped around their persons. I remember now what it feels like to be more silent; it translates into being less of me and more of everything else, which I enjoy tremendously.. Maybe I'm back on track now.

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79 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2008 :  7:01:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit kadak's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi TI,

I'm the person who mentioned CL of Bliss on this forum last year.
Now, I think you would love Tantric Grounds and Paths : http://kadampa.org/en/books/tantric...ds-and-paths
because it contains information you don't seem to have, about the purification of the 10 winds, the meditation on the heart drop, the vajra-recitation etc... You will find answers to many of your questions in it.
And then you should read "Heart drops of dharmakaya" by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, because it will explain much about the visions you have, which seem to be thögal visions. Thögal is a four-step practice which leads to rainbow-body, there as stages of development of the visions.
If you put dzogchen together with the tantras, you will have a clear idea of the path.

For example you asked how the mantra is working. The mantra is melting with the winds and purify them (because the winds are the same nature as the mantra originally). If you know it, you can accelerate the process, by concentrating on the different winds with your mantra. And when the winds become pure, they dissolve more easily in the central channel, and you reach CL more easily.
But if you want to realize buddhahood, you have to reach meaning clear light (and not only example clear light), which is very very difficult. But KG says it is the only way to clean the veils to omniscience.
So the only question remaining is : how to realize it ?
1)There is a first possibility with a true dakini (a real one, or in a pure land).
2)Crucifixion (illness and suffering) seems to be the christian way.
3) In hindouism, it seems that the master can do it for you.
4) There is possibly another solution with thögal practice.


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758 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2008 :  5:16:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by kadak

Hi TI,

I'm the person who mentioned CL of Bliss on this forum last year.
Now, I think you would love Tantric Grounds and Paths : http://kadampa.org/en/books/tantric...ds-and-paths
because it contains information you don't seem to have, about the purification of the 10 winds, the meditation on the heart drop, the vajra-recitation etc... You will find answers to many of your questions in it.
And then you should read "Heart drops of dharmakaya" by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, because it will explain much about the visions you have, which seem to be thögal visions. Thögal is a four-step practice which leads to rainbow-body, there as stages of development of the visions.
If you put dzogchen together with the tantras, you will have a clear idea of the path.

For example you asked how the mantra is working. The mantra is melting with the winds and purify them (because the winds are the same nature as the mantra originally). If you know it, you can accelerate the process, by concentrating on the different winds with your mantra. And when the winds become pure, they dissolve more easily in the central channel, and you reach CL more easily.
But if you want to realize buddhahood, you have to reach meaning clear light (and not only example clear light), which is very very difficult. But KG says it is the only way to clean the veils to omniscience.
So the only question remaining is : how to realize it ?
1)There is a first possibility with a true dakini (a real one, or in a pure land).
2)Crucifixion (illness and suffering) seems to be the christian way.
3) In hindouism, it seems that the master can do it for you.
4) There is possibly another solution with thögal practice.


Hi kadak
Thank you for your response and the information. I will check the books out.
I am very curious about the visions. It seems like sometimes during pranayama and meditation too, when the breath is linked to the mantra it produces very clear visions of things. I look forward to learning about the "thögal visions". Recently, I've come to think of the visions as some strange phenomenon maybe linked to dreaming that occurs when the brain reaches a certain level of inactivity like when we fall asleep, and as such have no spiritual development significance. I think that this comes more from the frustration of not knowing what the visions are and what significance they might have.

It makes sense to me, what you say about "concentrating on the different winds with your mantra" causing the winds to dissolve more easily in the central channel. That is the connection between breath and attention that I'd like to know more about. I know the winds are more than just breath, though.

Have you hit clear light? I know this is rather presumptuous of me but, there is a state of awareness where everything appears transparent, yet there is form and color. If I had to explain where it is I would say it is 'in between' trying too hard and 'not trying hard enough'. It is like looking at a hologram with object/people in it and it seems infinite. Do you think that might be example clear light? It is very hard to know what is happening or what I am doing when there is nobody to point out what things are supposed to look like. I try so many things and have so many different experiences that I'm like a kid in a candy store.

Lately, I've been seeing this little blue dot appear and then disappear just as quickly. It moves very fast and does not stay long. I've noticed it now during my meditations for the last three days. It will appear maybe 2 or three times and then I don't see it again until the next meditation.

I have to quit typing this. For some reason my hands and head are becoming very hot.

I was going to ask you, kadak, how are you making out with your practices? I seem to recall reading that you were going to try the AYP practices for a while because you were having fun trying to find the exact loactions of the chakras. How is that going?


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